(function(global){ // BEGIN CLOSURE
var Joint = global.Joint,
Element = Joint.dia.Element;
* @name Joint.dia.devs
* @namespace Holds functionality related to Discrete EVent System (DEVS) diagrams.
var devs = Joint.dia.devs = {};
* Predefined arrow.
* @name Joint.dia.devs.arrow
* @memberOf Joint.dia.devs
* @example a1.port("o", "out1").joint(c1.port("i", "in"), Joint.dia.devs.arrow);
devs.arrow = {
endArrow: { type: "none" },
startArrow: {type: "none"},
attrs: { "stroke-dasharray": "none" }
* DEVS atomic/coupled model.
* @name Model.create
* @methodOf Joint.dia.devs
* @param {Object} properties
* @param {Object} properties.rect Bounding box of the model (e.g. {x: 50, y: 100, width: 150, height: 100}).
* @param {String} [properties.label] The name of the model.
* @param {Number} [properties.labelOffsetX] Offset in x-axis of the label from the model rectangle origin.
* @param {Number} [properties.labelOffsetY] Offset in y-axis of the label from the model rectangle origin.
* @param {Number} [properties.portsOffsetX] Offset in x-axis of the ports from the model rectangle origin.
* @param {Number} [properties.portsOffsetY] Offset in y-axis of the ports from the model rectangle origin.
* @param {Number} [properties.iPortRadius] Radius of the input ports circle.
* @param {Number} [properties.oPortRadius] Radius of the output ports circle.
* @param {Object} [properties.iPortAttrs] SVG attributes of the appearance of the input ports.
* @param {Object} [properties.oPortAttrs] SVG attributes of the appearance of the output ports.
* @param {Number} [properties.iPortLabelOffsetX] Offset in x-axis of the input ports label.
* @param {Number} [properties.oPortLabelOffsetX] Offset in x-axis of the output ports label.
* @param {array} [properties.iPorts] The input port names.
* @param {array} [properties.oPorts] The output port names.
* @param {Object} [properties.attrs] SVG attributes of the appearance of the model.
* @example
var a1 = Joint.dia.devs.Model.create({
rect: {x: 30, y: 90, width: 100, height: 60},
label: "Atomic 1",
attrs: {
fill: "90-#000-#f00:1-#fff"
iPorts: ["in1"],
oPorts: ["out1", "out2"]
devs.Model = Element.extend({
object: "Model",
module: "devs",
init: function(properties){
// options
var p = Joint.DeepSupplement(this.properties, properties, {
labelOffsetX: 20,
labelOffsetY: 5,
portsOffsetX: 5,
portsOffsetY: 20,
iPortRadius: 5,
oPortRadius: 5,
iPortAttrs: { fill: 'green', stroke: 'black' },
oPortAttrs: { fill: 'red', stroke: 'black' },
iPortLabelOffsetX: -10,
iPortLabelOffsetY: -10,
oPortLabelOffsetX: 10,
oPortLabelOffsetY: -10,
iPorts: [],
oPorts: []
// wrapper
var paper = this.paper, i;
this.setWrapper(paper.rect(p.rect.x, p.rect.y, p.rect.width, p.rect.height).attr(p.attrs));
// inner
this.addInner(this.getLabelElement()); // label
// draw ports
for (i = 0, l = p.iPorts.length; i < l; i++){
this.addInner(this.getPortElement("i", i + 1, p.iPorts[i]));
for (i = 0, l = p.oPorts.length; i < l; i++){
this.addInner(this.getPortElement("o", i + 1, p.oPorts[i]));
// delete all ports related properties, they are saved in port objects
p.iPorts = p.oPorts = p.portsOffsetX = p.portsOffsetY = p.iPortRadius = p.oPortRadius = p.iPortAttrs = p.oPortAttrs = p.iPortLabelOffsetX = p.iPortLabelOffsetY = p.oPortLabelOffsetX = p.oPortLabelOffsetY = undefined;
getLabelElement: function(){
var p = this.properties,
bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(),
t = this.paper.text(bb.x, bb.y, p.label).attr(p.labelAttrs || {}),
tbb = t.getBBox();
t.translate(bb.x - tbb.x + p.labelOffsetX, bb.y - tbb.y + p.labelOffsetY);
return t;
getPortElement: function(type, index, label){
var bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(), p = this.properties,
port = devs.Port.create({
label: label,
type: type,
position: {x: bb.x + ((type === "o") ? bb.width : 0), y: bb.y + p.portsOffsetY * index},
radius: p[type + "PortRadius"],
attrs: p[type + "PortAttrs"],
offsetX: p[type + "PortLabelOffsetX"],
offsetY: p[type + "PortLabelOffsetY"]
return port;
* Get a port object. It can be used further for connecting other port objects.
* @param {String} type "i"|"o"
* @param {String} label Name of the port.
* @return {Port}
port: function(type, label){
var el;
for (var i = 0, l = this.inner.length; i < l; i++){
el = this.inner[i];
if (el.properties && label == el.properties.label && type == el.properties.type){
return el;
return undefined;
joint: function(oPort, to, iPort, opt){
// shorthand
if (!to.port) return undefined; // non-DEVS object
return this.port("o", oPort).joint(to.port("i", iPort), opt);
zoom: function(){
// @todo
devs.Port = Element.extend({
object: "Port",
module: "devs",
// doesn't have object and module properties => it's invisible for serializer
init: function(properties){
var p = Joint.DeepSupplement(this.properties, properties, {
label: '',
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
type: 'i'
this.setWrapper(this.paper.circle(p.position.x, p.position.y, p.radius).attr(p.attrs));
getLabelElement: function(){
var bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(), p = this.properties,
t = this.paper.text(bb.x, bb.y, p.label),
tbb = t.getBBox();
t.translate(bb.x - tbb.x + p.offsetX, bb.y - tbb.y + p.offsetY);
return t;
zoom: function(){
// @todo
})(this); // END CLOSURE