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<!ENTITY % language-snippets.default SYSTEM "../../en/standalone/language-snippets.xml">
<section id="widgets.macros">
<title>Using Macros with Widgets</title>
A <emphasis>macro</emphasis> is a special kind of marker you can enter into a text widget.
When the widget is displayed on a web page, any recognized macros in the text are
<emphasis>replaced</emphasis> with the text they represent.
For example, to include the current site title in a text widget, enter
<code>{{site:title}}</code> when configuring the widget's Text field.
<para id="macros.list">
The following macros are provided by &product.longname;:
The application base <acronym>URL</acronym>. This is most useful in module
configuration files that need to include links. For sub-folder installations this is
a relative path; otherwise it is empty.
Your site's title.
Your site's description.
The current site branch.
Your site's current theme.
The active theme's base URL. This is most useful in theme configuration files
that need to refer to specific theme resources.
The current user's id.
The current user's email address.
The current user's full name.
The full release string of the currently running &product.name;.
The release version of the currently running &product.name;.
The release patchlevel of the currently running &product.name;.
The release date of the currently running &product.name;.
Additional macros may be provided by modules.
<title>Macros Also Available in Content</title>
The macros presented above may also be used in content, provided that a content entry's
content type enables them. To use macros in content, ensure that each appropriate content
type element's definition includes:
<programlisting language="ini">
options.macros.enabled = true
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