/* // $Id: //guest/julian_hyde/saffron/src/examples/sales/Test.java#3 $ // Saffron preprocessor and data engine // Copyright (C) 2002 Julian Hyde <julian.hyde@mail.com> // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // See the COPYING file located in the top-level-directory of // the archive of this library for complete text of license. // // jhyde, 26 July, 2001 */ package sales; import saffron.Statement; import saffron.util.Util; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import openjava.tools.DebugOut; import openjava.mop.OJSystem; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import junit.framework.TestResult; import junit.framework.TestListener; /** * <code>Test</code> is a test harness for the <code>saffron</code> package. * * @author jhyde * @since 26 July, 2001 * @version $Id: //guest/julian_hyde/saffron/src/examples/sales/Test.java#3 $ */ public class Test extends TestCase { PrintWriter pw; static final String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { new Test(args); } public static PrintWriter init(int debug) { DebugOut.setDebugLevel(debug); DebugOut.setDebugOut(System.out); boolean autoFlush = true; return new PrintWriter(System.out, autoFlush); } Test(String[] args) throws SQLException { super("sales test"); this.pw = init(3); try { switch (2) { case 0: run0(args); break; case 1: run1(); break; case 2: run2(); break; case 3: run3(); break; default: throw new Error(); } } finally { pw.flush(); } } void run0(String[] args) { runOne( pw, "select i from new int[] {1,2,3} as i", "", noArguments); } private Object run(String s, Statement.Argument[] args) { Statement statement = new Statement(); return statement.execute(s, args); } private Object run(String s) { return run(s, noArguments); } private static final Statement.Argument[] noArguments = new Statement.Argument[0]; public void testIntArray() { Object o = run("select i from new int[] {1,2,3} as i"); assertTrue(o instanceof int[]); int[] result = (int[]) o; assertTrue(result.length == 3); assertTrue(result[0] == 1 && result[1] == 2 && result[2] == 3); } private static String[] statements = { // 0 "select i from new int[] {1,2,3} as i", // 1 "select {} from sales.emps as emp " + "join sales.depts as dept on emp.deptno == dept.deptno", // 2 "select {} from sales.emps as emp " + "left join sales.depts as dept on emp.deptno == dept.deptno", // 3; empty select list means 'zero columns' "select {} from sales.emps as emp", // 4; empty from list means 'zero relations' -- hence, one row with no // columns "select 5 where 2 < 3", // 5 "select false where 2 > 3", // 6 "select \"hello\"", // 7 "select 1 from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno > 30", // 8 "select 1 as tt from sales.emps", // 9 "select {emp, dept} from sales.emps as emp " + "join sales.depts as dept " + "on emp.deptno == dept.deptno " + "where emp.deptno > 15", // 10 "select {emp, dept} from (" + " select emps from sales.emps where emps.deptno == 10) as emp " + "join sales.depts as dept " + " on emp.deptno == dept.deptno", // 11 "select {emp, dept} from (" + " select {emp.name.substring(0,1) as initial," + " emp.deptno * 2 as twiceDeptno} " + " from sales.emps as emp " + " where emp.deptno == 10) as emp " + "join sales.depts as dept " + " on emp.twiceDeptno == dept.deptno", // todo: expression with order by // 12; 'in' "select emp from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno in (" + " select dept.deptno from sales.depts as dept where dept.deptno > 15)", // 13; 'in' with non-query "\"fred\" in new String[] {\"bill\",\"fred\"}", // 14; 'exists' as boolean expression "System.out.println(\"Exists: \" + (exists (" + " select {} from sales.emps where emps.deptno == 10" + ") ? \"yes\" : \"no\"))", // 15; 'exists' within query "select dept from sales.depts as dept where exists (" + " select {} from sales.emps as emp " + " where emp.deptno == dept.deptno && " + " emp.gender.equals(\"F\"))", // 16; array expression "\"There are \" + (" + "select {} from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno > 15" + ").length + \" female employees.\"", // 17; 'union' "(select emp from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno == 10) " + "union " + "(select emp from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno == 20)", // 18; 'union' with non-query "new int[] {1,3,5} union new int[] {3,2,1}", // 19; empty select, one table -- yields several rows of Emp "select from sales.emps", // 20; empty select, no tables -- yields one row, no columns "select", // 21; empty select, 2 tables -- yields several rows "select from sales.emps join sales.depts " + " on emps.deptno == depts.deptno", // 22; empty select, 1 table, results in unboxed select list, so this // FAILS "select t.emps from (select from sales.emps) as t /*FAILS*/", // 23; empty select, 2 tables, results in boxed select list, so this // SUCCEEDS "select t.emps from (" + " select from sales.emps" + " join sales.depts on emps.deptno == depts.deptno) as t", // 24; empty select, 0 tables, results in boxed select list "select t.getClass() from (select) as t", // 25; expression in boxed list must be aliasable, so this FAILS "select {1} from sales.emps /*FAILS*/", // 26; expression in unboxed list does not need to be aliasable, so // this SUCCEEDS "select 1 from sales.emps", // 27; empty from, singleton select -- yields one row {1} "select 1 as one", // 28; empty from, pair select -- yields one row {1, 2} "select {1 as x, 2 as y}", // 29; empty from, with subquery "select 1 as one where exists (select)", // 30; empty from, with subquery "select 1 as one where exists (select where false)", // 31; empty from, with correlated subquery -- yields one row {1} "select i from new int[] {0,1,2} as i where exists (select where i > 1)", // 32; illegal reference of select item from subquery "select 1 as one where exists (select where one > 0) /*FAILS*/", // 33; refer to correlating variables 2 levels out "select from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno in (" + " select dept.deptno from sales.depts as dept where exists (" + " select \"xyz\" from sales.emps as emp2" + " where emp2.deptno == dept.deptno &&" + " !emp2.gender.equals(emp.gender)))", // todo: test compatibility of types in set operations // todo: Emp[][] empss; select * from empss as emps where (select 1 // from emps as emp) // todo: Emp[][] empss; select * from empss as emps where exists // (select {} from emps as emp) // -- should return all arrays which have at least one element // xx; only, one row -- yields Emp {100, "Fred", 10} "only (select from sales.emps as emp where emp.empno == 100)", // xx; only, no rows -- yields null "only (select from sales.emps as emp where false)", // xx; only, several rows -- throws exception "only (select from sales.emps)", // xx; only, in subquery -- yields Emp {110, "Eric", 20} "select from sales.emps as emp where emp.empno == 10 + only (" + " select emps.empno from sales.emps where emps.name.equals(\"Fred\"))", // xx; column is relation "select dept.deptno as deptno, " + " (select from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno == dept.deptno) " + " as emps " + "from sales.depts", // iterators "select twos " + "from (int[]) new Iterator() { " + " int i; " + " boolean hasNext() { return true; } " + " Object nextElement() { return new Integer(i += 2); } " + " } as twos " + "join (int[]) new Iterator() { " + " int i; " + " boolean hasNext() { return true; } " + " Object nextElement() { return new Integer(i += 3); } " + " } as threes on twos == threes)) { ", // todo: connection which comes from rel exp, e.g. "select from (select // from new SalesSchema[] {sales}).emps" // todo: "Emp[] emps = sales.emps" (check that optimizer kicks in and // removes contentsAsArray) // todo: "for (i in sales.emps) ..." (table usage not inside a select) }; private static String[] groupStatements = { // #0 "select {sum(emp.deptno) as sumDeptno, emp.gender} " + "group by {emp.gender} " + "from sales.emps as emp", // #1 empty group by "select {" + nl + " sum(emp.deptno) as sumDeptno," + nl + " min(emp.deptno) as minDeptno}" + nl + "group by {}" + "from sales.emps as emp", // #2 empty select "select {} group by {emp.deptno} from sales.emps as emp", // #2.5 todo: "select group by {emp.deptno} from sales.emps as emp", // #3 group not in select; unboxed select "select max(emp.gender + \"X\") as maxGenderX" + nl + "group by {emp.deptno}" + nl + "from sales.emps as emp", // #4 where clause "select {sum(emp.deptno) as sumDeptno}" + nl + "group by {emp.gender}" + nl + "from sales.emps as emp" + nl + "where emp.name != null && count() > 2", // #5 count // #6 subquery in where // #7 group by contains sub-expressions "select {t.x + t.y as a, t.x + t.y + t.z + 1 as b} " + "group by {t.x, t.x + t.y + t.z, t.y} " + "from (select {1 as x, 2 as y, 4 as z}) as t", // #8 3 forms of min() "select {" + nl + " emp.deptno," + nl + " min(emp.empno) as minEmpno," + nl + " min(emp.gender) as minGender," + nl + " min(java.text.Collator.getInstance(), emp.gender) as minGender2} " + nl + "group by {emp.deptno} " + nl + "from sales.emps as emp", // #9 select distinct "select distinct {emp.deptno, emp.gender} from sales.emps as emp", // #10 hand-coded median "select {nth(countEmp / 2, salary) as medianSalary}" + nl + "group by {emp.deptno}" + nl + "from (select from emp order by emp.deptno) empSorted" + nl + "join (select {emp.deptno, count() as empCount}" + nl + " group by {emp.deptno} from emp) empCounted" + nl + "on empSorted.deptno == empCounted.deptno", // #11 hand-coded count distinct "select {" + nl + " empGrouped.deptno," + nl + " count(empGrouped.gender) as countDistinctGender}" + nl + "group by {empGrouped.deptno}" + nl + "from (" + nl + " select distinct {emp.deptno, emp.gender}" + nl + " from emps as emp) as empGrouped", // #12 locale "select {" + nl + " new saffron.ext.LocaleMin(Locale.FRANCE).aggregate(emp.name)" + " as minName," + nl + " new Nth(3).aggregate(emp.gender) as gender}" + nl + "group by {emp.deptno}" + nl + "from sales.emps as emp", }; private static String[] statementsWhichFail = { // 1; this should fail ("emp not found") "select emp from emp", }; void initJdbc() { try { // Class.forName("com.ms.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new Error(e.toString()); } } void run1() throws java.sql.SQLException { initJdbc(); java.sql.Connection connection = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:odbc:empdept"); Sales sales = new Sales(connection); runList( new Statement.Argument[] { new Statement.Argument("sales", sales)}, groupStatements); } void run2() throws java.sql.SQLException { SalesInMemory sales = new SalesInMemory(); runList( new Statement.Argument[] { new Statement.Argument("sales", sales)}, statements); } void run3() throws java.sql.SQLException { FakeSalesPlus sales = new FakeSalesPlus(); runList( new Statement.Argument[] { new Statement.Argument("sales", sales)}, plusStatements); } void runList(Statement.Argument[] args, String[] statements) throws SQLException { boolean autoFlush = true; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out, autoFlush); try { initJdbc(); for (int i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) { String statement = statements[i]; if (i < 4) { continue; } if (statement.indexOf("/*FAILS*/") >= 0) { continue; } runOne(pw, statement, "Statement #" + i, args); } } finally { pw.flush(); } } void runOne( PrintWriter pw, String s, String desc, Statement.Argument[] args) { pw.println(); pw.println(desc + " [" + s + "]"); Statement statement = new Statement(); try { Object o = statement.execute(s, args); pw.println("Result is " + o); Util.print(pw, o); pw.println(); } catch (Throwable e) { pw.println( "Received exception " + e.getClass() + ": " + e + " while executing " + desc + " [" + s + "]"); } } static final String[] plusStatements = { // 0; read from array "select from sales.emps", // 1; read from Vector "select from sales.vectorEmps", // 2; read from Collection "select from sales.collEmps", // 3; read from Enumeration expression "select from sales.vectorEmps.elements() as x", // 4; read from Iterator expression "select from sales.collEmps.iterator() as x", // 5; read from Enumeration function "select from sales.getEmpsEnum() as x", // 6; read from Iterator function "select from sales.getEmpsIter() as x", // 7; read from parameterized Enumeration function "select from sales.getEmpsFilterEnum(\"F\") as x", // 8; array cast to iterator "(java.util.Iterator) (select from sales.emps)", // 9; enumeration cast to iterator "(java.util.Iterator) (select from sales.getEmpsFilterEnum(\"M\") as x)", // 10; scan hashtable "select {(String) map.key, (sales.Sales.Emp) map.value} " + "from sales.mapName2emp as map", // 11; scan HashMap "select from sales.htName2deptno as map join sales.depts as dept " + "on ((Integer) map.value).intValue() == dept.deptno", // 12; 'union' (copied from 17) "(select emp from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno == 10) " + "union " + "(select emp from sales.emps as emp where emp.deptno == 20) ", }; public class FakeSalesPlus extends SalesInMemory { public Vector vectorEmps = new Vector(); public Hashtable htName2deptno = new Hashtable(); public HashMap mapName2emp = new HashMap(); public ArrayList collEmps = new ArrayList(); public Enumeration getEmpsEnum() {return vectorEmps.elements();} public Iterator getEmpsIter() {return collEmps.iterator();} public Enumeration getEmpsFilterEnum(String gender) { Vector empsOfGender = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < emps.length; i++) { if (emps[i].gender.equals(gender)) { empsOfGender.addElement(emps[i]); } } return empsOfGender.elements(); } public FakeSalesPlus() { for (int i = 0; i < emps.length; i++) { htName2deptno.put(emps[i].name, new Integer(emps[i].deptno)); mapName2emp.put(emps[i].name, emps[i]); vectorEmps.addElement(emps[i]); collEmps.add(emps[i]); } } }; } // End Test.java
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 1748 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: convert unit tests to JUnit; add CallingConvention.ITERABLE; lots of other stuff; release 0.1. |
#2 | 1485 | Julian Hyde | Saffron/Mondrian: John Sichi's feedback. | ||
#1 | 1479 | Julian Hyde |
Saffron. More files. Split out build.properties. Fix bootstrap problem by creating a dummy OpenJavaTask. |