* This is the user model. Each user corresponds to a
* user in Perforce.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class P4Cms_User extends P4Cms_Record_Connected implements Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface
const FETCH_BY_NAME = 'name';
const FETCH_MAXIMUM = 'maximum';
const FETCH_SYSTEM_USER = 'systemUser';
protected $_p4User = null;
protected $_personalAdapter = null;
protected static $_rolesCache = array();
protected static $_activeUser = null;
protected static $_acl = null;
protected static $_idField = 'id';
protected static $_fields = array(
'fullName' => array(
'accessor' => 'getFullName',
'mutator' => 'setFullName'
'email' => array(
'accessor' => 'getEmail',
'mutator' => 'setEmail'
'password' => array(
'accessor' => 'getPassword',
'mutator' => 'setPassword'
* Clear the static roles cache entirely.
public static function clearRolesCache()
static::$_rolesCache = array();
* Check if the named user exists.
* @param string $username the username of the user to look for.
* @param array|null $options optional - no options are presently supported.
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional - storage adapter to use.
* @return bool true if the user exists, false otherwise.
public static function exists($username, $options = null, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
if (!is_array($options) && !is_null($options)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Options must be an array or null'
try {
static::fetch($username, null, $adapter);
return true;
} catch (P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException $e) {
return false;
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
return false;
* Fetch the named user.
* @param string $username the username of the user to fetch.
* @param array|null $options optional - no options are presently supported.
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional - storage adapter to use.
* @return P4Cms_User instance of the requested user.
* @throws P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException if the requested user does not exist.
public static function fetch($username, array $options = null, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
if (!is_array($options) && !is_null($options)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Options must be an array or null'
$adapter = $adapter ?: static::getDefaultAdapter();
// attempt to fetch user from perforce.
try {
$p4User = P4_User::fetch($username, $adapter->getConnection());
} catch (P4_Spec_NotFoundException $e) {
throw new P4Cms_Model_NotFoundException(
"Cannot fetch user. User '$username' does not exist."
// create new user instance
$user = new static;
return $user;
* Fetch all users in the system (ie. get users from Perforce).
* @param array $options optional - array of options to augment fetch behavior.
* supported options are:
* FETCH_MAXIMUM - set to integer value to limit to the
* first 'max' number of entries.
* FETCH_BY_NAME - set to user name pattern (e.g. 'jdo*'),
* can be a single string or array of strings.
* FETCH_SYSTEM_USER - set to true to include the system user
* defaults to false (system user is excluded)
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional - storage adapter to use.
* @return P4Cms_Model_Iterator all users in the system.
public static function fetchAll(
array $options = null,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
$adapter = $adapter ?: static::getDefaultAdapter();
$users = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
foreach (P4_User::fetchAll($options, $adapter->getConnection()) as $p4User) {
$user = new static;
$users[] = $user;
// exclude system user by default
if ((!isset($options[static::FETCH_SYSTEM_USER]) || !$options[static::FETCH_SYSTEM_USER])
&& P4Cms_Site::hasActive()
) {
// we assume the active site is running as the system user; get the id
$systemUser = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getConnection()->getUser();
$users->filter('id', $systemUser, array(P4Cms_Model_Iterator::FILTER_INVERSE));
return $users;
* Fetch all role member users.
* @param P4Cms_Acl_Role|string|array $role role or list of roles to fetch members of.
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional, storage adapter to use.
* @return P4Cms_Model_Iterator role(s) member users.
public static function fetchByRole($role, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
if (is_string($role) || $role instanceof P4Cms_Acl_Role) {
$roles = array($role);
} else if (is_array($role)) {
$roles = $role;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Role must be an instance of P4Cms_Acl_Role or a string or an array."
$users = array();
foreach ($roles as $role) {
// if role is not instance of P4Cms_Acl_Role, try to fetch it
if (!$role instanceof P4Cms_Acl_Role) {
if (!P4Cms_Acl_Role::exists($role, null, $adapter)) {
$role = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetch($role, null, $adapter);
// add role users to the users list
$users = array_merge($users, $role->getUsers());
// early exit if no users to fetch
if (!count($users)) {
return new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
// fetch all member users
return static::fetchAll(array(static::FETCH_BY_NAME => array_unique($users)), $adapter);
* Count all users - extended to route through fetch all.
* @param array $options optional - array of options to augment count
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter optional - storage adapter to use.
* @return integer The count of all matching records
public static function count(
$options = array(),
P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
return static::fetchAll($options, $adapter)->count();
* Return the user's email-address.
* @return string|null the user's email address
public function getEmail()
return $this->_getP4User()->getEmail();
* Return the user's full name.
* @return string|null the user's full name
public function getFullName()
return $this->_getP4User()->getFullName();
* Get the in-memory password (if one is set).
* @return string|null the in-memory password.
public function getPassword()
return $this->_getP4User()->getPassword();
* Fetch the currently active user.
* Guaranteed to return the active user model or throw an exception.
* @return P4Cms_User the currently active user.
* @throws P4Cms_User_Exception if there is no currently active user.
* @todo throw a specific type of exception.
public static function fetchActive()
if (!static::$_activeUser || !static::$_activeUser instanceof P4Cms_User) {
throw new P4Cms_User_Exception("There is no currently active user.");
return static::$_activeUser;
* Determine if there is an active user.
* @return boolean true if there is an active user
public static function hasActive()
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
* Set the active user.
* @param P4Cms_User $user the user model instance to make active.
public static function setActive(P4Cms_User $user)
static::$_activeUser = $user;
* Clear the active user.
public static function clearActive()
static::$_activeUser = null;
* Determine if this user is anonymous (has no id).
* @return bool true if the user is anonymous.
public function isAnonymous()
return !(bool) strlen($this->getId());
* Determine if this user has member role.
* @return bool true if the user has member role, false otherwise.
public function isMember()
return in_array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER, $this->getRoles()->invoke('getId'));
* Determine if this user has administrator role.
* @return bool true if the user has administrator role, false otherwise.
public function isAdministrator()
return in_array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, $this->getRoles()->invoke('getId'));
* Test if the given password is correct for this user.
* @param string $password the password to test.
* @return bool true if the password is correct, false otherwise.
public function isPassword($password)
return $this->_getP4User()->isPassword($password);
* Determine if this user is allowed to access a particular resource
* and (optionally) a particular privilege on the resource.
* @param P4Cms_Acl_Resource|string $resource the resource to check access to.
* @param P4Cms_Acl_Privilege|string|null $privilege optional - the privilege to check.
* @param P4Cms_Acl|null $acl optional - the acl to check against.
* defaults to the currently active acl.
* @return bool true if the user is allowed access to the resource.
* @publishes p4cms.acl.users.privileges
* Gathers the resource privileges for authorization checks, or for presentation by
* the User module.
* P4Cms_Acl_Resource $resource The resource that must be checked for
* appropriate privileges.
public function isAllowed($resource, $privilege = null, P4Cms_Acl $acl = null)
$acl = $acl ?: P4Cms_Acl::fetchActive();
// user is allowed access if any of the roles are.
foreach ($this->getRoles() as $role) {
try {
if ($acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege)) {
return true;
} catch (Zend_Acl_Exception $e) {
// acl throws if the resource doesn't exist, but
// we don't consider this a throw-able offense here.
// we do however treat it as permission denied.
return false;
* Return list of all privileges for which user has access to a given resource.
* @param P4Cms_Acl_Resource|string $resource the resource to check access to.
* @param P4Cms_Acl|null $acl optional - the acl to check against.
* defaults to the currently active acl.
* @return array list of all privileges for which user
* user has access to a given resource.
public function getAllowedPrivileges($resource, P4Cms_Acl $acl = null)
$acl = $acl ?: P4Cms_Acl::fetchActive();
$roles = $this->getRoles()->toArray(true);
$privileges = array();
// user is allowed access if any of the roles are.
foreach ($roles as $role) {
$privileges = array_merge(
$acl->getAllowedPrivileges($role, $resource)
return array_unique($privileges);
* Get the roles that this user belongs to.
* Caches the results of P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetchAll().
* @return P4Cms_Model_Iterator the roles that this user is a member of.
public function getRoles()
// if user is un-identified, user belongs to anonymous role
if ($this->isAnonymous()) {
$role = new P4Cms_Acl_Role;
$roles = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
$roles[] = $role;
return $roles;
// for other users, roles are cached based on the adapter and user id
$adapter = $this->getAdapter();
$userId = $this->getId();
$cacheKey = spl_object_hash($adapter) . md5($userId);
// load the user roles (but only fetch them once)
if (!array_key_exists($cacheKey, static::$_rolesCache)) {
// fetch roles that user is a member of
$roles = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetchAll(
array(P4Cms_Acl_Role::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => $userId),
static::$_rolesCache[$cacheKey] = $roles;
return static::$_rolesCache[$cacheKey];
* Generate a single role that inherits from all of the roles
* that this user has and register it with the acl temporarily
* (the role is not saved).
* This allows us to specify a single role when checking if the
* user is allowed access to a given resource/privilege.
* @param P4Cms_Acl|null $acl optional - the acl to check against.
* defaults to the currently active acl.
* @return string the id of the generated role combining
* all this user's roles or the id of an
* existing role if the user has only one.
* @throws P4Cms_User_Exception if the user has no roles.
public function getAggregateRole(P4Cms_Acl $acl = null)
$acl = $acl ?: P4Cms_Acl::fetchActive();
// can't get aggregate role if no roles.
$roles = $this->getRoles();
if (count($roles) == 0) {
throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
"Cannot get aggregate role for a user with no roles."
// no need to aggregate if user has one role.
if (count($roles) <= 1) {
return $roles->first()->getId();
// generate unique name.
$i = 0;
$roles = $roles->invoke('getId');
$roleId = $this->getId() . "-" . implode('-', $roles);
while ($acl->hasRole($roleId)) {
$roleId = $this->getId() . "-" . implode('-', $roles) . "-" . ++$i;
// register role as super if any of the partial roles is super
foreach ($roles as $role) {
if (P4Cms_Acl_Role::isSuper($role)) {
// add role to acl, but don't save role.
$acl->addRole($roleId, $roles);
return $roleId;
* Overrides parent to set adapter's connection for associated P4_User in addition.
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter the adapter to use for this instance.
* @return P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.
public function setAdapter(P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter)
return parent::setAdapter($adapter);
* Set the user id - extended to proxy to p4 user.
* @param string|int|null $id the identifier of this record.
* @return P4Cms_Record provides fluent interface.
* @todo move more validation into record id validator
* @todo reject empty strings ''.
public function setId($id)
return parent::setId($id);
* Set the user's email-address.
* @param string|null $email the user's email address
* @return P4Cms_User provides fluent interface
public function setEmail($email)
return $this;
* Set the user's full name.
* @param string|null $name the user's full name
* @return P4Cms_User provides fluent interface
public function setFullName($name)
return $this;
* Set the user's password to the given password.
* Does not take effect until save() is called.
* @param string|null $newPassword the new password string or
* null to clear in-memory password.
* @param string $oldPassword optional - existing password.
* @return P4_User provides fluent interface.
public function setPassword($newPassword, $oldPassword = null)
$this->_getP4User()->setPassword($newPassword, $oldPassword);
return $this;
* Generate a pseudo-random password, alternating consonants and vowels to
* assist human readability. Password strength is flexible:
* 0 = lowercase letters only
* 1 = add uppercase consonants
* 2 = add uppercase vowels
* 3 = add numbers
* 4 = add special characters
* @param integer $length the desired length of the password.
* @param integer $strength the desired strength of the password.
* @return string the generated password.
public static function generatePassword($length, $strength = 0)
// vowels and consonants excluding the letters o, i and l
// because they can be mistaken for other letters or numbers.
$vowels = 'aeuy';
$consonants = 'bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz';
if ($strength >= 1) {
$consonants .= strtoupper($consonants);
if ($strength >= 2) {
$vowels .= strtoupper($vowels);
// excludes the numbers 0 and 1 because they can be mistaken for letters.
if ($strength >= 3) {
$consonants .= '23456789';
if ($strength >= 4) {
$consonants .= '@$%^';
$password = '';
$alt = rand() % 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
if ($alt == 1) {
$password .= $consonants[ (rand() % strlen($consonants)) ];
$alt = 0;
} else {
$password .= $vowels[ (rand() % strlen($vowels)) ];
$alt = 1;
return $password;
* Save this user entry.
* @return P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.
public function save()
// save the user spec.
return $this;
* Delete this user entry.
* @return P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.
public function delete()
// if user with personal adapter (active user) is going to be deleted,
// run disconnect callbacks before removing the user from Perforce,
// otherwise user may be resurrected if disconnect callbacks use
// user's connection (e.g. for user's workspace clean-up etc.)
if ($this->hasPersonalAdapter()) {
$connection = $this->getPersonalAdapter()->getConnection();
// run disconnect callbacks and clear them after to ensure they
// are not called again after user is removed from Perforce
// delete the user spec last
// disconnect user with personal adapter
if (isset($connection)) {
return $this;
* Performs an authentication attempt
* @throws Zend_Auth_Adapter_Exception If authentication cannot be performed
* @return Zend_Auth_Result
public function authenticate()
// authenticate against current p4 server.
$p4 = P4_Connection::factory(
try {
$ticket = $p4->login();
// deny if user has no real roles
if (!$this->getRoles()->count()) {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
array('At least one role is required for successful authentication.')
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
array('id' => $this->getId(), 'ticket' => $ticket)
} catch (P4_Connection_LoginException $e) {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
* Set the personal storage adapter for this user.
* @param P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter the personal adapter
* @return P4Cms_User provides fluent interface
public function setPersonalAdapter(P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter = null)
$this->_personalAdapter = $adapter;
return $this;
* Determine if a personalized adapter has been set for this user.
* @return bool true if a personal adapter is set; false otherwise.
public function hasPersonalAdapter()
try {
return true;
} catch (P4Cms_User_Exception $e) {
return false;
* Get the personalized record storage adapter for this user.
* @return P4Cms_Record_Adapter a personalized storage adapter.
* @throws P4Cms_User_Exception if no personal adapter has been set.
public function getPersonalAdapter()
// balk if no adapter set.
if (!$this->_personalAdapter instanceof P4Cms_Record_Adapter) {
throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
"Cannot get personal storage adapter. No personal adapter has been set."
return $this->_personalAdapter;
* Generate a storage adapter that communicates with Perforce as this user.
* @param string $ticket optional - auth ticket to use for p4 connection
* @param P4Cms_Site $site optional - site to get personal adapter for
* (defaults to active site)
* @return P4Cms_Record_Adapter a personalized storage adapter.
public function createPersonalAdapter($ticket = null, P4Cms_Site $site = null)
$site = $site ?: P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
// to avoid problems that result from multiple processes
// sharing one client (namely race conditions), we generate
// a temporary client for each request.
$tempClientId = P4_Client::makeTempId();
// create connection based on the active site.
$connection = P4_Connection::factory(
$ticket ?: null
// store client files under given site's workspaces path.
$root = $site->getWorkspacesPath() . "/" . $tempClientId;
// provide a custom clean-up callback to delete the workspace folder.
$cleanup = function($entry, $defaultCallback) use ($root)
// create the client with the values we've setup above, using
// makeTemp() so that it will be destroyed automatically.
'Client' => $tempClientId,
'Stream' => $site->getId(),
'Root' => $root
// create personal adapter based on site adapter.
$adapter = new P4Cms_Record_Adapter;
->setBasePath("//" . $connection->getClient())
return $adapter;
* Set the corresponding p4 user object instance.
* Used when fetching users to prime the user object.
* @param P4_User $user the corresponding P4_User object.
* @return P4Cms_User provides fluent interface.
* @throws P4Cms_User_Exception if the user is anonymous or if the given user is not a
* valid P4_User object.
protected function _setP4User($user)
// anonymous users can't have a corresponding perforce user.
if ($this->isAnonymous()) {
throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
"Cannot set p4 user for an anonymous user."
if (!$user instanceof P4_User) {
throw new P4Cms_User_Exception(
"Cannot set p4 user. The given user is not a valid P4_User object."
$this->_p4User = $user;
return $this;
* Get the p4 user object that corresponds to this user.
* @return P4_User corresponding p4 user instance.
protected function _getP4User()
// only instantiate user once.
if (!$this->_p4User instanceof P4_User) {
$connection = $this->hasAdapter()
? $this->getAdapter()->getConnection()
: null;
$this->_p4User = new P4_User($connection);
return $this->_p4User;