// By default, headers will be red, and borders will be grey
var table = new Table({head:['a','b']});
│ Rel │ Change │ By │ When │
│ v0.1 │ Testing something … │ rauchg@gmail.com │ 7 minutes ago │
│ v0.1 │ Testing something … │ rauchg@gmail.com │ 8 minutes ago │
// For most of these examples, and most of the unit tests we disable colors.
// It makes unit tests easier to write/understand, and allows these pages to
// display the examples as text instead of screen shots.
var table = new Table({
head: ['Rel', 'Change', 'By', 'When']
, style: {
head: [] //disable colors in header cells
, border: [] //disable colors for the border
, colWidths: [6, 21, 25, 17] //set the widths of each column (optional)
['v0.1', 'Testing something cool', 'rauchg@gmail.com', '7 minutes ago']
, ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool', 'rauchg@gmail.com', '8 minutes ago']
│v0.1│Testing something cool│
│v0.1│Testing something cool│
var table = new Table({ style: {'padding-left':0, 'padding-right':0, head:[], border:[]} });
{'v0.1': 'Testing something cool'}
, {'v0.1': 'Testing something cool'}
│ │Header 1│Header 2 │
│Header 3│v0.1 │Testing something cool│
│Header 4│v0.1 │Testing something cool│
var table = new Table({ head: ["", "Header 1", "Header 2"], style: {'padding-left':0, 'padding-right':0, head:[], border:[]} }); // clear styles to prevent color output
{"Header 3": ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool'] }
, {"Header 4": ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool'] }
║ foo │ bar │ baz ║
║ frob │ bar │ quuz ║
var table = new Table({
chars: {
'top': '═'
, 'top-mid': '╤'
, 'top-left': '╔'
, 'top-right': '╗'
, 'bottom': '═'
, 'bottom-mid': '╧'
, 'bottom-left': '╚'
, 'bottom-right': '╝'
, 'left': '║'
, 'left-mid': '╟'
, 'right': '║'
, 'right-mid': '╢'
style: {
head: []
, border: []
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
, ['frob', 'bar', 'quuz']
var table = new Table({style:{border:[],header:[]}});
to true to make lines of text wrap instead of being truncated┌───────┬─────────┐
│ Hello │ I am │
│ how │ fine │
│ are │ thanks! │
│ you? │ │
var table = new Table({
'Hello how are you?',
'I am fine thanks!'
##### Basic Usage ![table image](https://cdn.rawgit.com/jamestalmage/cli-table2/c806c2636df97f73c732b41aa913cf78d4ac0d39/examples/screenshots/basic-usage-with-colors.png) ```javascript // By default, headers will be red, and borders will be grey var table = new Table({head:['a','b']}); table.push(['c','d']); ``` ##### Basic Usage - disable colors - (used often in the examples and tests) ┌──────┬─────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────┐ │ Rel │ Change │ By │ When │ ├──────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ v0.1 │ Testing something … │ rauchg@gmail.com │ 7 minutes ago │ ├──────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ v0.1 │ Testing something … │ rauchg@gmail.com │ 8 minutes ago │ └──────┴─────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────┘ ```javascript // For most of these examples, and most of the unit tests we disable colors. // It makes unit tests easier to write/understand, and allows these pages to // display the examples as text instead of screen shots. var table = new Table({ head: ['Rel', 'Change', 'By', 'When'] , style: { head: [] //disable colors in header cells , border: [] //disable colors for the border } , colWidths: [6, 21, 25, 17] //set the widths of each column (optional) }); table.push( ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool', 'rauchg@gmail.com', '7 minutes ago'] , ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool', 'rauchg@gmail.com', '8 minutes ago'] ); ``` ##### Create vertical tables by adding objects a that specify key-value pairs ┌────┬──────────────────────┐ │v0.1│Testing something cool│ ├────┼──────────────────────┤ │v0.1│Testing something cool│ └────┴──────────────────────┘ ```javascript var table = new Table({ style: {'padding-left':0, 'padding-right':0, head:[], border:[]} }); table.push( {'v0.1': 'Testing something cool'} , {'v0.1': 'Testing something cool'} ); ``` ##### Cross tables are similar to vertical tables, but include an empty string for the first header ┌────────┬────────┬──────────────────────┐ │ │Header 1│Header 2 │ ├────────┼────────┼──────────────────────┤ │Header 3│v0.1 │Testing something cool│ ├────────┼────────┼──────────────────────┤ │Header 4│v0.1 │Testing something cool│ └────────┴────────┴──────────────────────┘ ```javascript var table = new Table({ head: ["", "Header 1", "Header 2"], style: {'padding-left':0, 'padding-right':0, head:[], border:[]} }); // clear styles to prevent color output table.push( {"Header 3": ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool'] } , {"Header 4": ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool'] } ); ``` ##### Stylize the table with custom border characters ╔══════╤═════╤══════╗ ║ foo │ bar │ baz ║ ╟──────┼─────┼──────╢ ║ frob │ bar │ quuz ║ ╚══════╧═════╧══════╝ ```javascript var table = new Table({ chars: { 'top': '═' , 'top-mid': '╤' , 'top-left': '╔' , 'top-right': '╗' , 'bottom': '═' , 'bottom-mid': '╧' , 'bottom-left': '╚' , 'bottom-right': '╝' , 'left': '║' , 'left-mid': '╟' , 'right': '║' , 'right-mid': '╢' }, style: { head: [] , border: [] } }); table.push( ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] , ['frob', 'bar', 'quuz'] ); ``` ##### Use ansi colors (i.e. colors.js) to style text within the cells at will, even across multiple lines ![table image](https://cdn.rawgit.com/jamestalmage/cli-table2/c806c2636df97f73c732b41aa913cf78d4ac0d39/examples/screenshots/multi-line-colors.png) ```javascript var table = new Table({style:{border:[],header:[]}}); table.push([ colors.red('Hello\nhow\nare\nyou?'), colors.blue('I\nam\nfine\nthanks!') ]); ``` ##### Set `wordWrap` to true to make lines of text wrap instead of being truncated ┌───────┬─────────┐ │ Hello │ I am │ │ how │ fine │ │ are │ thanks! │ │ you? │ │ └───────┴─────────┘ ```javascript var table = new Table({ style:{border:[],header:[]}, colWidths:[7,9], wordWrap:true }); table.push([ 'Hello how are you?', 'I am fine thanks!' ]); ```