#include "StdAfx.h" #include "UnitTestFrameWork.h" #include "TestP4BridgeServer.h" #include "TextEncoder.h" #include "..\p4bridge\P4BridgeClient.h" #include "..\p4bridge\P4BridgeServer.h" #include <strtable.h> #include <strarray.h> #include <conio.h> CREATE_TEST_SUITE(TestP4BridgeServer) TestP4BridgeServer::TestP4BridgeServer(void) { UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(ServerConnectionTest, "ServerConnectionTest"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestUnicodeClientToNonUnicodeServer, "TestUnicodeClientToNonUnicodeServer"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestUnicodeUserName, "TestUnicodeUserName"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestUntaggedCommand, "TestUntaggedCommand"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestTaggedCommand, "TestTaggedCommand"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestTextOutCommand, "TestTextOutCommand"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestBinaryOutCommand, "TestBinaryOutCommand"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestErrorOutCommand, "TestErrorOutCommand"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestGetSet, "TestGetSet"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestGetConfig, "TestGetConfig"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestIsIgnored, "TestIsIgnored"); UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestConnectionManger, "TestConnectionManger"); //UnitTestSuite::RegisterTest(TestGetTicketFile, "TestGetTicketFile"); } TestP4BridgeServer::~TestP4BridgeServer(void) { } char unitTestDir[MAX_PATH]; char unitTestZip[MAX_PATH]; char * TestDir = "c:\\MyTestDir"; char * TestZip = "c:\\MyTestDir\\a.exe"; char * rcp_cmd = "p4d -r C:/MyTestDir -jr checkpoint.1"; char * udb_cmd = "p4d -r C:/MyTestDir -xu"; char * p4d_cmd = "p4d -p6666 -IdUnitTestServer -rC:/MyTestDir"; char * testCfgFile = "C:\\MyTestDir\\admin_space\\myP4Config.txt"; char * testCfgDir = "C:\\MyTestDir\\admin_space"; char * testIgnoreFile = "C:\\MyTestDir\\admin_space\\myP4Ignore.txt"; char * testIgnoredFile1 = "C:\\MyTestDir\\admin_space\\foofoofoo.foo"; char * testIgnoredFile2 = "C:\\MyTestDir\\admin_space\\moomoomoo.moo"; void * pi = NULL; P4BridgeServer * ps = NULL; char* oldConfig = NULL; char* oldIgnore = NULL; bool TestP4BridgeServer::Setup() { // remove the test directory if it exists UnitTestSuite::rmDir( TestDir ) ; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(unitTestDir), unitTestDir); strcpy( unitTestZip, unitTestDir); strcat( unitTestZip, "\\a.exe"); if (!CreateDirectory( TestDir, NULL)) return false; if (!CopyFile(unitTestZip, TestZip, false)) return false; if (!SetCurrentDirectory(TestDir)) return false; pi = UnitTestSuite::RunProgram("a", TestDir, true, true); if (!pi) { SetCurrentDirectory(unitTestDir); return false; } delete pi; pi = UnitTestSuite::RunProgram(rcp_cmd, TestDir, true, true); if (!pi) { SetCurrentDirectory(unitTestDir); return false; } delete pi; pi = UnitTestSuite::RunProgram(udb_cmd, TestDir, true, true); if (!pi) { SetCurrentDirectory(unitTestDir); return false; } delete pi; pi = UnitTestSuite::RunProgram(p4d_cmd, TestDir, false, false); if (!pi) { SetCurrentDirectory(unitTestDir); return false; } // _getch(); return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TearDown(char* testName) { UnitTestSuite::rmDir( testCfgFile ) ; UnitTestSuite::rmDir( testIgnoreFile ) ; if (oldConfig) { P4BridgeServer::Set("P4CONFIG", oldConfig); oldConfig = NULL; } if (oldIgnore) { P4BridgeServer::Set("P4IGNORE", oldIgnore); oldIgnore = NULL; } if (pi) UnitTestSuite::EndProcess( (LPPROCESS_INFORMATION) pi ); if (ps) { delete ps; ps = NULL; //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After deleting server"); } SetCurrentDirectory(unitTestDir); UnitTestSuite::rmDir( TestDir ) ; #ifdef _DEBUG_MEMORY p4base::PrintMemoryState(testName); #endif return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::ServerConnectionTest() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", ""); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestUnicodeClientToNonUnicodeServer() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(ps->unicodeServer(), 1); ps->set_charset("utf8", "utf16le"); char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/mycode/*"; ASSERT_FALSE(ps->run_command("files", 3456, 0, params, 1)) P4ClientError * out = ps->get_ui(3456)->GetErrorResults(); ASSERT_STRING_STARTS_WITH(out->Message, "Unicode clients require a unicode enabled server.") ps->ReleaseConnection(3456,0); return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestUnicodeUserName() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server //Aleksey (Alexei) in Cyrillic = "\xD0\x90\xD0\xbb\xD0\xB5\xD0\xBA\xD1\x81\xD0\xB5\xD0\xB9\0" IN utf-8 ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "\xD0\x90\xD0\xBB\xD0\xB5\xD0\xBA\xD1\x81\xD0\xB5\xD0\xB9\0", "pass", "\xD0\x90\xD0\xbb\xD0\xB5\xD0\xBA\xD1\x81\xD0\xB5\xD0\xB9\0"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; printf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } ASSERT_FALSE(ps->unicodeServer()); ps->set_charset("utf8", "utf16le"); char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/mycode/*"; ASSERT_FALSE(ps->run_command("files", 7, 0, params, 1)) P4ClientError * out = ps->get_ui(7)->GetErrorResults(); ASSERT_STRING_STARTS_WITH(out->Message, "Unicode clients require a unicode enabled server.") return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestUntaggedCommand() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/mycode/*"; ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("files", 7, 0, params, 1)) P4ClientInfoMsg * out = ps->get_ui(7)->GetInfoResults(); ASSERT_STRING_STARTS_WITH(out->Message, "//depot/MyCode/") return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestTaggedCommand() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/mycode/*"; ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("files", 7, 1, params, 1)) StrDictListIterator * out = ps->get_ui(7)->GetTaggedOutput(); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(out); int itemCnt = 0; while (StrDictList * pItem = out->GetNextItem()) { int entryCnt = 0; while (KeyValuePair * pEntry = out->GetNextEntry()) { if ((itemCnt == 0) && (strcmp(pEntry->key, "depotFile") == 0)) ASSERT_STRING_STARTS_WITH(pEntry->value, "//depot/MyCode/") if ((itemCnt == 1) && (strcmp(pEntry->key, "depotFile") == 0)) ASSERT_STRING_STARTS_WITH(pEntry->value, "//depot/MyCode/") entryCnt++; } ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(entryCnt, 0); itemCnt++; } ASSERT_EQUAL(itemCnt, 3); delete out; return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestTextOutCommand() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/MyCode/ReadMe.txt"; ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("print", 7, 1, params, 1)) StrBuf * out = ps->get_ui(7)->GetTextResults(); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(out); ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(out->Text(), "Don't Read This!\n\nIt's Secret!") return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestBinaryOutCommand() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/MyCode/Silly.bmp"; ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("print", 7, 1, params, 1)) int cnt = ps->get_ui(7)->GetBinaryResultsCount(); ASSERT_EQUAL(cnt, 3126) void * out = ps->get_ui(7)->GetBinaryResults(); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(out); ASSERT_EQUAL((*(((unsigned char*)out) + 1)), 0x4d) return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestErrorOutCommand() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/MyCode/Billy.bmp"; // run a command against a nonexistent file // Should fail ASSERT_FALSE(ps->run_command("rent", 7, 1, params, 1)) P4ClientError * out = ps->get_ui(7)->GetErrorResults(); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(out); //ASSERT_STRING_STARTS_WITH(out->Message, "Unknown command. Try 'p4 help' for info") ASSERT_EQUAL(out->ErrorCode, 805379098); ASSERT_NULL(out->Next) return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestGetSet() { char *expected = "C:\\login.bat"; P4BridgeServer::Set("P4FOOBAR", expected); char *result = P4BridgeServer::Get("P4FOOBAR"); ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(expected, result); delete[] result; P4BridgeServer::Set("P4FOOBAR", NULL); result = P4BridgeServer::Get("P4FOOBAR"); ASSERT_NULL(result); wchar_t *w_expected = L"C:\\login<АБВГ>.bat"; expected = TextEncoder::Utf16ToUtf8(w_expected); P4BridgeServer::Set("P4FOOBAR", expected); result = P4BridgeServer::Get("P4FOOBAR"); ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(expected, result); wchar_t *w_result = TextEncoder::Utf8ToUtf16(result); ASSERT_W_STRING_EQUAL(w_expected, w_result); delete[] result; P4BridgeServer::Set("P4FOOBAR", NULL); result = P4BridgeServer::Get("P4FOOBAR"); ASSERT_NULL(result); return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestGetConfig() { OFSTRUCT ReOpenBuff; oldConfig = P4BridgeServer::Get("P4CONFIG"); HFILE hf = OpenFile(testCfgFile, &ReOpenBuff, OF_CREATE); DWORD written = 0; WriteFile((HANDLE) hf, (LPVOID) "P4CLIENT testClient\r\n", 21, &written, NULL); CloseHandle((HANDLE) hf); P4BridgeServer::Set("P4CONFIG", "myP4Config.txt"); char *result = P4BridgeServer::get_config(testCfgDir); ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(testCfgFile, result); delete[] result; P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); ps->set_cwd(testCfgDir); //// connect and see if the api returned an error. //if( !ps->connected( connectionError ) ) //{ // char buff[256]; // sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // // Abort if the connect did not succeed // ASSERT_FAIL(buff); //} result = P4BridgeServer::Get("P4CONFIG"); ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL("myP4Config.txt", result); result = ps->get_config(); ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(testCfgFile, result); return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestIsIgnored() { OFSTRUCT ReOpenBuff; oldIgnore = P4BridgeServer::Get("P4IGNORE"); HFILE hf = OpenFile(testIgnoreFile, &ReOpenBuff, OF_CREATE); DWORD written = 0; WriteFile((HANDLE) hf, (LPVOID) "foofoofoo.foo\r\n", 15, &written, NULL); CloseHandle((HANDLE) hf); P4BridgeServer::Set("P4IGNORE", "myP4Ignore.txt"); ASSERT_TRUE(P4BridgeServer::IsIgnored(StrRef(testIgnoredFile1))); ASSERT_FALSE(P4BridgeServer::IsIgnored(StrRef(testIgnoredFile2))); return true; } bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestConnectionManger() { P4ClientError* connectionError = NULL; // create a new server ps = new P4BridgeServer("localhost:6666", "admin", "", "admin_space"); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ps); // connect and see if the api returned an error. if( !ps->connected( &connectionError ) ) { char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "Connection error: %s", *connectionError); // Abort if the connect did not succeed ASSERT_FAIL(buff); } char* params[1]; params[0] = "//depot/mycode/*"; //p4base::DumpMemoryState("Before first command run"); ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("files", 6, 1, params, 1)) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After first command run"); ps->ReleaseConnection(6, 10); //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After first ReleaseConnection"); ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("files", 7, 1, params, 1)) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After second command run"); ps->ReleaseConnection(7, 10); //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After second ReleaseConnection"); int idleCnt = ps->FreeConnections(0); ASSERT_EQUAL(idleCnt, 1) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After first FreeConnections"); ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("files", 8, 1, params, 1)) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After third command run"); ASSERT_TRUE(ps->run_command("files", 9, 1, params, 1)) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After fourth command run"); ps->ReleaseConnection(8, 20); //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After third ReleaseConnection"); ps->ReleaseConnection(9, 30); //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After fourth ReleaseConnection"); idleCnt = ps->FreeConnections(11); ASSERT_EQUAL(idleCnt, 2) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After second FreeConnections"); idleCnt = ps->FreeConnections(21); ASSERT_EQUAL(idleCnt, 1) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After third FreeConnections"); idleCnt = ps->FreeConnections(31); ASSERT_EQUAL(idleCnt, 0) //p4base::DumpMemoryState("After fourth FreeConnections"); return true; } //bool TestP4BridgeServer::TestGetTicketFile() //{ // char* tktfile = P4BridgeServer::GetTicketFile(); // // ASSERT_NOT_NULL(tktfile); // // delete tktfile; // // return true; //}
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19640 | Liz Lam | "Forking branch Main of perforce-software-p4connect to liz_lam-p4connect." | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4connect/main/src/P4Bridge/p4bridge-unit-test/TestP4BridgeServer.cpp | |||||
#1 | 16209 | Norman Morse | Move entire source tree into "main" branch so workshop code will act correctly. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4connect/src/P4Bridge/p4bridge-unit-test/TestP4BridgeServer.cpp | |||||
#2 | 12135 | Norman Morse |
Integrate dev branch changes into main. This code is the basiis of the 2.7 BETA release which provides Unity 5 compatibility |
#1 | 10940 | Norman Morse |
Inital Workshop release of P4Connect. Released under BSD-2 license |