#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- use P4CGI ; use strict ; # ################################################################# # CONFIGURATION INFORMATION # All config info should be in P4CGI.pm # ################################################################# # # P4 list all users # List p4 users # ################################################################# sub weeksago($$$ ) { my ($y,$m,$d) = @_ ; $y -= 1900 ; $m-- ; my $_now = time() ; my $_then = $_now ; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($_then); if(($y > $year) or (($y == $year) and ($m > $mon)) or (($y == $year) and ($m == $mon) and ($d > $mday))) { return 0 ; } while(1) { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($_then); if(($y == $year) and ($m == $mon) and ($d == $mday)) { return int(( $_now - $_then)/(3600*24*7)) ; } $_then -= 3600*24 ; } ; } &P4CGI::SET_HELP_TARGET("userList") ; # Get user data my %userData = &P4CGI::p4users() ; my $WARNING_LEVEL = &P4CGI::UNUSEDUSRWL() ; $WARNING_LEVEL = 10 unless $WARNING_LEVEL =~ /^\d+$/ ; my $usertable = "" ; # Get groups my @groups ; &P4CGI::p4call(\@groups, "groups" ); if(@groups > 0) { my $g = @groups == 1?"group":"groups" ; my $n = @groups ; # $usertable .= "<B>$n $g</B><br>" ; $usertable .= &P4CGI::start_framedTable("$n $g") ; $usertable .= &P4CGI::start_table() ; $usertable .= &P4CGI::table_header("Group name"); foreach (@groups) { $usertable .= &P4CGI::table_row(&P4CGI::ahref(-url => "groupView.cgi", "GROUP=$_", "HELP=View group info", $_)) ; } $usertable .= &P4CGI::end_table() ; $usertable .= &P4CGI::end_framedTable() ; } my $emailall ; $usertable .= join("\n",(&P4CGI::start_framedTable(scalar(keys %userData)." users:"), &P4CGI::start_table("cellpadding=1"), &P4CGI::table_header("User", "Name and e-mail", "Last access"))) ; my $u ; foreach $u (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } (keys %userData)) { my %udata = %{$userData{$u}} ; my ($user,$email,$name,$lastaccess) = ($u, $udata{"Email"}, $udata{"FullName"}, $udata{"Access"}) ; $user = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi", "USER=$user", "HELP=View user info", $user) ; $email =~ /\w+\@\w+/ and do { if(defined $emailall) { $emailall .= ",$email" ; } else { $emailall = "mailto:$email" ; } ; $email = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "mailto:$email", "HELP=Send email", $email) ; } ; my $weeksOld = "" ; if($lastaccess =~ /(\d\d\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)/) { $weeksOld = weeksago($1,$2,$3) ; if($weeksOld >= $WARNING_LEVEL) { $weeksOld = "<b>Not used for $weeksOld weeks!</b>" ; } else { $weeksOld = "" ; } } $usertable .= &P4CGI::table_row($user, "$name $email", $lastaccess, $weeksOld) ; } $usertable .= &P4CGI::end_table().&P4CGI::end_framedTable() ; my @legend ; push @legend ,&P4CGI::buttonCell("$emailall", "Send email to all users", "Email all users") ; print &P4CGI::start_page("List users and groups", @legend), $usertable, &P4CGI::end_page() ; # # That's all folks #
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#5 | 4998 | Fredric Fredricson |
P4DB: cleaned up some code. Added p4users(), p4client() and p4user2name() to P4CGI.pm and modified all cgi:s to use these, |
#4 | 4046 | Fredric Fredricson |
P4DB: First submit for 3.1. * Removed frame-stuff and some related files * Added new page header * Started update of documentation * Changed a lot of CGI:s to conform to new "look and feel" Still a lot to do: - clean up stuff (especially the javascript) - Fix the file list to use new annotate-command - Clean up and document css-file - and more....... |
#3 | 2875 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB 3.0 first beta... | ||
#2 | 1920 | Fredric Fredricson |
P4DB: Mainly some user interface fixes: * Added a small arrow that points to selection in list of options * Added tooltip help * Added user prefereces to turn the above off (or on) * Some other user interface fixes And fixed a bug in jobList.cgi and some minor bugs in label and branch viewers. |
#1 | 1638 | Fredric Fredricson | P4DB: Added all (I think) files for P4DB |