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<section id="site.search">
<title>Search Settings</title>
&product.longname; ships with a Search module powered by
<ulink url="http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.search.lucene.html">Zend Search
Lucene</ulink>. &product.name; ships with reasonable defaults for indexing operations,
but you may need to adjust the configuration to suit your deployment. Also, you may need
to optimize or rebuild the search indexes.
To adjust Search Settings:
Choose <command>Manage > Modules</command>. The <emphasis role="screen">Manage
Modules</emphasis> screen is displayed, listing available modules.
Find the Search module in the list of modules, either by scrolling or typing
<emphasis>search</emphasis> into the Search field.
Click the Search module's <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button. The
<emphasis role="dialog">Search Configuration</emphasis> dialog is displayed:
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-search_configuration.png"/>
Enter settings for:
<emphasis role="bold">Buffer Limit</emphasis>: the maximum number of documents
that to be kept in-memory while indexing is performed. This value can be
increased if your content is primarily smaller entries or sufficient memory is
available, or reduced if your content includes large file content, such as
entries of many megabytes, or if memory availability is limited.
<emphasis role="bold">Merge Limit</emphasis>: the maximum number of documents
considered when index segments are merged. Smaller values (less than 10,000) are
best for interactive indexing, as this limits the length of pauses while
indexing to a few seconds. Larger values are best for batched indexing and
speedier searches.
<emphasis role="bold">Merge Factor</emphasis>: determines how index segments are
merged when new documents are indexed. With smaller values, less memory is used
while indexing, and searches on unoptimized indices are faster, but indexing
speed is slower. With larger values, more memory is used during indexing, and
while searches on unoptimized indices are slower, indexing is faster. Thus
larger values (> 10) are best for batch index creation, and smaller values
(< 10) for indices that are interactively maintained.
Click the <guibutton>Optimize</guibutton> button to optimize the search index. This may
be necessary after many new documents have been added or removed.
Click the <guibutton>Rebuild</guibutton> button to rebuild the search index from
existing data. This may be necessary if the indexer ever runs out of memory, or if a
search engine gets corrupted in some other way.
Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. Your Search configuration is saved.
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