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<section id="installation.management.ide-module">
<title>IDE Module</title>
The optional <emphasis role="bold">IDE</emphasis> module provides an interface to edit theme
or module files via your browser. This is useful when you only have browser-based access to
&product.longname;. This module needs to be enabled before you can use it. Please see
<xref linkend="modules.management.enable-disable"/> for more details. Also, the web server
user needs to have write access to the files in the "sites" folder within your
&product.name; installation in order to save any changes made.
The IDE module's editing capabilities are powered by the
<ulink url="http://ace.ajax.org/">ACE Javascript Editor</ulink>, which provides features
such as:
<listitem>Syntax highlighting</listitem>
<listitem>Auto indentation and outdent</listitem>
<listitem>Work with huge documents</listitem>
Fully customizable
<ulink url="https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/Default-Keyboard-Shortcuts">keybindings</ulink>
<listitem>Search and replace with regular expressions</listitem>
<listitem>Highlight matching parentheses</listitem>
<listitem>Toggle between soft tabs and real tabs</listitem>
<listitem>Displays hidden characters</listitem>
<listitem>Highlight selected word</listitem>
<title>Internet Explorer</title>
The IDE module's editing interface does not currently work in Internet Explorer 7 or 8.
It does work in Internet Explorer 9.
Once enabled, choose <command>Manage > IDE</command> to display the IDE interface:
<mediaobjectco role="screen-ide">
<subtitle>The Manage Content Screen</subtitle>
<areaspec units="imagemap">
<area id="screen-ide-spot-toolbar" linkends="screen-ide-co-toolbar" coords="0,23,640,41"/>
<area id="screen-ide-spot-tree" linkends="screen-ide-co-tree" coords="4,51,203,415"/>
<area id="screen-ide-spot-tabs" linkends="screen-ide-co-tabs" coords="207,50,637,68"/>
<area id="screen-ide-spot-editor" linkends="screen-ide-co-editor" coords="207,68,637,415"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-ide-callouts.png"/>
<callout id="screen-ide-co-toolbar" arearefs="screen-ide-spot-toolbar">
<emphasis role="bold">IDE Toolbar</emphasis> -
Provides the following options:
<command>New File</command> - Creates a new editor tab for an empty
file. The file will not exist in the filesystem until
<command>Save File</command> is completed.
<command>New Folder</command> - Creates a new directory within the
<filename><constant>CMSDIR</constant>/sites</filename> path. A
dialog opens prompting for the folder name and path.
<command>New Package</command> - Creates a new module or theme,
including all default files or directories. A dialog opens prompting
for the package type, name, description, and tags.
<command>Open Recent</command> - Provides a drop-down selection of
recently opened/edited files; selecting a filename opens a tab, or
focuses on an existing tab, so you can edit the file.
<command>Save File</command> - Saves the file in the currently
selected tab. If the tab contains a new file, a dialog opens
prompting for the filename and path. The common keyboard shortcut
<keysym>CTRL-S</keysym> (or <keysym>Command-S</keysym> on Mac)
will also save the file.
<command>Change Theme</command> - Provides a drop-down selection of
available editor themes that influence the styling of the editor.
<callout id="screen-ide-co-tree" arearefs="screen-ide-spot-tree">
<emphasis role="bold">Directory Tree</emphasis>:
Represents the folder and file structure contained within the
<filename><constant>CMSDIR</constant>/sites</filename> path. Clicking
on the <guibutton>+</guibutton> button to the left of a directory name will
toggle the display of that directory's contents. Double-click on a filename
to open a tab so you can edit the file.
<callout id="screen-ide-co-tabs" arearefs="screen-ide-spot-tabs">
<emphasis role="bold">File Tabs</emphasis>:
Each file open for editing has its own tab. Click on a tab's label, which
represents the name of the file being edited, to display that tab's file
for editing. Click on the <guibutton>X</guibutton> button to the right of a
tab's label to close that tab and discard any unsaved changes.
<callout id="screen-ide-co-editor" arearefs="screen-ide-spot-editor">
<emphasis role="bold">Editor</emphasis>:
The editor displays the file's contents. If the file represents a type that
the editor recognizes, the file's syntax may be colorized, blocks of code
can be collapsed, and certain kinds of syntax errors may be earmarked.
<title>Drag-and-Drop Active</title>
With a <link linkend="content.add.dnd.supported-browsers">supported browser</link>, you
can add or replace files in a directory by dragging them from outside your browser onto
the desired folder in the directory tree.
vim:se ts=4 sw=4 et: