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<section id="users.overview">
This chapter covers the management aspects of users, roles, and permissions.
A <emphasis>user</emphasis> in &product.longname; means a user account registered with the
underlying Perforce server that stores all your site's content. User accounts allow
people to login to your site to provide content or perform other actions.
The actions users may perform are dictated by the <emphasis>roles</emphasis> assigned to
them. By default, each created user account is assigned the <emphasis>member</emphasis>
role, which permits the user to access and create content. Assigning additional roles
to a user adds to the actions the user may perform.
Permissions describe the <emphasis>privileges</emphasis>, which are provided by
<emphasis>resources</emphasis> such as modules, that each role can bestow upon a user.
<title>What Happens When a User is Deleted?</title>
When a user account is deleted, the user account registered with the underlying Perforce
server is removed, along with any roles assigned to the user. None of the content entries
created or owned by the user, nor any other records, are removed or changed in any way.
If a user is subsequently created with the same userid, and is assigned the same roles,
the user regains access to all previously created content with that userid.
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