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<section id="installation.management.restore">
If you need to restore your &product.longname; installation, please use the appropriate
recipe below. Below, backup files are assumed to be in a path referred to as
<constant>BACKUPDIR</constant>. <constant>CMSDIR</constant> refers to the root directory of
your &product.name; installation.
The following recipes assume that:
You have read through
<ulink url="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/02_backup.html">Supporting
Perforce: Backup and Recovery</ulink> in the
<ulink url="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/">Perforce
System Administrator's Guide</ulink>.
You have the <command>p4</command> command in your path.
You have the <command>p4d</command> command in your path.
You are logged in as the system's administrator, or <emphasis>root</emphasis> user.
First, stop your Apache web server:<?linebreak?>
<command>apachectl stop</command>
Then choose one of the restoration recipes below. At the end of this document are common
restoration steps.
<title>Restore &product.name; with Perforce Server on Same Machine</title>
Backup files are assumed to be in a path referred to as <constant>BACKUPDIR</constant>.
<constant>CMSDIR</constant> refers to the root directory of your Chronicle installation.
Change the current working directory:
<command>cd <constant>CMSDIR</constant></command><?linebreak?>
<command>cd ..</command>
Move the existing installation out of the way:
mv <constant>CMSDIR</constant> <constant>CMSDIR</constant>.old
Extract the contents of a previously created TAR archive:
tar -xzf <constant>BACKUPDIR</constant>/<&product.name; backup file>
Determine the <replaceable>checkpoint_file</replaceable> and
<replaceable>journal_file</replaceable> to restore from:
<command>ls <constant>CMSDIR</constant>/data/perforce/checkpoint*
Restore from the checkpoint/journal files identified above:
p4d -r <constant>CMSDIR</constant>/data/perforce -jr
Verify the integrity of your server:
<command>p4 -p "rsh:p4d -ir <constant>CMSDIR</constant>/data/perforce" -u
<constant>ADMINUSER</constant> -P <constant>ADMINPW</constant> verify -q
If you encounter errors from this step, please refer to
<ulink url="http://kb.perforce.com/article/693">MISSING! errors from p4
verify</ulink>, or <ulink url="http://kb.perforce.com/article/961">How to Handle
p4 verify BAD Errors</ulink>, from the
<ulink url="http://kb.perforce.com/">Perforce Knowledge Base</ulink>.
Ensure that the database files are writable by the web server user:
chmod u+w <constant>CMSDIR</constant>/data/perforce/db.*
chown <constant>WEBUSER</constant>
Perform the <link linkend="installation.management.restore.common">common
restoration steps</link>.
<title>Restore &product.name; Using an Existing Chronicle Server</title>
There are two restorations that need to be performed: the Perforce server and the
&product.name; installation.
<title>On the Perforce Server</title>
Please follow the recovery steps presented in
<ulink url="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/02_backup.html">Supporting
Perforce: Backup and Recovery</ulink>.
<title>On the &product.name; Server</title>
Before you begin, it is helpful to pick the path where the backup will be stored;
this path is referred to as <constant>BACKUPDIR</constant> below.
<constant>CMSDIR</constant> refers to the root directory of your &product.name;
Change the current working directory:
<command>cd <constant>CMSDIR</constant></command><?linebreak?>
<command>cd <constant>..</constant></command><?linebreak?>
Move the existing installation out of the way:
mv <constant>CMSDIR</constant> <constant>CMSDIR</constant>.old
Extract the contents of a previously created TAR archive:
tar -xzf
<constant>BACKUPDIR</constant>/<&product.name; backup file>
<section id="installation.management.restore.common">
<title>Common Restoration Steps</title>
Clear the cache:
<command>cd <constant>CMSDIR</constant>/data/cache</command><?linebreak?>
<command>rm -rf default/* global/* page/*</command><?linebreak?>
<command>cd <constant>CMSDIR</constant>/data/resources</command><?linebreak?>
<command>rm -rf *gz</command>
Clear the search indexes, if they exist:
<command>cd <constant>CMSDIR</constant>/data/sites</command><?linebreak?>
<command>find . -type d -name 'search-index' | xargs rm -rf</command>
Restart Apache:
<command>apachectl start</command>
If the Search module is enabled, the search indexes need to be rebuilt:
<listitem>Login to &product.name;.</listitem>
Visit <command>Manage > Search Settings</command>. The
<emphasis role="screen">Manage Search</emphasis> screen is displayed.
Click <guibutton>Rebuild</guibutton> to rebuild the search indexes.
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