(function(global){ // BEGIN CLOSURE
var Joint = global.Joint,
Element = Joint.dia.Element,
point = Joint.point;
* @name Joint.dia.cdm
* @namespace Holds functionality related to Conceptual Data Model (CDM) and Logical Data Model (LDM) diagrams.
* CDMs and LDMs serve different purposes, but entity attributes are likely only to be displayed in a Logical Data Model.
* Relationship lines in a CDM often display labels for the member roles; this feature is not implemented.
var cdm = Joint.dia.cdm = {};
Joint.arrows.crowfoot = function(size) {
size = size || 2;
return {
path: ["M",(4*size).toString(),4*size.toString(),
dx: 4*size,
dy: 4*size,
attrs: {
stroke: '#800040',
fill: 'none',
'stroke-width': 1.0
Joint.arrows.crowfootdashed = function(size) {
size = size || 2;
return {
path: ["M",(4*size).toString(),4*size.toString(),
dx: 4*size,
dy: 4*size,
attrs: {
stroke: '#800040',
fill: 'white',
'stroke-width': 1.0
* The following relationship lines are solid for their entire length, indicating each member is mandatory.
* Below this set are similar lines when both members are optional.
* Below that relationships with both optional and mandatory members will eventually be added.
* Predefined crow's foot line ending for a one-to-many relationship connecting two entities.
* Both are mandatory.
* @name oneToMany
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example c1.joint(c2, Joint.dia.cdm.oneToMany);
cdm.oneToMany = {
endArrow: { type: "crowfoot" },
startArrow: {type: "none"},
attrs: { "stroke-dasharray": "none", stroke:"#800040" }
* Predefined crow's foot line ending for a many-to-one relationship connecting two entities.
* Both are mandatory.
* @name manyToOne
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example c1.joint(c2, Joint.dia.cdm.manyToOne);
cdm.manyToOne = {
startArrow: {type: "crowfoot"},
endArrow: {type: "none"},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none", stroke:"#800040"}
* Predefined crow's foot line endings on both ends, indicating a many-to-many relationship connecting two entities.
* Both are mandatory.
* @name manyToMany
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example c1.joint(c2, Joint.dia.cdm.manyToMany);
cdm.manyToMany = {
startArrow: {type: "crowfoot"},
endArrow: {type: "crowfoot"},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none", stroke:"#800040"}
* Predefined one-to-one relationship line.
* Both are mandatory.
* @name plain
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example s1.joint(s2, Joint.dia.cdm.plain);
cdm.plain = {
startArrow: {type: "none"},
endArrow: {type: "none"},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none", stroke:"#800040"}
* Predefined arrow similar to that in UML, in case that script isn't loaded. This produces a solid line for the length of the arrow.
* @name Joint.dia.cdm.arrow
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example s1.joint(s2, Joint.dia.cdm.arrow);
cdm.arrow = {
startArrow: {type: "none"},
endArrow: {type: "basic", size: 5, attrs:{fill:"#800040", stroke:"#800040"}},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none", stroke:"#800040"}
* The following relationship lines use dashes, indicating each member is optional.
* Above this set are similar definitions for mandatory members.
* Below this set similar definitions for relationships with both mandatory and optional members will eventually be added.
* Predefined crow's foot line ending for a one-to-many relationship connecting two entities.
* Both are optional.
* @name oneToManyDashes
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example c1.joint(c2, Joint.dia.cdm.oneToManySashes);
cdm.oneToManyDashes = {
endArrow: { type: "crowfootdashed" },
startArrow: {type: "none"},
attrs: { "stroke-dasharray": "--", stroke:"#800040" }
* Predefined crow's foot line ending for a many-to-one relationship connecting two entities.
* Both are optional.
* @name manyToOneDashes
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example c1.joint(c2, Joint.dia.cdm.manyToOneDashes);
cdm.manyToOneDashes = {
startArrow: {type: "crowfootdashed"},
endArrow: {type: "none"},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "--", stroke:"#800040"}
* Predefined crow's foot line endings on both ends, indicating a many-to-many relationship connecting two entities.
* Both are optional.
* @name manyToManyDashes
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example c1.joint(c2, Joint.dia.cdm.manyToManyDashes);
cdm.manyToManyDashes = {
startArrow: {type: "crowfoot"},
endArrow: {type: "crowfoot"},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "-- ", stroke:"#800040"}
* This is an example showing styling subpaths of connections.
cdm.exampleArrow = {
startArrow: {type: "crowfoot"},
endArrow: {type: "crowfootdashed"},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "--", stroke:"#800040"},
subConnectionAttrs: [
{from: 1.1, to: 1/2, 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', stroke: '#800040'}
label: ['many', 'many'],
labelAttrs: [
{position: 20, offset: -10},
{position: -20, offset: -10}
* Predefined one-to-one relationship line.
* Both are optional.
* @name dashes
* @memberOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @example s1.joint(s2, Joint.dia.cdm.plain);
cdm.dashes = {
startArrow: {type: "none"},
endArrow: {type: "none"},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "--", stroke:"#800040"}
* CDM EntityChart.
* @name Entity.create
* @methodOf Joint.dia.cdm
* @param {Object} properties
* @param {Object} properties.rect Bounding box of the Entity (e.g. {x: 50, y: 100, width: 100, height: 80}).
* @param {Number} [properties.radius] Radius of the corners of the entity rectangle.
* @param {String} [properties.label] The name of the entity.
* @param {Number} [properties.labelOffsetX] Offset in x-axis of the label from the entity rectangle origin.
* @param {Number} [properties.labelOffsetY] Offset in y-axis of the label from the entity rectangle origin.
* @param {Object} [properties.attrs] SVG attributes of the appearance of the entity.
* @param {String} [properties.entityAttributes] Attributes of the entity.
* @param {Number} [properties.attributesOffsetX] Offset in x-axis of the attributes.
* @param {Number} [properties.attributesOffsetY] Offset in y-axis of the attributes.
* @example
var s1 = Joint.dia.cdm.Entity.create({
rect: {x: 120, y: 70, width: 100, height: 60},
label: "state 1",
attrs: {
fill: "315-#fff-#808000"
entityAttributes: {
entry: "init()",
exit: "destroy()",
inner: ["Evt1", "foo()", "Evt2", "bar()"]
cdm.Entity = Element.extend({
object: "Entity",
module: "cdm",
init: function(properties){
// options
var p = Joint.DeepSupplement(this.properties, properties, {
radius: 10,
attrs: { fill: 'white' },
label: '',
labelOffsetX: 20,
labelOffsetY: 5,
actions: {
entry: null,
exit: null,
inner: []
attributesOffsetX: 5,
attributesOffsetY: 5
// wrapper
this.setWrapper(this.paper.rect(p.rect.x, p.rect.y, p.rect.width, p.rect.height, p.radius).attr(p.attrs));
// inner
getLabelElement: function(){
var p = this.properties,
bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(),
t = this.paper.text(bb.x, bb.y, p.label).attr(p.labelAttrs || {}),
tbb = t.getBBox();
t.translate(bb.x - tbb.x + p.labelOffsetX, bb.y - tbb.y + p.labelOffsetY);
return t;
getAttributesElement: function(){
// collect all actions
var p = this.properties;
var str = (p.actions.entry) ? "entry/ " + p.actions.entry + "\n" : "";
str += (p.actions.exit) ? "exit/ " + p.actions.exit + "\n" : "";
var l = p.actions.inner.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 2){
str += p.actions.inner[i] + "/ " + p.actions.inner[i+1] + "\n";
// trim
str = str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
// draw text with actions
var bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(),
t = this.paper.text(bb.x + p.attributesOffsetX, bb.y + p.labelOffsetY + p.attributesOffsetY, str),
tbb = t.getBBox();
t.attr("text-anchor", "start");
t.translate(0, tbb.height/2); // tune the y position
return t;
zoom: function(){
this.wrapper.attr("r", this.properties.radius); // set wrapper's radius back to its initial value (it deformates after scaling)
this.shadow && this.shadow.attr("r", this.properties.radius); // update shadow as well if there is one
this.inner[0].remove(); // label
this.inner[1].remove(); // entityAttributes
this.inner[0] = this.getLabelElement();
this.inner[1] = this.getAttributesElement();
})(this); // END CLOSURE