/* // $Id: //guest/julian_hyde/saffron/src/main/saffron/rel/QueryInfo.java#5 $ // Saffron preprocessor and data engine // Copyright (C) 2002 Julian Hyde <julian.hyde@mail.com> // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // See the COPYING file located in the top-level-directory of // the archive of this library for complete text of license. */ package saffron.rel; import openjava.mop.Environment; import openjava.mop.OJClass; import openjava.mop.QueryEnvironment; import openjava.mop.Toolbox; import openjava.ptree.*; import openjava.ptree.util.SyntheticClass; import openjava.tools.DebugOut; import saffron.opt.Cluster; import saffron.opt.Query; import saffron.opt.VolcanoPlanner; import saffron.util.RelEnvironment; import saffron.util.Util; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * A <code>QueryInfo</code> holds all the information about a {@link * QueryExpression} while it is being translated into a collection of * {@link saffron.rel.Rel}s. * * <p>Those <code>Rel</code>s will all belong to the same {@link Cluster}, * but <code>Cluster</code> is much simpler. Please put the stuff which is * only needed at translation time into <code>QueryInfo</code>, and keep * <code>Cluster</code> simple.</p> **/ class QueryInfo { QueryInfo parent; QueryEnvironment env; SaffronQueryExpander expander; HashSet leaves = new HashSet(); Cluster cluster; private Rel root; /** * Creates a <code>QueryInfo</code> * * @param env environment of the query that this expression was * contained in - gives us access to the from list of that * query **/ QueryInfo( QueryInfo parent, QueryEnvironment env, SaffronQueryExpander expander, Expression exp) { this.parent = parent; this.env = env; this.expander = expander; this.cluster = createCluster(parent, env.getParent(), exp); } static Cluster createCluster( QueryInfo queryInfo, Environment env, Expression exp) { Query query; VolcanoPlanner planner; if (queryInfo == null) { query = new Query(); planner = null; } else { query = queryInfo.cluster.query; planner = queryInfo.cluster.planner; } return new Cluster(query, env, planner, exp); } Rel getRoot() { return root; } void setRoot(Rel root) { this.root = root; } /** * Translates an expression into one which references only internal * variables. Clones the expression first. * * @param exp expression to translate * @param rel relational expression in whose environment the returned * expression will be interpreted * @returns converted expression **/ public Expression convertExpToInternal(Expression exp) { return convertExpToInternal(exp, new Rel[] {getRoot()}); } public Expression convertExpToInternal(Expression exp, Rel[] inputs) { Expression clone = (Expression) exp.makeRecursiveCopy(); InternalTranslator translator = new InternalTranslator( this, inputs); return Util.go(translator, clone); } /** * Translates an aggregate expression into one which references only * variables. Expressions inside aggregate functions are added to * <code>aggList</code>, if they are not already present. * * @param exp expression to translate * @param groups expressions from the <code>group by</code> clause * @param aggInputList expressions inside aggregations; expressions are * added to this list if an aggregate needs one and it is not present * @param aggCallList calls to aggregates; {@link * saffron.rel.Aggregate.Call}s are added to this list if they are needed * but are not present **/ public Expression convertGroupExpToInternal( Expression exp, Expression[] groups, ExpressionList aggInputList, Vector aggCallVector) { Expression clone = (Expression) exp.makeRecursiveCopy(); AggInternalTranslator translator = new AggInternalTranslator( this, new Rel[] {getRoot()}, groups, aggInputList, aggCallVector); Expression translated; try { translated = Util.go(translator, clone); } catch (NotAGroupException e) { Util.discard(e); throw Util.newInternal( "Not a group-by expression: " + exp); } AggUnpickler unpickler = new AggUnpickler(this, groups.length); return Util.go(unpickler, translated); } /** * Returns the <code>count</code>th leaf ({@link saffron.rel.Rel} which implements * a from-list item) below this one. * * @param rel relation to start from * @param count leaf number we want * @param seen <code>seen[0]</code> contains the number of leaves we * have seen so far * @param path list containing the rel at each depth * @param current depth **/ private Rel findLeaf( Rel rel, int count, int[] seen, ArrayList path, int depth) { if (leaves.contains(rel)) { if (seen[0] == count) { path.add(rel); return rel; } else { seen[0]++; return null; } } else { Rel[] inputs = rel.getInputs(); path.add(rel); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { Rel result = findLeaf(inputs[i], count, seen, path, depth + 1); if (result != null) { return result; } } path.remove(path.size() - 1); return null; } } /** * Returns the number of {@link saffron.rel.Rel}s below this one which * implement a from-list item. **/ int countLeaves(Rel rel) { if (leaves.contains(rel)) { return 1; } Rel[] inputs = rel.getInputs(); int width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { width += countLeaves(inputs[i]); } Util.assert(width > 0); return width; } /** * Returns the number of columns in this input. **/ int countColumns(Rel rel) { OJClass clazz = rel.getRowType(); if (clazz instanceof SyntheticClass) { SyntheticClass syntheticClass = (SyntheticClass) clazz; return syntheticClass.getWidth(); } else { return 1; } } /** * Creates an expression with which to reference <code>expression<code>, * whose offset in its from-list is <code>offset</code>. */ Expression lookup(int offset, Rel[] inputs, boolean foo, String varName) { int[] seen = new int[] {0}; for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { Rel input = inputs[i]; int oldSeen = seen[0]; ArrayList path = new ArrayList(); Rel leaf = findLeaf(input, offset, seen, path, 0); if (leaf == null) { continue; } Util.assert(path.get(0) == input); Util.assert(path.get(path.size() - 1) == leaf); int leafCount = countLeaves(input); Expression v; if (foo) { Util.assert(varName == null); v = null; int childOffset = 0; boolean inJoin = false; loop: for (int j = 0, count = path.size(); j < count; j++) { Rel parent = (Rel) path.get(j), child = null; if (j < path.size() - 1) { child = (Rel) path.get(j + 1); } if (parent instanceof Join) { Join join = (Join) parent; inJoin = true; if (child == join.left) { // nothing } else if (child == join.right) { childOffset += SyntheticClass.getWidth( join.left.getRowType()); } else { throw Util.newInternal(); } } if (j == 0) { v = RelEnvironment.makeReference(i); continue; } if (inJoin && (child == null || parent instanceof Project)) { v = new FieldAccess( v, SyntheticClass.makeField(childOffset)); inJoin = false; } if (child == null) { break; } if (parent instanceof Project) { if (inJoin) { v = new FieldAccess( v, SyntheticClass.makeField(childOffset)); inJoin = false; } Project project = (Project) parent; Variable inputRef = RelEnvironment.makeReference(childOffset); for (int k = 0; k < project.exps.length; k++) { Expression exp = project.exps[k]; if (exp.equals(inputRef)) { v = new FieldAccess( v, project.fieldNames[k]); continue loop; } throw Util.newInternal( "input#" + childOffset + " (" + child.toStringShort() + ") is not referenced in select list of " + parent.toStringShort()); } } } } else { if (varName == null) { varName = leaf.getOrCreateCorelVariable(); } else { // we are resolving a forward reference leaf.registerCorelVariable(varName); } v = new Variable(varName); } if (leafCount == 1 || true /* todo: obsolete leafCount*/) { return v; } else { int field = seen[0] - oldSeen; Util.assert(0 <= field); Util.assert(field < leafCount); FieldAccess fieldAccess = new FieldAccess( v, SyntheticClass.makeField(field)); return fieldAccess; } } throw Util.newInternal("could not find input"); } Expression lookup(int offset, Rel input, boolean foo, String varName) { if (input == null) { // We're referencing a relational expression which has not // been translated yet. This occurs when from items are // correlated, e.g. select from emp as emp join emp.getDepts() // as dept. Create a temporary expression. Util.assert(!foo); Util.assert( varName == null, "when lookup is called to fixup forward references " + "(varName!=null), the input must not be null"); DeferredLookup lookup = new DeferredLookup(this, offset, foo); String corelName = cluster.query.createCorelUnresolved( lookup); return new Variable(corelName); } else { return lookup(offset, new Rel[] {input}, foo, varName); } } /** * Converts a {@link QueryExpression} into a {@link saffron.rel.Rel}. * * Capture occurs when a query is converted into relational * expressions. The scalar expressions in the query reference (a) rows * from their own query, (b) rows from an enclosing query, (c) * variables from the enclosing environment. * * We have already dealt with (a), and we can leave environmental * references (c) as they are. So, we deal with references to rows in * this query now. References to queries inside or outside this query * will happen in due course. **/ Rel convertQueryToRel(QueryExpression queryExp) { DebugOut.println( "convertQueryToRel: queryExp=[" + queryExp + "] recurse ["); Expression fromList = queryExp.getFrom(); setRoot(convertFromExpToRel(fromList)); // Examples in the following refer to the query // select 1 + sum(x + 2) // group by y // from t // where min(z) > 4 ExpressionList groupList = queryExp.getGroupList(); if (groupList != null) { // "aggInputList" is the input expressions to the aggregation: // group expressions first, then expressions within aggregate // functions, for example {y, x + 2, z}. "preGroups" and // "postGroups" are the group expressions before and after // translation. ExpressionList aggInputList = new ExpressionList(); Expression[] preGroups = Util.toArray(groupList), postGroups = new Expression[preGroups.length]; for (int i = 0; i < preGroups.length; i++) { Expression preGroup = preGroups[i]; Expression postGroup = convertExpToInternal(preGroup); aggInputList.add(postGroup); postGroups[i] = postGroup; } Expression whereClause = queryExp.getWhere(); // "aggCallVector" is the aggregate expressions, for example // {sum(#1), min(#2)}. Vector aggCallVector = new Vector(); if (whereClause != null) { whereClause = convertGroupExpToInternal( whereClause, preGroups, aggInputList, aggCallVector); whereClause = removeSubqueries(whereClause); } Expression[] selects = Util.toArray(queryExp.getSelectList()); String[] aliases = new String[selects.length]; for (int i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) { aliases[i] = Util.getAlias(selects[i]); selects[i] = convertGroupExpToInternal( selects[i], preGroups, aggInputList, aggCallVector); } Aggregate.Call[] aggCalls = (Aggregate.Call[]) Util.toArray( aggCallVector, new Aggregate.Call[0]); Expression[] aggInputs = Util.toArray(aggInputList); setRoot(new Project( cluster, getRoot(), aggInputs, null, Project.flagBoxed)); setRoot(new Aggregate( cluster, getRoot(), preGroups.length, aggCalls)); if (whereClause != null) { setRoot(new Filter(cluster, getRoot(), whereClause)); } setRoot(new Project( cluster, getRoot(), selects, aliases, queryExp.isBoxed() ? Project.flagBoxed : 0)); ExpressionList sortList = queryExp.getSort(); Expression[] sorts = Util.toArray(sortList); if (sorts != null && sorts.length > 0) { throw Toolbox.newInternal("sort not implemented"); } OJClass relRowType = getRoot().getRowType(), queryRowType = queryExp.getRowType(env); DebugOut.println( "] return [" + getRoot() + "] rowType=[" + relRowType + "]"); Util.assert(relRowType == queryRowType); return getRoot(); } Expression whereClause = queryExp.getWhere(); if (whereClause != null) { whereClause = convertExpToInternal(whereClause); whereClause = removeSubqueries(whereClause); setRoot(new Filter(cluster, getRoot(), whereClause)); } Expression[] selects = Util.toArray(queryExp.getSelectList()); String[] aliases = new String[selects.length]; for (int i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) { aliases[i] = Util.getAlias(selects[i]); selects[i] = convertExpToInternal(selects[i]); } setRoot(new Project( cluster, getRoot(), selects, aliases, queryExp.isBoxed() ? Project.flagBoxed : 0)); ExpressionList sortList = queryExp.getSort(); Expression[] sorts = Util.toArray(sortList); if (sorts != null && sorts.length > 0) { throw Toolbox.newInternal("sort not implemented"); // Parameter parameter = new Parameter("p", rel.getRowType(), null); // ExpReplacer replacer = new OrdinalRef.Replacer(0, parameter); // Sort[] compiledSorts = new Sort[sorts.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < sorts.length; i++) { // compiledSorts[i] = new Sort( // (Exp) replacer.go(sorts[i].safeClone()), // sorts[i].ascending); // } // rel = new Sort(env, rel, sorts, parameter); } OJClass relRowType = getRoot().getRowType(), queryRowType = queryExp.getRowType(env); DebugOut.println( "] return [" + getRoot() + "] rowType=[" + relRowType + "]"); if (relRowType != queryRowType) { throw Util.newInternal( "rel row type (" + relRowType + ") should equal the " + "row type (" + queryRowType + ") of the query it was " + "translated from"); } return getRoot(); } /** * Converts an expression into a relational expression. For example, * an array becomes an {@link ExpressionReader}. Leaf nodes are * registered in {@link #leaves}. * * @param exp the expression to convert * @return the equivalent relational expression **/ Rel convertFromExpToRel(Expression exp) { if (exp == null) { Rel rel = new OneRow(cluster); leaves.add(rel); return rel; } else if (exp instanceof JoinExpression) { JoinExpression joinExp = (JoinExpression) exp; Expression leftExp = joinExp.getLeft(), rightExp = joinExp.getRight(), conditionExp = joinExp.getCondition(); int joinType = joinExp.getJoinType(); Rel left = convertFromExpToRel(leftExp), right = convertFromExpToRel(rightExp); // Deal with any forward-references. if (!cluster.query.mapDeferredToCorel.isEmpty()) { Iterator lookups = cluster.query.mapDeferredToCorel.keySet().iterator(); while (lookups.hasNext()) { DeferredLookup lookup = (DeferredLookup) lookups.next(); String corelName = (String) cluster.query.mapDeferredToCorel.get(lookup); // as a side-effect, this associates corelName with rel Expression expression = lookup.lookup( new Rel[] {left, right}, corelName); Util.assert(expression != null); } cluster.query.mapDeferredToCorel.clear(); } // Make sure that left does not depend upon a correlating variable // coming from right. We'll swap them before we create a // JavaNestedLoopJoin. boolean swapped = false; String[] variables = Util.getVariablesSetAndUsed(right, left); if (variables.length > 0) { variables = Util.getVariablesSetAndUsed(left, right); if (variables.length > 0) { throw Util.newInternal( "joined expressions must not be mutually dependent: " + exp); } } conditionExp = convertExpToInternal( conditionExp, new Rel[] {left,right}); return new Join( cluster, left, right, conditionExp, joinType); } else if (exp instanceof AliasedExpression) { AliasedExpression aliasedExp = (AliasedExpression) exp; return convertFromExpToRel(aliasedExp.getExpression()); } else if (exp instanceof QueryExpression) { QueryExpression queryExp = (QueryExpression) exp; QueryEnvironment qenv = new QueryEnvironment(env, queryExp); QueryInfo newQueryInfo = new QueryInfo( this, qenv, expander, exp); Rel rel = newQueryInfo.convertQueryToRel(queryExp); leaves.add(rel); return rel; } else { // finally, look for relational expressions which can occur // anywhere, and fail if we're not looking at one return expander.convertExpToRel(exp, true, this, null); } } /** * Goes through an expression looking for sub-queries (<code>in</code> * or <code>exists</code>). If it finds one, it joins the query to the * from clause, replaces the condition, and returns true. * * Examples:<ul> * * <li><code>exists</code> becomes a reference to a indicator * query: * * <blockquote> * <pre>select from dept * where dept.location.equals("SF") && exists ( * select from emp * where emp.deptno == dept.deptno && emp.gender.equals("F"))</pre> * </blockquote> * * becomes * * <blockquote> * <pre>select from dept cross join ( * select distinct from emp * where emp.deptno == dept.deptno && emp.gender.equals("F")) * where dept.location.equals("SF") && indicator != null</pre> * </blockquote> * * <p>The reference to 'dept' from within a join query is illegal -- * but we haven't de-correlated yet.</li> * * <li><code>in</code> becomes a test to see whether an outer-joined * query met the join condition: * * <blockquote> * <pre>select from emp * where emp.deptno in ( * select dept.deptno from dept where dept.location.equals("SF")) * && emp.gender.equals("F")</pre> * </blockquote> * * becomes * * <blockquote> * <pre>select from emp <i>left</i> join ( * select dept.deptno from dept where dept.location.equals("SF")) q1 * on emp.deptno == q1.deptno * where <i>q1 is not null &&</i> emp.gender.equals("F")</pre> * </blockquote> * * Optimization #1: If the <code>in</code> condition is * <code>&&</code>ed into the where clause, then make the join * into a full join, and omit the condition. Hence, * * <blockquote> * <pre>select from emp join ( * select dept.deptno from dept where dept.location.equals("SF")) q1 * on emp.deptno == q1.deptno * where emp.gender.equals("F")</pre> * </blockquote> * * </li></ul> * * @param exps holds the expressions, passed * in/out. <code>exps[0]</code> is the expression, and * <code>exps[1]</code> is the from clause * @return whether an subqueries where found and replaced **/ Expression removeSubqueries(Expression exp) { while (true) { Rel oldFrom = getRoot(); SubqueryFinder subqueryFinder = new SubqueryFinder(this); Expression oldExp = exp; exp = Util.go(subqueryFinder, oldExp); if (oldFrom == getRoot()) { return exp; } } } } /** * Contains the information necessary to repeat a call to * {@link QueryInfo#lookup(int,Rel[],boolean,String)}. */ class DeferredLookup { QueryInfo queryInfo; int offset; boolean foo; DeferredLookup( QueryInfo queryInfo, int offset, boolean foo) { this.queryInfo = queryInfo; this.offset = offset; this.foo = foo; } Expression lookup(Rel[] inputs, String varName) { return queryInfo.lookup(offset, inputs, foo, varName); } } // End QueryInfo.java
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#5 | 1853 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: Further improve binding of rows to variables. |
#4 | 1801 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: add ObjectSchema; rules can now be matched more than once; started to implement correlations in queries in from list. |
#3 | 1748 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: convert unit tests to JUnit; add CallingConvention.ITERABLE; lots of other stuff; release 0.1. |
#2 | 1474 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: Aggregations are working. Renamed 'aggregator' to 'aggregation'. |
#1 | 1467 | Julian Hyde |
saffron: First saffron check-in; incorporate my changes to openjava. |