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<section id="permissions.manage">
<title>Managing Permissions</title>
Permissions are the association of <emphasis>privileges</emphasis>, which are actions that
are provided by <emphasis>resources</emphasis> such as a &product.longname; module, to
<emphasis>roles</emphasis>. For example, you may want to give users having the
<emphasis>member</emphasis> role the privileges to add new categories and associate them
with content, but not give them the privilege of managing categories. There are many
privileges provided by &product.name; and each activated module can implement its own
resources and privileges.
The <emphasis role="screen">Manage Permissions</emphasis> screen is where management of
privilege and role associations are performed. Privileges are listed vertically in the
first column, roles are listed horizontally, representing the grid of possible permission
associations. Hover your mouse over each of the numbered callouts to highlight the
associated area of the screen.
<mediaobjectco role="screen-mp">
<subtitle>The Manage Permissions Screen</subtitle>
<areaspec units="imagemap">
<area id="screen-mp-spot-search" linkends="screen-mp-co-search" coords="0,91,129,125"/>
<area id="screen-mp-spot-filter" linkends="screen-mp-co-filter" coords="0,128,129,277"/>
<area id="screen-mp-spot-resource" linkends="screen-mp-co-resource" coords="148,107,613,124"/>
<area id="screen-mp-spot-privileges" linkends="screen-mp-co-privileges" coords="148,188,288,253"/>
<area id="screen-mp-spot-roles" linkends="screen-mp-co-roles" coords="288,89,640,107"/>
<area id="screen-mp-spot-checks" linkends="screen-mp-co-checks" coords="288,124,613,253"/>
<area id="screen-mp-spot-buttons" linkends="screen-mp-co-buttons" coords="472,256,640,274"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-manage_permissions-callouts.png"/>
<callout id="screen-mp-co-search" arearefs="screen-mp-spot-search">
<emphasis role="bold">Filter by Text Search</emphasis>:
Enter text to filter the list of permissions to entries containing the text.
<callout id="screen-mp-co-filter" arearefs="screen-mp-spot-filter">
<emphasis role="bold">Filter by Resource</emphasis>:
Click on one or more checkboxes to filter the list of permissions to entries
of the selected resources. When no checkboxes are checked, permissions for
every resource are included.
<callout id="screen-mp-co-resource" arearefs="screen-mp-spot-resource">
<emphasis role="bold">Resources</emphasis>:
Resources are groups of privileges, typically provided by a &product.name;
module. Clicking on the checkboxes in these rows toggles all of the
resource's privileges on or off.
<callout id="screen-mp-co-privileges" arearefs="screen-mp-spot-privileges">
<emphasis role="bold">Privilege</emphasis>:
Each privilege provided by a resource is listed in its own row.
<callout id="screen-mp-co-roles" arearefs="screen-mp-spot-roles">
<emphasis role="bold">Roles</emphasis>:
Each configured role is listed in its own column. If there are more roles
than can fit on-screen, a horizontal scrollbar appears near the bottom of
the grid.
<callout id="screen-mp-co-checks" arearefs="screen-mp-spot-checks">
<emphasis role="bold">Checkboxes</emphasis>:
Each checked checkbox indicates that the privilege in the checkbox's row
has been permitted to the role in the checkbox's column. Unchecked
checkboxes indicate that the checkbox's role does not have permission to
use the privilege in the checkbox's row.
<callout id="screen-mp-co-buttons" arearefs="screen-mp-spot-buttons">
<emphasis role="bold">Buttons</emphasis>:
Checking or unchecking checkboxes does not immediately save the permission
changes. You must click <guibutton>Save Changes</guibutton> to apply any
permissions changes you have made. If necessary, you may click
<guibutton>Reset to Defaults</guibutton> to reset all permissions to their
default state.
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