#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- use P4CGI ; use strict ; # ################################################################# # CONFIGURATION INFORMATION # All config info should be in P4CGI.pm # ################################################################# # # P4 file viewer # View a file # ################################################################# use viewConfig ; use colorView ; $| = 1 ; # A hash containing file extensions that can be viewed with special viewers # Data is: # <extension> => <semicolon separated list of: # url - Url to be used # typecode - Will be sent as parameter TYPE to url # text - A text for the href to url> # Other than the TYPE parameter mentioned above the file name (depot format) will # be sent as FILE parameter and file revision as REV parameter. # # return number of digits in an integer sub digits($) { my $n = shift; return int(log($n)/log(10))+1 ; } # Get file spec argument my $file = &P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC") ; &P4CGI::bail("No file specified") unless defined $file ; $file = &P4CGI::htmlEncode($file) ; my $showdeleted = &P4CGI::cgi()->param("SHOWDEL") ; my $showhelp = &P4CGI::cgi()->param("HELP") ; $showhelp="N" unless defined $showhelp ; my $revision = P4CGI::cgi()->param("REV") ; my $force = P4CGI::cgi()->param("FORCE") ; my $fileExtension = $file ; $fileExtension =~ s/^.*\.// ; $fileExtension = uc($fileExtension) ; $revision = "\#$revision" if defined $revision ; $revision = "" unless defined $revision ; my @legend ; my $filetype = "UNKNOWN" ; my $filesize = "UNKNOWN" ; local *P4 ; &P4CGI::p4call(*P4,"fstat -l -s \"$file$revision\"") ; while(<P4>) { /... headType (\S+)/ and do { $filetype = $1 ; next ; } ; /... fileSize (\d+)/ and do { $filesize = $1 ; next ; } } my %revToChange ; &P4CGI::p4call(*P4,"filelog \"$file$revision\"") ; while(<P4>) { /... \#(\d+) change (\d+)/ and do { $revToChange{$1} = $2 ; } } ; close P4 ; my @fileContents ; &P4CGI::p4call(\@fileContents,"print \"$file$revision\"") ; my $info = shift @fileContents; &P4CGI::bail("Failed to read file $file$revision") unless defined $info ; $info =~ /\#(\d+) - / or &P4CGI::bail("Failed to parse first line from \"p4 print/annotate -a $file$revision\" command") ; my $rev = $1 ; { my $buttontext ; my $helptext ; if($rev > 1) { if(defined $showdeleted) { &P4CGI::cgi()->delete("SHOWDEL") ; $buttontext = "Hide deleted lines" ; $helptext = "Hide the deleted lines and revisions" ; } else { &P4CGI::cgi()->param("SHOWDEL","Y") ; $buttontext = "Show deleted lines" ; $helptext = "Show all deleted lines and the revision where they where deleted" ; } ; } ; push @legend, &P4CGI::buttonCell(&P4CGI::cgi()->url(-relative => 1, -query => 1), "$helptext", "$buttontext"); }; if(exists $viewConfig::ExtensionToType{$fileExtension}) { my $type = $viewConfig::ExtensionToType{$fileExtension} ; my ($url,$desc,$content,$about) = @{$viewConfig::TypeData{$type}} ; push @legend, &P4CGI::buttonCell($url, "View file $file", "TYPE=$type", "FSPC=$file", "TARGET=_blank", "REV=$rev", "View $desc") ; } ; push @legend, &P4CGI::buttonCell("fileLogView.cgi", "View file log for $file", "FSPC=$file", "File log"); push @legend, &P4CGI::buttonCell("fileDownLoad.cgi", "Download file $file", "FSPC=$file", "REV=$rev", "Download") ; { &P4CGI::cgi()->delete("HELP") ; my $buttontext ; my $helptext ; if($showhelp ne "Y") { &P4CGI::cgi()->param("HELP","Y") ; $buttontext = "Show help" ; $helptext = "Show a help text that describes this page" ; } else { &P4CGI::cgi()->param("HELP","N") ; $buttontext = "Hide help" ; $helptext = "Hide help" ; } ; push @legend, "<td> </td>",&P4CGI::buttonCell(&P4CGI::cgi()->url(-relative => 1, -query => 1), $helptext,, $buttontext) ; &P4CGI::cgi()->delete("HELP") ; }; print &P4CGI::start_page("File <tt>$file</tt>\#$rev",@legend) ; if($showhelp eq "Y") { print &P4CGI::start_framedTable("Page help") ; my $key ; $key = ":Hide" unless defined $showdeleted ; $key = ":Show" if defined $showdeleted ; while(<DATA>) { /^$key/ and do { while(<DATA>) { last if /^:/ ; print ; } last ; } } print &P4CGI::end_framedTable(), "<br>" ; } print &P4CGI::start_framedTable("File info"), &P4CGI::start_table(), &P4CGI::table_row({-class => "Prompt", -text => "File type:"}, $filetype), &P4CGI::table_row({-class => "Prompt", -text => "File size:"}, "$filesize Bytes"), &P4CGI::end_table(), &P4CGI::end_framedTable() ; unless($force or $filetype =~ /text/ or $filetype =~ /unicode/) { print "File type is \"$filetype\" and not text<br>" ; &P4CGI::cgi()->param("FORCE"=>"Y") ; print &P4CGI::buttonLink(&P4CGI::cgi()->url(-query=>1), "View file even if not text type", "View anyway"), &P4CGI::end_page() ; exit 0 ; } map { my $x = &P4CGI::htmlEncode($_) ; $_ = $x ; } @fileContents ; if(&P4CGI::VIEW_WITH_COLORS()) { my $tmp = join("\n",@fileContents) ; &colorView::color($file,\$tmp) ; @fileContents = split("\n",$tmp) unless $@ ; } ; my $lines = scalar @fileContents ; print &P4CGI::start_framedTable("File ($lines lines)") ; print "<table class=\"fileViewer\">\n" ; print "<tr>" ; print "<th class=\"fileViewerHeader\">Added in rev./ch.</th>" ; print "<th class=\"fileViewerHeader\">Deleted to rev./ch.</th>" if $showdeleted ; print "<th class=\"fileViewerHeader\">Line</th> "; print "<th class=\"fileViewerHeader\">File<br>content</th> "; print "</tr>\n" ; my $lastRevStr = "" ; my $lineNo = 0 ; my @dataC ; my $p4_depot=&P4CGI::CURR_DEPOT_NO() ; &P4CGI::p4call(*P4,"annotate -a \"$file$revision\"") ; my $firstline = <P4> ; while(<P4>) { chomp ; s/^(\d+)-(\d+): // and do { my ($firstrev,$lastrev,$line) = ($1,$2,&P4CGI::rmTabs($_)) ; next if ($lastrev < $rev) and ! $showdeleted ; $firstrev = "<a class=\"normal\" title=\"Line(s) added by change $revToChange{$firstrev}. Click to view change.\" ". " href=\"changeView.cgi?CH=$revToChange{$firstrev};DP=$p4_depot\">$firstrev/$revToChange{$firstrev}</a>" ; if($lastrev < $rev) { my $r = $lastrev + 1 ; if($showdeleted) { $lastrev = "<a class=\"normal\" title=\"Line(s) deleted by change $revToChange{$r}. Click to view change.\" ". " href=\"changeView.cgi?CH=$revToChange{$r};DP=$p4_depot\">$r/$revToChange{$r}</a>" ; } else { $lastrev = "" ; } ; } else { $lastrev = "" ; } my $cclass = "" ; my $revStr = "XX" ; my $lineNoStr = "" ; if($lastrev ne "") { $revStr = "A:$firstrev D:$lastrev" ; $cclass= "class=\"deleted\"" ; $line = &P4CGI::htmlEncode($line) ; } else { $line = shift @fileContents ; $revStr = "A:$firstrev " ; $lineNo++ ; if($lineNo == 1 or $lineNo % 5 == 0) { $lineNoStr="<a name=\"L$lineNo\">$lineNo</a>" ; } else { $lineNoStr="<a name=\"L$lineNo\"> </a>" ; } } my $revclass ; if($lastRevStr eq $revStr) { $revStr = "" ; $firstrev = "" ; $lastrev = "" ; $revclass="fileViewerRevEmpty" ; } else { $lastRevStr = $revStr ; $revclass="fileViewerRev" ; } ; $line = "" unless defined $line ; while($line =~ s/(<[^>]*) ([^>]*>)/$1===SPACE===HERE===$2/g) {} ; $line =~ s/ / /g ; $line =~ s/===SPACE===HERE===/ /g ; print "<tr><th class=\"$revclass\">$firstrev</th>" ; print "<th class=\"$revclass\">$lastrev</th>" if $showdeleted ; print "<th class=\"fileViewerLineNo\">$lineNoStr</th><td><span $cclass>$line</span> </td></tr>\n" ; } } ; print "</table>" ; close P4 ; print &P4CGI::end_framedTable(), &P4CGI::end_page() ; # # That's all folks # __END__ :Hide deleted This page show contents of a specific revision of a file as text.<br> The contents may be colorized for some file types (html, perl and c source).<br> The contents is displayed in a table with three columns: <ol> <li> The first column show revision and change where line was added or modified. <li> The second column shows source line numbers.. <li> The third column shows the file content. </ol> :Show deleted This page show all lines that ever has been in the file for a specific revision of it.<br> The contents may be colorized for some file types (html, perl and c source).<br> The contents is displayed in a table with four columns: <ol> <li> The "Added in rev." column contain the revision and change where the line was added. <li> The "Deleted in rev." column contain the revision and change where the line was deleted. This column is empty if the line is not deleted. <li> The third column shows source line numbers (in the current revision) <li> The fourth column shows the file content. Deleted will be marked as:<br> <span class="deleted">This is a deleted line</span><br> </ol>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#11 | 4916 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: Improved file viewer (and simplified the code) | ||
#10 | 4306 | Fredric Fredricson |
P4DB: Hardened P4DB against malicious parameters (cross site scripting), performed some cleanup and increased version to 3.1.1. |
#9 | 4237 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: Maybe the final submit for P4DB 3.1.0 | ||
#8 | 4216 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: Another partial submit on my way to P4DB 3.1... | ||
#7 | 4176 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: Still working my way to P4DB 3.1... | ||
#6 | 4152 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: Some more work on tha way to version 3.1.... | ||
#5 | 4069 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: More changes on the way to 3.1 | ||
#4 | 4048 | Fredric Fredricson |
P4DB: Updated for Explorer. * Updated Style Sheet to work for Explorer as well as Netscape * Improved alternate header * Some other small fixes.... |
#3 | 2875 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB 3.0 first beta... | ||
#2 | 1920 | Fredric Fredricson |
P4DB: Mainly some user interface fixes: * Added a small arrow that points to selection in list of options * Added tooltip help * Added user prefereces to turn the above off (or on) * Some other user interface fixes And fixed a bug in jobList.cgi and some minor bugs in label and branch viewers. |
#1 | 1638 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: Added all (I think) files for P4DB |