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<section id="branches.pull">
<title>Pulling Changes</title>
To pull changed items from a branch into the active branch:
Click the "active branch" indicator in the &product.longname; toolbar.
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-manage-branches.png"/>
The branch popup menu appears:
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-branch_popup-with_branch.png"/>
Hover or click the mouse over <guimenuitem>Pull From</guimenuitem> to display a
secondary popup-menu displaying a list of branches from which changes may be
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-branch_popup-pull_from-focus.png"/>
In the secondary popup menu, click the branch from which you to wish pull. The
<emphasis role="dialog">Pull</emphasis> dialog appears:
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-pull.png"/>
Choose the branch to pull from, the mode to use, and check the items you wish to pull.
See <xref linkend="branches.pull.modes"/> for more details.
Click <guibutton>Pull</guibutton> to pull the selected items from the specified branch
into the active branch.
<section id="branches.pull.conflicts">
<title>Pull Conflicts</title>
If an item has been modified, both in the branch you are pulling from and the branch you
are pulling into, this is a conflict. &product.name; identifies conflicting items, so
you can investigate them prior to pulling changes. Click on the linked number in the
"quantity" column to display a tooltip identifying the conflicting items.
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-pull-detail_tooltip.png"/>
If you choose to pull items that are in conflict, those items in the active branch
will be overwritten.
Menus receive some special treatment: if the same menu is modified in both branches, the
changes are combined automatically. However, if the same menu item is modified in both
branches, the menu item in the branch you are pulling from will overwrite the menu item
in the branch you are pulling into.
<section id="branches.pull.modes">
<title>Pull Modes</title>
Changes can be pulled from a branch in one of two modes:
This mode identifies changes in the <emphasis>source</emphasis> branch that
need to be copied into the active branch. Items in the active branch that
conflict with the source branch will be overwritten, but non-conflicting items
remain intact.
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-pull.png"/>
This mode makes the active branch identical to the <emphasis>source</emphasis> branch.
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-pull-clone.png"/>
As you can see, more items are flagged as conflicting in clone mode.
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