* Copyright 1995, 2001 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
# include "clientapi.h"
# include <strops.h>
# include <strarray.h>
# include <strtable.h>
# include <mapapi.h>
# include <runcmd.h>
# include <rpc.h>
# include <mangle.h>
# include <i18napi.h>
# include <charcvt.h>
# include <transdict.h>
# include <debug.h>
# include <tunable.h>
# include <ignore.h>
# include <timer.h>
# include <progress.h>
# include <signaler.h>
# include <pathsys.h>
# include <enviro.h>
# include <ticket.h>
# include <msgclient.h>
# include <msgsupp.h>
# include "clientservice.h"
# include "client.h"
# include "clientprog.h"
# ifdef HAS_CPP11
# include <future>
# include <vector>
class ThreadedKeepAlive : public KeepAlive {
int IsAlive() { return !signaler.IsIntr(); }
} ;
class ThreadedTransfer : public ClientTransfer, public ClientUser
int Transfer( ClientApi *client,
ClientUser *ui,
const char *cmd,
StrArray &args,
StrDict &pVars,
int threads,
Error *e );
void HandleError( Error *err );
void Message( Error *err );
void OutputError( const char *errBuf );
void OutputInfo( char level, const char *data );
void OutputBinary( const char *data, int length );
void OutputText( const char *data, int length );
void OutputStat( StrDict *varList );
int OutputStatPartial( StrDict * );
int RunTransfer( ClientApi *client,
ClientUser *ui,
const char *cmd,
StrArray *args,
StrDict *pVars );
ClientUser* master;
std::mutex mutex;
ThreadedKeepAlive keepAlive;
ThreadedTransfer::RunTransfer( ClientApi *client,
ClientUser *ui,
const char *cmd,
StrArray *args,
StrDict *pVars )
// Various parts of the P4API are not thread-safe. E.g. a crash was
// seen in client->GetPassword().
Error e;
ClientApi child;
StrRef var, val;
for( int j = 0; pVars->GetVar( j++, var, val ); )
child.SetProtocol( var.Text(), val.Text() );
child.SetProtocol( P4Tag::v_api, "99999" );
child.SetProtocol( P4Tag::v_enableStreams, "" );
child.SetProtocol( P4Tag::v_enableGraph, "" );
child.SetProtocol( P4Tag::v_expandAndmaps, "" );
child.SetPort( &client->GetPort() );
child.SetUser( &client->GetUser() );
child.SetClient( &client->GetClient() );
if( client->GetPassword().Length() )
child.SetPassword( &client->GetPassword() );
child.SetProtocolV( "tag" );
child.SetProg( client->GetProg().Text() );
child.Init( &e );
child.SetVersion( client->GetVersion().Text() );
child.SetBreak( &keepAlive );
if( e.Test() )
ui->HandleError( &e );
return 1;
char** a = new char*[ args->Count() ];
for( int j = 0; j < args->Count(); j++ )
a[ j ] = args->Get( j )->Text();
child.SetArgv( args->Count(), a );
// Unlock here since we're past most of the issues the P4API
// has with shared data and so we can execute in parallel.
child.Run( cmd, ui );
delete[] a;
child.Final( &e );
if( e.Test() )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
ui->HandleError( &e );
return 1;
// Errors like MsgClient::ClobberFile are only detected like this.
if( child.GetErrors() )
return 1;
return 0;
ThreadedTransfer::Transfer( ClientApi *client,
ClientUser *ui,
const char *cmd,
StrArray &args,
StrDict &pVars,
int threads,
Error *e )
master = ui;
std::vector< std::future< int > > ts;
ts.reserve( threads + 1 );
auto fn = [&]( ClientApi *client, ClientUser *ui, const char *cmd,
StrArray *args, StrDict *pVars )
{ return RunTransfer( client, ui, cmd, args, pVars ); };
const bool sigState = signaler.GetState();
for( int i = 0; i < threads; i++ )
ts.emplace_back( std::async( std::launch::async, fn,
client, this, cmd, &args, &pVars ) );
int es = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < threads; i++ )
es += ts[ i ].get();
// Throw away the error since it only shows up on ctrl-c:
// "device or resource busy: device or resource busy"
catch( const std::exception& e )
if( !sigState )
return es;
ThreadedTransfer::HandleError( Error *err )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
master->HandleError( err );
ThreadedTransfer::Message( Error *err )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
master->Message( err );
ThreadedTransfer::OutputError( const char *errBuf )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
master->OutputError( errBuf );
ThreadedTransfer::OutputInfo( char level, const char *data )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
master->OutputInfo( level, data );
ThreadedTransfer::OutputBinary( const char *data, int length )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
master->OutputBinary( data, length );
ThreadedTransfer::OutputText( const char *data, int length )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
master->OutputText( data, length );
ThreadedTransfer::OutputStat(StrDict *varList )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
master->OutputStat( varList );
ThreadedTransfer::OutputStatPartial( StrDict *varList )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( mutex );
return master->OutputStatPartial( varList );
# endif // HAS_CPP11
class TransmitChild
RunArgv args;
RunCommand cmd;
int opts;
int fds[2];
Error e;
} ;
class P4ExecTranfer : public ClientTransfer
int Transfer( ClientApi *client,
ClientUser *ui,
const char *cmd,
StrArray &args,
StrDict &pVars,
int threads,
Error *e )
StrBuf exe( client->GetExecutable() );
if( !exe.Length() )
exe.Set( "p4" );
TransmitChild *tc = new TransmitChild[ threads ];
for( int i = 0; i < threads; i++ )
tc[i].args.AddArg( exe );
if( ui->IsOutputTaggedWithErrorLevel() )
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-s" );
StrRef var, val;
for( int j = 0; pVars.GetVar( j++, var, val ); )
StrBuf arg("-Z");
arg << var;
if( val.Text() )
arg << "=" << val;
tc[i].args.AddArg( arg );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-p" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( client->GetPort() );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-u" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( client->GetUser() );
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-c" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( client->GetClient() );
if( client->GetPassword().Length() )
tc[i].args.AddArg( "-P" );
tc[i].args.AddArg( client->GetPassword() );
tc[i].args.AddArg( cmd );
for( int j = 0; j < args.Count(); j++ )
tc[i].args.AddArg( *args.Get( j ) );
//StrBuf x;
//p4debug.printf("Argv: %s\n", tc[i].args.Text( x ) );
tc[ i ].opts = (RCO_AS_SHELL|RCO_USE_STDOUT);
tc[ i ].fds[0] = tc[ i ].fds[1] = -1;
tc[ i ].cmd.RunChild(
tc[ i ].args, tc[ i ].opts, tc[ i ].fds, &tc[ i ].e );
if( tc[ i ].e.Test() )
//p4debug.printf("RunChild apparently failed\n");
*e = tc[ i ].e;
delete []tc;
return 1;
int errSet = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < threads; i++ )
//p4debug.printf("Waiting for child %d\n", i);
int status = tc[ i ].cmd.WaitChild();
if( status )
delete []tc;
return errSet;
} ;
clientReceiveFiles( Client *client, Error *e )
StrPtr *token = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_token, e );
StrPtr *threads = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_peer, e );
StrPtr *blockCount = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_blockCount );
StrPtr *blockSize = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_scanSize );
StrPtr *proxyload = client->GetVar( "proxyload" );
StrPtr *proxyverbose = client->GetVar( "proxyverbose" );
StrPtr *doPublish = client->GetVar( "doPublish" );
StrPtr *applicense = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_app );
StrPtr *clientSend = client->GetVar( "clientSend" );
StrPtr *confirm = client->GetVar( P4Tag::v_confirm );
if( e->Test() )
client->OutputError( e );
int nThreads = threads->Atoi();
int ourTransfer = 0;
ClientTransfer *transfer;
if( !( transfer = client->GetUi()->GetTransfer() ) )
ourTransfer = 1;
# ifdef HAS_CPP11
transfer = new ThreadedTransfer;
# else
transfer = new P4ExecTranfer;
# endif
StrArray args;
*args.Put() << "-t" << *token;
if( blockCount )
*args.Put() << "-b" << *blockCount;
if( blockSize )
*args.Put() << "-s" << *blockSize;
if( clientSend )
*args.Put() << "-r";
if( doPublish )
*args.Put() << "-p";
StrBufDict pVars;
if( proxyload )
pVars.SetVar( "proxyload" );
if( proxyverbose )
pVars.SetVar( "proxyverbose" );
if( applicense )
pVars.SetVar( "app", applicense );
ClientApi cApi( client );
int errSet = transfer->Transfer( &cApi, client->GetUi(), "transmit",
args, pVars, nThreads, e );
if( ourTransfer )
delete transfer;
transfer = NULL;
if( e->Test() )
if( errSet )
if( errSet && confirm )
client->Confirm( confirm );