=== Helix Versioning Engine Files [[get_p4_vX_files]] ==== `GET /p4/v[api]/files/[path]` Lists file information in the system. Responses are a combination of the output of three different common `p4` commands: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/p4_depots.html[`p4 -ztag depots`], http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/p4_dirs.html[`p4 -ztag dirs`], and http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/p4_files.html[`p4 -ztag files`]. We only list file information about the _latest_ version of files. Files whose latest version is deleted, are not listed in the output. WARNING: While you can retrieve the contents of files by specifying files instead of directories with the `path` parameter, understand this will very likely fail with large files. By default, the system is set up with a 60 second timeout, and large files will likely take longer than that to transfer. For file operations, especially for large files, you should consider using the P4API, and managing a local Helix Versioning Engine client workspace directly to the Helix Versioning Engine. Helix Web Services is intended for metadata-oriented operations. ===== Request URL Path Parameters [cols="3*", options="header"] |=== | Parameter | Required | Description | `api` | Yes | The Helix Versioning Engine API level. | `path` | No | A path-like string to a depot or directory that contains other directories or files. Do not include wildcards. |=== ===== Request Headers [cols="2*", options="header"] |=== | Header Name | Notes | `Authorization` | See <<authentication>> | `Accept` | `application/json` | `Content-Type` | `application/json` | `X-Perforce-Helix_Web_Services-*` | See <<per_request_configuration>> |=== ===== Response Headers [cols="2*", options="header"] |=== | Header Name | Notes | `Content-Type` | `application/json` |=== ===== Response Body JSON Responses are a combination of the output of three different common `p4` commands: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/p4_depots.html[`p4 -ztag depots`], http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/p4_dirs.html[`p4 -ztag dirs`], and http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/p4_files.html[`p4 -ztag files`]. See <<error_responses>> for the format of failures. An example response body might look like: [source,json] ---- [ { "depotFile": "//depot/dev/Experimental/new_file_RQTWSTFB", "rev": "1", "change": "190", "action": "add", "type": "text", "time": "1438031186" }, { "dir": "//depot/dev/Experimental/subdir" } ] ---- If you don't include a path, you'll end up with a list of depots, which looks like this: [source,json] ---- [ { "name": "depot", "time": "1437690306", "type": "local", "map": "depot/...", "desc": "Default depot" }, { "name": "stream-test", "time": "1437690307", "type": "stream", "map": "depot/...", "desc": "A test depot\n" } ] ---- ===== Ruby Client See link:./helix_web_services_client_ruby/HelixWebServicesClient.html#files-instance_method[`HelixWebServicesClient#files`] Recall that this method will return an `OpenModel`, that can assist in matching the different fields: [source,ruby] ---- results = client.files results.concat(client.files('//depot/dir') names = results.map(&:name_or_dir_or_depot_file) .map{ |x| x.split('/').last } ---- [[patch_p4_vX_files]] ==== `PATCH /p4/v[api]/files/[path]` Provides a means for uploading content to a particular file or directory. This is a simplification of the <<post_p4_vX_changes>> method, where action is always `upload` on all files. Note that this works primarily around a classic concept of Perforce, where `path` is really a classic depot path. For streams, this concept of a path breaks down, since streams are in many ways workspaces, and can import paths from other streams or depot locations. The streams interface has, as of yet, not been implemented. ===== Request URL Path Parameters [cols="3*", options="header"] |=== | Parameter | Required | Description | `api` | Yes | The Helix Versioning Engine API level. | `path` | No | A path-like string to a depot or directory that contains other directories or files. Do not include wildcards. |=== ===== Request Headers [cols="2*", options="header"] |=== | Header Name | Notes | `Authorization` | See <<authentication>> | `Accept` | `application/json` | `Content-Type` | `application/json` | `X-Perforce-Helix_Web_Services-*` | See <<per_request_configuration>> |=== ===== Request JSON Body The Request JSON is an object with the following top-level parameters: [cols="3*", options="header"] |=== | Property | Required | Description | `Description` | No | A text field describing the new file changes | `Files` | No | For multiple files, this is an array of objects, each containing the same `DepotFile` and `Content` data you would use as if this were a single file upload. | `DepotFile` | No | If this is a single file upload, this is the file path, relative to the `path` parameter in the URL. | `Content` | No | If this is a single file upload, this is the base64-encoded content |=== For example, here is a request uploading a single file with no URL `path` parameter in the request: [source,json] ---- { "DepotFile": "depot/dir/complete/path", "Content": "SSdtIGEgbGl0dGxlIHRlYXBvdAo=" } ---- And here'a request uploading two files, expecting the `path` parameter in the request URL to be set to `depot/dir/complete`: [source,json] ---- { "Files": [ { "DepotFile": "README", "Content": "SSdtIGEgbGl0dGxlIHRlYXBvdAo=" }, { "DepotFile": "test.txt", "Content": "SSdtIGEgbGl0dGxlIHRlYXBvdAo=" } ] } ---- Both of the above requests would upload files to the same directory location. ===== Response Headers [cols="2*", options="header"] |=== | Header Name | Notes | `Content-Type` | `application/json` |=== ===== Response JSON Body See <<error_responses>> for the format of failures. ===== Ruby Client See link:./helix_web_services_client_ruby/HelixWebServicesClient.html#upload_files-instance_method[`HelixWebServicesClient#upload_files`], or link:./helix_web_services_client_ruby/HelixWebServicesClient.html#upload_file-instance_method[`HelixWebServicesClient#upload_file`]. [[delete_p4_vX_files]] ==== `DELETE /p4/v[api]/files/[path]` Deletes a file if it exists in the system. This will mark the 'head' revision of the file as deleted. For more information, see the link:http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/p4_delete.html[`p4 delete`] command reference. ===== Request URL Path Parameters [cols="3*", options="header"] |=== | Parameter | Required | Description | `api` | Yes | The Helix Versioning Engine API level. | `path` | Yes | A path-like string to a depot or directory that contains other directories or files. Do not include wildcards. |=== ===== Request Headers [cols="2*", options="header"] |=== | Header Name | Notes | `Authorization` | See <<authentication>> | `Accept` | `application/json` | `Content-Type` | `application/json` | `X-Perforce-Helix_Web_Services-*` | See <<per_request_configuration>> |=== ===== Response Headers [cols="2*", options="header"] |=== | Header Name | Notes | `Content-Type` | `application/json` |=== ===== Response JSON Body See <<error_responses>> for the format of failures. ===== Ruby Client See link:./helix_web_services_client_ruby/HelixWebServicesClient.html#delete_file-instance_method[`HelixWebServicesClient#delete_file`]
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 16275 | Doug Scheirer | Merge from main | ||
#1 | 16114 | Doug Scheirer | Merge from main | ||
//guest/doug_scheirer/helix-web-services/main/source/doc/helix_versioning_engine/files.asc | |||||
#1 | 15688 | Doug Scheirer |
Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/... //guest/doug_scheirer/helix-web-services/.... |
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/source/doc/helix_versioning_engine/files.asc | |||||
#1 | 15622 | tjuricek |
Move source code to 'source/' subdirectory of branch. build/ will remain where it is. |
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/doc/helix_versioning_engine/files.asc | |||||
#5 | 15260 | tjuricek |
Fix truncation of content when listing a single file's details. Added message warning people about timeouts. This does work, and doesn't bring the system down, but you'll probably hit timeouts if you're trying to download files using this system. |
#4 | 15240 | tjuricek |
Set api level via request path on all Helix Versioning Engine methods. This will allow migration of applications to different P4D versions. Our internal methods (like project API) should attempt to handle backward compatibility similarly. P4WEBAPI-118 |
#3 | 15205 | tjuricek | Implemented tests and documentation for depot spec editing. | ||
#2 | 15189 | tjuricek | Update files implementation, testing, and documentation. | ||
#1 | 15144 | tjuricek |
Setup stream spec tests and documentation. Also revised the documentation folder http_p4_web_api -> helix_versioning_engine |
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/doc/http_p4_web_api/files.asc | |||||
#1 | 13555 | tjuricek |
Starting Asciidoc conversion of documentation. Removed the "Shared Quality" document, that basically is online now at: https://confluence.perforce.com:8443/display/PWS/Quality+Assurance Adding some topology graphviz images used for online documentation. |