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<section id="modules.acl-assert">
<title>Controlling Access with ACLs and Asserts</title>
<emphasis>Access Control Lists</emphasis> (<acronym>ACL</acronym>s) define
<emphasis>resources</emphasis>, which are objects for which access is controlled, and
<emphasis>privileges</emphasis>, which are actions that can be taken on a given resource.
Once these are defined, <emphasis>roles</emphasis> are assigned privileges to control
access. To determine whether a role has permission to access a resource/privilege, you query
the <acronym>ACL</acronym>. <acronym>ACL</acronym>s are almost always defined by the
<link linkend="modules.config.acl">module.ini configuration file</link>.
<section id="modules.acl-assert.asserts">
An <emphasis>assert</emphasis> helps with querying an <acronym>ACL</acronym> when the
permission required to access a resource depends on additional factors, such as a
resource that is only accessible during certain hours of the day. Asserts are rarely
required. To define an assert, create a class that is named according to the privilege
being checked. For asserts that validate a privilege to perform an action, precede the
name with "Can", for example CanEdit or CanDelete. For asserts that test the current
state, precede the name with "Is", for example <emphasis>IsOwner</emphasis> or
Assert classes must be located in the module folder, using the following structure:
<programlisting language="text">
Here is the skeleton of an assert <emphasis>CanFoo</emphasis> for the
<classname>Bar</classname> module:
<programlisting language="php">
* Assert description
* @copyright copyright info.
* @license license info.
* @version version info.
class Bar_Acl_Assert_CanFoo implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface
* Checks if the active user can 'foo' the given content resource.
* @param Zend_Acl $acl the acl instance
* @param Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role the role to check access for
* @param Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource the resource
* @param string $privilege the privilege
* @return boolean true if the given role can 'foo' the given resource,
* false if not allowed
public function assert(
Zend_Acl $acl,
Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role = null,
Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource = null,
$privilege = null)
For details, refer to the <ulink url="http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.11/en/zend.acl.advanced.html">Zend
Framework documentation</ulink>.
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