* Controller for dealing with site branches.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
* @todo enforce permissions - what p4 rights are req'd to make streams?
class Site_BranchController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public $contexts = array(
'manage' => array('json'),
'add' => array('json', 'partial'),
'edit' => array('json', 'partial'),
'delete' => array('json'),
'pull' => array('json', 'partial'),
'pull-details' => array('json', 'partial'),
'switch' => array('json')
* Set the management layout for all actions.
public function init()
* Transfer user's credentials to this branch if they are not
* already logged in. Supports jsonp if 'callback' is passed.
public function switchAction()
// force json context.
$user = P4Cms_User::fetchActive();
$view = $this->view;
$request = $this->getRequest();
$sessionId = $request->getParam('sessionId');
$csrf = $request->getParam(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME);
$callback = $request->getParam('callback');
// whitelist the allowed characters for callbacks
$callback = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/', '', $callback);
// if the user isn't already logged into this branch, and a
// session id is present for another branch, try and clone
// the session data from the branch the user is switching
// from so that they will remain logged in on the new branch.
if ($user->isAnonymous() && $sessionId) {
// pull out any current session data for this branch
// we will merge it with the auth and cache details
// present on the branch they are switching from
$original = $_SESSION;
// kill our current session so we can read in the session
// data of the branch they are switching from
// force our session id to the passed value
// try to restart, we silence warnings that occur for invalid IDs
// regenerate a fresh id but don't destroy the passed session
// only copy over the authentication and cache details
// if the csrf token matches, otherwise we leave the
// current session data alone
$data = array();
if ($csrf === P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken()) {
$authKey = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->getNamespace();
$cacheKey = P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::SESSION_NAMESPACE;
$_SESSION += array($authKey => null, $cacheKey => null);
$data = array(
$authKey => $_SESSION[$authKey],
$cacheKey => $_SESSION[$cacheKey]
// blend any source branch data (auth/cache) with the
// existing destinations branch's session data
$_SESSION = $data + $original;
$view->callback = $callback;
$view->site = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
* Loads manage grid pre-filtered for the active site.
public function manageActiveAction()
$site = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
$this->getRequest()->setParam('site', array('sites' => array($site->getSiteId())));
* List sites/branches for management.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.actions
* Modify the passed menu (add/modify/delete items) to influence the actions shown
* on entries in the Manage Sites and Branches grid.
* P4Cms_Navigation $actions A menu to hold grid actions.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.data.item
* Return the passed item after applying any modifications (add properties, change
* values, etc.) to influence the row values sent to the Manage Sites and Branches
* grid.
* array $item The item to potentially modify.
* mixed $model The original object/array that was used
* to make the item.
* Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this
* topic.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.data
* Adjust the passed data (add properties, modify values, etc.) to influence the
* row values sent to the Manage Sites and Branches grid.
* Zend_Dojo_Data $data The data to be filtered.
* Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this
* topic.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.populate
* Adjust the passed iterator (possibly based on values in the passed form) to
* filter which branches will be shown on the Manage Sites and Branches grid.
* P4Cms_Model_Iterator $branches An iterator of P4Cms_Site objects.
* P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form A form containing filter options.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.render
* Make adjustments to the datagrid helper's options pre-render (e.g. change
* options to add columns) for the Manage Sites and Branches grid.
* Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this
* topic.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.form
* Make arbitrary modifications to the Manage Sites and Branches filters form.
* P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.form.subForms
* Return a Form (or array of Forms) to have them added to the Manage Sites and
* Branches filters form. The returned form(s) should have a 'name' set on them to
* allow them to be uniquely identified.
* P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.form.preValidate
* Allows subscribers to adjust the Manage Sites and Branches filters form prior to
* validation of the passed data. For example, modify element values based on
* related selections to permit proper validation.
* P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event.
* array $values An associative array of form values.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.form.validate
* Return false to indicate the Manage Sites and Branches filters form is invalid.
* Return true to indicate your custom checks were satisfied, so form validity
* should be unchanged.
* P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event.
* array $values An associative array of form values.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.grid.form.populate
* Allows subscribers to adjust the Manage Sites and Branches filters form after it
* has been populated with the passed data.
* P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event.
* array $values The values passed to the populate
* method.
public function manageAction()
// enforce permissions.
$this->acl->check('site', 'manage-branches');
// setup list options form
$request = $this->getRequest();
$gridNamespace = 'p4cms.site.branch.grid';
$view = $this->view;
// collect the actions from interested parties
$actions = new P4Cms_Navigation;
P4Cms_PubSub::publish($gridNamespace . '.actions', $actions);
$view->actions = $actions;
// determine whether to show add site/branch footer buttons.
$view->showAddSiteButton = $this->acl->isAllowed('site', 'add');
$view->showAddBranchButton = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll(
array(P4Cms_Site::FETCH_BY_ACL => array('branch', 'pull-from'))
// set DataGrid view helper namespace
$helper = $view->dataGrid();
// create a list of sites and their branches.
// the 'site' entries really represent the depot the site branches
// live in. we don't actually have an object for this so we simply
// use a P4Cms_Model with a few basic details.
$user = P4Cms_User::fetchActive();
$active = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
$branches = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll();
$items = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
$lastSite = null;
foreach ($branches as $branch) {
// if this branch is on a new site (depot really) add a
// site entry to our list of items
$siteId = $branch->getSiteId();
if ($lastSite != $siteId) {
$item = new P4Cms_Model;
'siteId' => $item->getId(),
'type' => 'site',
'owner' => P4_Depot::fetch($item->getId())->getOwner(),
'name' => $branch->getConfig()->getTitle()
$items[] = $item;
$lastSite = $siteId;
// pull the useful details off the branch and its stream/config
// and place them onto a new generic model
$stream = $branch->getStream();
$config = $branch->getConfig();
$parent = $stream->getParent();
$item = new P4Cms_Model;
'siteId' => $branch->getSiteId(),
'type' => $stream->getType(),
'owner' => $stream->getOwner(),
'name' => $stream->getName(),
'basename' => $branch->getBranchBasename(),
'parent' => $parent,
'parentName' => $parent && isset($items[$parent]) ? $items[$parent]->name : null,
'description' => $stream->getDescription(),
'siteTitle' => $config->getTitle(),
'url' => $config->getUrl(),
'depth' => $stream->getDepth(),
'branch' => $branch,
'isParent' => false,
'isActive' => $branch->getId() == $active->getId(),
'canPull' => $user->isAllowed('branch', 'pull-from', $branch->getAcl()),
'canDelete' => $branch->getId() != $active->getId() && $stream->getType() !== 'mainline'
$items[$branch->getId()] = $item;
// update isParent flag on parent's item
if ($parent && isset($items[$parent])) {
$items[$parent]->setValue('isParent', true)
->setValue('canDelete', false);
// create the site form now that we have the list of items to hand it
$form = new Site_Form_BranchGridOptions(
'namespace' => $gridNamespace,
'items' => $items
// complete setting up view
$view->form = $form;
$view->pageSize = $request->getParam('count', 100);
$view->rowOffset = $request->getParam('start', 0);
$view->pageOffset = round($view->rowOffset / $view->pageSize, 0) + 1;
$view->headTitle()->set('Sites and Branches');
// early exit for standard requests (ie. not json)
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
// ensure we are using the management layout
// create a copy so we can later restore the 'obligitory' items
$copy = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator($items->getArrayCopy());
// allow third-parties to influence list
try {
P4Cms_PubSub::publish($gridNamespace . '.populate', $items, $form);
} catch (Exception $e) {
P4Cms_Log::logException("Error building branches list.", $e);
// put back any missing parents so the tree can display properly
$items = $this->_restoreObligatory($items, $copy);
// compose list of sorted items
$view->items = $items;
* Edit site branch.
public function editAction()
// enforce permissions.
$this->acl->check('site', 'manage-branches');
// set up view
$request = $this->getRequest();
$form = new Site_Form_EditBranch;
$view = $this->view;
$view->form = $form;
$view->headTitle()->set('Edit Branch');
// fetch the branch to edit
$id = $request->getParam('id', P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getId());
$branch = P4Cms_Site::fetch($id);
$stream = $branch->getStream();
// populate form from the request if posted, otherwise from the storage
$data = $request->isPost()
? $request->getParams()
: array(
'id' => $id,
'name' => $stream->getName(),
'parent' => $stream->getParent(),
'description' => $stream->getDescription(),
'urls' => implode(', ', $branch->getConfig()->getUrls())
// if posted, validate the form and update the branch
if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
// update stream related to the branch
// update branch url
// clear the global 'sites' cache.
P4Cms_Cache::remove(P4Cms_Site::CACHE_KEY, 'global');
// set notification message
$view->message = "Branch '" . $form->getValue('name') . "' has been successfully updated.";
// for traditional requests, add notification message and redirect
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
// if form contains errors, set response code and exit
if ($form->getMessages()) {
$view->errors = $form->getMessages();
* Add a new site branch.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.add.preSubmit
* Provides an opportunity for modules to modify a new branch just prior to its
* files being committed to Perforce.
* P4Cms_Site $branch The branch being added.
* P4Cms_Site $parent The new branch's parent branch.
* P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.add.postSubmit
* Provides an opportunity for modules to modify a new branch just after its
* files have been committed to Perforce.
* P4Cms_Site $branch The branch just added.
* P4Cms_Site $parent The new branch's parent branch.
* P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.
public function addAction()
// set up view
$request = $this->getRequest();
$form = new Site_Form_Branch;
$view = $this->view;
$view->form = $form;
$view->headTitle()->set('Add Branch');
// populate form from request to fill in default values
if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
// verify we are allowed to pull from parent.
$parent = P4Cms_Site::fetch($form->getValue('parent'));
$this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-from', null, null, $parent->getAcl());
// compose new branch id.
$filter = new P4Cms_Filter_TitleToId;
$id = '//' . $form->getValue('site') . '/' . $filter->filter($form->getValue('name'));
// resolve conflicting ids by appending an incrementing number
for ($raw = $id, $i = 2; P4Cms_Site::exists($id); $i++) {
$id = $raw . '-' . $i;
// create the site stream (each site branch relates 1:1 with a stream)
$stream = new P4_Stream();
->setPaths('share ...')
// fetch our new site/branch object (must clear site cache first)
P4Cms_Cache::remove(P4Cms_Site::CACHE_KEY, 'global');
$branch = P4Cms_Site::fetch($stream->getId());
// setup a new batch operation to contain the branch copy and configure.
$p4 = $branch->getConnection();
$adapter = $branch->getStorageAdapter();
$change = $adapter->beginBatch(
'Creating ' . $stream->getId() . ' from ' . $stream->getParent()
// copy data from parent to the new branch.
// -S indicates the new stream
// -r so it goes from parent to stream
// -c to put it in the batch
// -F to force the copy
// -v don't copy files to workspace
$p4->run('copy', array('-c', $change, '-vrFS', $stream->getId()));
// configure new branch according to parent branch and new branch form.
// by default new branches should not be accessible by anonymous users.
// we assume that new branches are for staging, testing, etc.
$acl = clone $parent->getAcl();
// give third-parties a chance to modify new branch.
// commit the copy and configure.
// give third-parties the chance to react to a new branch
// clear the global 'sites' cache (again).
P4Cms_Cache::remove(P4Cms_Site::CACHE_KEY, 'global');
// set notification message
$view->message = "Branch '" . $form->getValue('name') . "' has been successfully added.";
// add a notification if requested or in a traditional context.
if ($request->getParam('notify') || !$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
// for traditional requests, redirect
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
// if form contains errors, set response code and exit
if ($form->getMessages()) {
$view->errors = $form->getMessages();
* Delete a site branch.
public function deleteAction()
// enforce permissions
$this->acl->check('site', 'manage-branches');
// deny if not accessed via post
$request = $this->getRequest();
if (!$request->isPost()) {
throw new P4Cms_AccessDeniedException(
"Deleting branches is not permitted in this context."
// delete stream associated with the branch
$id = $request->getParam('id');
$stream = P4_Stream::fetch($id);
// clear all caches - this clears the global site
// cache and everything related to this site
// set notification and redirect for traditional requests
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
'Branch "'. $stream->getName() .'" has been deleted.',
$this->view->branchId = $id;
* Pull changes from another branch to the current branch.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.pull.postSubmit
* Provides an opportunity for modules to react to pulling changes from the source
* branch into the target branch just after the files have been committed to
* Perforce.
* Site_Model_PullPathGroup $paths The paths affected by this pull, grouped
* logically.
* P4Cms_Site $target The target branch for the pull.
* P4Cms_Site $source The source branch for the pull.
* P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.
public function pullAction()
// enforce permissions (we will check pull-from later)
$this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-into');
$request = $this->getRequest();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode', Site_Form_Pull::MODE_MERGE);
$paths = new Site_Model_PullPathGroup;
$adapter = P4Cms_User::fetchActive()->getPersonalAdapter();
$target = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
$source = $request->getParam('source')
? P4Cms_Site::fetch($request->getParam('source'))
: null;
// verify that we can pull from the selected source.
if ($source) {
$this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-from', null, null, $source->getAcl());
// if the request is posted and a source head-change has been
// specified, we will use this to "pin" the pull to that point
// in time - if we don't do this, newly submitted files might
// make their way into the pull operation.
if ($request->getPost('headChange')) {
$headChange = $request->getPost('headChange');
} else {
$headChange = P4_Change::fetchAll(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 1
// set on request so it makes its way into the form.
$request->setParam('headChange', $headChange);
// if we have a source selected, preview the pull so that
// we can inform the user about what paths will be affected
// this means that we actually perform the pull twice if
// the user is posting (doing the pull) - we can't skip this
// step because we need to know all of the path groups to
// validate the user's input.
// @todo consider caching this result for performance.
if ($source) {
$paths = $this->_doPull($source, $target, $mode, $headChange, $adapter, null, true);
// set the pull mode and source on the path group so that
// the form can investigate how the paths were generated
$paths->setValues(array('mode' => $mode, 'source' => $source));
// set up view
$form = new Site_Form_Pull(array('pathGroup' => $paths));
$view = $this->view;
$view->form = $form;
$view->headTitle()->set('Pull Changes');
// allow form to be primed via get params. we exclude 'paths' when
// doing this as we want to keep the defaults if this isn't a post.
$values = $request->getParams();
if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getParams())) {
// collect selected paths to merge from the form.
// the form only contains ids that relate back to path groups.
// we need to find the groups associated with those ids to get the paths.
$include = array();
foreach ($form->getValue('paths') as $pathGroupId) {
$group = $paths->findById($pathGroupId);
if ($group) {
$include = array_merge($include, $group->getIncludePaths());
// perform the pull
$paths = $this->_doPull($source, $target, $mode, $headChange, $adapter, $include);
$affected = $paths->getCount($paths::RECURSIVE);
// give third-parties the chance to react to a completed pull
// clear all caches because pull can have a very broad impact
// set notification message
$view->severity = P4Cms_Notifications::SEVERITY_SUCCESS;
$view->message = "Pulled " . $affected . " item" . ($affected != 1 ? "s" : "")
. " from '" . $source->getStream()->getName() . "'.";
// we add the notification even for context specific requests
// because the JS that drives the pull dialog does a reload
// and the user wouldn't otherwise see a notification.
P4Cms_Notifications::add($view->message, $view->severity);
// for traditional requests, add notification message and redirect
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
// if form contains errors, set response code and exit
if ($form->getMessages()) {
$view->errors = $form->getMessages();
* Provides the details for specified include path(s).
public function pullDetailsAction()
// enforce 'pull-into' permission (later we check pull-from).
$this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-into');
// default to partial context if none is specified
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode', Site_Form_Pull::MODE_MERGE);
$headChange = $request->getParam('headChange') ?: 'now';
$groupId = $request->getParam('groupId');
$adapter = P4Cms_User::fetchActive()->getPersonalAdapter();
$target = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
$source = P4Cms_Site::fetch($request->getParam('source'));
// enforce pull-from permission
$this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-from', null, null, $source->getAcl());
$groups = $this->_doPull($source, $target, $mode, $headChange, $adapter, null, true);
$group = $groups->findById($groupId);
$details = $group->getDetails(Site_Model_PullPathGroup::RECURSIVE);
$columns = $request->getParam('columns', $details->getProperty('columns'));
// sort details by conflict, then by label (so conflicts are first)
'conflict' => array($details::SORT_DESCENDING),
'label' => array($details::SORT_NATURAL, $details::SORT_NO_CASE)
$this->view->groups = $groups;
$this->view->details = $details;
$this->view->columns = $columns;
* Pull from source branch to target.
* @param P4Cms_Site $source the site/branch to copy from.
* @param P4Cms_Site $target the site/branch to copy into.
* @param string $mode merge or copy
* @param int $headChange limit source files to this change
* (ignore newer revisions)
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter the storage adapter to use.
* @param array|null $include the list of paths to pull (null for all)
* @param bool|null $preview set to true to revert instead of commit
* needed to detect conflicts.
* @return Site_Model_PullPathGroup the paths affected by this pull grouped logically.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.pull.preSubmit
* Provides an opportunity for modules to react to pulling changes from the source
* branch into the target branch just prior to the paths being grouped. This event
* will occur for both actual pulls (where a postSubmit event will follow) and for
* previews (used to inform the user of which files are available for pull) where
* the data is never actually submitted.
* P4Cms_Site $target The target branch for the pull.
* P4Cms_Site $source The source branch for the pull.
* int $headChange A numerical revision representing the head
* change on the source branch to pull.
* P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.
protected function _doPull(
P4Cms_Site $source,
P4Cms_Site $target,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter,
array $include = null,
$preview = false)
// include defaults to all files.
$include = $include ?: array($target->getId() . '/...');
// append head change to all of the include paths so that
// we don't pull changes newer than those shown to the user.
foreach ($include as &$path) {
$path .= "@" . $headChange;
// begin a new batch to contain the pull operation
($mode == Site_Form_Pull::MODE_COPY ? 'Copying' : 'Merging')
. ' from ' . $source->getStream()->getName()
. ' to ' . $target->getStream()->getName()
// two modes of operation:
// copy - clones source branch into target
// merge - propagates new changes since last pull
if ($mode == Site_Form_Pull::MODE_COPY) {
$conflicts = $this->_doCopy($source, $target, $include, $headChange, $preview, $adapter);
} else {
$conflicts = $this->_doMerge($source, $target, $include, $headChange, $preview, $adapter);
// give third-parties one last shot at modifying pull
// determine which files have been affected by this pull operation
// and organize the affected paths into human-friendly groups.
$result = $adapter->getConnection()->run(
$target->getId() . '/...'
$paths = $this->_groupPullPaths($result, $conflicts, $source, $target);
// if we're previewing, revert and return early.
if ($preview) {
return $paths;
// submit our pull operation.
// pulling changes can affect everything, clear all caches.
return $paths;
* Copy (clobber) from source branch to target.
* Returns a list of files with changes in the target
* (not present in the source) that will be overwritten.
* @param P4Cms_Site $source the site/branch to copy from.
* @param P4Cms_Site $target the site/branch to copy into.
* @param array $include the list of paths to copy.
* @param int $headChange limit source files to this change
* (ignore newer revisions)
* @param bool|null $preview set to true if this is only a preview
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter the storage adapter to use.
* @return array files with conflicting changes (in depot syntax)
protected function _doCopy(
P4Cms_Site $source,
P4Cms_Site $target,
array $include,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter)
$p4 = $adapter->getConnection();
// copy data from source branch to the active branch.
// -S indicates the source stream
// -P indicates the target stream
// -c to put it in the batch
// -F to force the copy
// -v don't copy files to workspace
// leading filespec arguments to limit scope (batched)
$change = $adapter->getBatchId();
$batches = $p4->batchArgs(
array('-vF', '-c', $change, '-S', $source->getId(), '-P', $target->getId())
foreach ($batches as $batch) {
$p4->run('copy', $batch);
// to detect conflicts (files in the target with changes
// that will be overwritten), we preview a merge in the
// opposite direction (target -> source)
// we need to do this using the source's connection
$p4 = $source->getStorageAdapter()->getConnection();
// we need to reverse the include paths to reference the
// source branch instead of the target branch - we also
// strip the 'headChange' revspec so that we don't miss
// new conflicts on the target branch.
$targetBase = $target->getId() . "/";
$sourceBase = $source->getId() . "/";
$reverse = array();
foreach ($include as $path) {
if (strpos($path, $targetBase) === 0) {
$reverse[] = P4_File::stripRevspec(
$sourceBase . substr($path, strlen($targetBase))
// preview the reverse merge
// -S indicates the source stream
// -P indicates the target stream
// -F to force the merge
// -n to preview the merge
// plus filespec arguments to limit scope (batched)
$batches = $p4->batchArgs(
array('-F', '-n', '-S', $target->getId(), '-P', $source->getId())
// collect conflicts from merge result - note we need to
// modify the depot files to reference the target branch.
$conflicts = array();
foreach ($batches as $batch) {
$result = $p4->run('merge', $batch);
foreach ($result->getData() as $conflict) {
if (isset($conflict['depotFile'])
&& strpos($conflict['depotFile'], $sourceBase) === 0
) {
$conflicts[] = $targetBase
. substr($conflict['depotFile'], strlen($sourceBase));
return $conflicts;
* Merge changes from source branch to target.
* Returns a list of files with changes in the target
* (not present in the source) that will be overwritten.
* @param P4Cms_Site $source the site/branch to merge from.
* @param P4Cms_Site $target the site/branch to merge into.
* @param array $include the list of paths to merge.
* @param int $headChange limit source files to this change
* @param bool|null $preview set to true if this is only a preview
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter the storage adapter to use.
* (ignore newer revisions)
* @return array files with conflicting changes (in depot syntax)
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.pull.conflicts
* Intended to provide modules an opportunity to programmatically resolve conflicts
* where possible. A resolve '-as' is run prior to this event so only files that
* were not safely auto resolved will be included. Any files which remain
* unresolved will be shown with a conflict warning to the end user.
* P4_Result $conflicts A list of the conflicts encountered during
* a pull operation.
* P4Cms_Site $target The target branch for the pull.
* P4Cms_Site $source The source branch for the pull.
* int $headChange The head change number this pull was pinned
* to.
* bool $preview Set to true if the pull operation is just a
* preview, false if the pull operation is to
* be completed.
* P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.
protected function _doMerge(
P4Cms_Site $source,
P4Cms_Site $target,
array $include,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter)
$p4 = $adapter->getConnection();
// merge data from source branch to the active branch.
// -S indicates the source stream
// -P indicates the target stream
// -c to put it in the batch
// -F to force the merge
// plus filespec arguments to limit scope (batched)
$change = $adapter->getBatchId();
$batches = $p4->batchArgs(
array('-F', '-c', $change, '-S', $source->getId(), '-P', $target->getId())
foreach ($batches as $batch) {
$p4->run('merge', $batch);
// perform initial safe-resolve to deal with files that can be
// merged cleanly (only if source has changed and target has not)
$p4->run('resolve', array('-as'));
// allow interested parties to handle outstanding (unsafe) conflicts.
// the last entry is the change description, so we remove it here.
$conflicts = $p4->run('fstat', array('-e', $change, '-Ru', $target->getId() . '/...'));
$conflicts->setData(array_slice($conflicts->getData(), 0, -1));
// make a final determination as to which files have
// conflicts that cannot be safely resolved
$result = $p4->run(
$target->getId() . '/...'
// extract depot-files as a flat list.
$conflicts = array();
foreach ($result->getData() as $conflict) {
if (isset($conflict['depotFile'])) {
$conflicts[] = $conflict['depotFile'];
// resolve remaining conflicts with the source branch as the authority.
$p4->run('resolve', array('-at'));
return $conflicts;
* Group the paths affected by a pull operation in a human-friendly way.
* @param P4_Result $result the output from a merge or copy command
* @param array $conflicts a flat list of depot-files in conflict.
* @param P4Cms_Site $source the source site/branch of the pull operation
* @param P4Cms_Site $target the target site/branch of the pull operation
* @return Site_Model_PullPathGroup the paths affected by this pull grouped logically.
* @publishes p4cms.site.branch.pull.groupPaths
* The passed paths object starts with all paths being pulled directly associated
* with it. Modules should add sub-groups and move logically grouped paths into
* them. They can also set callbacks on the sub-groups to provide human friendly
* entry titles and counts. Any paths left at the top level will be automatically
* moved into an 'Other' group after this event completes.
* Site_Model_PullPathGroup $paths The path structure to be organized.
* P4Cms_Site $source The source branch.
* P4Cms_Site $target The target branch.
* P4_Result $result the output from a merge or copy command.
protected function _groupPullPaths($result, array $conflicts, $source, $target)
$paths = new Site_Model_PullPathGroup;
// put all paths in the root initially.
// here we also check if this file is conflicting.
foreach ($result->getData() as $path) {
if (isset($path['depotFile'])) {
$path['conflict'] = in_array($path['depotFile'], $conflicts);
// let third-parties organize paths.
// the objective here is to move paths from the
// root down into sub-groups.
// put all remaining root paths into a 'other' sub-group.
if ($paths->getPaths()->count()) {
$other = new Site_Model_PullPathGroup(
'label' => 'Other',
'order' => 100,
'paths' => $paths->getPaths()
return $paths;
* Scans over the filtered list of branch/site items and re-adds any missing
* ancestors to ensure we can show a full heirachy to our matches.
* @param P4Cms_Model_Iterator $items The filtered list of items
* @param P4Cms_Model_Iterator $originals A full list of all items
* @return P4Cms_Model_Iterator A new iterator with the obligatory items restored
protected function _restoreObligatory(P4Cms_Model_Iterator $items, P4Cms_Model_Iterator $originals)
// produce an original list indexed by id for later lookups
$originalsById = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
foreach ($originals as $original) {
$originalsById[$original->getId()] = $original;
// produce an array of obligatory items to later tack back on
$obligatory = array();
$itemKeys = $items->invoke('getId');
foreach ($items as $item) {
// skip over site entries; they won't have any parents
if ($item->getValue('type') == 'site') {
// if the item's site isn't listed; add it to obligatory
if (!in_array($item->getValue('siteId'), $itemKeys)) {
$obligatory[] = $item->getValue('siteId');
// switch to the 'stream' layer and go through parents
$parent = $item->getValue('branch')->getStream();
while ($parent = $parent->getParentObject()) {
if (!in_array($parent->getId(), $itemKeys)) {
$obligatory[] = $parent->getId();
// append and mark obligatory items but maintain original item ordering
$obligatory = array_unique($obligatory);
$result = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
foreach ($originalsById as $id => $item) {
if (in_array($id, $obligatory)) {
$item->setValue('obligatory', true);
} else if (in_array($id, $itemKeys)) {
return $result;