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<section id="content.wysiwyg">
<title><acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym> Editor</title>
When you edit content in an <emphasis>editor</emphasis> element, a tooltip containing
<acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym> controls appears, allowing you to style and manipulate the
element's content in a number of ways. Most of these controls require you to first select
some text, then operate the control. Hover your mouse over each of the numbered callouts to
highlight the associated area of the tooltip.
<title>Using the Tableau theme?</title>
Please review <link linkend="tableau.editing">the editor's adjustments</link> when the
Tableau theme is active.
<mediaobjectco role="screen-wt">
<subtitle>The <acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym> Controls</subtitle>
<areaspec units="imagemap">
<area id="screen-wt-spot-format" linkends="screen-wt-co-format" coords="20,43,142,66"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-font" linkends="screen-wt-co-font" coords="146,44,268,66"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-size" linkends="screen-wt-co-size" coords="272,44,394,66"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-color" linkends="screen-wt-co-color" coords="397,37,437,66"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-paste" linkends="screen-wt-co-paste" coords="440,37,480,66"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-style" linkends="screen-wt-co-style" coords="9,69,120,92"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-align" linkends="screen-wt-co-align" coords="122,69,234,92"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-lists" linkends="screen-wt-co-lists" coords="236,69,348,92"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-links" linkends="screen-wt-co-links" coords="350,69,410,92"/>
<area id="screen-wt-spot-source" linkends="screen-wt-co-source" coords="412,69,446,92"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-wysiwyg-callouts.png"/>
<callout id="screen-wt-co-format" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-format">
<emphasis role="bold">Format</emphasis>:
This control lets you choose a markup format for the selected text,
including Paragraph, Heading, Subheading, Sub-subheading, and
<callout id="screen-wt-co-font" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-font">
<emphasis role="bold">Font</emphasis>:
This control lets you choose a font for the selected text, including
Arial, Times New Roman, Comic Sans MS, and Courier New.
<callout id="screen-wt-co-size" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-size">
<emphasis role="bold">Text Size</emphasis>:
This control lets you choose the size of the selected text, including
xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, and xx-large.
<callout id="screen-wt-co-color" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-color">
<emphasis role="bold">Text Color</emphasis>:
This control lets you choose the color of the selected text:
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-wysiwyg-color.png"/>
<callout id="screen-wt-co-paste" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-paste">
<emphasis role="bold">Paste Mode</emphasis>:
This control lets you choose how pasting text into the editor works:
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-wysiwyg-paste_mode.png"/>
"Standard Paste Mode" attempts to maintain the formatting and styling of the
text when it is pasted. "Plain Text Paste Mode" attempts to remove all
formatting and styling from the text. After you select a paste mode, the
control's icon changes to reflect the current mode.
<callout id="screen-wt-co-style" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-style">
<emphasis role="bold">Text Style</emphasis>:
These four controls let you toggle a style of the selected text. From
left to right these are boldface, italics, underlined, and strike-through.
<callout id="screen-wt-co-align" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-align">
<emphasis role="bold">Text Alignment</emphasis>:
These four controls let you align the selected text. From left to right
these are flush left, center, flush right, and flush left and right.
<callout id="screen-wt-co-lists" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-lists">
<emphasis role="bold">Create Lists or Adjust Indent</emphasis>:
The first two controls in this area let you create bulleted or numbered
lists with the selected text. The second two controls respectively increase
or decrease the indentation of the selected text.
<callout id="screen-wt-co-links" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-links">
<emphasis role="bold">Insert Links and Images</emphasis>:
The first control in this area allows you to insert an
<acronym>HTML</acronym> link at the cursor position, or to create a link
for the selected text via the <emphasis role="dialog">Create Link</emphasis>
dialog. Please see <xref linkend="content.wysiwyg.create-link"/> below.
The second control in this area allows you to insert an image at the cursor
position via the <emphasis role="dialog">Insert Image</emphasis> dialog.
Please see <xref linkend="content.wysiwyg.insert-image"/> below.
Once a link or image has been inserted, double-click the link or image to
re-open the appropriate dialog for further editing.
<callout id="screen-wt-co-source" arearefs="screen-wt-spot-source">
<emphasis role="bold">Toggle Source Mode</emphasis>:
This control toggles the element's rendering in the editor from
<acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym> mode to source mode. This is useful when you need
to customize the <acronym>HTML</acronym> markup embedded in the content.
<section id="content.wysiwyg.create-link">
<title>Creating Links</title>
The <emphasis role="bold">Create Link</emphasis> dialog appears when you click the
<emphasis role="bold">Link</emphasis> control in the <acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym> tooltip.
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-create_link.png"/>
<term>Link Source</term>
You can choose to create a link to content already entered into
&product.name;, or any URL you choose. Click <guibutton>Browse</guibutton>
to list existing content entries for the selection.
<term>Link Properties</term>
These settings allow you to control the appearance and behavior of the
<emphasis>Displayed Text</emphasis> is the text that appears to
be linked.
<emphasis>Use Content Title</emphasis> (only available when the Link
Source is 'Content'), when checked, causes uses the content entry's
title for the Displayed Text.
<emphasis>Action</emphasis> (only available when the Link Source is
'Content') determines the link's action to display the content
entry's page, display the content entry as an image (also works for
<acronym>PDF</acronym>s), or download the content entry.
<emphasis>Open In</emphasis> allows you to control whether the link
opens in the current browser window, a new window, or another
existing window.
<emphasis><acronym>CSS</acronym> Class</emphasis> allows you to
use a stylesheet to customize the appearance of the link.
<section id="content.wysiwyg.insert-image">
<title>Inserting Images</title>
The <emphasis role="bold">Insert Image</emphasis> dialog appears when you click the
<emphasis role="bold">Image</emphasis> control in the <acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym>
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-insert_image.png"/>
<term>Image Source</term>
You can choose to insert an image content entry, or an image at any URL you
specify. Click <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> to list existing images for
the selection, or click <guibutton>New Image</guibutton> to upload an image
thereby creating a new content entry.
<term>Image Properties</term>
These settings allow you to control the appearance and positioning of the
<emphasis>Alt Text</emphasis> is the text that appears in a tooltip
when the mouse is hovered over the image.
<emphasis>Size</emphasis> lets you choose to display the image
at Full Size, or Custom Size. The <emphasis>Width</emphasis>,
<emphasis>Height</emphasis>, and <emphasis>Scale
Proportionally</emphasis> are disabled until you choose
Custom Size.
<emphasis>Width</emphasis> allows you specify the width of the
image. Requires that <emphasis>Size</emphasis> be set to
Custom Size.
<emphasis>Height</emphasis> allows you specify the height of the
image. Requires that <emphasis>Size</emphasis> be set to
Custom Size.
When checked, <emphasis>Scale Proportionally</emphasis> affects the
<emphasis>Width</emphasis> and <emphasis>Height</emphasis> values to
maintain the shape of the image; if you are entering a width, the
height is automatically updated to an appropriate value, and
vice-versa. When this property is unchecked, you can use the
<emphasis>Width</emphasis> and <emphasis>Height</emphasis> values to
change the size and shape of the image.
<emphasis>Margin</emphasis> allows you specify the amount of space
that should appear between the edges of the image and the
surrounding text.
<emphasis><acronym>CSS</acronym> Class</emphasis> allows you to
use a stylesheet to customize the appearance of the image.
<emphasis>Alignment</emphasis> allows you specify how the image is
aligned with the surrounding text.
<title>Server-Side Image Resizing</title>
If the web server hosting &product.name; has a supported <acronym>PHP</acronym>
image library installed (see <xref linkend="chapter.image.manipulation"/> for more
details), local images with a specified width/height are resized on the server to
minimize data transfer and improve page load time.
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