Copyright (c) 2001 MBruce, GPL applies
$Id: //guest/matt_bruce/sampleProject/3rdparty/README#1 $
This directory is for third party libraries, headers, etc that are
necessary for compiling or linking ONLY. Please do not place third
party tools here that are not needed to build your code.
Also, do not place operating system specific or compiler specific
code here (such as "stdio.h" or "classes.jar" which would be
compiler specific code). The compiler and operating system code
is expected to be installed on any machine capable of building.
Example of something that belongs in here: junit.jar. This library
is probably needed by you for unit testing. You do unit testing,
Example of something that doesn't belong in here: rt.jar. This
is installed with the compiler, and therefore isn't specific to
your build.
Library code goes into the 'type of code' specific directories.
Include (typically C and C++) goes into the 'include' directory.
The jamfiles take care of putting these libraries into your
path prior to the libraries that are on the machine. So what is
in /opt/release/... or /usr/include/... or c:\msdev\vc98\mfc\include
should be included AFTER anything that is here. Of course, you
can change this pretty easily, if you run into any colissions.