procedure(CDS_FFCopyLibCells(srclib destlib @key force) ;_Nov 5 01 sikand 47
;;procedure to copy all the cells in a library to a new library. The cells are
;;opened and instance masters are re-mapped to the new lib if they were referencing
;;the original lib to begin with.
;; this just copies cells from one library to another library
;; the target library must exist
;; libfiles and categories are not handled since it assumes
;; this is a cell based copy
prog((curLibId newLib topCats cellList catList allCats catContents catID numCells curCount
destLibFiles srcLibFiles id srcLoc destLoc ipcPid)
curLibId = ddGetObj(srclib)
unless( ddGetObj(newLib)
error("Library %s does not exist, aborted\n" newLib)
foreach(cell curLibId~>cells
if(CDS_FFdbCopyCell(?srcLib curLibId~>name
?srcCellName cell~>name
?destLib newLib
?destCellName cell~>name
?copyHier nil
?force force
?updateInsts nil
?copyFromRefLib nil) then
printf("Copied cell %d of %d: %s...\n" curCount++ numCells cell~>name)
printf("Error: Problem copying %s. Have you specified a valid Lib name?\n" cell~>name)
) ; ** if CDS_FFdbCopyCell **
) ; ** foreach cell **
;now that all the cells are copied, go reset the instance pointers
printf("Resetting Instance Master Pointers...\n")
foreach(cell curLibId~>cells
foreach(view cell~>views
CDS_LFresetInstMasters(newLib cell~>name view~>name)
) ; ** prog **
) ; ** procedure CDS_FFCopyLibCells **