Global: Ember.VERSION
Location: addon/index.js
at line 11
if (Ember.VERSION.match(/^1\.([0-9]|1[0-2])\./)) {
throw new EmberError("Ember Data requires at least Ember 1.13.0, but you have " +
Global: Ember.VERSION
Location: addon/index.js
at line 13
if (Ember.VERSION.match(/^1\.([0-9]|1[0-2])\./)) {
throw new EmberError("Ember Data requires at least Ember 1.13.0, but you have " +
". Please upgrade your version of Ember, then upgrade Ember Data.");
Location: addon/-debug/index.js
at line 37
return modelClass.__mixin.detect(addedModelClass.PrototypeMixin);
modelClass = modelClass.superclass;
Global: Ember.Namespace
Location: addon/-private/core.js
at line 20
const DS = Ember.Namespace.create({
name: "DS"
Global: Ember.libraries
Location: addon/-private/core.js
at line 25
if (Ember.libraries) {
Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('Ember Data', DS.VERSION);
Global: Ember.libraries
Location: addon/-private/core.js
at line 26
if (Ember.libraries) {
Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('Ember Data', DS.VERSION);
Global: Ember.FEATURES
Location: addon/-private/features.js
at line 4
export default function isEnabled() {
return Ember.FEATURES.isEnabled(...arguments);
Global: Ember.Date
Location: addon/transforms/date.js
at line 5
import { deprecate } from '@ember/debug';
Ember.Date = Ember.Date || {};
Global: Ember.Date
Location: addon/transforms/date.js
at line 5
import { deprecate } from '@ember/debug';
Ember.Date = Ember.Date || {};
Global: Ember.Date
Location: addon/transforms/date.js
at line 19
Ember.Date.parse = function(date) {
// throw deprecation
deprecate(`Ember.Date.parse is deprecated because Safari 5-, IE8-, and
Global: Ember.OrderedSet
Location: addon/-private/system/ordered-set.js
at line 4
import Ember from 'ember';
const EmberOrderedSet = Ember.OrderedSet;
export default function OrderedSet() {
Global: Ember.OrderedSet
Location: addon/-private/system/ordered-set.js
at line 4
import Ember from 'ember';
const EmberOrderedSet = Ember.OrderedSet;
export default function OrderedSet() {
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/adapter-interop-test.js
at line 23
beforeEach() {
TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend();
oldFilterEnabled = Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER;
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/adapter-interop-test.js
at line 24
TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend();
oldFilterEnabled = Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER;
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/adapter-interop-test.js
at line 30
run(() => {
if (store) { store.destroy(); }
Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER = oldFilterEnabled;
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/push-test.js
at line 715
testInDebug('Enabling Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS should warn on unknown attributes', function(assert) {
run(() => {
let originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS;
try {
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/push-test.js
at line 717
let originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS;
try {
assert.expectWarning(() => {
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/push-test.js
at line 732
}, `The payload for 'person' contains these unknown attributes: emailAddress,isMascot. Make sure they've been defined in your model.`);
} finally {
Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = originalFlagValue;
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/push-test.js
at line 739
testInDebug('Enabling Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS should warn on unknown relationships', function(assert) {
run(() => {
var originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS;
try {
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/push-test.js
at line 741
var originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS;
try {
assert.expectWarning(() => {
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: tests/unit/store/push-test.js
at line 756
}, `The payload for 'person' contains these unknown relationships: emailAddresses,mascots. Make sure they've been defined in your model.`);
} finally {
Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = originalFlagValue;
Global: Ember.Date
Location: tests/unit/transform/date-test.js
at line 61
testInDebug('Ember.Date.parse has been deprecated', function(assert) {
assert.expectDeprecation(() => {
}, /Ember.Date.parse is deprecated/);
Global: Ember.ENV
Location: addon/-private/system/store.js
at line 61
const {
_Backburner: Backburner,
} = Ember;
Global: Ember._Backburner
Location: addon/-private/system/store.js
at line 60
const {
_Backburner: Backburner,
} = Ember;
Global: Ember.GUID_KEY
Location: addon/-private/system/model/internal-model.js
at line 126
// this ensure ordered set can quickly identify this as unique
this[Ember.GUID_KEY] = InternalModelReferenceId++ + 'internal-model'; = store;
Global: Ember.testing
Location: addon/-private/system/model/internal-model.js
at line 495
// TODO: use run.schedule once we drop 1.13
if (!run.currentRunLoop) {
assert('You have turned on testing mode, which disabled the run-loop\'s autorun.\n You will need to wrap any code with asynchronous side-effects in a run', Ember.testing);
this._scheduledDestroy = run.backburner.schedule('destroy', this, '_checkForOrphanedInternalModels')
Global: Ember.beginPropertyChanges
Location: addon/-private/system/model/model.js
at line 640
_notifyProperties(keys) {
let key;
for (let i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
Global: Ember.endPropertyChanges
Location: addon/-private/system/model/model.js
at line 646
Global: Ember.testing
Location: addon/-private/system/relationships/ext.js
at line 13
export const relationshipsDescriptor = computed(function() {
if (Ember.testing === true && relationshipsDescriptor._cacheable === true) {
relationshipsDescriptor._cacheable = false;
Global: Ember.testing
Location: addon/-private/system/relationships/ext.js
at line 40
export const relatedTypesDescriptor = computed(function() {
if (Ember.testing === true && relatedTypesDescriptor._cacheable === true) {
relatedTypesDescriptor._cacheable = false;
Global: Ember.Logger
Location: tests/test-helper.js
at line 42
// handle the error.
if (reason && reason instanceof Error) {
Ember.Logger.log(reason, reason.stack);
throw reason;
Location: tests/helpers/model-factory-injection.js
at line 4
import hasEmberVersion from 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version';
export function setup(value) {
Location: tests/helpers/model-factory-injection.js
at line 4
import hasEmberVersion from 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version';
export function setup(value) {
Location: tests/helpers/model-factory-injection.js
at line 14
if (!hasEmberVersion(2, 14)) {
Global: Ember._RegistryProxyMixin
Location: tests/helpers/owner.js
at line 6
let Owner;
if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) {
Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin);
} else {
Global: Ember._ContainerProxyMixin
Location: tests/helpers/owner.js
at line 6
let Owner;
if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) {
Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin);
} else {
Global: Ember._RegistryProxyMixin
Location: tests/helpers/owner.js
at line 7
if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) {
Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin);
} else {
Owner = EmberObject.extend();
Global: Ember._ContainerProxyMixin
Location: tests/helpers/owner.js
at line 7
if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) {
Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin);
} else {
Owner = EmberObject.extend();
Global: Ember.__loader
Location: tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js
at line 9
// Maintain backwards compatiblity with older versions of ember.
let emberDebugModule;
if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) {
emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug');
Global: Ember.__loader
Location: tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js
at line 9
// Maintain backwards compatiblity with older versions of ember.
let emberDebugModule;
if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) {
emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug');
Global: Ember.__loader
Location: tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js
at line 9
// Maintain backwards compatiblity with older versions of ember.
let emberDebugModule;
if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) {
emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug');
Global: Ember.__loader
Location: tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js
at line 10
let emberDebugModule;
if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) {
emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug');
Location: tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js
at line 17
return emberDebugModule.getDebugFunction(name);
} else {
return Ember[name];
Location: tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js
at line 25
emberDebugModule.setDebugFunction(name, func);
} else {
Ember[name] = func;
Global: Ember.Registry
Location: tests/helpers/store.js
at line 11
options = options || {};
if (Ember.Registry) {
registry = env.registry = new Ember.Registry();
owner = Owner.create({
Global: Ember.Registry
Location: tests/helpers/store.js
at line 12
if (Ember.Registry) {
registry = env.registry = new Ember.Registry();
owner = Owner.create({
__registry__: registry
Global: Ember.Container
Location: tests/helpers/store.js
at line 21
owner.__container__ = container;
} else {
container = env.container = new Ember.Container();
registry = env.registry = container;
Global: Ember.Namespace
Location: tests/integration/application-test.js
at line 13
const Store = DS.Store;
const Namespace = Ember.Namespace;
let app, App, container;
Global: Ember.Namespace
Location: tests/integration/application-test.js
at line 13
const Store = DS.Store;
const Namespace = Ember.Namespace;
let app, App, container;
Global: Ember.BOOTED
Location: tests/integration/application-test.js
at line 47
afterEach() {
run(app, app.destroy);
Ember.BOOTED = false;
Global: Ember.BOOTED
Location: tests/integration/application-test.js
at line 87
afterEach() {
run(app, 'destroy');
Ember.BOOTED = false;
Global: Ember.inject
Location: tests/integration/application-test.js
at line 108
if (Ember.inject && service) {
module("integration/application - Using the store as a service", {
beforeEach() {
Global: Ember.BOOTED
Location: tests/integration/application-test.js
at line 122
afterEach() {
run(app, 'destroy');
Ember.BOOTED = false;
Global: Ember.BOOTED
Location: tests/integration/application-test.js
at line 143
run(app, app.destroy);
Ember.BOOTED = false;
Global: Ember.OrderedSet
Location: tests/integration/record-array-manager-test.js
at line 307
let record = {};
let internalModel = {
_recordArrays: new Ember.OrderedSet(),
getRecord() {
return record;
Global: Ember.Registry
Location: tests/unit/model-test.js
at line 1001
let registry, container;
if (Ember.Registry) {
registry = new Ember.Registry();
container = registry.container();
Global: Ember.Registry
Location: tests/unit/model-test.js
at line 1002
let registry, container;
if (Ember.Registry) {
registry = new Ember.Registry();
container = registry.container();
} else {
Global: Ember.Container
Location: tests/unit/model-test.js
at line 1005
container = registry.container();
} else {
container = new Ember.Container();
registry = container;
Global: Ember.Registry
Location: tests/unit/model-test.js
at line 1035
let registry, container;
if (Ember.Registry) {
registry = new Ember.Registry();
container = registry.container();
Global: Ember.Registry
Location: tests/unit/model-test.js
at line 1036
let registry, container;
if (Ember.Registry) {
registry = new Ember.Registry();
container = registry.container();
} else {
Global: Ember.Container
Location: tests/unit/model-test.js
at line 1039
container = registry.container();
} else {
container = new Ember.Container();
registry = container;
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 547
test("relationshipsByName is cached in production", function(assert) {
let model = store.modelFor('user');
let oldTesting = Ember.testing;
//We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it
//did not get dynamically changed when accessed
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 565
test("relatedTypes is cached in production", function(assert) {
let model = store.modelFor('user');
let oldTesting = Ember.testing;
//We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it
//did not get dynamically changed when accessed
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 583
test("relationships is cached in production", function(assert) {
let model = store.modelFor('user');
let oldTesting = Ember.testing;
//We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it
//did not get dynamically changed when accessed
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 547
test("relationshipsByName is cached in production", function(assert) {
let model = store.modelFor('user');
let oldTesting = Ember.testing;
//We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it
//did not get dynamically changed when accessed
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 553
let oldCacheable = relationshipsByName._cacheable;
relationshipsByName._cacheable = true;
Ember.testing = false;
try {
assert.equal(get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), 'relationshipsByName are cached');
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 558
assert.equal(get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), 'relationshipsByName are cached');
} finally {
Ember.testing = oldTesting;
relationshipsByName._cacheable = oldCacheable;
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 565
test("relatedTypes is cached in production", function(assert) {
let model = store.modelFor('user');
let oldTesting = Ember.testing;
//We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it
//did not get dynamically changed when accessed
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 571
let oldCacheable = relatedTypes._cacheable;
relatedTypes._cacheable = true;
Ember.testing = false;
try {
assert.equal(get(model, 'relatedTypes'), get(model, 'relatedTypes'), 'relatedTypes are cached');
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 576
assert.equal(get(model, 'relatedTypes'), get(model, 'relatedTypes'), 'relatedTypes are cached');
} finally {
Ember.testing = oldTesting;
relatedTypes._cacheable = oldCacheable;
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 583
test("relationships is cached in production", function(assert) {
let model = store.modelFor('user');
let oldTesting = Ember.testing;
//We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it
//did not get dynamically changed when accessed
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 589
let oldCacheable = relationships._cacheable;
relationships._cacheable = true;
Ember.testing = false;
try {
assert.equal(get(model, 'relationships'), get(model, 'relationships'), 'relationships are cached');
Global: Ember.testing
Location: tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js
at line 594
assert.equal(get(model, 'relationships'), get(model, 'relationships'), 'relationships are cached');
} finally {
Ember.testing = oldTesting;
relationships._cacheable = oldCacheable;
## Module Report ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.VERSION` **Location**: `addon/index.js` at line 11 ```js */ if (Ember.VERSION.match(/^1\.([0-9]|1[0-2])\./)) { throw new EmberError("Ember Data requires at least Ember 1.13.0, but you have " + Ember.VERSION + ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.VERSION` **Location**: `addon/index.js` at line 13 ```js if (Ember.VERSION.match(/^1\.([0-9]|1[0-2])\./)) { throw new EmberError("Ember Data requires at least Ember 1.13.0, but you have " + Ember.VERSION + ". Please upgrade your version of Ember, then upgrade Ember Data."); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS` **Location**: `addon/-debug/index.js` at line 37 ```js return modelClass.__mixin.detect(addedModelClass.PrototypeMixin); } if (Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS) { modelClass = modelClass.superclass; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Namespace` **Location**: `addon/-private/core.js` at line 20 ```js @static */ const DS = Ember.Namespace.create({ VERSION: VERSION, name: "DS" ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.libraries` **Location**: `addon/-private/core.js` at line 25 ```js }); if (Ember.libraries) { Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('Ember Data', DS.VERSION); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.libraries` **Location**: `addon/-private/core.js` at line 26 ```js if (Ember.libraries) { Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('Ember Data', DS.VERSION); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.FEATURES` **Location**: `addon/-private/features.js` at line 4 ```js export default function isEnabled() { return Ember.FEATURES.isEnabled(...arguments); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Date` **Location**: `addon/transforms/date.js` at line 5 ```js import { deprecate } from '@ember/debug'; Ember.Date = Ember.Date || {}; /** ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Date` **Location**: `addon/transforms/date.js` at line 5 ```js import { deprecate } from '@ember/debug'; Ember.Date = Ember.Date || {}; /** ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Date` **Location**: `addon/transforms/date.js` at line 19 ```js @deprecated */ Ember.Date.parse = function(date) { // throw deprecation deprecate(`Ember.Date.parse is deprecated because Safari 5-, IE8-, and ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.OrderedSet` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/ordered-set.js` at line 4 ```js import Ember from 'ember'; const EmberOrderedSet = Ember.OrderedSet; export default function OrderedSet() { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.OrderedSet` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/ordered-set.js` at line 4 ```js import Ember from 'ember'; const EmberOrderedSet = Ember.OrderedSet; export default function OrderedSet() { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/adapter-interop-test.js` at line 23 ```js beforeEach() { TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend(); oldFilterEnabled = Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER; Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER = false; }, ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/adapter-interop-test.js` at line 24 ```js TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend(); oldFilterEnabled = Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER; Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER = false; }, ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/adapter-interop-test.js` at line 30 ```js run(() => { if (store) { store.destroy(); } Ember.ENV.ENABLE_DS_FILTER = oldFilterEnabled; }); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/push-test.js` at line 715 ```js testInDebug('Enabling Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS should warn on unknown attributes', function(assert) { run(() => { let originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS; try { Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = true; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/push-test.js` at line 717 ```js let originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS; try { Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = true; assert.expectWarning(() => { store.push({ ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/push-test.js` at line 732 ```js }, `The payload for 'person' contains these unknown attributes: emailAddress,isMascot. Make sure they've been defined in your model.`); } finally { Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = originalFlagValue; } }); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/push-test.js` at line 739 ```js testInDebug('Enabling Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS should warn on unknown relationships', function(assert) { run(() => { var originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS; try { Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = true; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/push-test.js` at line 741 ```js var originalFlagValue = Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS; try { Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = true; assert.expectWarning(() => { store.push({ ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `tests/unit/store/push-test.js` at line 756 ```js }, `The payload for 'person' contains these unknown relationships: emailAddresses,mascots. Make sure they've been defined in your model.`); } finally { Ember.ENV.DS_WARN_ON_UNKNOWN_KEYS = originalFlagValue; } }); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Date` **Location**: `tests/unit/transform/date-test.js` at line 61 ```js testInDebug('Ember.Date.parse has been deprecated', function(assert) { assert.expectDeprecation(() => { Ember.Date.parse(dateString); }, /Ember.Date.parse is deprecated/); }); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.ENV` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/store.js` at line 61 ```js const { _Backburner: Backburner, ENV } = Ember; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember._Backburner` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/store.js` at line 60 ```js const { _Backburner: Backburner, ENV } = Ember; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.GUID_KEY` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/model/internal-model.js` at line 126 ```js // this ensure ordered set can quickly identify this as unique this[Ember.GUID_KEY] = InternalModelReferenceId++ + 'internal-model'; = store; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/model/internal-model.js` at line 495 ```js // TODO: use run.schedule once we drop 1.13 if (!run.currentRunLoop) { assert('You have turned on testing mode, which disabled the run-loop\'s autorun.\n You will need to wrap any code with asynchronous side-effects in a run', Ember.testing); } this._scheduledDestroy = run.backburner.schedule('destroy', this, '_checkForOrphanedInternalModels') ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.beginPropertyChanges` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/model/model.js` at line 640 ```js */ _notifyProperties(keys) { Ember.beginPropertyChanges(); let key; for (let i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.endPropertyChanges` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/model/model.js` at line 646 ```js this.notifyPropertyChange(key); } Ember.endPropertyChanges(); }, ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/relationships/ext.js` at line 13 ```js export const relationshipsDescriptor = computed(function() { if (Ember.testing === true && relationshipsDescriptor._cacheable === true) { relationshipsDescriptor._cacheable = false; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `addon/-private/system/relationships/ext.js` at line 40 ```js export const relatedTypesDescriptor = computed(function() { if (Ember.testing === true && relatedTypesDescriptor._cacheable === true) { relatedTypesDescriptor._cacheable = false; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Logger` **Location**: `tests/test-helper.js` at line 42 ```js // handle the error. if (reason && reason instanceof Error) { Ember.Logger.log(reason, reason.stack); throw reason; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS` **Location**: `tests/helpers/model-factory-injection.js` at line 4 ```js import hasEmberVersion from 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version'; const ORIGINAL_MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS = Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS; export function setup(value) { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS` **Location**: `tests/helpers/model-factory-injection.js` at line 4 ```js import hasEmberVersion from 'ember-test-helpers/has-ember-version'; const ORIGINAL_MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS = Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS; export function setup(value) { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS` **Location**: `tests/helpers/model-factory-injection.js` at line 14 ```js if (!hasEmberVersion(2, 14)) { Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS = value; } } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember._RegistryProxyMixin` **Location**: `tests/helpers/owner.js` at line 6 ```js let Owner; if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) { Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin); } else { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember._ContainerProxyMixin` **Location**: `tests/helpers/owner.js` at line 6 ```js let Owner; if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) { Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin); } else { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember._RegistryProxyMixin` **Location**: `tests/helpers/owner.js` at line 7 ```js if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) { Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin); } else { Owner = EmberObject.extend(); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember._ContainerProxyMixin` **Location**: `tests/helpers/owner.js` at line 7 ```js if (Ember._RegistryProxyMixin && Ember._ContainerProxyMixin) { Owner = EmberObject.extend(Ember._RegistryProxyMixin, Ember._ContainerProxyMixin); } else { Owner = EmberObject.extend(); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.__loader` **Location**: `tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js` at line 9 ```js // Maintain backwards compatiblity with older versions of ember. let emberDebugModule; if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) { emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug'); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.__loader` **Location**: `tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js` at line 9 ```js // Maintain backwards compatiblity with older versions of ember. let emberDebugModule; if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) { emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug'); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.__loader` **Location**: `tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js` at line 9 ```js // Maintain backwards compatiblity with older versions of ember. let emberDebugModule; if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) { emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug'); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.__loader` **Location**: `tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js` at line 10 ```js let emberDebugModule; if (Ember.__loader && Ember.__loader.registry && Ember.__loader.registry["ember-metal/debug"]) { emberDebugModule = Ember.__loader.require('ember-metal/debug'); } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `` **Location**: `tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js` at line 17 ```js return emberDebugModule.getDebugFunction(name); } else { return Ember[name]; } } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `` **Location**: `tests/helpers/setup-ember-dev.js` at line 25 ```js emberDebugModule.setDebugFunction(name, func); } else { Ember[name] = func; } } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Registry` **Location**: `tests/helpers/store.js` at line 11 ```js options = options || {}; if (Ember.Registry) { registry = env.registry = new Ember.Registry(); owner = Owner.create({ ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Registry` **Location**: `tests/helpers/store.js` at line 12 ```js if (Ember.Registry) { registry = env.registry = new Ember.Registry(); owner = Owner.create({ __registry__: registry ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Container` **Location**: `tests/helpers/store.js` at line 21 ```js owner.__container__ = container; } else { container = env.container = new Ember.Container(); registry = env.registry = container; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Namespace` **Location**: `tests/integration/application-test.js` at line 13 ```js const Store = DS.Store; const Namespace = Ember.Namespace; let app, App, container; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Namespace` **Location**: `tests/integration/application-test.js` at line 13 ```js const Store = DS.Store; const Namespace = Ember.Namespace; let app, App, container; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.BOOTED` **Location**: `tests/integration/application-test.js` at line 47 ```js afterEach() { run(app, app.destroy); Ember.BOOTED = false; } }); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.BOOTED` **Location**: `tests/integration/application-test.js` at line 87 ```js afterEach() { run(app, 'destroy'); Ember.BOOTED = false; } }); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.inject` **Location**: `tests/integration/application-test.js` at line 108 ```js }); if (Ember.inject && service) { module("integration/application - Using the store as a service", { beforeEach() { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.BOOTED` **Location**: `tests/integration/application-test.js` at line 122 ```js afterEach() { run(app, 'destroy'); Ember.BOOTED = false; } }); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.BOOTED` **Location**: `tests/integration/application-test.js` at line 143 ```js run(app, app.destroy); } Ember.BOOTED = false; } }); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.OrderedSet` **Location**: `tests/integration/record-array-manager-test.js` at line 307 ```js let record = {}; let internalModel = { _recordArrays: new Ember.OrderedSet(), getRecord() { return record; ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Registry` **Location**: `tests/unit/model-test.js` at line 1001 ```js let registry, container; if (Ember.Registry) { registry = new Ember.Registry(); container = registry.container(); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Registry` **Location**: `tests/unit/model-test.js` at line 1002 ```js let registry, container; if (Ember.Registry) { registry = new Ember.Registry(); container = registry.container(); } else { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Container` **Location**: `tests/unit/model-test.js` at line 1005 ```js container = registry.container(); } else { container = new Ember.Container(); registry = container; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Registry` **Location**: `tests/unit/model-test.js` at line 1035 ```js let registry, container; if (Ember.Registry) { registry = new Ember.Registry(); container = registry.container(); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Registry` **Location**: `tests/unit/model-test.js` at line 1036 ```js let registry, container; if (Ember.Registry) { registry = new Ember.Registry(); container = registry.container(); } else { ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.Container` **Location**: `tests/unit/model-test.js` at line 1039 ```js container = registry.container(); } else { container = new Ember.Container(); registry = container; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 547 ```js test("relationshipsByName is cached in production", function(assert) { let model = store.modelFor('user'); let oldTesting = Ember.testing; //We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it //did not get dynamically changed when accessed ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 565 ```js test("relatedTypes is cached in production", function(assert) { let model = store.modelFor('user'); let oldTesting = Ember.testing; //We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it //did not get dynamically changed when accessed ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 583 ```js test("relationships is cached in production", function(assert) { let model = store.modelFor('user'); let oldTesting = Ember.testing; //We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it //did not get dynamically changed when accessed ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 547 ```js test("relationshipsByName is cached in production", function(assert) { let model = store.modelFor('user'); let oldTesting = Ember.testing; //We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it //did not get dynamically changed when accessed ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 553 ```js let oldCacheable = relationshipsByName._cacheable; relationshipsByName._cacheable = true; Ember.testing = false; try { assert.equal(get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), 'relationshipsByName are cached'); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 558 ```js assert.equal(get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), get(model, 'relationshipsByName'), 'relationshipsByName are cached'); } finally { Ember.testing = oldTesting; relationshipsByName._cacheable = oldCacheable; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 565 ```js test("relatedTypes is cached in production", function(assert) { let model = store.modelFor('user'); let oldTesting = Ember.testing; //We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it //did not get dynamically changed when accessed ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 571 ```js let oldCacheable = relatedTypes._cacheable; relatedTypes._cacheable = true; Ember.testing = false; try { assert.equal(get(model, 'relatedTypes'), get(model, 'relatedTypes'), 'relatedTypes are cached'); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 576 ```js assert.equal(get(model, 'relatedTypes'), get(model, 'relatedTypes'), 'relatedTypes are cached'); } finally { Ember.testing = oldTesting; relatedTypes._cacheable = oldCacheable; } ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 583 ```js test("relationships is cached in production", function(assert) { let model = store.modelFor('user'); let oldTesting = Ember.testing; //We set the cacheable to true because that is the default state for any CP and then assert that it //did not get dynamically changed when accessed ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 589 ```js let oldCacheable = relationships._cacheable; relationships._cacheable = true; Ember.testing = false; try { assert.equal(get(model, 'relationships'), get(model, 'relationships'), 'relationships are cached'); ``` ### Unknown Global **Global**: `Ember.testing` **Location**: `tests/integration/relationships/belongs-to-test.js` at line 594 ```js assert.equal(get(model, 'relationships'), get(model, 'relationships'), 'relationships are cached'); } finally { Ember.testing = oldTesting; relationships._cacheable = oldCacheable; } ```