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<section id="modules.anatomy.components">
Modules are composed of the following components. The only required file is
<filename>module.ini</filename>. All other files are optional.
<table frame="all" id="modules.anatomy.components.table-1">
<title>Module Components</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<link linkend="modules.config"><filename>module.ini</filename></link>
Identifies the module to &product.longname; and provides its default entry
<link linkend="modules.integration"><filename>Module.php</filename></link>
The integration point that enables a module to participate in existing
facilities provided by &product.name;. Modules can participate in
initialization, subscribing to <acronym>pub/sub</acronym> topics, and
other actions.
<link linkend="modules.acl-assert">ACLs/Asserts</link>
Access control lists (<acronym>ACL</acronym>s) declare resources, privileges
and default "allow" rules that are relevant to the module.
<emphasis>Asserts</emphasis> enable developers to define logic that
determines whether the conditions required to obtain access have been met.
<link linkend="modules.controllers">Controllers</link>
Contains action(s) which respond to requests and provides logic that
determine the model(s) and view(s) to be used to form the response.
<link linkend="modules.filters">Filters</link>
Filters modify data, and the filter infrastructure provides a simple
chaining mechanism so that filters can be applied in a specified order.
<link linkend="modules.forms">Forms</link>
The primary mechanism for accepting information from users, and can be
composed of elements, decorators, validators, filters, and sub-forms.
<link linkend="modules.layouts">Layouts</link>
An <acronym>HTML</acronym> file that provides the markup for the overall
look of a page. A layout can implement headers/footers/sidebars, output
the stylesheets and scripts to use, and define the locations for content and
regions. Layouts can include <acronym>PHP</acronym> code.
<link linkend="modules.models">Models</link>
A class that manages the behavior and structure for a particular type of
data in &product.name;. Models provide an <acronym>API</acronym> for
retrieving, updating, and removing data.
<link linkend="modules.resources">Resources</link>
Any file that assists with presentation, such as <acronym>CSS</acronym>
stylesheets, images, applets, movies, <acronym>MP3</acronym>s, etc.
<link linkend="modules.tests">Tests</link>
Unit tests that ensure that your module is working as intended.
<link linkend="modules.validators">Validators</link>
Examine data by comparing it to a set of requirements, and returns a
Boolean value indicating whether the data is valid.
<link linkend="modules.views">Views Scripts / View Helpers</link>
A <emphasis>view script</emphasis> is composed of <acronym>HTML</acronym>
with embedded <acronym>PHP</acronym> directives, and controls the markup for
a particular action. The view script is wrapped by the
<emphasis>Layout</emphasis> if one is enabled. <emphasis>View
helpers</emphasis> are <acronym>PHP</acronym> classes that can reduce
code/<acronym>HTML</acronym> duplication when producing repetitive or
complex markup.
<link linkend="modules.workflows">Workflows</link>
Workflows are collections of <emphasis>states</emphasis> that help guide
content from creation to publication. Before content can
<emphasis>transition</emphasis> from one state to another, any specified
<emphasis>conditions</emphasis> must be met. If all conditions have been
met, any specified <emphasis>actions</emphasis> are executed. Modules can
provide conditions and actions to any workflow.
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