* Displays a color-coded status indicator. If status is empty, attempts to get
* md5 data from system/index/md5 action based on the target and the type of the
* target (library, module, theme).
* target and type are required if status is not provided
* status, details, extra are optional if target and type are provided
$id = isset($this->id) ? $this->id : preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]*/', '', $this->label);
$classes = array('status');
$classes[] = $this->class ? $this->class : 'loading';
<div class="<?= implode(' ', $classes) ?>" id="<?= $id ?>-status">
<div class="label"><?= $this->escape(ucfirst($this->label)) ?></div>
<div class="value">
if ($this->message) {
echo ' <p class="message">'. ($this->htmlMessage ? $this->message : $this->escape($this->message)) ."</p>\n";
} ?>
<p class="response"><?= isset($this->status) ? $this->escape($this->status) : ' ' ?></p>
<? if (!isset($this->status)) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
p4cms.system.addItem({ type: '<?= $this->type ?>', target: '<?= $id ?>' });
<? } ?>