* Test the category manage controller.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class Category_Test_ManageControllerTest extends ModuleControllerTest
* Test the index action.
public function testIndex()
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action');
// verify that table and dojo data elements exist
$this->assertXpath('//div[@dojotype="dojox.data.QueryReadStore"]', 'Expected dojo.data div');
'//table[@dojotype="p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid" and @jsid="p4cms.category.grid.instance"]',
'Expected dojox.grid table'
// verify add button appears
$this->assertXpath('//button[@class="add-button"]', 'Expected category add link.');
// create several categories.
$items = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$values = array(
'id' => "test-cat-$i",
'title' => "Test Category $i",
'description' => "a category for testing #$i",
$items[] = $values;
// check JSON output
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module, dispatch #2. '. $body);
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller, dispatch #2 '. $body);
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #2 '. $body);
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
// verify number of items
'Expected number of items'
// verify item values
foreach ($data['items'] as $item) {
array_intersect($item, current($items)),
'Expected item values'
* Test add- with a conflicting title.
public function testAddConflictingTitle()
// create a category to show up in the parent select
'id' => 'foo',
'title' => 'Foobulous',
'description' => 'Foobulous'
// form request with appropriate fields.
$this->request->setPost('title', 'Foo');
$this->request->setPost('parent', '/');
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');
// check for form w. errors.
$this->assertQuery('form.category-form', 'Expected add form.');
$this->assertQueryCount('ul.errors', 1, 'Expected one error.');
* Test add with a good post w. JSON
public function testAddGoodPostJson()
// form request without required fields.
$title = 'Good Category';
$this->request->setPost('title', $title);
$this->request->setPost('parent', '');
$this->request->setPost('format', 'json');
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');
// check for saved category entry.
$id = 'good-category';
$this->assertTrue(Category_Model_Category::exists($id), 'Expected category to be saved.');
$category = Category_Model_Category::fetch($id);
'Expected same title as was posted.'
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertResponseCode(200, 'Expected success response code for post');
$data = json_decode($body, true);
// verify that arrays of category in json and saved category are same (items order can differ)
'Expected number of items in category in json and in saved category are the same.'
array_diff($category->toArray(), $data['category']),
'Expected items in category in json response and in saved category are the same.'
* Test the add action without a post.
public function testAddNoPost()
// create a category to show up in the parent select
'id' => 'foo',
'title' => 'Foo',
'description' => 'Foobulous'
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');
// ensure that form inputs are presented correctly.
$this->assertQuery('form.category-form', 'Expected add form.');
$this->assertQuery('select[name="parent"]', 'Expected handler select input.');
$this->assertQueryCount('select[name="parent"] option', 2, 'Expected two parents.');
$this->assertQuery('input[name="title"]', 'Expected label input.');
$this->assertQuery('textarea[name="description"]', 'Expected description input.');
$this->assertQuery('input[type="submit"]', 'Expected submit button.');
// ensure labels are present.
$labels = array(
'title' => 'Title',
'parent' => 'Parent',
'description' => 'Description',
foreach ($labels as $field => $label) {
$this->assertQueryContentContains("label[for='$field']", $label, 'Expected $field label.');
* Test add with a post missing several required fields.
public function testAddBadPost()
// form request without required fields.
$this->request->setPost('description', 'test description');
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');
// check for form w. errors.
$this->assertQuery('form.category-form', 'Expected add form.');
$this->assertQueryCount('ul.errors', 1, 'Expected matching number of errors.');
// ensure description value was preserved.
$this->assertQueryContentContains('textarea', 'test description');
* Test add with a bad parent.
public function testAddBadParentPost()
// form request without required fields.
$this->request->setPost('title', 'Test Category');
$this->request->setPost('parent', 'lasdjkfasdklf');
$this->request->setPost('description', 'a description');
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');
// check for form w. errors.
$this->assertQuery('form.category-form', 'Expected add form.');
$this->assertQueryCount('ul.errors', 1, 'Expected one error.');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('li', "'lasdjkfasdklf' is not a valid parent category.");
// ensure elements value was preserved.
$this->assertQueryContentContains('textarea', 'a description');
* Test add with a good post.
public function testGoodAddPost()
// form request without required fields.
$title = 'Good Category';
$id = 'good-category';
$description = 'a description';
$this->request->setPost('title', $title);
$this->request->setPost('parent', '');
$this->request->setPost('description', $description);
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');
// check for saved category entry.
$this->assertTrue(Category_Model_Category::exists($id), 'Expected category to be saved.');
$category = Category_Model_Category::fetch($id);
'Expected same title as was posted.'
'Expected same description as was posted.'
// test that id must be unique (can't add same category twice).
$this->request->setPost('title', $title);
$this->request->setPost('parent', '');
$this->request->setPost('description', $description);
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertQueryCount('ul.errors', 1, 'Expected id error.');
// test that the added category appears as a parent
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('option', $title);
* Test edit with no post.
public function testEditNoPost()
// test editing an id that does not exist
$id = 'editme/subcat';
$this->request->setParam('category', $id);
$this->assertModule('error', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('error', 'Expected action');
// test editing an id that does exist.
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'editme', 'title' => 'Edit Me'));
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'editme/subcat', 'title' => 'subCat', 'description' => 'docs'));
$this->request->setParam('category', $id);
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('edit', 'Expected action');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('select[name="parent"] option', 'Edit Me', 'Expected parent input.');
$this->assertXpath('//input[@name="title"][@value="subCat"]', 'Expected title input.');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('textarea[name="description"]', 'docs', 'Expected description input.');
* Test edit with bad post.
public function testEditBadPost()
// create category to be edited.
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'edit-me', 'title' => 'Edit Me'));
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'edit-me/subcat', 'title' => 'subCat', 'description' => 'docs'));
// form request without required field (elements).
$this->request->setParam('category', 'edit-me/subcat');
$this->request->setPost('title', '');
$this->request->setPost('description', 'changed');
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('edit', 'Expected action');
// check for form w. errors.
$this->assertQuery('form', 'Expected edit form.');
$this->assertQueryCount('ul.errors', 1, 'Expected one error.');
// ensure label value was preserved.
$this->assertQuery('//input[@name="title"][@value=""]', 'Expect title to be changed.');
* Test good post to edit.
public function testGoodEditPost()
// create category to be edited.
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'edit-me', 'title' => 'Edit Me'));
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'edit-me/subcat', 'title' => 'subCat', 'description' => 'docs'));
// form request without required fields.
$this->request->setParam('category', 'edit-me/subcat');
$this->request->setPost('title', 'Test Category');
$this->request->setPost('parent', 'edit-me');
$this->request->setPost('description', 'new docs');
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('edit', 'Expected action');
// check for saved category entry.
'Expected edited category to be saved.'
'Expected original category to be gone.'
$category = Category_Model_Category::fetch('edit-me/test-category');
'Test Category',
"Expected same title as was posted."
'new docs',
"Expected same description as was posted."
* Test deleting.
public function testDelete()
// create category to be edited.
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'editme', 'title' => 'Edit Me'));
Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'editme/subcat', 'title' => 'subCat', 'description' => 'docs'));
$this->request->setParam('category', 'editme');
$this->request->setParam('format', 'json');
$this->request->setPost(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken());
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module.');
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('delete', 'Expected action');
// ensure categories gone.
"Expected category editme/subcat not to exist post delete."
"Expected category editme not to exist post delete."
* Test filtering grid by search query.
public function testFilterBySearch()
// setup environment for testing
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module, dispatch #1. '. $body);
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller, dispatch #1 '. $body);
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #1 '. $body);
// decode json output
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
// expected items (* denotes obligatory): B(*), B/subB, C(*), C/subC(*), C/subC/subsubC-last
$obligatoryLogicMap = array(
'B' => 1,
'B/subB-last' => 0,
'C' => 1,
'C/subC' => 1,
'C/subC/subsubC-last' => 0
// verify number of items after filtering
'Expected number of items after filtering by search #1.'
// verify obligatory items are marked
foreach ($obligatoryLogicMap as $id => $isObligatory) {
$assertFunction = $isObligatory ? 'assertTrue' : 'assertFalse';
$this->_getItemById($id, $data, 'obligatory'),
"Expected category $id " . ($isObligatory ? 'is' : 'is not')
. " marked as obligatory after filtering by search #1"
// test with another search query
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module, dispatch #2. '. $body);
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller, dispatch #2 '. $body);
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #2 '. $body);
// decode json output
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
// expected items (* denotes obligatory): C(*), C/subC, C/subC/subsubC-last
$obligatoryLogicMap = array(
'C' => 1,
'C/subC' => 0,
'C/subC/subsubC-last' => 0
// verify number of items after filtering
'Expected number of items after filtering by search #2.'
// verify obligatory items are marked
foreach ($obligatoryLogicMap as $id => $isObligatory) {
$assertFunction = $isObligatory ? 'assertTrue' : 'assertFalse';
$this->_getItemById($id, $data, 'obligatory'),
"Expected category $id " . ($isObligatory ? 'is' : 'is not')
. " marked as obligatory after filtering by search #2"
* Test filtering grid by number of category entries.
public function testFilterByCategoryEntries()
// setup environment for testing
// show only non-empty categories
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module, dispatch #1. '. $body);
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller, dispatch #1 '. $body);
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #1 '. $body);
// decode json output
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
// expected items (* denotes obligatory): B, C(*), C/subC
$obligatoryLogicMap = array(
'B' => 0,
'C' => 1,
'C/subC' => 0,
// verify number of items after filtering
'Expected number of items after filtering by category entries #1.'
// verify obligatory items are marked
foreach ($obligatoryLogicMap as $id => $isObligatory) {
$assertFunction = $isObligatory ? 'assertTrue' : 'assertFalse';
$this->_getItemById($id, $data, 'obligatory'),
"Expected category $id " . ($isObligatory ? 'is' : 'is not')
. " marked as obligatory after filtering by category entries #1"
// test with another filter
// show only empty categories
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module, dispatch #2. '. $body);
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller, dispatch #2 '. $body);
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #2 '. $body);
// decode json output
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
// expected items (* denotes obligatory): A, B(*), B/subB-last, C, C/subC(*), C/subC/subsubC-last
$obligatoryLogicMap = array(
'A' => 0,
'B' => 1,
'B/subB-last' => 0,
'C' => 0,
'C/subC' => 1,
'C/subC/subsubC-last' => 0
// verify number of items after filtering
'Expected number of items after filtering by category entries #2.'
// verify obligatory items are marked
foreach ($obligatoryLogicMap as $id => $isObligatory) {
$assertFunction = $isObligatory ? 'assertTrue' : 'assertFalse';
$this->_getItemById($id, $data, 'obligatory'),
"Expected category $id " . ($isObligatory ? 'is' : 'is not')
. " marked as obligatory after filtering by category entries #2"
* Test multi-filtering.
public function testComposedFilter()
// setup environment for testing
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module, dispatch #1. '. $body);
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller, dispatch #1 '. $body);
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #1 '. $body);
// decode json output
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
// expected items (* denotes obligatory): C(*), C/subC
$obligatoryLogicMap = array(
'C' => 1,
'C/subC' => 0,
// verify number of items after filtering
'Expected number of items after multi-filtering #1.'
// verify obligatory items are marked
foreach ($obligatoryLogicMap as $id => $isObligatory) {
$assertFunction = $isObligatory ? 'assertTrue' : 'assertFalse';
$this->_getItemById($id, $data, 'obligatory'),
"Expected category $id " . ($isObligatory ? 'is' : 'is not')
. " marked as obligatory after multi-filtering #1"
// test with another search query
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('category', 'Expected module, dispatch #2. '. $body);
$this->assertController('manage', 'Expected controller, dispatch #2 '. $body);
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #2 '. $body);
// decode json output
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
// expected items (* denotes obligatory): empty
$obligatoryLogicMap = array();
// verify number of items after filtering
'Expected number of items after multi-filtering #2.'
// verify obligatory items are marked
foreach ($obligatoryLogicMap as $id => $isObligatory) {
$assertFunction = $isObligatory ? 'assertTrue' : 'assertFalse';
$this->_getItemById($id, $data, 'obligatory'),
"Expected category $id " . ($isObligatory ? 'is' : 'is not')
. " marked as obligatory after multi-filtering #2"
* Helper function for getting item with given id from json decoded data.
* @param string $id id to search for between items in the data
* @param array $data array to search item with given id for
* @param string $key optional - if set then item[key] will be
* returned, where item is one of the items in
* data with item['id'] matches the given id,
* otherwise the whole item will be returned
* @return array|string data item with id matching the passed value
* or value of item[key]
protected function _getItemById($id, array $data, $key = null)
$callback = function($item) use ($id)
return isset($item['id']) && $item['id'] === $id;
$found = current(array_filter($data['items'], $callback));
return $key ? $found[$key] : $found;
* Creates categories and assigned content for testing filtering options.
protected function _setupFiltering()
// create folowing categories structure:
// A
// B
// subB-last
// C
// subC
// subsubC-last
'title' => 'A',
'id' => 'A'
'title' => 'B',
'id' => 'B'
'title' => 'subB-last',
'id' => 'B/subB-last'
'title' => 'C',
'id' => 'C'
'title' => 'subC',
'id' => 'C/subC'
'title' => 'subsubC-last',
'id' => 'C/subC/subsubC-last'
// create content entry and assign the B and subC category to it
'id' => 'test'
Category_Model_Category::setEntryCategories('test', array('B', 'C/subC'));
* Test helper method to create specified content records.
* @param array $entries An array of id => title for the content records to create.
* @return array An array of the created content entries.
protected function _makeContent(array $entries)
$created = array();
foreach ($entries as $id => $title) {
$entry = new P4Cms_Content;
->setValue('contentType', 'basic-page')
->setValue('title', $title)
$created[] = $entry;
return $created;