* Copyright 1995, 2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* Git style ignore file for add/reconcile
# include <stdhdrs.h>
# include <strbuf.h>
# include <strops.h>
# include <error.h>
# include <strarray.h>
# include <vararray.h>
# include <debug.h>
# include <pathsys.h>
# include <filesys.h>
# include <maptable.h>
# include "ignore.h"
# ifdef OS_NT
# define SLASH "\\"
# else
# define SLASH "/"
# endif
# define ELLIPSE "..."
* IgnoreTable -- cached ignore rules
class IgnoreItem {
IgnoreItem() { ignoreList = new StrArray; }
~IgnoreItem() { delete ignoreList; }
void AppendToList( StrArray *list )
for( int i = 0; i < ignoreList->Count(); i++ )
list->Put()->Set( ignoreList->Get( i ) );
StrBuf ignoreFile;
StrArray* ignoreList;
} ;
class IgnoreTable : public VarArray {
IgnoreItem *GetItem( const StrRef &file );
IgnoreItem *PutItem( const StrRef &file );
} ;
for( int i = 0; i < Count(); i++ )
delete (IgnoreItem *) Get( i );
IgnoreItem *
IgnoreTable::GetItem( const StrRef &file )
IgnoreItem *a;
for( int i = 0; i < Count(); i++ )
a = (IgnoreItem *)Get(i);
if( !a->ignoreFile.SCompare( file ) )
return a;
return 0;
IgnoreItem *
IgnoreTable::PutItem( const StrRef &file )
IgnoreItem *a = GetItem( file );
if( !a )
a = new IgnoreItem;
a->ignoreFile.Set( file );
VarArray::Put( a );
return a;
* Ignore
* Loads ignore rules from ignore files and checks to see if files match
* those fules.
ignoreTable = new IgnoreTable;
ignoreFiles = new StrArray;
ignoreList = 0;
delete ignoreTable;
delete ignoreFiles;
if( ignoreList )
delete ignoreList;
const StrPtr &path,
const StrPtr &ignoreName,
const char *configName,
StrBuf *line )
return Build( path, ignoreName, configName ) &&
RejectCheck( path, 0, line ) ? 1 : 0;
Ignore::RejectDir( const StrPtr &path,
const StrPtr &ignoreName,
const char *configName,
StrBuf *line )
return Build( path, ignoreName, configName ) &&
RejectCheck( path, 1, line ) ? 1 : 0;
Ignore::List( const StrPtr &path,
const StrPtr &ignoreName,
const char *configName,
StrArray *outList )
Build( path, ignoreName, configName );
for( int j = 0; j < ignoreList->Count(); ++j )
outList->Put()->Set( ignoreList->Get( j ) );
return outList->Count();
Ignore::GetIgnoreFiles( const StrPtr &ignoreName,
int absolute,
int relative,
StrArray &ignoreFiles )
StrRef slash( SLASH );
const StrBuf *ign = 0;
int i = 0;
int res = 0;
BuildIgnoreFiles( ignoreName );
while( ( ign = this->ignoreFiles->Get( i++ ) ) )
if( ign->Contains( slash ) && absolute )
ignoreFiles.Put()->Set( ign );
else if( !ign->Contains( slash ) && relative )
ignoreFiles.Put()->Set( ign );
return res;
Ignore::Build( const StrPtr &path,
const StrPtr &ignoreName,
const char *configName )
// If we don't have an ignore file, we can just load up the defaults
// and test against those. If we've already loaded them, lets not do
// it again and use the existing list instead.
if( !strcmp( ignoreName.Text(), "unset" ) )
if( !ignoreList )
ignoreList = new StrArray;
if( !ignoreList->Count() )
InsertDefaults( ignoreList, configName );
return 1;
PathSys *p = PathSys::Create();
p->Set( path );
StrBuf saveDepth;
// Try real hard not to regenerate the ignorelist, this
// optimization uses the current directory depth and the
// last found ignorefile depth to reduce the search for
// config files.
if( ignoreList && dirDepth.Length() )
if( !dirDepth.SCompare( *p ) )
// matching depth bail early
delete p;
return 1;
else if( !dirDepth.SCompareN( *p ) )
// descending directories can be shortcut.
saveDepth << dirDepth;
else if( !p->SCompareN( dirDepth ) &&
foundDepth.Length() && !foundDepth.SCompareN( *p ) )
// ascending directories can be shortcut.
dirDepth.Set( *p );
delete p;
return 1;
else if( !dirDepth.SCompareN( *p ) )
// descending directories can be shortcut.
saveDepth << dirDepth;
else if( !p->SCompareN( dirDepth ) &&
foundDepth.Length() && !foundDepth.SCompareN( *p ) )
// ascending directories can be shortcut.
dirDepth.Set( *p );
delete p;
return 1;
// Split the potential ignoreName list into a real list
BuildIgnoreFiles( ignoreName );
StrBuf line;
StrBuf closestFound;
int found = 0;
Error e;
PathSys *q = PathSys::Create();
FileSys *f = FileSys::Create( FileSysType( FST_TEXT|FST_L_CRLF ) );
IgnoreItem *ignoreItem = 0;
const StrBuf *ignoreFile;
dirDepth.Set( *p );
// No descending optimization, remove list we will recreate it
StrArray newList;
InsertDefaults( &newList, configName );
for( int m = 0; m < ignoreFiles->Count(); m++ )
ignoreFile = ignoreFiles->Get( m );
if( ignoreFile->Contains( StrRef( SLASH ) ) )
// load the file; we have a path, so no need to wander the
// tree looking for it
if( !( ignoreItem = ignoreTable->GetItem( *ignoreFile ) ) )
ignoreItem = ignoreTable->PutItem( *ignoreFile );
f->Set( *ignoreFile );
if( !ParseFile( f, "", ignoreItem->ignoreList ) )
ignoreItem->AppendToList( &newList );
// starting from the directory in which the argument supplied
// file lives, walk up the tree collecting ignore files as
// we go
p->Set( path );
do {
q->SetLocal( *p, *ignoreFile );
if( !( ignoreItem = ignoreTable->GetItem( *q ) ) )
ignoreItem = ignoreTable->PutItem( *q );
f->Set( *q );
if( !ParseFile( f, p->Text(), ignoreItem->ignoreList ) )
if( closestFound.Length() < p->Length() )
closestFound = *p;
ignoreItem->AppendToList( &newList );
} while( p->ToParent() );
if( closestFound.Length() && !foundDepth.SCompareN( closestFound ) )
foundDepth = closestFound;
if( found || !ignoreList )
if( ignoreList )
delete ignoreList;
ignoreList = new StrArray;
for( int i = 0; i < newList.Count(); i++ )
ignoreList->Put()->Set( newList.Get( i ) );
delete q;
delete p;
delete f;
p4debug.printf( "\n\tIgnore list:\n\n" );
for( int j = 0; j < ignoreList->Count(); ++j )
char *p = ignoreList->Get( j )->Text();
p4debug.printf( "\t%s\n", p );
p4debug.printf( "\n" );
return 1;
Ignore::InsertDefaults( StrArray *list, const char *configName )
StrArray defaultsList;
int l = 0;
StrBuf configDirLine;
// Always add in .p4root and P4CONFIG to the top of new lists
if( configName )
StrBuf line;
line << "**/" << configName;
Insert( &defaultsList, line.Text(), "", ++l );
configDirLine << ".../" << configName << SLASH << "...";
Insert( &defaultsList, "**/.p4root", "", ++l );
// Add debug line
list->Put()->Set( StrRef( "#FILE - defaults" ) );
// Add the generated lines to the ignore list (in reverse)
StrBuf line;
for( int i = defaultsList.Count(); i > 0; --i )
if( configName && *defaultsList.Get( i - 1 ) == configDirLine )
line.Set( defaultsList.Get( i - 1 ) );
#ifdef OS_NT
// On NT slash is \ but the matcher's * wildcard only uses /,
// so we need to convert our slashes
StrOps::Sub( line, '\\', '/' );
list->Put()->Set( line );
Ignore::Insert( StrArray *subList, const char *ignore, const char *cwd, int lineno )
StrBuf buf;
StrBuf buf2;
StrBuf raw = ignore;
const char *lastCwdChar = cwd + strlen( cwd ) - 1;
const char *lastIgnChar = ignore + strlen( ignore ) - 1;
char *terminating = (char *)SLASH;
int reverse = ( *ignore == '!' );
int isWild = strchr( ignore, '*' ) != 0;
// One slash at the end is a sign that we're just matching directories
int isDir = ( *lastIgnChar == *terminating );
if( strstr( ignore, "*****" ) || strstr( ignore, "..." ) )
if( reverse )
buf << "!";
// If the ignore line starts with a slash, it's relative to this ingore file
int isRel = ( *ignore == *terminating );
if( isRel )
// Add the base path - in needs a trailing / unless it's not set (global)
buf << cwd;
if( strlen( cwd ) && *lastCwdChar != *terminating )
buf << SLASH;
// buf contains the relative path
// buf2 contains the non-relative path
// If the path is relative (starts with /) then we don't want to
// add .../ to the start.
// Otherwise we will need both (to include files here and in
// directories below us)
buf2 << buf << ELLIPSE;
buf << ignore;
if( !isRel && *ignore == '*' )
// The path isn't relative, so we'll use buf2.
// If it starts with a * (or **) lets not add the slash.
// E.g. *.foo/bar -> ....foo/bar (not .../*.foo/bar)
while( *ignore == '*' )
buf2 << ignore;
buf2 << SLASH << ignore;
if( isDir )
// The path ends with a shash, so add the ...
buf << ELLIPSE;
buf2 << ELLIPSE;
// It's possible that we've expanded out buf2 so that we no longer
// need buf (E.g. *.foo/bar). If the path was wild, but isn't
// anymore, then lets not add it.
if( isRel || !isWild || ( isWild && strchr( ignore, '*' ) != 0 ) )
StrOps::Replace( *subList->Put(), buf,
StrRef( "**" ), StrRef( ELLIPSE ));
if( !isRel )
StrOps::Replace( *subList->Put(), buf2,
StrRef( "**" ), StrRef( ELLIPSE ));
// If the path was not explicitly a directory, it might be one.
// Unless of course it edded with a or **
if( !isDir && !buf.EndsWith( "**", 2 ) )
buf << SLASH << ELLIPSE;
buf2 << SLASH << ELLIPSE;
if( isRel || !isWild || ( isWild && strchr( ignore, '*' ) != 0 ) )
StrOps::Replace( *subList->Put(), buf,
StrRef( "**" ), StrRef( ELLIPSE ));
if( !isRel )
StrOps::Replace( *subList->Put(), buf2,
StrRef( "**" ), StrRef( ELLIPSE ));
// Add the debug line
buf << "#LINE " << lineno << ":" << raw;
subList->Put()->Set( buf );
Ignore::ParseFile( FileSys *f, const char *cwd, StrArray *list )
Error e;
StrBuf line;
StrBuf dline;
StrArray tmpList;
f->Open( FOM_READ, &e );
if( e.Test() )
return 0;
for( int l = 1; f->ReadLine( &line, &e ); l++ )
if( !line.Length() || line.Text()[0] == '#' )
if( line.Text()[0] == '\\' && line.Text()[1] == '#' )
StrBuf tmp( line.Text() + 1 );
line = tmp;
#ifdef OS_NT
// On NT slash is \ so we need to normalise our slashes to
// avoid cross platform issues.
StrOps::Sub( line, '/', '\\' );
Insert( &tmpList, line.Text(), cwd, l );
f->Close( &e );
line << "#FILE " << f->Name();
list->Put()->Set( line );
// Add the read lines to the target list (in reverse)
for( int i = tmpList.Count(); i > 0; --i )
line.Set( tmpList.Get( i - 1 ) );
#ifdef OS_NT
// On NT slash is \ but the matcher's * wildcard only uses /,
// so we need to convert our slashes
StrOps::Sub( line, '\\', '/' );
list->Put()->Set( line );
return 1;
Ignore::RejectCheck( const StrPtr &path, int isDir, StrBuf *line )
char *ignoreFile = 0;
char *ignoreLine = 0;
// Fix the path separators
StrBuf cpath( path );
StrOps::Sub( cpath, '\\', '/' );
// Dirs must have trailing / for matching /...
if( isDir && !cpath.EndsWith( "/", 1 ) )
cpath << "/";
// Dirs have /... tails when checking in reverse
StrBuf dpath( cpath );
dpath << "...";
for( int i = 0; i < ignoreList->Count(); ++i )
char *p = ignoreList->Get( i )->Text();
if( !strncmp( p, "#FILE ", 6 ) )
ignoreFile = p+6;
if( !strncmp( p, "#LINE ", 6 ) )
ignoreLine = p+6;
int doAdd = ( *p == '!' );
if( doAdd )
// If we're checking against a directory and this is a reverse
// include, it might allow files below this directoryt, even if
// this directory is ignored. To deal with this, we need to look
// both ways check match in either direction)
if( MapTable::Match( StrRef( p ), cpath ) ||
( isDir && doAdd && MapTable::Match( dpath, StrRef( p ) ) ) )
isDir ? "dir" : "file", path.Text(), doAdd ? "+" : "-",
p, doAdd ? "KEEP" : "REJECT", ignoreFile );
// If an ignoreLine pointer was passed, populate it with the
// ignoreFile, line number and rule that we matched.
if( line && ignoreFile && ignoreLine )
line->Set( ignoreFile );
line->UAppend( ":" );
line->UAppend( ignoreLine );
return doAdd ? 0 : 1;
return 0;
Ignore::BuildIgnoreFiles( const StrPtr &ignoreNames )
if( ignoreStr == ignoreNames )
if( ignoreFiles )
delete ignoreFiles;
ignoreFiles = new StrArray;
// We might have more than one ignore file name set: split them up
if( strchr( ignoreNames.Text(), ';' ) ||
( SLASH[0] == '/' && strchr( ignoreNames.Text(), ':' ) ) )
StrBuf iname = ignoreNames;
// Do some work to make sure we have the right path seaprators
// and normalise the split characters.
#ifdef OS_NT
StrOps::Sub( iname, '/', '\\' );
StrOps::Sub( iname, '\\', '/' );
StrOps::Sub( iname, ':', ';' );
char *c;
char *n = iname.Text();
while( c = strchr( n, ';' ) )
if( c > n )
ignoreFiles->Put()->Set( StrRef( n, c - n ) );
n = c + 1;
if( strlen( n ) )
ignoreFiles->Put()->Set( StrRef( n, strlen( n ) ) );
ignoreFiles->Put()->Set( ignoreNames );
ignoreStr = ignoreNames;