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<section id="content.history">
<title>Viewing the History of Web Site Content</title>
&product.longname; maintains the history of every content change you save. You can view that
history, compare different versions, and rollback to a previous version.
<section id="content.history.view">
<title>How to View Content History</title>
Navigate to the content entry of interest.
Click <guibutton>History</guibutton> in the &product.name; toolbar.
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-content-history.png"/>
Click <guibutton>History List</guibutton> in the expanded toolbar.
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-history-history_list.png"/>
The <emphasis role="dialog">History</emphasis> dialog is displayed, listing the
versions of the content item you selected. (You can use the filtering features on
the left to reduce the list of items for easier navigation.)
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-history.png"/>
<section id="content.history.view.older">
<title>How to View Older Versions</title>
View the content history using the <link linkend="content.history.view">instructions
Right-click a version entry and choose <guimenuitem>View</guimenuitem>.
<imagedata fileref="images/popup_menu-history-view.png"/>
<section id="content.history.view.diff">
<title>How to View Differences</title>
View the content history using the <link linkend="content.history.view">instructions
To compare versions, right-click a version entry and choose the desired
<guimenuitem>Diff</guimenuitem> option.
<imagedata fileref="images/popup_menu-history-diff.png"/>
The <emphasis role="dialog">Diff</emphasis> dialog is displayed. Hover your mouse
over each of the numbered callouts to highlight the associated area of the dialog.
<mediaobjectco role="screen-dd">
<subtitle>The Diff Dialog</subtitle>
<areaspec units="imagemap">
<area id="screen-dd-spot-nav" linkends="screen-dd-co-nav" coords="19,39,136,61"/>
<area id="screen-dd-spot-counts" linkends="screen-dd-co-counts" coords="138,39,330,61"/>
<area id="screen-dd-spot-options" linkends="screen-dd-co-options" coords="357,39,630,61"/>
<area id="screen-dd-spot-oldside" linkends="screen-dd-co-oldside" coords="14,64,313,88"/>
<area id="screen-dd-spot-newside" linkends="screen-dd-co-newside" coords="324,64,622,88"/>
<area id="screen-dd-spot-text" linkends="screen-dd-co-text" coords="22,110,615,146"/>
<area id="screen-dd-spot-image" linkends="screen-dd-co-image" coords="22,169,615,290"/>
<area id="screen-dd-spot-editor" linkends="screen-dd-co-editor" coords="22,313,615,415"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-diff-callouts.png"/>
<callout id="screen-dd-co-nav" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-nav">
<emphasis role="bold">Diff Navigation</emphasis>:
Click the arrows to move from element to element. The focused
element has a black border, unfocused elements have a grey
<callout id="screen-dd-co-counts" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-counts">
<emphasis role="bold">Diff Counts</emphasis>:
This area displays how many of each kind of change exists
between the two versions, coloured to match the highlight
<callout id="screen-dd-co-options" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-options">
<emphasis role="bold">Diff Options</emphasis>:
<emphasis>Hide Unchanged Fields</emphasis>, when checked, all
unchanged elements are removed from display so you can focus on
just the changed elements. When unchecked, all elements are
displayed. <emphasis>Ignore Whitespace</emphasis>, when checked,
causes all changes resulting from edits to whitespace to be
hidden. When unchecked, all changes are displayed.
<callout id="screen-dd-co-oldside" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-oldside">
<emphasis role="bold">Older Version</emphasis>:
The older version of the two is displayed in the left-hand
column in the dialog. The version heading reports the version
number, user responsible, and age of the change.
<callout id="screen-dd-co-newside" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-newside">
<emphasis role="bold">Newer Version</emphasis>:
The newer version of the two is displayed in the right-hand
column in the dialog. The version heading reports the version
number, user responsible, and age of the change.
<callout id="screen-dd-co-text" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-text">
<emphasis role="bold">Text Elements</emphasis>:
Text elements are displayed side-by-side with the positions of
changes highlighted as an addition, deletion, or change as
<callout id="screen-dd-co-image" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-image">
<emphasis role="bold">Image Elements</emphasis>:
Image elements are displayed side-by-side, with the footer
reporting the filename, MIME-type, dimensions, and file size for
each version. <emphasis>Overlay</emphasis> is an alternate
comparison mode, and is discussed
<link linkend="content.history.image.overlay">below</link>.
<callout id="screen-dd-co-editor" arearefs="screen-dd-spot-editor">
<emphasis role="bold">Editor Elements</emphasis>:
Editor elements are displayed as their <acronym>HTML</acronym>
source side-by-side, with the positions of changes highlighted
as an addition, deletion, or change as appropriate.
<emphasis>Side By Side</emphasis> is an alternate comparison
mode that shows the in-place display of the element, but does
not include change highlights. <emphasis>Overlay</emphasis> is
another comparison mode that works similarly to image elements'
overlay mode. Please see
<link linkend="content.history.image.overlay">below</link>.
<section id="content.history.image.overlay">
<title>Image Overlay Comparison</title>
The <emphasis>Overlay</emphasis> mode for images combines the old and new versions
of an image with the new version overlayed on the old version. Both images are
centered, and the controls beneath allow you to adjust the opacity so more or less
of each version:
<mediaobjectco role="screen-dd">
<subtitle>Image Overlay Mode</subtitle>
<areaspec units="imagemap">
<area id="screen-io-spot-overlay" linkends="screen-io-co-overlay" coords="1,22,591,103"/>
<area id="screen-io-spot-play" linkends="screen-io-co-play" coords="114,106,159,126"/>
<area id="screen-io-spot-opacity" linkends="screen-io-co-opacity" coords="173,106,403,126"/>
<area id="screen-io-spot-borders" linkends="screen-io-co-borders" coords="438,106,488,126"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-diff-image_overlay-callouts.png"/>
<callout id="screen-io-co-overlay" arearefs="screen-io-spot-overlay">
<emphasis role="bold">The Images</emphasis>:
The images are overlayed in this area.
<callout id="screen-io-co-play" arearefs="screen-io-spot-play">
<emphasis role="bold">Play Button</emphasis>:
Clicking this button causes the opacity of the two images to be
animated from fully displaying the old version, through an equal mix
of each, to fully displaying the new version.
<callout id="screen-io-co-opacity" arearefs="screen-io-spot-opacity">
<emphasis role="bold">Opacity Slider</emphasis>:
The shield-shaped button can be clicked and dragged to adjust the
opacity of the image overlay to show more or less of each version of
the image. The dots at the left, middle (hidden initially), and
right of the slider, when clicked, snap the slider to those
<callout id="screen-io-co-borders" arearefs="screen-io-spot-borders">
<emphasis role="bold">Border Toggle</emphasis>:
Click this button to toggle the display of a border around each
image, which can help identify the size of each image.
<section id="content.history.editor.sidebyside">
<title>Editor Side By Side Comparison</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-diff-text_sbs.png"/>
This comparison mode displays the in-place view of each version side-by-side.
There are no markers indicating where changes exist.
<section id="content.history.editor.overlay">
<title>Editor Overlay Comparison</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-diff-text_overlay.png"/>
This comparison mode displays the new version overlayed over the old version. The
controls are identical to the <link linkend="content.history.image.overlay">image
overlay mode</link>.
<section id="content.history.rollback">
<title>How to Restore a Previous Version</title>
View the content history using the <link linkend="content.history.view">instructions
To restore an older version, right-click it and choose
<guimenuitem>Rollback</guimenuitem>. The selected version is copied to become the
latest version.
<imagedata fileref="images/popup_menu-history-rollback.png"/>
<title>Alternate Ways to Access History</title>
When using the <emphasis role="screen">Manage Content</emphasis> screen, you can view
the history of an entry by selecting <guimenuitem>History</guimenuitem> from the actions
or context menu.
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