* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* MapItem -- mapping entries on a chain
* A MapItem holds two MapHalfs that constitute a single entry in
* a MapTable. MapItem also implement fast searching for entries
* for MapTable::Check() and MapTable::Translate().
# include <stdhdrs.h>
# include <error.h>
# include <strbuf.h>
# include <vararray.h>
# include <debug.h>
# include "maphalf.h"
# include "maptable.h"
# include "mapstring.h"
# include "mapdebug.h"
# include "mapitem.h"
* MapItem::Reverse - reverse the chain, to swap precedence
MapItem *
MapItem *m = this;
MapItem *entry = 0;
int top = m ? m->slot : 0;
while( m )
MapItem *n = m->chain;
m->chain = entry;
m->slot = top - m->slot;
entry = m;
m = n;
return entry;
* MapItem::Move - moves an item up the chain
MapItem *
MapItem::Move( int slot )
MapItem *m = this;
MapItem *entry = m->chain;
int start = m->slot;
// This has no error state, but this is bad
// We can't go below 0 and we can't go back up either
if( start <= slot )
return m;
if( slot < 0 )
slot = 0;
MapItem *n = m->chain;
while( n )
if( n->slot != slot )
n = n->chain;
m->slot = slot;
m->chain = n->chain;
n->chain = m;
return entry;
* MapItem::Tree - recursively construct a trinary sort tree
MapItem *
MapItem **start,
MapItem **end,
MapTableT dir,
MapItem *parent,
int &depth )
/* No empties */
if( start == end )
return 0;
* start li (middle) ri end
* (middle) is halfway between start and end.
* li is first item that is a parent of middle.
* ri is last item li is a parent of.
* We return
* *li
* / | \
* / | \
* / | \
* / | \
* start->li li+1->ri ri->end
MapItem **li = start;
MapItem **ri;
* Quick check: the center tree often ends up in the
* shape of a linked list (due to identical entries).
* This is an optimization for that case.
if( start == end - 1 || (*start)->IsParent( end[-1], dir ) )
ri = end;
int overlap = 0;
int depthBelow = 0;
int maxSlot = 0;
int hasands = 0;
int maxSlotNoAnds = -1;
int pLength = (*start)->Ths( dir )->GetFixedLen();
MapItem *last = 0;
MapItem::MapWhole *t;
while( --ri > start )
if( (*ri)->Ths( dir )->GetFixedLen() == pLength )
if( parent )
overlap = (*start)->Ths( dir )->GetCommonLen( parent->Ths( dir ) );
if( ri < end - 1 )
t = (*ri)->Whole( dir );
t->overlap = overlap;
t->maxSlot = (*ri)->slot;
t->right = t->left = NULL;
t->hasands = 0;
t->maxSlotNoAnds = (*ri)->Flag() != MfAndmap ? (*ri)->slot : -1;
t->center = Tree( ri + 1, end, dir, *ri, depthBelow );
if( maxSlot < t->maxSlot )
maxSlot = t->maxSlot;
if( maxSlotNoAnds < t->maxSlotNoAnds )
maxSlotNoAnds = t->maxSlotNoAnds;
if( t->hasands )
hasands = 1;
if( parent && ( (*ri)->mapFlag == MfAndmap || t->hasands ) )
parent->Whole( dir )->hasands = 1;
last = *ri--;
depthBelow += ri - start + 1;
while( ri >= start )
t = (*ri)->Whole( dir );
t->overlap = overlap;
if( maxSlot < (*ri)->slot )
maxSlot = (*ri)->slot;
t->maxSlot = maxSlot;
if( (*ri)->Flag() != MfAndmap && maxSlotNoAnds < (*ri)->slot )
maxSlotNoAnds = (*ri)->slot;
t->maxSlotNoAnds = maxSlotNoAnds;
hasands = ( last && last->mapFlag == MfAndmap ) ? 1 : 0;
t->hasands = hasands;
t->right = t->left = NULL;
t->center = last;
last = *ri--;
if( parent && parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlot < maxSlot )
parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlot = maxSlot;
if( parent && parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlotNoAnds < maxSlotNoAnds )
parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlotNoAnds = maxSlotNoAnds;
if( parent && ( hasands || ( last && last->mapFlag == MfAndmap ) ))
parent->Whole( dir )->hasands = 1;
if( depth < depthBelow )
depth = depthBelow;
return *li;
* Start in middle.
* Move li from start until we find first parent of ri.
* Move ri right until we find last child of li.
ri = start + ( end - start ) / 2;
while( li < ri && !(*li)->IsParent( *ri, dir ) )
while( ri < end && (*li)->IsParent( *ri, dir ) )
* Fill in the *li node, which we will return.
* left, right, center computed recursively.
MapItem::MapWhole *t = (*li)->Whole( dir );
int depthBelow = 0;
t->overlap = 0;
t->maxSlot = (*li)->slot;
t->hasands = 0;
t->maxSlotNoAnds = (*li)->Flag() != MfAndmap ? (*li)->slot : -1;
t->left = Tree( start, li, dir, *li, depthBelow );
t->center = Tree( li + 1, ri, dir, *li, depthBelow );
t->right = Tree( ri, end, dir, *li, depthBelow );
* Current depth is 1 + what's below us, as long as one of
* our peers isn't deeper.
if( depth < depthBelow + 1 )
depth = depthBelow + 1;
* Relationship to parent:
* parent's maxSlot includes our maxSlot.
* our initial substring overlap with our parent.
if( parent )
if( parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlot < t->maxSlot )
parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlot = t->maxSlot;
if( parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlotNoAnds < t->maxSlotNoAnds )
parent->Whole( dir )->maxSlotNoAnds = t->maxSlotNoAnds;
t->overlap = t->half.GetCommonLen( parent->Ths( dir ) );
if( (*li)->mapFlag == MfAndmap || t->hasands )
parent->Whole( dir )->hasands = 1;
return *li;
* MapItem::Match() - find best matching MapItem
* We have a chain of MapItems, but instead use trinary tree constructed
* by MapItem::Tree for this direction.
* This has three separate optimizations:
* 1. The trinary tree itself (instead of a linear scan). We use
* a trinary tree because we need to order mappings that are
* neither less than nor greater than others, but including them.
* e.g. //depot/main/... includes //depot/main/p4... As we
* decend the tree, we use MapHalf::Match1 to compare the initial
* substring. If it matches, we will use MapHalf::Match2 to
* do the wildcard comparison and then follow the center down.
* 2. Slot precedence. Once we've had a match, we only need to Match2
* nodes with better precedence (map->slot > best). Further, once
* we've had a match, we can give up entirely if the tree below
* has no nodes with higher precedence (best > t->maxSlot).
* 3. Overlap. As we decend the tree, many of the strings have
* initial substrings in common. So we remember the offset of
* the last matching character in the parent's MapHalf, adjust it
* down if needed so as not to exceed the operlap with this
* MapHalf, and start the match from there.
MapItem *
MapItem::Match( MapTableT dir, const StrPtr &from, MapItemArray *ands )
int coff = 0;
int best = -1;
int bestnotands = -1;
int ourarray = 0;
MapItem *map = 0;
MapItem *tree = this;
MapParams params;
if( !ands && (tree->Whole( dir )->hasands || tree->Flag() == MfAndmap))
ourarray = 1;
ands = new MapItemArray;
/* Decend */
while( tree )
MapItem::MapWhole *t = tree->Whole( dir );
* No better precendence below? Bail.
* Unless we're looking for andmaps
if( best > t->maxSlot && // Have we already got the best?
!t->hasands && // Are there andmaps down the tree?
tree->Flag() != MfAndmap && // This is an andmap?
bestnotands > t->maxSlotNoAnds ) // We prefer a real mapping
* Match with prev map greater than overlap? trim.
if( coff > t->overlap )
coff = t->overlap;
* Match initial substring (by which the tree is ordered).
* Can skip match if same initial substring as previous map.
int r = 0;
if( coff < t->half.GetFixedLen() )
r = t->half.Match1( from, coff );
* Match? Higher precedence? Wildcard match? Save.
if( !r &&
best < tree->slot &&
t->half.Match2( from, params ) )
map = tree, best = map->slot;
if( ands )
ands->Put( tree );
if( tree->Flag() != MfAndmap )
bestnotands = tree->slot;
* Not higher precedence? AndMap Array? Wildcard match? Save
if( !r &&
ands &&
map != tree &&
best >= tree->slot &&
t->half.Match2( from, params ) )
ands->Put( tree );
if( tree->Flag() != MfAndmap )
bestnotands = tree->slot;
* Follow to appropriate child.
if( r < 0 ) tree = t->left;
else if( r > 0 ) tree = t->right;
else tree = t->center;
* If we were dealing with & maps, we need to make sure we either:
* 1. return the highest precedence non-andmap mapping
* 2. return the highest precedence andmap mapping
if( map && ands )
MapItem *m0 = 0;
int i = 0;
while( ( m0 = (MapItem *) ands->Get( i++ ) ) )
if( m0->Flag() != MfAndmap )
if( m0->mapFlag == MfUnmap )
break; // Take the best & mapping and break
map = m0; // Take the best non-& mapping and break
else if( i == 1 )
map = m0; // Take the best & mapping; keep going
if( ourarray )
delete ands;
* Best mapping an unmapping? That's no mapping.
if( !map || map->mapFlag == MfUnmap )
return 0;
return map;
* MapPairArray -- pre-join two maps by using the MapTrees
MapPairArray::Compare( const void *a1, const void *a2 ) const
return ((MapPair *)a1)->CompareSlot( (MapPair *)a2 );
MapPairArray::Match( MapItem *item1, MapItem *tree2 )
// Do non-wildcard initial substrings match?
MapItem::MapWhole *t1 = item1->Whole( dir1 );
do {
MapItem::MapWhole *t2 = tree2->Whole( dir2 );
int r = t2->half.MatchHead( t1->half );
p4debug.printf("cmp %d %s %s\n", r, t1->half.Text(), t2->half.Text() );
// On match, add this to list of pairs for MapHalf::Join()
if( !r && !t2->half.MatchTail( t1->half ) )
Put( new MapPair( item1, tree2, &t1->half, &t2->half ) );
// Recursively explore other matching possibilities.
if( r <= 0 && t2->left ) Match( item1, t2->left );
if( r >= 0 && t2->right ) Match( item1, t2->right );
if( r != 0 )
// tail iteration down the center
tree2 = t2->center;
} while( tree2 );
* MapItemArray -- Slot ordered list of MapItems
struct MapWrap {
MapItem *map;
StrBuf to;
} ;
for( int i = 0; i < Count(); i++ )
delete (MapWrap *) VarArray::Get( i );
MapItem *
MapItemArray::Get( int i )
MapWrap *w = (MapWrap *) VarArray::Get( i );
return w ? w->map : 0;
StrPtr *
MapItemArray::GetTranslation( int i )
MapWrap *w = (MapWrap *) VarArray::Get( i );
return w ? &w->to : 0;
MapItem *
MapItemArray::Put( MapItem *item, StrPtr *trans )
// add the item to the end of the list
MapWrap *wrap = new MapWrap;
wrap->map = item;
if( trans )
wrap->to = *trans;
VarArray::Put( wrap );
int s = Count(); // index of item + 1
if( s <= 1 )
return item; // only the item we've just added: must be sorted!
// find the index of the first item with a lower slot than item's
int i = 0;
while( Get( i )->slot > item->slot )
// shuffle the pointers along so that item takes its rightful place
while( s-- > i + 1)
Swap( s - 1, s );
return item;
MapItemArray::PutTree( MapItem *item, MapTableT dir )
if( !item )
return 0;
Put( item );
int count = 1;
count += PutTree( item->Whole( dir )->left, dir );
count += PutTree( item->Whole( dir )->center, dir );
count += PutTree( item->Whole( dir )->right, dir );
return count;
MapItemArray::Dump( const char *name )
for( int i = 0; i < Count(); i++ )
p4debug.printf( "%s %c%s <-> %s (slot %d)\n",
" -+$@& 123456789"[Get( i )->mapFlag],
Get( i )->Lhs()->Text(),
Get( i )->Rhs()->Text(),
Get( i )->slot );
* MapItem::Dump() - dump tree, rooted at this
MapItem::Dump( MapTableT d, const char *name, int l )
static const char tabs[] = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
const char *indent = l > 8 ? tabs : tabs + 8 - l;
if( !l )
p4debug.printf( "MapTree\n" );
if( Whole( d )->left )
Whole( d )->left->Dump( d, "<<<", l+1 );
p4debug.printf("%s%s %c%s <-> %s%s (maxslot %d (%d))\n", indent, name,
" -+$@& 123456789"[ mapFlag ], Ths(d)->Text(), Ohs(d)->Text(),
Whole( d )->hasands ? " (has &)" : "", Whole( d )->maxSlot, Whole( d )->maxSlotNoAnds);
if( Whole( d )->center )
Whole( d )->center->Dump( d, "===", l+1 );
if( Whole( d )->right )
Whole( d )->right->Dump( d, ">>>", l+1 );