(function(global){ // BEGIN CLOSURE
var Joint = global.Joint,
Element = Joint.dia.Element,
point = Joint.point;
* @name Joint.dia.erd
* @namespace Holds functionality related to Entity-relationship diagrams.
var erd = Joint.dia.erd = {};
* Predefined arrow. You are free to use this arrow as the option parameter to joint method.
* Implements Chen-style cardinality notation.
* @name Joint.dia.erd.arrow
* @memberOf Joint.dia.erd
* @example
* var arrow = Joint.dia.erd.arrow;
erd.arrow = {
startArrow: {type: 'none'},
endArrow: {type: 'none'},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none"}
erd.toMany = {
startArrow: {type: 'none'},
endArrow: {type: 'none'},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none"},
label: 'n',
labelAttrs: { position: -10, offset: -10 }
erd.manyTo = {
startArrow: {type: 'none'},
endArrow: {type: 'none'},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none"},
label: 'n',
labelAttrs: { position: 10, offset: -10 }
erd.toOne = {
startArrow: {type: 'none'},
endArrow: {type: 'none'},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none"},
label: '1',
labelAttrs: { position: -10, offset: -10 }
erd.oneTo = {
startArrow: {type: 'none'},
endArrow: {type: 'none'},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none"},
label: '1',
labelAttrs: { position: 10, offset: -10 }
erd.oneToMany = {
startArrow: {type: 'none'},
endArrow: {type: 'none'},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none"},
label: ['1', 'n'],
labelAttrs: [ { position: 10, offset: -10 }, { position: -10, offset: -10 } ]
erd.manyToOne = {
startArrow: {type: 'none'},
endArrow: {type: 'none'},
attrs: {"stroke-dasharray": "none"},
label: ['n', '1'],
labelAttrs: [ { position: 10, offset: -10 }, { position: -10, offset: -10 } ]
* ERD Entity and Weak Entity.
* @methodOf Joint.dia.erd
erd.Entity = Element.extend({
object: 'Entity',
module: 'erd',
init: function(properties) {
var p = Joint.DeepSupplement(this.properties, properties, {
attrs: { fill: 'lightgreen', stroke: '#008e09', 'stroke-width': 2 },
label: '',
labelAttrs: { 'font-weight': 'bold' },
shadow: true,
weak: false, // Weak Entity?
padding: 5
this.setWrapper(this.paper.rect(p.rect.x, p.rect.y, p.rect.width, p.rect.height).attr(p.attrs));
if (p.weak) {
this.addInner(this.paper.rect(p.rect.x + p.padding, p.rect.y + p.padding, p.rect.width - 2*p.padding, p.rect.height - 2*p.padding).attr(p.attrs));
getLabelElement: function() {
var p = this.properties,
bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(),
t = this.paper.text(bb.x + bb.width/2, bb.y + bb.height/2, p.label).attr(p.labelAttrs || {}),
tbb = t.getBBox();
t.translate(bb.x - tbb.x + p.labelOffsetX,
bb.y - tbb.y + p.labelOffsetY);
return t;
* ERD Relationship.
* @methodOf Joint.dia.erd
erd.Relationship = Element.extend({
object: 'Relationship',
module: 'erd',
init: function(properties) {
var p = Joint.DeepSupplement(this.properties, properties, {
attrs: { rotation: 45, fill: 'lightblue', stroke: '#000d5b', 'stroke-width': 2 },
label: '',
labelAttrs: { 'font-weight': 'bold' }
this.setWrapper(this.paper.rect(p.rect.x, p.rect.y, p.rect.width, p.rect.height).attr(p.attrs));
getLabelElement: function() {
var p = this.properties,
bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(),
t = this.paper.text(bb.x + bb.width/2, bb.y + bb.height/2, p.label).attr(p.labelAttrs || {}),
tbb = t.getBBox();
t.translate(bb.x - tbb.x + p.labelOffsetX,
bb.y - tbb.y + p.labelOffsetY);
return t;
* ERD Attribute, Key Attribute, Multivalued Attribute and Derived Attribute.
* @methodOf Joint.dia.erd
erd.Attribute = Element.extend({
object: 'Attribute',
module: 'erd',
init: function(properties) {
var p = Joint.DeepSupplement(this.properties, properties, {
attrs: { fill: 'red', opacity: (properties.primaryKey ? 0.8 : 0.5),
stroke: '#5b0001', 'stroke-width': 2,
'stroke-dasharray': (properties.derived ? '.' : 'none') },
label: '',
labelAttrs: { 'font-weight': 'bold' },
multivalued: false,
derived: false,
padding: 5
this.setWrapper(this.paper.ellipse(p.ellipse.x, p.ellipse.y, p.ellipse.rx, p.ellipse.ry).attr(p.attrs));
if (p.multivalued) {
this.addInner(this.paper.ellipse(p.ellipse.x, p.ellipse.y, p.ellipse.rx - p.padding, p.ellipse.ry - p.padding).attr(p.attrs));
getLabelElement: function() {
var p = this.properties,
bb = this.wrapper.getBBox(),
t = this.paper.text(bb.x + bb.width/2, bb.y + bb.height/2, p.label).attr(p.labelAttrs || {}),
tbb = t.getBBox();
t.translate(bb.x - tbb.x + p.labelOffsetX,
bb.y - tbb.y + p.labelOffsetY);
return t;
})(this); // END CLOSURE