* Test the widget/index controller.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class Widget_Test_IndexControllerTest extends ModuleControllerTest
* Clear caches prior to start of each test.
public function setUp()
// install default widgets.
* Test that a bad widget request is caught.
public function testBadIndexRequest()
// test that action requires widget param.
* Test that widgets can be run properly via the controller.
public function testGoodIndexRequest()
$id = P4Cms_Uuid::fromMd5(md5('default-test-1'))->get();
$this->dispatch('/widget/index/index/region/test/widget/' . $id);
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Expected widget module.');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller.');
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected index action.');
// check that output looks sane.
$this->assertQuery('div#widget-' . $id, 'expected widget container div.'. $responseBody);
$this->assertQuery('div[regionName="test"]', $responseBody);
// ensure generated dialog title is as expected
$widgetDialogTitleAttrPattern = 'widgetDialogTitle="Text Widget"';
preg_match("/$widgetDialogTitleAttrPattern/", $responseBody) === 1,
* Test that delete action rejects bad requests.
public function testBadDeleteRequest()
* Test that controller can delete widgets.
public function testGoodDeleteRequest()
$id = P4Cms_Uuid::fromMd5(md5('default-test-1'))->get();
// ensure that widget exists.
try {
$this->assertTrue(true, 'Expected fetch to succeed');
} catch (P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail('Expected fetch to succeed');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail(__LINE__ .' - Unpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
// delete it.
->setPost(array('widget' => $id));
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module.');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
$this->assertAction('delete', 'Expected action');
// ensure that widget has been deleted.
try {
$this->fail('Expected fetch after deletion to fail');
} catch (P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException $e) {
"Cannot fetch record '$id'. Record does not exist.",
'Expected error message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail(__LINE__ .' - Unpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
* Ensure add widget prompt comes up clean.
public function testAddWidgetPrompt()
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);
// ensure response looks correct.
$this->assertQuery('ul.widget-types', 'Expected widget types markup; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertQuery('li a.add-widget[widgetType="widget/text"]', 'Expected widget type markup; '. $responseBody);
// quick verification of widget order
$labels = array();
foreach (P4Cms_Widget_Type::fetchAll() as $type) {
$labels[] = $type->label;
'Associated Categories',
'Content List',
'IFrame Widget',
'Image Rotator Widget',
'Image Widget',
'Menu Widget',
'Text Widget'
'Expected order of widget labels'
* Ensure widgets can be added via post request.
public function testAddWidgetPost()
// determine how many widgets currently exist in the test region.
$widgets = P4Cms_Widget::fetchByRegion('test');
$widgetIds = $widgets->invoke('getId');
$count = count($widgetIds);
'region' => 'test',
'type' => 'widget/text'
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);
// ensure response contains uuid of new widget
$uuid = Zend_Json::decode($responseBody);
$validator = new P4Cms_Uuid;
// ensure region contains correct set of widgets.
$widgets = P4Cms_Widget::fetchByRegion('test');
$this->assertEquals(count($widgets), $count + 1, 'Expecting two widgets');
$this->assertTrue(P4Cms_Widget::fetch($uuid) instanceof P4Cms_Widget, 'Expecting P4Cms_Widget');
* Ensure attempts to configure bogus widget fail.
public function testBadConfigurePromptRequest()
$this->assertModule('error', 'Expected module');
* Ensure attempts to configure good widget succeed.
public function testGoodConfigurePromptRequest()
$id = P4Cms_Uuid::fromMd5(md5('default-test-1'))->get();
$this->dispatch('/widget/index/configure/region/test/widget/' . $id);
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertAction('configure', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);
// verify form looks correct.
* Ensure widget configuration is validated.
public function testBadConfigureSaveRequest()
$id = P4Cms_Uuid::fromMd5(md5('default-test-1'))->get();
// this request should fail because it is missing
// the required title field.
'region' => 'test',
'widget' => $id
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Expected module');
* Ensure widget configuration can be saved.
public function testGoodConfigureSaveRequest()
$id = P4Cms_Uuid::fromMd5(md5('default-test-1'))->get();
$text = 'Hello Test!'
. ' - baseUrl: {{baseUrl}}'
. ' - user id: {{user:id}}'
. ' - user fullname: {{user:fullName}}'
. ' - user email: {{user:email}}'
. ' - site title: {{site:title}}'
. ' - site description: {{site:description}}'
. ' - site theme: {{site:theme}}'
. ' - theme baseUrl: {{theme:baseUrl}}'
. "\n";
$expandedText = 'Hello Test!'
. ' - baseUrl: '
. ' - user id: mweiss'
. ' - user fullname: Michael T. Weiss'
. ' - user email: mweiss@thepretender.tv'
. ' - site title: testsite'
. ' - site description: description of the test site'
. ' - site theme: default'
. ' - theme baseUrl: /tests/phpunit/assets/sites/all/themes/default'
. "\n";
'region' => 'test',
'widget' => $id,
'title' => 'A New Title',
'order' => '10',
'text' => $text
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Expected widget module; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertAction('configure', 'Expected configure action; '. $responseBody);
// verify widget config has changed.
$widget = P4Cms_Widget::fetch($id);
$this->assertSame('test', $widget->region, 'Expected region');
$this->assertSame($id, $widget->id, 'Expected id');
$this->assertSame('A New Title', $widget->title, 'Expected title');
$this->assertSame('10', $widget->order, 'Expected order');
$this->assertEquals($text, $widget->getConfig('text'), 'Expected text');
// verify the widget renders as expected
$this->dispatch('/widget/index/index/region/test/widget/' . $id);
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Expected widget module.');
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller.');
$this->assertAction('index', 'Expected index action.');
// check that output looks sane.
$this->assertQuery('div#widget-' . $id, 'expected widget container div.'. $responseBody);
$this->assertQuery('div[regionName="test"]', $responseBody);
// ensure generated dialog title is as expected
$widgetDialogTitleAttrPattern = 'widgetDialogTitle="Text Widget"';
preg_match("/$widgetDialogTitleAttrPattern/", $responseBody) === 1,
// verify that the macros got expanded
$this->assertQueryContentContains('div.widget-content', $expandedText, 'Expected content in '. $responseBody);
* Test escaping of various values
public function testSecurity()
$id = P4Cms_Uuid::fromMd5(md5('default-test-1'))->get();
'region' => 'test',
'widget' => $id,
'title' => '<script>alert("test")</script> & ok',
'showTitle' => '1',
'order' => '10',
'text' => 'test <a>test</a> 1 & 2'
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertAction('configure', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);
// ensure title and text are escaped
$this->dispatch('/widget/index/index/region/test/widget/' . $id);
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module.');
// widget title in the html should be escaped
$widgetTitleHtmlPattern = '<div id="widget\-' . str_replace('-', '\\-', $id)
. '-title" class="widget\-title">\s+'
. '<script>alert\("test"\)<\/script> & ok';
// widget content should not be escaped as dojo editor produces html entities conversion
$widgetContentHtmlPattern = '<div id="widget\-' . str_replace('-', '\\-', $id)
. '\-content" class="widget\-content">\s+test <a>test<\/a> 1 & 2';
// check that output looks escaped
preg_match("/$widgetTitleHtmlPattern/", $responseBody) === 1
preg_match("/$widgetContentHtmlPattern/", $responseBody) === 1
* Add test for form action.
public function testFormAction()
$id = P4Cms_Uuid::fromMd5(md5('default-test-1'))->get();
$this->dispatch('/widget/index/form/region/test/widget/' . $id);
$responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
$this->assertAction('form', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);
// verify form looks correct.