* Provides infrastructure for executing periodic time-based tasks in the application.
* Tasks are executed by third-parties via subscribing to the 'p4cms.cron.<FREQUENCY>'
* topics, where <FREQUENCY> determines time-periods of publishing those topics.
* Currently, model handles the following frequencies:
* hourly - 'p4cms.cron.hourly' topic is published (at the most) once per hour
* daily - 'p4cms.cron.daily' topic is published (at the most) once per day
* weekly - 'p4cms.cron.weekly' topic is published (at the most) once per week
* monthly - 'p4cms.cron.monthly' topic is published (at the most) once per month
* Pub-sub topics are published by calling Cron_Model_Cron::run() method, that
* publishes only topics there were previously published sufficiently long ago
* according to the frequency. This method also returns a report, to check
* which topics were actually published, in the form of associative array with
* frequencies as keys and statuses as values, where status is one of the following:
* executed - if topic was successfully published,
* skipped - if topic was not published (ie. previously executed)
* failed - if there were errors during publishing the topic (however it doesn't
* necessarily mean that topic was published)
* Every time the topic is published, 2 new revisions of the cron file (for each
* frequency) are created. One just before and one just after publishing the topic.
* At the first update, execution timestamp is saved and 'completed' attribute is
* set to false. At the second update, 'completed' attribute is set to true and data
* collected from subscribers are stored in the 'data' attribute.
* Whereas this module guarantees that particular topics are not published too often
* (i.e. not more than once per hour for p4cms.cron.hourly topic, not more than once
* per day for p4cms.cron.daily topic etc.), it does not guarantee that
* 'p4cms.cron.hourly' topic will be published every hour and similarly for other
* frequencies, as it depends on calling Cron_Model_Cron::run() method sufficiently
* often.
* Typically, this can be ensured by setting up a cron job on a server with a frequency
* of at least once per hour. For example:
* 0 * * * * wget -O - -q -t 1 http://example.com/cron
* The above line executes wget once every hour (at the 'top' of the hour). The '-O -'
* arguments tell wget to write output to standard out, '-q' runs quietly and '-t 1'
* limits retries to one. If you do not have wget, try curl with comparable options.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class Cron_Model_Cron extends P4Cms_Record
const CRON_HOURLY = 'hourly';
const CRON_DAILY = 'daily';
const CRON_WEEKLY = 'weekly';
const CRON_MONTHLY = 'monthly';
const RESULT_EXECUTED = 'executed';
const RESULT_SKIPPED = 'skipped';
const RESULT_FAILED = 'failed';
protected static $_storageSubPath = 'cron';
protected static $_fields = array(
'runTime' => array(
'accessor' => 'getRunTime',
'mutator' => 'setRunTime'
'completed' => array(
'accessor' => 'getCompleted',
'mutator' => 'setCompleted'
'data' => array(
'accessor' => 'setData',
'mutator' => 'getData'
* Get cron runTime (timestamp of the most recent cron execution).
* @return int runTime timestamp
public function getRunTime()
return (int) $this->_getValue('runTime');
* Set runTime timestamp.
* @param int $timestamp unix timestamp
* @return Cron_Model_Cron provides fluent interface
public function setRunTime($timestamp)
if (!is_int($timestamp) || $timestamp < 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Timestamp must be a non-negative integer");
$this->_setValue('runTime', $timestamp);
return $this;
* Get info whether last cron execution was completed.
* @return boolean true if last cron execution was completed, false otherwise
public function getCompleted()
return (boolean) $this->_getValue('completed');
* Set whether last cron execution was completed or not.
* @param boolean $completed set true if last cron execution was completed,
* false otherwise
* @return Cron_Model_Cron provides fluent interface
public function setCompleted($completed)
$this->_setValue('completed', $completed ? '1' : '0');
return $this;
* Set additional data about the cron execution.
* @param array $data data to record with cron execution
* @return Cron_Model_Cron provides fluent interface
public function setData(array $data)
$this->_setValue('data', $data);
return $this;
* Get cron data.
* @return array list of data about cron execution.
public function getData()
return $this->_getValue('data');
* Run cron (if needed) for given frequencies specified in the optional parameter
* (all by default). Every cron run (for a given frequency) updates cron/<FREQUENCY>
* record, where <FREQUENCY> is one of hourly|daily|weekly|monthly.
* @param array $frequencies (optional) list of frequencies to run cron for,
* defaults to all
* @param int $timestamp (optional) UNIX timestamp to use for
* determining if cron needs to be run
* (useful mostly for testing);
* if not provided, then current timestamp
* will be used
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional - storage adapter to use.
* @return array list with run report for each frequency, report is one of
* executed|skipped|failed.
public static function run(
array $frequencies = null,
$timestamp = null,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
// if no adapter given, use default.
$adapter = $adapter ?: static::getDefaultAdapter();
$all = array(
// filter for only valid frequencies, fall back to all frequency types if none passed
$frequencies = array_intersect($frequencies ?: $all, $all);
// if no timestamp is provided, set to current
if (!$timestamp) {
$timestamp = time();
// get list of frequencies to run cron for
$needRun = static::_needRun($frequencies, $timestamp, $adapter);
// iterate over all frequencies and run cron if needed
$report = array();
foreach ($frequencies as $frequency) {
if (!in_array($frequency, $needRun)) {
$report[$frequency] = static::RESULT_SKIPPED;
// cron jobs should run as a special type of anonymous
// user that can be granted additional privileges.
$activeUser = P4Cms_User::hasActive()
? P4Cms_User::fetchActive()
: null;
P4Cms_User::setActive(new Cron_Model_User);
try {
static::_run($frequency, $timestamp, $adapter);
$result = static::RESULT_EXECUTED;
} catch (Exception $e) {
P4Cms_Log::logException("Cron run failed [frequency: $frequency].", $e);
$result = static::RESULT_FAILED;
// after each cron job, restore original active user.
if ($activeUser) {
} else {
$report[$frequency] = $result;
return $report;
* Execute cron for a given frequency. Publishes 'p4cms.cron.<frequency>' topic
* to let subscribers executing their cron tasks. Subscribers can optionally
* return list of messages that will be saved in the cron log file.
* @param string $frequency frequency to run cron for (it should be one
* of hourly|daily|weekly|monthly)
* @param string $timestamp unix timestamp to run cron at (useful for
* testing, in real case this should refer to
* the current time)
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional - storage adapter to use.
* @publishes p4cms.cron.hourly
* Perform periodic operations intended to execute once per hour. Any returned text
* will be saved in the cron log.
* (requires additional settings on a server, or activation of the Easy_Cron
* module. Please see <xref linkend="site.time-based-tasks"/>)
* @publishes p4cms.cron.daily
* Perform periodic operations intended to execute once per day. Any returned text
* will be saved in the cron log.
* (requires additional settings on a server, or activation of the Easy_Cron
* module. Please see <xref linkend="site.time-based-tasks"/>)
* @publishes p4cms.cron.weekly
* Perform periodic operations intended to execute once per week. Any returned text
* will be saved in the cron log.
* (requires additional settings on a server, or activation of the Easy_Cron
* module. Please see <xref linkend="site.time-based-tasks"/>)
* @publishes p4cms.cron.monthly
* Perform periodic operations intended to execute once per month. Any returned
* text will be saved in the cron log.
* (requires additional settings on a server, or activation of the Easy_Cron
* module. Please see <xref linkend="site.time-based-tasks"/>)
protected static function _run(
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
// if no adapter given, use default.
$adapter = $adapter ?: static::getDefaultAdapter();
// prepare messages to use later
$cronStarted = "Cron $frequency started.";
$cronCompleted = "Cron $frequency completed.";
// update cron file immediately, so if another cron check is started
// before this run is done, it won't be executed again
$cron = new static;
// set filetype to ctext to improve performance as there may be a huge
// number of revisions in the future
$file = $cron->_getP4File();
->open(null, 'text+C');
// publish cron topic to allow subscribers to execute their cron tasks
// collect messages that subscribers can optionally return
P4Cms_Log::log($cronStarted, P4Cms_Log::NOTICE);
$topic = 'p4cms.cron.' . $frequency;
$messages = P4Cms_PubSub::publish($topic);
// add collected messages and save cron as completed
P4Cms_Log::log($cronCompleted, P4Cms_Log::NOTICE);
* Check if cron needs to be run for given frequencies. Returns list of
* only those frequencies the cron needs to be run for.
* @param array $frequencies list of frequencies to check for
* @param string $timestamp unix timestamp to run cron at
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional - storage adapter to use.
* @return array list of frequencies from $frequencies the cron needs
* to be run for.
protected static function _needRun(
array $frequencies,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
// if no adapter given, use default.
$adapter = $adapter ?: static::getDefaultAdapter();
// fetch existing cron files for given frequencies
$records = static::fetchAll(array('ids' => $frequencies));
// assume cron needs to be run for all frequencies that don't have cron
// record yet
$needRun = array_diff($frequencies, $records->invoke('getId'));
// iterate over existing cron files for given frequencies and determine
// which of them need to be updated by comparing truncated timestamp
// of the last cron run with truncated $timestamp provided
foreach ($records as $cron) {
$runTime = $cron->getRunTime();
$frequency = $cron->getId();
$truncatedRunTime = static::_truncateTimestamp($runTime, $frequency);
$truncatedTimestamp = static::_truncateTimestamp($timestamp, $frequency);
// cron needs to be updated if truncated timestamps are different
if ($truncatedRunTime !== $truncatedTimestamp) {
$needRun[] = $frequency;
return $needRun;
* Return timestamp truncated with respect to the given frequency.
* Following parts from the timestamp are truncated for the given frequencies:
* hourly: minutes + seconds
* daily: hours + minutes + seconds
* weekly: days in the week (since Monday) + hours + minutes + seconds
* monthly: days in the month + hours + minutes + seconds
* Example:
* January 2nd 2011 15:45:27 will be truncated to:
* January 2nd 2011 15:00:00 for the hourly frequency,
* January 2nd 2011 00:00:00 for the daily frequency,
* December 26th 2010 00:00:00 for the weekly frequency and
* January 1st 2011 00:00:00 for the monthly frequency
* @param int $timestamp unix timestamp to truncate
* @param string $frequency frequency to truncate $timestamp according to
* @return int|null unix timestamp of truncated $timestamp with respect to
* $frequency or null if not able to truncate
protected static function _truncateTimestamp($timestamp, $frequency)
// get formatted string representing datetime of the truncated timestamp
switch ($frequency) {
case static::CRON_HOURLY:
$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:00', $timestamp);
case static::CRON_DAILY:
$datetime = date('Y-m-d', $timestamp);
case static::CRON_WEEKLY:
$datetime = date('Y-\WW', $timestamp);
case static::CRON_MONTHLY:
$datetime = date('Y-m', $timestamp);
// convert datetime to the timestamp and return
return isset($datetime) ? strtotime($datetime) : null;