package p4jdb ;
import p4jdb.* ;
import java.lang.* ;
import java.util.* ;
import* ;
import java.applet.* ;
import java.awt.* ;
import java.awt.event.* ;
* Represents a directory folder in the p4 depot.
public class P4File implements TreeDisplay.Data {
* Name and full path of directory
private String name_,path_,urlPath_ ;
* file revision
private int rev_ ;
* file status code
public String status_ ;
* "level" in directory tree
private int level_ ;
public P4File(String name,
String path,
int rev,
int level,
String status)
name_ = name ;
path_ = path ;
urlPath_ = URLEncoder.encode(path_+"/"+name_) ;
rev_ = rev ;
level_ = level ;
status_ = status ;
* Draw line info
*@param height Line height
*@param p Start point (lower right)
*@param g Graphics object to use
*@return width of object drawn (or 0 if no object)
public int draw(int height, Point p, Graphics g)
final String name = name_ + "#" + rev_ ;
final FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics() ;
final int width = fm.stringWidth(name) ;
g.setColor( ;
g.drawString(name,p.x,p.y) ;
if(status_.equals("de")) {
g.setColor( ;
final int ylevel = p.y - (fm.getHeight()/3) ;
p.x+width,ylevel) ;
} ;
return width ;
*@return level in tree (number of tics to indent)
public int level()
return level_ ;
* Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on an object.
*@param cp Component where object is drawn
*@param pt Point within component where mouse is clicked
*@param rpt Point within object (relative to zero position
* given in draw() metod
public void mouseClicked(Component cp, Point pt, Point rpt)
final String HISTORY = "View file history" ;
final String VIEW = "View file" ;
final String VIEW_CHANGES = "View changes for file" ;
PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(path_+"/"+name_) ;
popup.add(HISTORY) ;
popup.add(VIEW) ;
popup.add(VIEW_CHANGES) ;
popup.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
AppletContext ac = P4DirTree.applet.getAppletContext() ;
URL url ;
try {
if(e.getActionCommand() == HISTORY)
url = new URL(P4DirTree.applet.getDocumentBase(),
"fileLogView.cgi?FSPC="+urlPath_) ;
else if (e.getActionCommand() == VIEW)
url = new URL(P4DirTree.applet.getDocumentBase(),
"fileViewer.cgi?FSPC="+urlPath_+"&REV="+rev_) ;
else // if (e.getActionCommand() == VIEW_CHANGES)
url = new URL(P4DirTree.applet.getDocumentBase(),
"changeList.cgi?FSPC="+urlPath_) ;
ac.showDocument(url) ;
catch (Throwable t) {
System.err.println("Exception: "+t.toString()) ;
}) ;
cp.add(popup) ;,pt.x,pt.y) ;
} ;
} ;