Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.calc._Executor"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.calc._Executor"] = true;
var calcEnv; // private
// do not override toFrac's pow function if it won the race
if(!("pow" in dojox.calc)){
dojox.calc.pow = function(/*Number*/ base, /*Number*/ exponent){
// summary:
// Computes base ^ exponent
// Wrapper to Math.pow(base, exponent) to handle (-27) ^ (1/3)
function isInt(n){
return Math.floor(n) == n;
if(base >= 0 || isInt(exponent)){
return Math.pow(base, exponent);
}else{ // e.g. (1/3) root of -27 = -3
var inv = 1 / exponent;
// e.g. 1 / (1/3) must be an odd integer
return (isInt(inv) && (inv & 1)) ? -Math.pow(-base, exponent) : NaN;
[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],
// summary:
// A graphing, scientific calculator
templateString: '<iframe src="' +
dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.calc","_ExecutorIframe.html") +
'" style="display:none;" onload="if(arguments[0] && arguments[0].Function)'+dijit._scopeName+'.byNode(this)._onLoad(arguments[0])"></iframe>',
_onLoad: function(env){
// summary
// prepare for communications between the user and the calculator by saving the calculator environment, storing the prompt function locally, and making dojox.math available
calcEnv = env;
env.outerPrompt = window.prompt; // for IE who can't execute the iframe's prompt method without notifying the user first
// let the user call dojo math functions
env.dojox = {math: {}};
for(var f in dojox.math){ env.dojox.math[f] = dojo.hitch(dojox.math, f); }
if("toFrac" in dojox.calc){
env.toFracCall = dojo.hitch(dojox.calc, 'toFrac');
this.Function('toFrac', 'x', "return toFracCall(x)");
env.isJavaScriptLanguage = dojo.number.format(1.5, {pattern:'#.#'}) == "1.5";
env.Ans = 0;
env.pi = Math.PI;
env.eps = Math.E;
env.powCall = dojo.hitch(dojox.calc, 'pow');
// TODO add Degrees support to trig functions
//this.normalizedFunction('toString', 'number, radix', "return number.toString(radix)");
this.normalizedFunction('sqrt', 'x', "return Math.sqrt(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('sin', 'x', "return Math.sin(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('cos', 'x', "return Math.cos(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('tan', 'x', "return Math.tan(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('asin', 'x', "return Math.asin(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('acos', 'x', "return Math.acos(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('atan', 'x', "return Math.atan(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('atan2', 'y, x', "return Math.atan2(y, x)");
this.normalizedFunction('Round', 'x', "return Math.round(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('Int', 'x', "return Math.floor(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('Ceil', 'x', "return Math.ceil(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('ln', 'x', "return Math.log(x)");
this.normalizedFunction('log', 'x', "return Math.log(x)/Math.log(10)");
this.normalizedFunction('pow', 'x, y', "return powCall(x,y)");
this.normalizedFunction('permutations', 'n, r', "return dojox.math.permutations(n, r);");
this.normalizedFunction('P', 'n, r', "return dojox.math.permutations(n, r);");
this.normalizedFunction('combinations', 'n, r', "return dojox.math.combinations(n, r);");
this.normalizedFunction('C', 'n, r', "return dojox.math.combinations(n, r)");
this.normalizedFunction('toRadix', 'number, baseOut', "if(!baseOut){ baseOut = 10; } if(typeof number == 'string'){ number = parseFloat(number); }return number.toString(baseOut);");
this.normalizedFunction('toBin', 'number', "return toRadix(number, 2)");
this.normalizedFunction('toOct', 'number', "return toRadix(number, 8)");
this.normalizedFunction('toHex', 'number', "return toRadix(number, 16)");
onLoad: function(){
// summary:
// this should be overwritten and become a great place for making user predefined functions
Function: function(name, args, body){
// summary
// create an anonymous function to run the code the parser generates from the user input.
// params
// name: this argument is simply a String that represents the name of the function being evaluated. It can be undefined, but in that case the function is a one time use.
// args: the function arguments (a String)
// body: the function body, also a String
return dojo.hitch(calcEnv, calcEnv.Function.apply(calcEnv, arguments));
normalizedFunction: function(name, args, body){
return dojo.hitch(calcEnv, calcEnv.normalizedFunction.apply(calcEnv, arguments));
deleteFunction: function(name){
calcEnv[name] = undefined;
delete calcEnv[name];
eval: function(text){
// summary
// create an anonymous function to run the code the parser generates from the user input.
// params
// text, type String, is the user input that needs to be parsed
return calcEnv.eval.apply(calcEnv, arguments);
destroy: function(){
calcEnv = null; // assist garbage collection
var magicBigInt = (1 << 30) - 35; // 2^30 - 35 is a prime that ensures approx(n/(2^k)) != n/(2^k) for k >= 1 and n < 2^k
dojo.mixin(dojox.calc, {
approx: function(r){
// summary:
// Return a less exact approximation of r such that approx(r * (1 +- eps)) == approx(r)
if(typeof r == "number"){
return Math.round(r * magicBigInt) / magicBigInt;
return r;