(function(global){ // BEGIN CLOSURE
var Joint = global.Joint;
Joint.Mixin(Joint.prototype, /** @lends Joint.prototype */ {
* Returns compact object representation of joint. Used for serialization.
* @return {Object} Compact representation of the joint.
compact: function(){
var start = this.startObject(), end = this.endObject(),
regs = this._registeredObjects, iRegs = regs.length, reg,
j = {
object: "joint",
euid: this.euid(),
opt: this._opt,
from: undefined,
to: undefined,
registered: {
start: [],
end: [],
both: []
// @todo Ugly!!! Joint shouldn't know anything about Joint.dia! Remove!
// from/to
if (start.wholeShape)
j.from = start.wholeShape.euid();
if (end.wholeShape)
j.to = end.wholeShape.euid();
if (this.isStartDummy())
j.from = start.attrs.cx + "@" + start.attrs.cy;
if (this.isEndDummy())
j.to = end.attrs.cx + "@" + end.attrs.cy;
// registered objects processing
reg = regs[iRegs];
j.registered[reg._capToStick || "both"].push(reg.euid());
return j;
* @return {String} JSON representation of joint.
stringify: function(){
return JSON.stringify(this.compact());
Joint.Mixin(Joint.dia, /** @lends Joint.dia */ {
* Clones diagram in the current paper.
* @return {Array} Array of the constructed elements.
clone: function(){
return this.parse(this.stringify(Joint.paper()));
* Construct a diagram from the JSON representation.
* @param {String} JSON
* @return {Array} Array of the constructed elements.
parse: function(json){
var arr = JSON.parse(json), o, m, e,
element, joints = [], i, len, elements = {},
objects = [];
if (!(arr instanceof Array)) arr = [arr];
// for all elements
for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++){
o = arr[i];
m = o.module;
e = o.object;
// create joints separatly, after all elements are created
// so that they can connect them
if (e === "joint"){
// construct the element
if (this[m]){
if (this[m][e]){
element = this[m][e].create(o);
} else {
console.error("Object " + e + " of module " + m + " is missing.");
} else {
console.error("Module " + m + " is missing.");
if (o.euid) elements[o.euid] = element;
// translate, @todo rotate, scale
element.translate(o.dx, o.dy);
// element.rotate(o.rot);
element.scale(o.sx, o.sy);
this.createJoints(joints, elements);
return objects;
* @private
hierarchize: function(elements){
var euid, element;
for (euid in elements){
if (!elements.hasOwnProperty(euid)) continue;
element = elements[euid];
if (element.properties.parent && elements[element.properties.parent])
* Create joints.
* @private
* @param {Array} joints Matrix of joints for each element.
* @param {Object} elements Hash table of elements (key: euid, value: element).
createJoints: function(joints, elements){
var iJoints = joints.length,
joint, from, to, realFrom, realTo,
newJoint, toRegister, toRegisterElement, iRegister, cap,
sides = ["start", "end", "both"], iSides = sides.length;
// for all joints of all elements
while (iJoints--){
joint = joints[iJoints];
from = elements[joint.from];
to = elements[joint.to];
// point or element wrapper
realFrom = (from) ? from.wrapper : {x: joint.from.split("@")[0], y: joint.from.split("@")[1]};
realTo = (to) ? to.wrapper : {x: joint.to.split("@")[0], y: joint.to.split("@")[1]};
// create joint
newJoint = this.Joint(realFrom, realTo, joint.opt);
// register caps - elements
toRegister = [];
iSides = sides.length;
while (iSides--){
cap = sides[iSides];
iRegister = joint.registered[cap].length;
while (iRegister--){
if (elements[joint.registered[cap][iRegister]]){
toRegisterElement = elements[joint.registered[cap][iRegister]];
toRegisterElement._capToStick = cap;
}//endwhile (iJoints--)
* Stringify the whole diagram (occupying a paper).
* @param {RaphaelPaper} paper Raphael paper the diagram belongs to.
* @return {String} JSON representation of the diagram.
stringify: function(paper){
var objs, iObjs, o, str = [],
registeredObjects = this._registeredObjects, registeredJoints = this._registeredJoints,
paperEuid = paper.euid();
// elements
if (registeredObjects[paperEuid]){
objs = registeredObjects[paperEuid];
iObjs = objs.length;
while (iObjs--){
o = objs[iObjs];
if (o.object)
// joints
if (registeredJoints[paperEuid]){
objs = registeredJoints[paperEuid];
iObjs = objs.length;
while (iObjs--){
o = objs[iObjs];
return "[" + str.join(",") + "]";
Joint.Mixin(Joint.dia.Element.prototype, /** @lends Joint.dia.Element.prototype */ {
* @return JSON representation of the element.
stringify: function(){
return JSON.stringify(Joint.Mixin(this.properties, { euid: this.euid() }));
* Clone element.
* @return {Element} Cloned element.
clone: function(){
return Joint.dia.parse(this.stringify())[0];
})(this); // END CLOSURE