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<section id="content.add">
<title>Adding Content</title>
To add content to your web site:
Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton> in the &product.longname; toolbar.
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-manage-add.png"/>
The <emphasis role="dialog">Add Content</emphasis> dialog is displayed, listing the
available <link linkend="content.type.overview">content types</link>.
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-add_content.png"/>
Click on a group (Pages or Assets, but there may be others) and then click the type of
content that you want to add. &product.name; displays the
<emphasis role="screen">Add</emphasis> screen for the selected type. Hover your mouse
over each of the numbered callouts to highlight the associated area of the screen.
<mediaobjectco role="screen-ac">
<subtitle>The Add Content Screen</subtitle>
<areaspec units="imagemap">
<area id="screen-ac-spot-mode" linkends="screen-ac-co-mode" coords="0,25,134,42"/>
<area id="screen-ac-spot-associations" linkends="screen-ac-co-associations" coords="145,25,303,42"/>
<area id="screen-ac-spot-disposition" linkends="screen-ac-co-disposition" coords="543,25,639,42"/>
<area id="screen-ac-spot-editarea" linkends="screen-ac-co-editarea" coords="0,135,409,185"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-add_content-callouts.png"/>
<callout id="screen-ac-co-mode" arearefs="screen-ac-spot-mode">
<emphasis role="bold">Editing Mode</emphasis>:
Choose between <emphasis role="bold">In-Place Mode</emphasis>, which
provides editing of the visible elements in their in-page location,
and <emphasis role="bold">Form Mode</emphasis>, which provides
editing of all content elements within a form.
<callout id="screen-ac-co-associations" arearefs="screen-ac-spot-associations">
Content entries can have custom <acronym>URL</acronym>s. They can
also be associated with <emphasis role="bold">Menus</emphasis> and
<emphasis role="bold">Categories</emphasis>. Optional modules may
provide additional association, or other content management
capabilities. Click on each button to discover the options
<callout id="screen-ac-co-disposition" arearefs="screen-ac-spot-disposition">
<emphasis role="bold">Save or Cancel</emphasis>:
Click on <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your content, or
<guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to stop adding new content.
<callout id="screen-ac-co-editarea" arearefs="screen-ac-spot-editarea">
<emphasis role="bold">Editable Elements</emphasis>:
Each editable element is surrounded by a dotted border. Click within
each border to edit that element.
Click within the dotted borders to edit an element. Continue editing elements until
your new content entry is complete.
Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-add_content-save.png"/>
Your content is added to the web site.
<title>Saving With Workflow</title>
If a <emphasis>workflow</emphasis> is assigned to the type of content you are adding,
some additional options may be available to you, including the option to publish the
content and/or provide a comment describing why the content was added. These options
are presented after you click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.
<title>Bulk File Addition via Drag-and-Drop</title>
For <link linkend="content.add.dnd.supported-browsers">supported web browsers</link>,
&product.name; makes it possible to bulk add file-based content, such as images,
<acronym>PDF</acronym> or Microsoft Word documents, etc.
Select the files you wish to add to &product.name;:
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-bulk_file_select.png"/>
Drag them over your web browser window:
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-upload_content.png"/>
Release the files. &product.name; displays a confirmation dialog:
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-upload_content.png"/>
Click <guibutton>Upload</guibutton>. The bulk upload begins, and a progress dialog
is displayed:
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-upload_content-progress.png"/>
Allow the upload to complete; depending on the size of the files, and the speed of
your network connection, it may take some time to finish. Once finished, the
progress dialog disappears and your files are now included in &product.name;.
<section id="content.add.dnd.supported-browsers">
<title>Supported Web Browser for Drag-and-Drop File Operations</title>
The following web browsers support drag-and-drop bulk file operations:
<listitem>Google Chrome</listitem>
<listitem>Apple Safari</listitem>
<listitem>Mozilla Firefox (4.0+)</listitem>
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