Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.data.JsonRestStore"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.data.JsonRestStore"] = true;
constructor: function(options){
// JsonRestStore is a Dojo Data store interface to JSON HTTP/REST web
// storage services that support read and write through GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE.
// options:
// Keyword arguments
// The *schema* parameter
// This is a schema object for this store. This should be JSON Schema format.
// The *service* parameter
// This is the service object that is used to retrieve lazy data and save results
// The function should be directly callable with a single parameter of an object id to be loaded
// The function should also have the following methods:
// put(id,value) - puts the value at the given id
// post(id,value) - posts (appends) the value at the given id
// delete(id) - deletes the value corresponding to the given id
// Note that it is critical that the service parses responses as JSON.
// If you are using dojox.rpc.Service, the easiest way to make sure this
// happens is to make the responses have a content type of
// application/json. If you are creating your own service, make sure you
// use handleAs: "json" with your XHR requests.
// The *target* parameter
// This is the target URL for this Service store. This may be used in place
// of a service parameter to connect directly to RESTful URL without
// using a dojox.rpc.Service object.
// The *idAttribute* parameter
// Defaults to 'id'. The name of the attribute that holds an objects id.
// This can be a preexisting id provided by the server.
// If an ID isn't already provided when an object
// is fetched or added to the store, the autoIdentity system
// will generate an id for it and add it to the index.
// The *syncMode* parameter
// Setting this to true will set the store to using synchronous calls by default.
// Sync calls return their data immediately from the calling function, so
// callbacks are unnecessary
// description:
// The JsonRestStore will cause all saved modifications to be sent to the server using Rest commands (PUT, POST, or DELETE).
// When using a Rest store on a public network, it is important to implement proper security measures to
// control access to resources.
// On the server side implementing a REST interface means providing GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE handlers.
// GET - Retrieve an object or array/result set, this can be by id (like /table/1) or with a
// query (like /table/?name=foo).
// PUT - This should modify a object, the URL will correspond to the id (like /table/1), and the body will
// provide the modified object
// POST - This should create a new object. The URL will correspond to the target store (like /table/)
// and the body should be the properties of the new object. The server's response should include a
// Location header that indicates the id of the newly created object. This id will be used for subsequent
// PUT and DELETE requests. JsonRestStore also includes a Content-Location header that indicates
// the temporary randomly generated id used by client, and this location is used for subsequent
// PUT/DELETEs if no Location header is provided by the server or if a modification is sent prior
// to receiving a response from the server.
// DELETE - This should delete an object by id.
// These articles include more detailed information on using the JsonRestStore:
// http://www.sitepen.com/blog/2008/06/13/restful-json-dojo-data/
// http://blog.medryx.org/2008/07/24/jsonreststore-overview/
// example:
// A JsonRestStore takes a REST service or a URL and uses it the remote communication for a
// read/write dojo.data implementation. A JsonRestStore can be created with a simple URL like:
// | new JsonRestStore({target:"/MyData/"});
// example:
// To use a JsonRestStore with a service, you should create a
// service with a REST transport. This can be configured with an SMD:
// | {
// | services: {
// | jsonRestStore: {
// | transport: "REST",
// | envelope: "URL",
// | target: "store.php",
// | contentType:"application/json",
// | parameters: [
// | {name: "location", type: "string", optional: true}
// | ]
// | }
// | }
// | }
// The SMD can then be used to create service, and the service can be passed to a JsonRestStore. For example:
// | var myServices = new dojox.rpc.Service(dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.rpc.tests.resources", "test.smd"));
// | var jsonStore = new dojox.data.JsonRestStore({service:myServices.jsonRestStore});
// example:
// The JsonRestStore also supports lazy loading. References can be made to objects that have not been loaded.
// For example if a service returned:
// | {"name":"Example","lazyLoadedObject":{"$ref":"obj2"}}
// And this object has accessed using the dojo.data API:
// | var obj = jsonStore.getValue(myObject,"lazyLoadedObject");
// The object would automatically be requested from the server (with an object id of "obj2").
var prefix = this.service.servicePath;
console.log("no id on updated object ", obj);
}else if(obj.__id.substring(0,prefix.length) == prefix){
this.idAttribute = this.idAttribute || 'id';// no options about it, we have to have identity
if(typeof options.target == 'string'){
options.target = options.target.match(/\/$/) || this.allowNoTrailingSlash ? options.target : (options.target + '/');
this.service = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.services[options.target] ||
dojox.rpc.Rest(options.target, true);
// create a default Rest service
dojox.rpc.JsonRest.registerService(this.service, options.target, this.schema);
this.schema = this.service._schema = this.schema || this.service._schema || {};
// wrap the service with so it goes through JsonRest manager
this.service._store = this;
this.service.idAsRef = this.idAsRef;
this.schema._idAttr = this.idAttribute;
var constructor = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.getConstructor(this.service);
var self = this;
this._constructor = function(data){
constructor.call(this, data);
this._constructor.prototype = constructor.prototype;
this._index = dojox.rpc.Rest._index;
// summary:
// Will load any schemas referenced content-type header or in Link headers
loadReferencedSchema: true,
// summary:
// Treat objects in queries as partially loaded objects
idAsRef: false,
referenceIntegrity: true,
// summary:
// Allow no trailing slash on target paths. This is generally discouraged since
// it creates prevents simple scalar values from being used a relative URLs.
// Disabled by default.
allowNoTrailingSlash: false,
//Write API Support
newItem: function(data, parentInfo){
// summary:
// adds a new item to the store at the specified point.
// Takes two parameters, data, and options.
// data: /* object */
// The data to be added in as an item.
data = new this._constructor(data);
// get the previous value or any empty array
var values = this.getValue(parentInfo.parent,parentInfo.attribute,[]);
// set the new value
values = values.concat([data]);
data.__parent = values;
this.setValue(parentInfo.parent, parentInfo.attribute, values);
return data;
deleteItem: function(item){
// summary:
// deletes item and any references to that item from the store.
// item:
// item to delete
// If the desire is to delete only one reference, unsetAttribute or
// setValue is the way to go.
var checked = [];
var store = dojox.data._getStoreForItem(item) || this;
// cleanup all references
dojox.rpc.JsonRest._saveNotNeeded = true;
var index = dojox.rpc.Rest._index;
var fixReferences = function(parent){
var toSplice;
// keep track of the checked ones
// mark it checked so we don't run into circular loops when encountering cycles
parent.__checked = 1;
for(var i in parent){
if(i.substring(0,2) != "__"){
var value = parent[i];
if(value == item){
if(parent != index){ // make sure we are just operating on real objects
if(parent instanceof Array){
// mark it as needing to be spliced, don't do it now or it will mess up the index into the array
(toSplice = toSplice || []).push(i);
// property, just delete it.
(dojox.data._getStoreForItem(parent) || store).unsetAttribute(parent, i);
if((typeof value == 'object') && value){
// recursively search
if(typeof value.__checked == 'object' && parent != index){
// if it is a modified array, we will replace it
(dojox.data._getStoreForItem(parent) || store).setValue(parent, i, value.__checked);
// we need to splice the deleted item out of these arrays
i = toSplice.length;
parent = parent.__checked = parent.concat(); // indicates that the array is modified
parent.splice(toSplice[i], 1);
return parent;
return null;
// start with the index
dojox.rpc.JsonRest._saveNotNeeded = false;
var i = 0;
// remove the checked marker
delete checked[i++].__checked;
changing: function(item,_deleting){
// summary:
// adds an item to the list of dirty items. This item
// contains a reference to the item itself as well as a
// cloned and trimmed version of old item for use with
// revert.
setValue: function(item, attribute, value){
// summary:
// sets 'attribute' on 'item' to 'value'
var old = item[attribute];
var store = item.__id ? dojox.data._getStoreForItem(item) : this;
if(dojox.json.schema && store.schema && store.schema.properties){
// if we have a schema and schema validator available we will validate the property change
if(attribute == store.idAttribute){
throw new Error("Can not change the identity attribute for an item");
if(value && !value.__parent){
value.__parent = item;
setValues: function(item, attribute, values){
// summary:
// sets 'attribute' on 'item' to 'value' value
// must be an array.
throw new Error("setValues expects to be passed an Array object as its value");
unsetAttribute: function(item, attribute){
// summary:
// unsets 'attribute' on 'item'
var old = item[attribute];
delete item[attribute];
save: function(kwArgs){
// summary:
// Saves the dirty data using REST Ajax methods. See dojo.data.api.Write for API.
// kwArgs.global:
// This will cause the save to commit the dirty data for all
// JsonRestStores as a single transaction.
// kwArgs.revertOnError
// This will cause the changes to be reverted if there is an
// error on the save. By default a revert is executed unless
// a value of false is provide for this parameter.
// kwArgs.incrementalUpdates
// For items that have been updated, if this is enabled, the server will be sent a POST request
// with a JSON object containing the changed properties. By default this is
// not enabled, and a PUT is used to deliver an update, and will include a full
// serialization of all the properties of the item/object.
// If this is true, the POST request body will consist of a JSON object with
// only the changed properties. The incrementalUpdates parameter may also
// be a function, in which case it will be called with the updated and previous objects
// and an object update representation can be returned.
// kwArgs.alwaysPostNewItems
// If this is true, new items will always be sent with a POST request. By default
// this is not enabled, and the JsonRestStore will send a POST request if
// the item does not include its identifier (expecting server assigned location/
// identifier), and will send a PUT request if the item does include its identifier
// (the PUT will be sent to the URI corresponding to the provided identifier).
if(!(kwArgs && kwArgs.global)){
(kwArgs = kwArgs || {}).service = this.service;
if("syncMode" in kwArgs ? kwArgs.syncMode : this.syncMode){
dojox.rpc._sync = true;
var actions = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.commit(kwArgs);
this.serverVersion = this._updates && this._updates.length;
return actions;
revert: function(kwArgs){
// summary
// returns any modified data to its original state prior to a save();
// kwArgs.global:
// This will cause the revert to undo all the changes for all
// JsonRestStores in a single operation.
dojox.rpc.JsonRest.revert(kwArgs && kwArgs.global && this.service);
isDirty: function(item){
// summary
// returns true if the item is marked as dirty.
return dojox.rpc.JsonRest.isDirty(item);
isItem: function(item, anyStore){
// summary:
// Checks to see if a passed 'item'
// really belongs to this JsonRestStore.
// item: /* object */
// The value to test for being an item
// anyStore: /* boolean*/
// If true, this will return true if the value is an item for any JsonRestStore,
// not just this instance
return item && item.__id && (anyStore || this.service == dojox.rpc.JsonRest.getServiceAndId(item.__id).service);
_doQuery: function(args){
var query= typeof args.queryStr == 'string' ? args.queryStr : args.query;
var deferred = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.query(this.service,query, args);
var self = this;
var contentType = deferred.ioArgs && deferred.ioArgs.xhr && deferred.ioArgs.xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
var schemaRef = contentType && contentType.match(/definedby\s*=\s*([^;]*)/);
if(contentType && !schemaRef){
schemaRef = deferred.ioArgs.xhr.getResponseHeader("Link");
schemaRef = schemaRef && schemaRef.match(/<([^>]*)>;\s*rel="?definedby"?/);
schemaRef = schemaRef && schemaRef[1];
var serviceAndId = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.getServiceAndId((self.target + schemaRef).replace(/^(.*\/)?(\w+:\/\/)|[^\/\.]+\/\.\.\/|^.*\/(\/)/,"$2$3"));
var schemaDeferred = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.byId(serviceAndId.service, serviceAndId.id);
dojo.mixin(self.schema, newSchema);
return result;
}, function(error){
console.error(error); // log it, but don't let it cause the main request to fail
return result;
return schemaDeferred;
return undefined;//don't change anything, and deal with the stupid post-commit lint complaints
return deferred;
_processResults: function(results, deferred){
// index the results
var count = results.length;
// if we don't know the length, and it is partial result, we will guess that it is twice as big, that will work for most widgets
return {totalCount:deferred.fullLength || (deferred.request.count == count ? (deferred.request.start || 0) + count * 2 : count), items: results};
getConstructor: function(){
// summary:
// Gets the constructor for objects from this store
return this._constructor;
getIdentity: function(item){
var id = item.__clientId || item.__id;
return id;
var prefix = this.service.servicePath.replace(/[^\/]*$/,'');
// support for relative or absolute referencing with ids
return id.substring(0,prefix.length) != prefix ? id : id.substring(prefix.length); // String
fetchItemByIdentity: function(args){
var id = args.identity;
var store = this;
// if it is an absolute id, we want to find the right store to query
var serviceAndId = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.getServiceAndId(id);
store = serviceAndId.service._store;
args.identity = serviceAndId.id;
args._prefix = store.service.servicePath.replace(/[^\/]*$/,'');
return store.inherited(arguments);
//Notifcation Support
onSet: function(){},
onNew: function(){},
onDelete: function(){},
getFeatures: function(){
// summary:
// return the store feature set
var features = this.inherited(arguments);
features["dojo.data.api.Write"] = true;
features["dojo.data.api.Notification"] = true;
return features;
getParent: function(item){
// summary:
// Returns the parent item (or query) for the given item
// item:
// The item to find the parent of
return item && item.__parent;
dojox.data.JsonRestStore.getStore = function(options, Class){
// summary:
// Will retrieve or create a store using the given options (the same options
// that are passed to JsonRestStore constructor. Returns a JsonRestStore instance
// options:
// See the JsonRestStore constructor
// Class:
// Constructor to use (for creating stores from JsonRestStore subclasses).
// This is optional and defaults to JsonRestStore.
if(typeof options.target == 'string'){
options.target = options.target.match(/\/$/) || options.allowNoTrailingSlash ?
options.target : (options.target + '/');
var store = (dojox.rpc.JsonRest.services[options.target] || {})._store;
return store;
return new (Class || dojox.data.JsonRestStore)(options);
dojox.data._getStoreForItem = function(item){
var serviceAndId = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.getServiceAndId(item.__id);
if(serviceAndId && serviceAndId.service._store){
return serviceAndId.service._store;
var servicePath = item.__id.toString().match(/.*\//)[0];
return new dojox.data.JsonRestStore({target:servicePath});
return null;
dojox.json.ref._useRefs = true; // Use referencing when identifiable objects are referenced