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<section id="workflows.add">
<title>Adding Workflows</title>
To add a new workflow to a web site:
Click <guibutton>Manage</guibutton> in the &product.longname; toolbar.
<imagedata fileref="images/toolbar-manage-manage.png"/>
Click <guimenuitem>Workflows</guimenuitem>.
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-toolbar_menu-workflows.png"/>
The <emphasis role="screen">Manage Workflows</emphasis> screen is displayed.
Click <guibutton>Add Workflow</guibutton>.
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-manage_workflows-add.png"/>
The <emphasis role="dialog">Add Workflow</emphasis> dialog is displayed.
<imagedata fileref="images/dialog-add_workflow.png"/>
Define the workflow by specifying the following information:
An identifier for this workflow that must be unique among workflows. Valid
characters include letters, numbers, dashes, slashes ("/"), underscores,
and periods.
A friendly identifier for this workflow.
A description of this workflow that is displayed in the
<emphasis role="screen">Manage Workflows</emphasis> screen.
Specifies the states that compose the workflow. For more detail, see
<xref linkend="workflows.configure"/>.
Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. The <emphasis role="screen">Manage
Workflows</emphasis> screen is redisplayed, listing your new workflow.
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