eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
& eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
if 0;
# -*-Fundamental-*-
# $Id: //guest/kelly_setzer/perforce/utils/cvs2p4/bin/genmetadata#1 $
# Richard Geiger
require 5.000;
sub dirname
local($dir) = @_;
$dir =~ s%^$%.%; $dir = "$dir/";
if ($dir =~ m%^/[^/]*//*$%) { return "/"; }
if ($dir =~ m%^.*[^/]//*[^/][^/]*//*$%)
{ $dir =~ s%^(.*[^/])//*[^/][^/]*//*$%$1%; { return $dir; } }
return ".";
use Carp; # ...or flounder. (This will fail unless 'perl' is a perl5!)
$| = 1;
($Myname = $0) =~ s%^.*/%%;
$Mydir = &dirname($0);
$Here = `/bin/pwd`; chop $Here;
if ($Mydir ne ".") { chdir "$Mydir" || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$Mydir\": $!"; }
chdir ".." || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"..\": $!";
$Mydir = `/bin/pwd`; chop $Mydir;
chdir $Here || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$Here\": $!";
require "$Mydir/lib/util.pl";
$Usage = <<LIT;
$Myname: usage: $Myname
sub usage
print STDERR $Usage;
exit 1;
sub help
print STDERR <<LIT;
$Myname is not done yet. Be patient.
exit 1;
# Perlstuff for parsing RCS repository files
# Some globals used by these routines...
$Rcs_Inquote = 0; # remembers when we're in a '@' quoted string
$Rcs_Eofatal = 1; # die if we hit the end of the file
$Rcs_File = "?"; # caller should set this for the error message
sub lead
{ if (defined($Myname)) { return "$Myname: "; } else { return ""; } }
sub rcsline
my $line;
my $m;
$line = <RCS>;
if ($line eq "")
if ($Rcs_Eofatal)
$m = "unexpected eof on \"$Rcs_File\".";
printf STDERR "%s$m\n", &lead();
exit 1;
{ return undef; }
if ($line =~ /\r{0,1}\n$/) { $line =~ s/\r{0,1}\n$//; }
return $line;
$Rcstok_Buf = "";
$Rcstok_pushed = undef;
# Return the next token from the RCS repository file.
# Caller should open the file on descriptor RCS.
# (Caller should also empty $Rcstok_Buf!)
sub rcstok
my $rcsstr;
my $m;
my $strpart;
if (defined($Rcstok_pushed))
my $ret = $Rcstok_pushed;
$Rcstok_pushed = undef;
return $ret;
$Rcstok_Buf =~ s/^\s+//;
if ($Rcstok_Buf eq "")
while (1)
$Rcstok_Buf = &rcsline();
if (! defined ($Rcstok_Buf)) { return undef; }
if ($Rcstok_Buf ne "") { last; }
$Rcstok_Buf =~ s/^\s+//;
# num
if ($Rcstok_Buf =~ /^([0-9][0-9.]*)(.*)$/)
{ $Rcstok_Buf = $2; return $1; }
# : ; id
# Note: the character class for "idchar" assumes all characters
# are printable ascii! May break with binary RCS files.
# (Actually, I've now convinced myself that there is no
# concern here).
if ($Rcstok_Buf =~ /^(:|;|[a-zA-Z][^ \t\r\n$,:;@]+)(.*)$/)
{ $Rcstok_Buf = $2; return $1; }
# string
if ($Rcstok_Buf =~ /^@(.*)$/)
$Rcstok_Buf = $1;
$rcsstr = "";
while (1)
if ($Rcstok_Buf eq "")
$rcsstr .= "\n";
$Rcstok_Buf = &rcsline();
if (! defined ($Rcstok_Buf)) { return undef; }
if ($Rcstok_Buf =~ /^([^@]+)(.*)$/)
$rcsstr .= $1;
$Rcstok_Buf = $2;
if ($Rcstok_Buf =~ /^@@(.*)$/)
$rcsstr .= "@";
$Rcstok_Buf = $1;
if ($Rcstok_Buf =~ /^@(.*)$/)
$Rcstok_Buf = $1;
return $rcsstr;
$m = "rcstok(): internal error: \$Rcstok_Buf <$Rcstok_Buf>";
printf STDERR "%s$m\n", &lead();
exit 1;
sub dirname
my ($dir) = @_;
$dir =~ s%^$%.%; $dir = "$dir/";
if ($dir =~ m%^/[^/]*//*$%) { return "/"; }
if ($dir =~ m%^.*[^/]//*[^/][^/]*//*$%)
{ $dir =~ s%^(.*[^/])//*[^/][^/]*//*$%$1%; { return $dir; } }
return ".";
sub skip_to_rcstok
my ($this) = @_;
my $tok;
while (($tok = &rcstok()) ne $this) { };
sub skip_to_deltas
my $tok;
# Called after we encounter ";" for symbols. We must now skip:
# locks {id : num}*; {strict ;}
# { comment {string}; }
# { expand {string}; }
# { newphrase }*
while (1)
$tok = &rcstok();
if ($tok eq "expand")
$RCS_expand = &rcstok();
if (&rcstok() ne ";")
{ die "$Myname: skip_to_deltas(): expected ';' after expand."; }
if ($tok =~ /^[0-9]/) { $Rcstok_pushed = $tok; last; }
while (1)
$tok = &rcstok();
if ($tok eq ";") { last; }
sub test_rcstoks
my $tok;
open(RCS, "<$ARGV[1]") || die;
$Rcstok_Buf = "";
$Rcs_Eofatal = 0;
while (defined($tok = &rcstok))
{ print "<$tok>\n"; }
exit 1;
sub setrevs
my($d_rev, $d_next, $d_branches, $d_date, $d_author, $d_state) = @_;
$RCS_Revs{$d_rev} = "$d_next:$d_branches";
$d_date = "19$d_date" if length(( split( /\./, $d_date ))[0]) < 4;
$RCS_Dates{$d_rev} = "$d_date";
$RCS_Authors{$d_rev} = "$d_author";
$RCS_States{$d_rev} = "$d_state";
if ($d_rev =~ /^1\.1\.1\./)
# We have a "vendor" branch - spoof a branch tag for it.
$RCS_Branchtags{"import"} = "";
$RCS_Tags{"import"} = "";
if ($d_rev =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/)
$RCS_Prevs{$d_rev} = $d_next;
if ($d_next) { $RCS_Nexts{$d_next} = $d_rev; }
if ($d_next) { $RCS_Prevs{$d_next} = $d_rev; }
$RCS_Nexts{$d_rev} = $d_next;
foreach $b_rev (split(/ /, $d_branches))
{ $RCS_Prevs{$b_rev} = $d_rev; }
# initialize RCS_Tags, RCS_Revs, (etc.) from an RCS ,v file.
sub set_RCS_revs
my ($path, $do_texts) = @_;
my $repfile;
my $tag;
my $rev;
my $tok;
my ($d_havedelta, $d_branches, $d_next, $d_rev);
my $rcspath;
my $msg;
undef $RCS_Valid;
undef $RCS_expand;
undef $RCS_exec;
undef %RCS_Tags;
undef %RCS_Branchtags;
undef %RCS_Revs;
undef %RCS_States;
undef %RCS_Authors;
undef %RCS_Dates;
undef %RCS_Prevs;
undef %RCS_Nexts;
undef $RCS_Branch;
undef %RCS_Texts;
($Rcs_File = $path) =~ s%^.*/%%;
$repfile = $path;
$rcspath = "<$repfile";
if (! open(RCS, $rcspath))
printf STDERR "%scan't open \"$rcspath\": $!\n", &lead();
return 0;
if (-x $repfile) { $RCS_exec = "x"; }
$Rcstok_Buf = "";
#while (1) { $tok = &rcstok(); print "<$tok>\n"; }
# # (If the RCS repository is in the Attic there is logically no "head"
# # revision for this file)
# #
# if ($path !~ /Attic\/.+,v$/) { $RCS_Tags{"head"} = &rcstok(); }
$RCS_Tags{"head"} = &rcstok();
$tok = &rcstok(); $tok = &rcstok();
if ($tok eq "branch") { $RCS_Branch = &rcstok(); }
while (1)
$tok = &rcstok();
if ($tok eq ";") { last; }
$tag = $tok; &rcstok(); $rev = &rcstok();
$RCS_Tags{$tag} = $rev;
if ($rev =~ /\.0\.[0-9]+$/) { $RCS_Branchtags{$tag} = $rev; }
$d_rev = ""; $d_havedelta = 0; $d_branches = ""; $d_next = "";
while (1)
$tok = &rcstok();
if ($tok =~ /[0-9.]+/)
if ($d_havedelta)
{ &setrevs($d_rev, $d_next, $d_branches, $d_date, $d_author, $d_state); }
$d_rev = $tok; $d_havedelta = 1; $d_branches = ""; $d_next = "";
elsif ($tok eq "branches")
while (1)
if (($tok = &rcstok()) eq ";") { last; }
if ($d_branches ne "") { $d_branches .= " "; }
$d_branches .= $tok;
elsif ($tok eq "date") { $tok = &rcstok(); if ($tok ne ";") { $d_date = $tok; &rcstok(); } }
elsif ($tok eq "author") { $tok = &rcstok(); if ($tok ne ";") { $d_author = $tok; &rcstok(); } }
elsif ($tok eq "state") { $tok = &rcstok(); if ($tok ne ";") { $d_state = $tok; &rcstok(); } }
elsif ($tok eq "next") { $tok = &rcstok(); if ($tok ne ";") { $d_next = $tok; &rcstok(); } }
elsif ($tok eq "desc") { last; }
else { &skip_to_rcstok(";"); }
if ($d_havedelta)
{ &setrevs($d_rev, $d_next, $d_branches, $d_date, $d_author, $d_state); }
if (! defined($do_texts)) { close RCS; $RCS_Valid = 1; return 1; }
$Rcs_Eofatal = 0;
while (1)
$tok = &rcstok();
if (! defined($tok)) { last; }
if ($tok =~ /[0-9.]+/)
{ $d_rev = $tok; }
elsif ($tok eq "text")
$msg = &rcstok();
if ($msg eq "") { $RCS_Texts{$d_rev} = 0; } else { $RCS_Texts{$d_rev} = 1; }
elsif ($tok eq "log")
{ $log = &rcstok(); $RCS_Logs{$d_rev} = $log; }
$Rcs_Eofatal = 1;
close RCS;
$RCS_Valid = 1;
return 1;
sub rcs_tip
my ($rev) = @_;
my $next;
# Find the tip of the branch...
while (1)
if (! defined($RCS_Revs{$rev}))
{ return "???"; }
($next) = split(/:/, $RCS_Revs{$rev});
if ($next eq "") { return $rev; }
$rev = $next;
# given a "CVS line spec" (revision #, "head", or a tag)
sub rev_on_line
my($line) = @_;
if ($line eq $TRUNKLINE)
{ $line = "head"; }
# else
# { $line = "${line}_BRANCH"; }
if (defined($RCS_Tags{$line})) { $line = $RCS_Tags{$line}; }
elsif ($line !~ /^[0-9.]+$/) { return "none"; }
if ($line =~ /\.0\.([0-9]+)$/)
# It's a CVS branch revision number... demunge it:
$line =~ s/\.0(\.[0-9]+)$/$1/;
# OK, see whether the branch actually exists:
# (We have an assumption here that first rev is always ".1")
$line = "$line.1";
if (! defined($RCS_Revs{$line}))
# Nope, so fall back to the root, which we know to be an
# existing revision...
$line =~ s/\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$//;
return $line;
# Yep, the branch exists; so it *is* a branch; so, we go out to
# the tip. (Right?)
return &rcs_tip($line);
# OK, do we have an RCS branch or an RCS revision number? (count
# the dots)
if (($line =~ tr/\././) % 2)
# An odd number of dots... it's a revision number
if (defined($RCS_Revs{$line})) { return $line; }
return "none"; # Or should we assert?
# An even number of dots... it's a branch number
# (We have an assumption here that first rev is always ".1")
return &rcs_tip("$line.1");
# Is rev "$this" < rev "$that"?
# Note: "" is considered infinitely high
# revs must be of the same order (I.e., same # of "."s)
sub rev_lt
my($this, $that) = @_;
my(@this, @that);
if (! $that) { return 1; }
@this = split(/\./, $this);
@that = split(/\./, $that);
while (1)
$this_n = shift(@this);
$that_n = shift(@that);
if ($this_n < $that_n) { return 1; }
if ($this_n > $that_n) { return 0; }
if ($#this < 0) { return 0; }
# Note: "" is considered infinitely high
sub linerev_gt
my($this, $that) = @_;
my $ret;
if (! $that)
{ $ret = 1; }
my $thisord, $thatord;
$thisord = ($this =~ tr/\././);
$thatord = ($that =~ tr/\././);
if ($thisord < $thatord)
{ $ret = 1; }
elsif ($thisord > $thatord)
{ $ret = 0; }
{ $ret = &rev_lt($that, $this); }
return $ret;
# Maximum size for a log message we'll keep.
# Messages beyond this get truncated, to accomodate a limitation
# on the key/value pair size in ndbm. That's life.
$MAXSZ = 256*3;
# Generate the metadata for a single file
sub dofile
local($dir, $file) = @_;
if ($file !~ /,v$/) { return; }
if ($IGNOREFILES && $file =~ /$IGNOREFILES/) { return; }
#if ($file ne "rm.c,v") { return; }
undef %RCS_lines;
undef %RCS_Branches;
undef $Firstusedrev;
# This parses the RCS information from the ,v file, filling
# in various data structures that we use, below.
&set_RCS_revs("$dir/$file", 0);
# What RCS keyword expansion options are in effect?
# (We use this to detect binary files)
$options = "${RCS_expand}$RCS_exec";
if (! $options) { $options = "-"; }
@path = split(/\//, "$dir/$file");
$file = pop(@path);
$file =~ s/,v$//;
if ($path[$#path] eq "Attic") { pop @path; }
$dir = join("/", @path);
$path = sprintf("%s%s%s", $dir, $dir ? "/" : "", $file);
print "$path\n";
# For all of the branches we see, store the tip revision in
# $HAVELINES{$line}; this is also where we weed out
# codelines we are not interested in.
foreach $line ((keys %RCS_Branchtags), $TRUNKLINE)
$no_flash_line = $line;
if (defined($BRANCH_FLASH)) { $no_flash_line =~ s/$BRANCH_FLASH$//; }
if ($WANTLINES && ! (defined($WANTLINES{$no_flash_line}))) { next; }
if (($tiprev = &rev_on_line($line)) eq "none") { next; }
$HAVELINES{$line} = $tiprev;
# Now we go through each line, to build a list of the RCS revs that
# need to be exported into the metadata stream.
while (1) # We have more lines to deal with...
(@k) = (keys %HAVELINES);
if ($#k < 0) { last; }
my $theline;
# Choose the highest numbered line of the lowest "order" for
# the next one to export... this will always pickup lines on
# branches nearer the trunk first, so the subsequent branches
# will have a place to branch from!
foreach $k (@k)
if ($k eq $TRUNKLINE) { $theline = $k; last; }
# if both lines select the *same* revision...
if ($HAVELINES{$k} eq $HAVELINES{$theline})
# ...take the one with the lower branch tag order first
if (&linerev_gt($RCS_Branchtags{$k}, $RCS_Branchtags{$theline}))
{ $theline = $k; next; }
if (&linerev_gt($HAVELINES{$k}, $HAVELINES{$theline}))
{ $theline = $k; }
$rev = $tiprev = &rev_on_line($theline);
$t = $theline;
if (defined($BRANCH_FLASH))
{ $t =~ s/$BRANCH_FLASH$//; }
# This is where we build the list of codelines we've encountered.
$All_lines{$t} = 1;
if ( (defined($RCS_lines{$rev})) &&
($theline ne $TRUNKLINE) &&
(($rev =~ tr/\././) < ($RCS_Branchtags{$theline} =~ tr/\././)))
if ($RCS_Branches{$rev}) { $RCS_Branches{$rev} .= ":"; }
$RCS_Branches{$rev} .= $t;
while ($rev && ! defined($RCS_lines{$rev}))
$RCS_lines{$rev} = $theline;
$rev = $RCS_Prevs{$rev};
if ($rev)
if ($RCS_Branches{$rev}) { $RCS_Branches{$rev} .= ":"; }
$RCS_Branches{$rev} .= $t;
# We test for "if $rev" here cause it may have gone null if the while loop
# above ran off the end...
if ($rev && (($rev =~ tr/\././) == 1) && &rev_lt($rev, $Firstusedrev))
{ $Firstusedrev = $rev }
delete $HAVELINES{$theline};
# OK, we have the set of revisions to export - write them to the
# metadata stream.
foreach $rev (keys %RCS_Revs)
$revkey = "$path/$rev";
$state = $RCS_States{$rev};
$author = $RCS_Authors{$rev};
$date = $RCS_Dates{$rev};
$date =~ s/\.//g;
$line = $RCS_lines{$rev};
if (defined($BRANCH_FLASH)) { $line =~ s/$BRANCH_FLASH$//; }
$branches = $RCS_Branches{$rev};
# Detect revisions before the first branch point, and
# omit them if we're not doing ALLTHEWAYBACK.
&& ($line eq $TRUNKLINE)
&& ($rev ne $RCS_Tags{"head"})
&& $Firstusedrev
&& &rev_lt($rev, $Firstusedrev))
{ next; }
if (! $line) { next; }
if (! $branches) { $branches = "-"; }
if ((! $ALLTHEWAYBACK) && $rev eq $Firstusedrev)
{ $prevrev = "-"; }
elsif ($RCS_Prevs{$rev})
{ $prevrev = $RCS_Prevs{$rev}; }
{ $prevrev = "-"; }
$All_lines{$line} = 1;
print META "$revkey$S$date$S$author$S$state$S$line$S$branches$S$prevrev$S$options\n";
# MAXSZ derives from a ndbm limitation on the size of a key/entry pair.
# at (256*3) it allows for a $revkey up to 250 chars or so.
$logmsg = substr($RCS_Logs{$rev}, 0, $MAXSZ);
if ($logmsg !~ /\n$/) { $logmsg .= "\n"; }
if (length($logmsg)+length($revkey) > 1010)
{ print "$Myname: revkey + log too long for <$revkey>\n"; exit 1; }
$MSGS{$revkey} = $logmsg;
# option switch variables get defaults here...
$Convdir = "";
$Boolopt = 0;
$Valopt = 0;
while ($#ARGV >= 0)
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-boolopt") { $Boolopt = 1; shift; next; }
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-valopt")
shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; }
$Valopt = $ARGV[0]; shift; next;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-help")
{ &help; }
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { &usage; }
if ($Args ne "") { $Args .= " "; }
push(@Args, $ARGV[0]);
if ($#Args ne 0) { &usage; }
$Convdir = $Args[0];
$Metadata = "$Convdir/metadata";
$Logmsgs = "$Convdir/logmsgs";
$Changes = "$Convdir/changes";
$Revmap = "$Convdir/revmap";
$Clientdir = "$Convdir/p4";
require "$Convdir/config";
if (! open(META, "| sort -t '$S' -n +1 >$Metadata"))
{ print "$Myname: can't open \"| sort -n +1 >$Metadata\": $!\n"; exit 1; }
&s("rm -rf $Logmsgs.dir $Logmsgs.pag $Changes $Clientdir $Revmap.dir $Revmap.pag");
if (! dbmopen(MSGS, $Logmsgs, 0666))
{ print "$Myname: can't dbmopen \"$Logmsgs\": $!\n"; exit 1; }
#chdir $CVS_MODULE || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$CVS_MODULE\": $!";
#$CVS_MODULE = `/bin/pwd`; chop $CVS_MODULE;
#chdir $Here || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$Here\": $!";
&traverse($CVS_MODULE, 0, "dofile");
close META;
dbmclose MESSAGES;
$Lines = "$Convdir/lines";
if (! open(LINES, ">$Lines"))
{ print "$Myname: can't open \">$Lines\": $!\n"; }
print "===== Lines referenced:\n";
print LINES "===== Lines referenced:\n";
foreach $line (sort keys %All_lines)
print "$line\n";
print LINES "$line\n";
close LINES;
exit 0;