/* * SourceCodeWriter.java * * comments here. * * @author Michiaki Tatsubori * @version %VERSION% %DATE% * @see java.lang.Object * * COPYRIGHT 1998 by Michiaki Tatsubori, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ package openjava.ptree.util; import java.io.*; import java.util.Enumeration; import openjava.ptree.*; import openjava.mop.Environment; /** * The class <code>SourceCodeWriter</code> is a Visitor role * in the Visitor pattern and this also visits each child * <code>ParseTree</code> object from left to right. * <p> * * @author Michiaki Tatsubori * @version 1.0 * @since %SOFTWARE% 1.0 * @see openjava.ptree.ParseTree * @see openjava.ptree.util.ParseTreeVisitor */ public class SourceCodeWriter extends ParseTreeVisitor { protected PrintWriter out; /** * Why this modifier is not final ? * - Because of javac bug in excuting it with -O option. */ public static String NEWLINE; static { StringWriter strw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( strw ); pw.println(); pw.close(); NEWLINE = strw.toString(); } /** to write debugging code */ private int debugLevel = 0; /** to write debugging code */ private String tab = " "; private int nest = 0; /** to write debugging code */ public void setDebugLevel( int n ) { debugLevel = n; } public int getDebugLevel() { return debugLevel; } public void setTab( String str ) { tab = str; } public String getTab() { return tab; } public void setNest( int i ) { nest = i; } public int getNest() { return nest; } public void pushNest() { setNest( getNest() + 1 ); } public void popNest() { setNest( getNest() - 1 ); } private final void writeDebugL( ParseTree ptree ) { if (getDebugLevel() > 0) { out.print( "[" ); if (debugLevel > 1) { String qname = ptree.getClass().getName(); String sname = qname.substring( qname.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ); out.print( sname + "#" ); if(debugLevel > 2){ out.print( ptree.getObjectID() ); } out.print( " " ); } } } private final void writeDebugR() { if (getDebugLevel() > 0) out.print( "]" ); } private final void writeDebugLR() { if (getDebugLevel() > 0) out.print( "[]" ); } private final void writeDebugLln() { if (getDebugLevel() > 0) out.println( "[" ); } private final void writeDebugRln() { if (getDebugLevel() > 0) out.println( "]" ); } private final void writeDebugln() { if (getDebugLevel() > 0) out.println(); } private final void writeDebug( String str ) { if (getDebugLevel() > 0) out.print( str ); } private final void writeTab() { for (int i = 0; i < nest; i++) out.print( getTab() ); } /** * Allocates a source code writer. * */ public SourceCodeWriter( PrintWriter out ) { super(); this.out = out; } public void visit( AllocationExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); Expression encloser = p.getEncloser(); if (encloser != null) { encloser.accept( this ); out.print( " . " ); } out.print( "new " ); TypeName tn = p.getClassType(); tn.accept( this ); ExpressionList args = p.getArguments(); writeArguments( args ); MemberDeclarationList mdlst = p.getClassBody(); if (mdlst != null) { out.println( "{" ); pushNest(); mdlst.accept( this ); popNest(); writeTab(); out.print( "}" ); } writeDebugR(); } public void visit( ArrayAccess p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); Expression expr = p.getReferenceExpr(); if (expr instanceof Leaf || expr instanceof ArrayAccess || expr instanceof FieldAccess || expr instanceof MethodCall || expr instanceof Variable) { expr.accept( this ); } else { writeParenthesis( expr ); } Expression index_expr = p.getIndexExpr(); out.print( "[" ); index_expr.accept( this ); out.print( "]" ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( ArrayAllocationExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "new " ); TypeName tn = p.getTypeName(); tn.accept( this ); ExpressionList dl = p.getDimExprList(); for (int i = 0; i < dl.size(); ++i) { Expression expr = dl.get( i ); out.print( "[" ); if (expr != null) { expr.accept( this ); } out.print( "]" ); } ArrayInitializer ainit = p.getInitializer(); if (ainit != null) ainit.accept( this ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( ArrayInitializer p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "{ " ); writeListWithDelimiter( p, ", " ); if (p.isRemainderOmitted()) out.print( "," ); out.print( " }" ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( AssignmentExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); Expression lexpr = p.getLeft(); if (lexpr instanceof AssignmentExpression) { writeParenthesis( lexpr ); } else { lexpr.accept( this ); } String operator = p.operatorString(); out.print( " " + operator + " " ); Expression rexp = p.getRight(); rexp.accept( this ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( BinaryExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); Expression lexpr = p.getLeft(); if (isOperatorNeededLeftPar( p.getOperator(), lexpr )) { writeParenthesis( lexpr ); } else { lexpr.accept( this ); } String operator = p.operatorString(); out.print( " " + operator + " " ); Expression rexpr = p.getRight(); if (isOperatorNeededRightPar( p.getOperator(), rexpr )) { writeParenthesis( rexpr ); } else { rexpr.accept( this ); } writeDebugR(); } public void visit( Block p ) throws ParseTreeException { StatementList stmts = p.getStatements(); writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( BreakStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "break" ); String label = p.getLabel(); if (label != null) { out.print( " " ); out.print( label ); } out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( CaseGroup p ) throws ParseTreeException { ExpressionList labels = p.getLabels(); for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i) { writeTab(); Expression label = labels.get( i ); if (label == null) { out.print( "default " ); } else { out.print( "case " ); label.accept( this ); } out.println( " :" ); } pushNest(); StatementList stmts = p.getStatements(); stmts.accept( this ); popNest(); } public void visit( CaseGroupList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeListWithSuffix( p, NEWLINE ); } public void visit( CaseLabel p ) throws ParseTreeException { Expression expr = p.getExpression(); if (expr != null) { out.print( "case " ); expr.accept( this ); } else { out.print( "default" ); } out.print( ":" ); } public void visit( CaseLabelList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeListWithSuffix( p, NEWLINE ); } public void visit( CastExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "(" ); TypeName ts = p.getTypeSpecifier(); ts.accept( this ); out.print( ")" ); out.print( " " ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); if(expr instanceof AssignmentExpression || expr instanceof ConditionalExpression || expr instanceof BinaryExpression || expr instanceof InstanceofExpression || expr instanceof UnaryExpression){ writeParenthesis( expr ); } else { expr.accept( this ); } writeDebugR(); } public void visit( CatchBlock p ) throws ParseTreeException { out.print( " catch " ); out.print( "( " ); Parameter param = p.getParameter(); param.accept( this ); out.print( " ) " ); StatementList stmts = p.getBody(); writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); } public void visit( CatchList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeList( p ); } public void visit( ClassDeclaration p ) throws ParseTreeException { printComment( p ); writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); /*ModifierList*/ ModifierList modifs = p.getModifiers(); modifs.accept( this ); if (! modifs.isEmptyAsRegular()) out.print( " " ); /*"class"*/ if (p.isInterface()) { out.print( "interface " ); } else { out.print( "class " ); } String name = p.getName(); out.print( name ); /*"extends" TypeName*/ TypeName[] zuper = p.getBaseclasses(); if (zuper.length != 0){ out.print( " extends " ); zuper[0].accept( this ); for (int i = 1; i < zuper.length; ++i) { out.print( ", " ); zuper[i].accept( this ); } } else { writeDebug( " " ); writeDebugLR(); } /* "implements" ClassTypeList */ TypeName[] impl = p.getInterfaces(); if (impl.length != 0) { out.print( " implements " ); impl[0].accept( this ); for (int i = 1; i < impl.length; ++i) { out.print( ", " ); impl[i].accept( this ); } } else { writeDebug( " " ); writeDebugLR(); } out.println(); /* MemberDeclarationList */ MemberDeclarationList classbody = p.getBody(); writeTab(); out.println( "{" ); if (classbody.isEmpty()) { classbody.accept( this ); } else { out.println(); pushNest(); classbody.accept( this ); popNest(); out.println(); } writeTab(); out.print( "}" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( ClassDeclarationList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeListWithDelimiter( p, NEWLINE + NEWLINE ); } public void visit( ClassLiteral p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); TypeName type = p.getTypeName(); type.accept(this); out.print(".class"); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( CompilationUnit p ) throws ParseTreeException { out.println( "/*" ); out.println( " * This code was generated by ojc." ); out.println( " */" ); printComment( p ); /* package statement */ String qn = p.getPackage(); if (qn != null) { writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "package " + qn + ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); out.println(); out.println(); } /* import statement list */ String[] islst = p.getDeclaredImports(); if (islst.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < islst.length; ++i) { out.println( "import " + islst[i] + ";" ); } out.println(); out.println(); } /* type declaration list */ ClassDeclarationList tdlst = p.getClassDeclarations(); tdlst.accept( this ); } public void visit( ConditionalExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); Expression condition = p.getCondition(); if (condition instanceof AssignmentExpression || condition instanceof ConditionalExpression) { writeParenthesis( condition ); } else { condition.accept( this ); } out.print( " ? " ); Expression truecase = p.getTrueCase(); if (truecase instanceof AssignmentExpression) { writeParenthesis( truecase ); } else { truecase.accept( this ); } out.print( " : " ); Expression falsecase = p.getFalseCase(); if (falsecase instanceof AssignmentExpression) { writeParenthesis( falsecase ); } else { falsecase.accept( this ); } writeDebugR(); } public void visit( ConstructorDeclaration p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); ModifierList modifs = p.getModifiers(); modifs.accept( this ); if (! modifs.isEmptyAsRegular()) out.print( " " ); String name = p.getName(); out.print( name ); ParameterList params = p.getParameters(); out.print( "(" ); if (params.size() != 0) { out.print( " " ); params.accept( this ); out.print( " " ); } out.print( ")" ); TypeName[] tnl = p.getThrows(); if (tnl.length != 0) { out.println(); writeTab(); writeTab(); out.print( "throws " ); tnl[0].accept( this ); for (int i = 1; i < tnl.length; ++i) { out.print ( ", " ); tnl[i].accept( this ); } } ConstructorInvocation sc = p.getConstructorInvocation(); StatementList body = p.getBody(); if (body == null && sc == null) { out.println( ";" ); } else { out.println(); writeTab(); out.println( "{" ); pushNest(); if (sc != null) sc.accept( this ); if (body != null) body.accept( this ); popNest(); writeTab(); out.print( "}" ); } writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( ConstructorInvocation p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); if (p.isSelfInvocation()) { out.print( "this" ); } else { Expression enclosing = p.getEnclosing(); if (enclosing != null) { enclosing.accept( this ); out.print( " . " ); } out.print( "super" ); } ExpressionList exprs = p.getArguments(); writeArguments( exprs ); out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( ContinueStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "continue" ); String label = p.getLabel(); if (label != null) { out.print( " " + label ); } out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( DoWhileStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "do " ); StatementList stmts = p.getStatements(); if (stmts.isEmpty()) { out.print( " ; " ); } else { writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); } out.print( " while " ); out.print( "(" ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ")" ); out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( EmptyStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( ExpressionList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeListWithDelimiter( p, ", " ); } public void visit( ExpressionStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( FieldAccess p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); Expression expr = p.getReferenceExpr(); TypeName typename = p.getReferenceType(); if (expr != null) { if (expr instanceof Leaf || expr instanceof ArrayAccess || expr instanceof FieldAccess || expr instanceof MethodCall || expr instanceof Variable) { expr.accept( this ); } else { out.print( "(" ); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ")" ); } out.print( "." ); } else if (typename != null) { typename.accept( this ); out.print( "." ); } String name = p.getName(); out.print( name ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( FieldDeclaration p ) throws ParseTreeException { printComment(p); writeTab(); writeDebugL(p); /*ModifierList*/ ModifierList modifs = p.getModifiers(); modifs.accept(this); if (! modifs.isEmptyAsRegular()) out.print(" "); /*TypeName*/ TypeName ts = p.getTypeSpecifier(); ts.accept(this); out.print(" "); /*Variable*/ String variable = p.getVariable(); out.print(variable); /*"=" VariableInitializer*/ VariableInitializer initializer = p.getInitializer(); if (initializer != null) { out.print(" = "); initializer.accept(this); } /*";"*/ out.print(";"); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( ForStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "for " ); out.print( "(" ); String varName = p.getVariable(); if (varName != null) { // for (... in ...) Expression query = p.getQuery(); out.print(varName); out.print(" in "); query.accept(this); } else { // for (...; ...; ...) ExpressionList init = p.getInit(); TypeName tspec = p.getInitDeclType(); VariableDeclarator[] vdecls = p.getInitDecls(); if (init != null && (! init.isEmpty() )) { init.get( 0 ).accept( this ); for (int i = 1; i < init.size(); ++i) { out.print( ", " ); init.get( i ).accept( this ); } } else if (tspec != null && vdecls != null && vdecls.length != 0) { tspec.accept( this ); out.print( " " ); vdecls[0].accept( this ); for (int i = 1; i < vdecls.length; ++i) { out.print( ", " ); vdecls[i].accept( this ); } } out.print( ";" ); Expression expr = p.getCondition(); if (expr != null) { out.print( " " ); expr.accept( this ); } out.print( ";" ); ExpressionList incr = p.getIncrement(); if (incr != null && (! incr.isEmpty())) { out.print( " " ); incr.get( 0 ).accept( this ); for (int i = 1; i < incr.size(); ++i) { out.print( ", " ); incr.get( i ).accept( this ); } } } out.print( ") " ); StatementList stmts = p.getStatements(); if (stmts.isEmpty()) { out.print( ";" ); } else { writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); } writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( IfStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "if " ); out.print( "(" ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ") " ); /* then part */ StatementList stmts = p.getStatements(); writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); /* else part */ StatementList elsestmts = p.getElseStatements(); if (! elsestmts.isEmpty()) { out.print( " else " ); writeStatementsBlock( elsestmts ); } writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( InstanceofExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); /* this is too strict for + or - */ Expression lexpr = p.getExpression(); if (lexpr instanceof AssignmentExpression || lexpr instanceof ConditionalExpression || lexpr instanceof BinaryExpression) { writeParenthesis( lexpr ); } else { lexpr.accept( this ); } out.print( " instanceof " ); TypeName tspec = p.getTypeSpecifier(); tspec.accept( this ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( LabeledStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); String name = p.getLabel(); out.print( name ); out.println( " : " ); Statement statement = p.getStatement(); statement.accept( this ); } public void visit( Literal p ) throws ParseTreeException { out.print( p.toString() ); } public void visit( MemberDeclarationList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeListWithDelimiter( p, NEWLINE ); } public void visit( MemberInitializer p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); if (p.isStatic()) { out.print( "static " ); } StatementList stmts = p.getBody(); writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( MethodCall p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); Expression expr = p.getReferenceExpr(); TypeName reftype = p.getReferenceType(); if (expr != null) { if (expr instanceof Leaf || expr instanceof ArrayAccess || expr instanceof FieldAccess || expr instanceof MethodCall || expr instanceof Variable) { expr.accept( this ); } else { writeParenthesis( expr ); } out.print( "." ); } else if (reftype != null) { reftype.accept( this ); out.print( "." ); } String name = p.getName(); out.print( name ); ExpressionList args = p.getArguments(); writeArguments( args ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( MethodDeclaration p ) throws ParseTreeException { printComment( p ); writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); ModifierList modifs = p.getModifiers(); modifs.accept( this ); if (! modifs.isEmptyAsRegular()) out.print( " " ); TypeName ts = p.getReturnType(); ts.accept( this ); out.print( " " ); String name = p.getName(); out.print( name ); ParameterList params = p.getParameters(); out.print( "(" ); if (! params.isEmpty()) { out.print( " " ); params.accept( this ); out.print( " " ); } else { params.accept( this ); } out.print( ")" ); TypeName[] tnl = p.getThrows(); if (tnl.length != 0) { out.println(); writeTab(); writeTab(); out.print( "throws " ); tnl[0].accept( this ); for (int i = 1; i < tnl.length; ++i) { out.print ( ", " ); tnl[i].accept( this ); } } StatementList bl = p.getBody(); if (bl == null) { out.print( ";" ); } else { out.println(); writeTab(); out.print( "{" ); if (bl.isEmpty()) { bl.accept( this ); } else { out.println(); pushNest(); bl.accept( this ); popNest(); writeTab(); } out.print( "}" ); } writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( ModifierList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); out.print( ModifierList.toString( p.getRegular() ) ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( Parameter p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); ModifierList modifs = p.getModifiers(); modifs.accept( this ); if (! modifs.isEmptyAsRegular()) out.print( " " ); TypeName typespec = p.getTypeSpecifier(); typespec.accept( this ); out.print( " " ); String declname = p.getVariable(); out.print( declname ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( ParameterList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeListWithDelimiter( p, ", " ); } public void visit( ReturnStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "return" ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); if (expr != null) { out.print(" "); expr.accept( this ); } out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( SelfAccess p ) throws ParseTreeException { out.print( p.toString() ); } public void visit( StatementList p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeList( p ); } public void visit( SwitchStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "switch " ); out.print( "(" ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ")" ); out.println( " {" ); CaseGroupList casegrouplist = p.getCaseGroupList(); casegrouplist.accept( this ); writeTab(); out.print( "}" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( SynchronizedStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "synchronized " ); out.print( "(" ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); expr.accept( this ); out.println( ")" ); StatementList stmts = p.getStatements(); writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( ThrowStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "throw " ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( TryStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "try " ); StatementList stmts = p.getBody(); writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); CatchList catchlist = p.getCatchList(); if (! catchlist.isEmpty()) { catchlist.accept( this ); } StatementList finstmts = p.getFinallyBody(); if(! finstmts.isEmpty()){ out.println( " finally " ); writeStatementsBlock( finstmts ); } writeDebugR(); out.println(); } /******rough around innerclass********/ public void visit( TypeName p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); String typename = p.getName().replace( '$', '.' ); out.print( typename ); int dims = p.getDimension(); out.print( TypeName.stringFromDimension( dims ) ); writeDebugR(); } public void visit( UnaryExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeDebugL( p ); if (p.isPrefix()) { String operator = p.operatorString(); out.print( operator ); } Expression expr = p.getExpression(); if (expr instanceof AssignmentExpression || expr instanceof ConditionalExpression || expr instanceof BinaryExpression || expr instanceof InstanceofExpression || expr instanceof CastExpression || expr instanceof UnaryExpression){ writeParenthesis( expr ); } else { expr.accept( this ); } if (p.isPostfix()) { String operator = p.operatorString(); out.print( operator ); } writeDebugR(); } public void visit( Variable p ) throws ParseTreeException { out.print( p.toString() ); } public void visit( VariableDeclaration p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); ModifierList modifs = p.getModifiers(); modifs.accept( this ); if (! modifs.isEmptyAsRegular()) out.print( " " ); TypeName typespec = p.getTypeSpecifier(); typespec.accept( this ); out.print( " " ); VariableDeclarator vd = p.getVariableDeclarator(); vd.accept( this ); out.print( ";" ); writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( VariableDeclarator p ) throws ParseTreeException { String declname = p.getVariable(); out.print( declname ); for (int i = 0; i < p.getDimension(); ++i) { out.print( "[]" ); } VariableInitializer varinit = p.getInitializer(); if (varinit != null) { out.print( " = " ); varinit.accept( this ); } } public void visit( WhileStatement p ) throws ParseTreeException { writeTab(); writeDebugL( p ); out.print( "while " ); out.print( "(" ); Expression expr = p.getExpression(); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ") " ); StatementList stmts = p.getStatements(); if (stmts.isEmpty()) { out.print( " ;" ); } else { writeStatementsBlock( stmts ); } writeDebugR(); out.println(); } public void visit( QueryExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { out.print( "(select " ); ExpressionList selectList = p.getSelectList(); if (p.isBoxed()) { out.print("{"); selectList.accept(this); out.print("}"); } else { selectList.accept(this); } ExpressionList groupList = p.getGroupList(); if (groupList != null) { out.write(" group by {"); groupList.accept(this); out.write("}"); } Expression from = p.getFrom(); if (from != null) { out.write(" from "); from.accept(this); } Expression where = p.getWhere(); if (where != null) { out.write(" where "); where.accept(this); } ExpressionList sort = p.getSort(); if (sort != null) { out.write(" order by "); sort.accept(this); } out.print(")"); } public void visit( AliasedExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { Expression child = p.getExpression(); child.accept(this); String alias = p.getAlias(); out.write(" as "); out.write(alias); } public void visit( JoinExpression p ) throws ParseTreeException { Expression left = p.getLeft(); left.accept(this); out.write(" " + p.getJoinTypeName() + " join "); Expression right = p.getRight(); right.accept(this); Expression condition = p.getCondition(); if (condition != null) { out.write(" on "); condition.accept(this); } } private final void writeArguments( ExpressionList args ) throws ParseTreeException { out.print( "(" ); if (! args.isEmpty()) { out.print( " " ); args.accept( this ); out.print( " " ); } else { args.accept( this ); } out.print( ")" ); } private final void writeAnonymous( Object obj ) throws ParseTreeException { if (obj == null) { writeDebug( "#null" ); } else if (obj instanceof ParseTree) { ((ParseTree) obj).accept( this ); } else { out.print( obj.toString() ); } } private final void writeList( List list ) throws ParseTreeException { Enumeration it = list.elements(); while (it.hasMoreElements()) { Object elem = it.nextElement(); writeAnonymous( elem ); } } private final void writeListWithDelimiter( List list, String delimiter ) throws ParseTreeException { Enumeration it = list.elements(); if (! it.hasMoreElements()) return; writeAnonymous( it.nextElement() ); while (it.hasMoreElements()) { out.print( delimiter ); writeAnonymous( it.nextElement() ); } } private final void writeListWithSuffix( List list, String suffix ) throws ParseTreeException { Enumeration it = list.elements(); while (it.hasMoreElements()) { writeAnonymous( it.nextElement() ); out.print( suffix ); } } private final void writeParenthesis( Expression expr ) throws ParseTreeException { out.print( "(" ); expr.accept( this ); out.print( ")" ); } private final void writeStatementsBlock( StatementList stmts ) throws ParseTreeException { out.println( "{" ); pushNest(); stmts.accept( this ); popNest(); writeTab(); out.print( "}" ); } private static final boolean isOperatorNeededLeftPar( int operator, Expression leftexpr ) { if (leftexpr instanceof AssignmentExpression || leftexpr instanceof ConditionalExpression) { return true; } int op = operatorStrength( operator ); if (leftexpr instanceof InstanceofExpression) { return (op > operatorStrength( BinaryExpression.INSTANCEOF )); } if(! (leftexpr instanceof BinaryExpression)) return false; BinaryExpression lbexpr = (BinaryExpression) leftexpr; return (op > operatorStrength( lbexpr.getOperator() )); } private static final boolean isOperatorNeededRightPar( int operator, Expression rightexpr ) { if (rightexpr instanceof AssignmentExpression || rightexpr instanceof ConditionalExpression) { return true; } int op = operatorStrength( operator ); if (rightexpr instanceof InstanceofExpression) { return (op >= operatorStrength( BinaryExpression.INSTANCEOF )); } if (! (rightexpr instanceof BinaryExpression)) return false; BinaryExpression lbexpr = (BinaryExpression) rightexpr; return (op >= operatorStrength( lbexpr.getOperator() )); } /** * Returns the strength of the union of the operator. * * @param op the id number of operator. * @return the strength of the union. */ private static final int operatorStrength( int op ) { switch (op) { case BinaryExpression.TIMES : case BinaryExpression.DIVIDE : case BinaryExpression.MOD : return 40; case BinaryExpression.PLUS : case BinaryExpression.MINUS : return 35; case BinaryExpression.SHIFT_L : case BinaryExpression.SHIFT_R : case BinaryExpression.SHIFT_RR : return 30; case BinaryExpression.LESS : case BinaryExpression.GREATER : case BinaryExpression.LESSEQUAL : case BinaryExpression.GREATEREQUAL : case BinaryExpression.INSTANCEOF : return 25; case BinaryExpression.EQUAL : case BinaryExpression.NOTEQUAL : return 20; case BinaryExpression.BITAND : return 16; case BinaryExpression.XOR : return 14; case BinaryExpression.BITOR : return 12; case BinaryExpression.LOGICAL_AND : return 10; case BinaryExpression.LOGICAL_OR : return 8; } return 100; } private final void printComment( NonLeaf p ) { String comment = p.getComment(); if (comment != null) { writeTab(); out.println( comment ); } } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 1467 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: First saffron check-in; incorporate my changes to openjava. |
#2 | 1462 | Julian Hyde | saffron: check in OpenJava20011117 source files, without any of my modifications | ||
#1 | 1461 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: First check in. Just documents, and the unmodified OpenJava 20001010 source files. |