* 'Smoke' tests for the setup module's IndexController.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class Setup_Test_IndexControllerTest extends ModuleControllerTest
* Set hostname so that urls can be built correctly.
public function setUp()
if (!defined('HTTP_HOST')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The HTTP_HOST is not defined.');
// we want the bootstrap to run without a perforce connection
// so that the application thinks setup is needed.
parent::setUp(null, TEST_DATA_PATH . '/application.ini');
// reset any global session variables to ensure a known starting state
$_SESSION = array();
* Test setup splash page.
public function testIndex()
// prime session to indicate previous completion
$_SESSION['setup']['setupComplete'] = true;
* Test that index forwards to requirements action when start is set.
public function testIndexForward()
$this->request->setQuery(array('start' => 'yes'));
* Test requirements action.
public function testSystemRequirements()
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRegExp('/<div[^>]+?preferred[^>]+?storage[^>]+?>/', $body);
// try again with partial format
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRegExp('/Your data directory/', $body);
* Test adminstrator action.
public function testAdministrator()
// prime session with perforce details for new server.
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'new',
'port' => ''
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertQuery("input[name='user']", 'Expected user');
$this->assertQuery("input[name='email']", 'Expected user');
$this->assertQuery("input[name='password']", 'Expected password');
$this->assertQuery("input[name='passwordConfirm']", 'Expected password');
$this->assertQuery("input[type='submit']", 'Expected submit');
// prime session with perforce details for existing server.
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertQuery("input[name='user']", 'Expected user');
$this->assertQuery("input[name='password']", 'Expected password');
$this->assertNotQuery("input[name='email']", 'Did not expect email');
$this->assertNotQuery("input[name='passwordConfirm']", 'Did not expect password confirm');
$this->assertQuery("input[type='submit']", 'Expected submit');
// use bad storage details in session
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array();
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/storage', 'Expect redirect to storage.');
// use bad administrator details
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$adminData = array();
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertQuery("input[name='user']", 'Expected user');
$this->assertQuery("input[name='password']", 'Expected password');
$this->assertRegExp("/<li>Value is required and can't be empty<\/li>/", $body, 'Expected error');
// use bad administrator details with Go Back clicked
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$adminData = array(
'goback' => true
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/storage', 'Expect redirect to storage.');
// use good administrator details for new server
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'new',
'port' => ''
$adminData = array(
'user' => 'admin-user',
'email' => 'admin@localhost',
'password' => 'admin-pass1',
'passwordConfirm' => 'admin-pass1'
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/site', 'Expect redirect to site.');
// use good administrator details for new server with Go Back clicked
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'new',
'port' => ''
$adminData = array(
'user' => 'admin-user',
'email' => 'admin@localhost',
'password' => 'admin-pass1',
'passwordConfirm' => 'admin-pass1',
'goback' => true
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/storage', 'Expect redirect to storage.');
// use good administrator details for existing server
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$adminData = array(
'user' => $this->utility->getP4Params('user'),
'password' => $this->utility->getP4Params('password')
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/site', 'Expect redirect to site.');
// use good administrator details for existing server with Go Back clicked
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$adminData = array(
'user' => $this->utility->getP4Params('user'),
'password' => $this->utility->getP4Params('password'),
'goback' => true
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/storage', 'Expect redirect to storage.');
* Test site action.
public function testSite()
// prime session with perforce details.
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$_SESSION['setup']['administrator'] = array(
'user' => $this->utility->getP4Params('user'),
'password' => $this->utility->getP4Params('password')
* Test site creation.
public function testSiteCreation()
// prime session with perforce details.
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$_SESSION['setup']['administrator'] = array(
'user' => $this->utility->getP4Params('user'),
'password' => $this->utility->getP4Params('password')
// ensure 'new-site' does not exist.
// create new-site.
$siteData = array(
'title' => 'new-site',
'urls' => 'new-site.com, www.newsite.com',
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('setup');
$this->assertTrue($session->site instanceof P4Cms_Site, 'Expect a site object.');
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/summary', 'Expect redirect to summary.');
// ensure site can login.
try {
$ticket = $session->site->getConnection()->login();
$this->assertTrue(strlen($ticket) > 0, "Expected login ticket");
} catch (P4_Connection_LoginException $e) {
$this->fail("Expected login to succeed");
// test the unique site check which should fail because
// the site client still exists.
$this->assertQueryContentContains('ul.errors li', 'The site title you provided appears to be taken.');
* Test default roles creation
public function testRolesCreation()
// prime session with perforce details.
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$_SESSION['setup']['administrator'] = array(
'user' => $this->utility->getP4Params('user'),
'password' => $this->utility->getP4Params('password')
// delete all groups if there are any
foreach (P4_Group::fetchAll() as $group) {
// ensure 'test-site' does not exist.
// create test-site.
$siteData = array(
'title' => 'test-site',
'urls' => 'test-site.com, www.test-site.com',
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected setup module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller');
$this->assertAction('site', 'Expected site action');
// load test-site site
$prefix = '//' . P4Cms_Site::SITE_PREFIX;
$suffix = '/' . P4Cms_Site::DEFAULT_BRANCH;
$site = P4Cms_Site::fetch($prefix . 'test-site' . $suffix)->load();
// verify that site groups has been created
$adapter = $site->getStorageAdapter();
$siteGroup = $adapter->getProperty(P4Cms_Acl_Role::PARENT_GROUP);
"Expected creation of site group"
// verify that default roles were created and permissions set
$roles = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetchAll()->invoke('getId');
// verify that member role exists
in_array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER, $roles),
"Expected existence of member role."
// verify that administrator role exists
in_array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, $roles),
"Expected existence of administrator role."
// verify that entered user has administrator role
$user = $this->utility->getP4Params('user');
in_array($user, P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetch(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR)->getUsers()),
"Expected entered user has an administrator role."
// verify that editor role exists
in_array('editor', $roles),
"Expected existence of editor role."
// verify that author role exists
in_array('author', $roles),
"Expected existence of author role."
// verify permissions
$members = $siteGroup . '--' . P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER;
$admins = $siteGroup . '--' . P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR;
$depotMap = $prefix . "test-site" . "/...";
$aclFile = $prefix . "test-site" . "/*/" . P4Cms_Site::ACL_RECORD_ID;
// construct expected protections table.
$table = new P4_Protections;
$table->addProtection('write', 'user', '*', '*', '//...')
->addProtection('super', 'user', 'tester', '*', '//...')
->addProtection('write', 'group', $siteGroup, '*', $depotMap)
->addProtection('review', 'group', $siteGroup, '*', $depotMap)
->addProtection('super', 'group', $admins, '*', $depotMap);
// get super user connection
$connection = P4_Connection::factory(
// compare against actual table.
"Expected matching protections table entries."
* Test site & local p4d creation.
public function testSiteAndDepotCreation()
// prime session with perforce details.
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'new',
'port' => '',
$_SESSION['setup']['administrator'] = array(
'user' => 'admin',
'email' => 'admin@localhost',
'password' => 'passWORD1',
'passwordConfirm' => 'passWORD1',
// ensure 'new-site' does not exist.
// create new-site.
$siteData = array(
'title' => 'new-site',
'description' => 'the description',
'urls' => 'new-site.com, www.newsite.com'
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected setup module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller');
$this->assertAction('site', 'Expected site action');
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/summary', 'Expect redirect to summary.');
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('setup');
$this->assertTrue($session->site instanceof P4Cms_Site, 'Expect a site object.');
'Expected title.'
'Expected description.'
// ensure local p4d created.
$perforce = $_SESSION['setup']['storage'];
$administrator = $_SESSION['setup']['administrator'];
$root = TEST_DATA_PATH . '/perforce';
'New p4d P4ROOT should be in session.'
'User should be admin user.'
$this->assertTrue(strpos($perforce['port'], $root) !== false, "Port should include root");
$this->assertTrue(strlen($administrator['password']) == 9, "Password should be 9 characters");
// ensure new depot works.
$p4 = P4_Connection::factory(
$info = $p4->getInfo();
$this->assertTrue(is_array($info), "P4 info output should be array.");
$this->assertSame($root, $info['serverRoot'], "P4 server root should be expected local root");
* Test storage action.
public function testStorage()
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('storage', 'Expected action');
$this->assertQuery("input[name='serverType']", 'Expected serverType field.');
$this->assertQuery("input[name='port']", 'Expected port field.');
$this->assertQuery("input[type='submit']", 'expected submit button');
// test perforce action with bogus port
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => 123456,
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('storage', 'Expected action');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('ul.errors li', "Unable to connect to server on '123456'.", $body);
// test perforce action with bogus port and Go Back clicked
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => 123456,
'goback' => true,
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('storage', 'Expected action');
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/requirements', 'Expect redirect to requirements');
// test perforce action with good credentials.
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('storage', 'Expected action');
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/administrator', 'Expect redirect to administrator');
// test perforce action with good credentials and Go Back clicked.
'serverType' => 'existing',
'port' => $this->utility->getP4Params('port'),
'goback' => true,
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('storage', 'Expected action');
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/requirements', 'Expect redirect to requirements');
* Test the rewrite action.
public function testRewrite()
md5_file(APPLICATION_PATH . '/setup/controllers/IndexController.php')
* Test the summary action.
public function testSummary()
// prime session with perforce details.
$_SESSION['setup']['storage'] = array(
'serverType' => 'new',
'port' => '',
$_SESSION['setup']['administrator'] = array(
'user' => 'admin',
'email' => 'admin@localhost',
'password' => 'passWORD1',
'passwordConfirm' => 'passWORD1',
// ensure 'new-site' does not exist.
// create new-site.
$siteData = array(
'title' => 'new-site',
'description' => 'the site description',
'urls' => 'new-site.com, www.newsite.com'
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected setup module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller');
$this->assertAction('site', 'Expected site action');
$this->assertRedirectTo('/setup/summary', 'Expect redirect to summary.');
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('setup');
$this->assertTrue($session->site instanceof P4Cms_Site, 'Expect a site object.');
// run summary action.
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('setup', 'Expected module');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('summary', 'Expected action');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('td.label', 'Title');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('td.label', 'Addresses');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('td.label', 'Administrator');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('td.value', 'new-site');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('td.value', 'the site description');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('td.value', 'new-site.com');
$this->assertQueryContentContains('td.value', 'admin');