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<section id="release-notes" role="sidebar">
<title>Release Notes</title>
<section id="release-notes.majorupdates">
<title>Major New Functionality in <release/></title>
<term><link linkend="getstarted.tableau">Tableau Theme</link></term>
Tablet-first theme to provide a richer experience when browsing from a tablet.
<section id="release-notes.minorupdates">
<title>Minor New Functionality in <release/></title>
<term><link linkend="social.sharethis">ShareThis Integration</link></term>
ShareThis (<ulink url="http://sharethis.com/">http://sharethis.com/</ulink>)
integration to facilitate sharing &product.longname; pages with social media
<term><link linkend="social.disqus">Disqus Integration</link></term>
Disqus (<ulink url="http://disqus.com/">http://disqus.com/</ulink>) integration
to enable its comment platform with your &product.name; site.
<link linkend="users.external_auth">External Authentication Support</link>
External authentication performed by the Perforce Server is now supported for
use with &product.name;.
<link linkend="installation.management.wordpress-import">WordPress
&product.name; can import a Wordpress export in XML format.
<term>2012.1 Perforce Binaries</term>
#498813, #520237
Included Perforce server binaries and the P4PHP extension were upgraded to the
latest 2012.1 patch versions.
<section id="release-notes.bugfixes">
<title>Bug Fixes in <release/></title>
#523878 (Bug #58650)
Fixed an issue where a user could not be deleted if that user
had files open for edit.
#498888 (Bug #57115)
DataGrids were scrolling very slowly when using the mouse
scrollwheel in Firefox 13+
#499867 (Bug #58425)
Correct datagrid borders display under IE9.
#488176 (Bug #57561)
Correct a theme CSS problem where the first widget in the splash
region displayed its text centered regardless of justification.
#487343 (Bug #57563)
Prevent a fatal error during setup by increasing tolerance of
older versions of the ImageMagick PHP extension (such as the
version included with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS).
#486873 (Bug #57425)
Fixed an issue where using the options.extraPlugins array in the
content-type definition wouldn't allow you to use the same
plugins as those available by default.
#486029 (Bug #57491)
Fixed an issue where HiddenElements were trying to draw their
dashed edit border even though they are always hidden.
<section id="release-notes.known-issues">
<title>Known Issues</title>
Dependency on <filename>pdftotext</filename> for Searching Inside
<acronym>PDF</acronym> Documents
To search within <acronym>PDF</acronym> documents, &product.name; tries to
detect if the <filename>pdftotext</filename> command exists, and uses that to
index <acronym>PDF</acronym> documents. If the command is not present,
&product.name; cannot index the contents of <acronym>PDF</acronym>
files, and as a result, you cannot search within <acronym>PDF</acronym> files.
&product.name; Administration Using Tableau Theme and Mobile Device
The Tableau theme is intended for anonymous users to experience. Many UI
components required for effective administration have not been revised for use
on mobile devices. For administrative functions, please use a desktop browser.
<sidebar id="release-notes.sidebar">
<section label="Release Notes">
<subtitle>Release Notes for <release/></subtitle>
<link linkend="release-notes.majorupdates">Major Updates</link>
<link linkend="release-notes.minorupdates">Minor Updates</link>
<link linkend="release-notes.bugfixes">Bug Fixes</link>
<link linkend="release-notes.known-issues">Known Issues</link>
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