* Derivative of dojo container helper that provides control over
* which dojo components are rendered.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
* @todo support dojo.requireLocalization().
* @todo minify js.
* @todo "intern" external non-js files (namely dijit templates).
* @todo add support for build groups and produce a separate build
* file for each group. this will increase re-use of builds across
* requests and allow for a smaller build for anonymous users.
* @todo Make registerDijitLoader() safe to call multiple times per
* page. Presently, running this multiple times will result in
* the last declared set of 'zendDijits' to be the only declared
* set - additionally, they will be parsed multiple times.
* Possible fix is to extend registerDijitLoader() to include
* the 'var zendDijits' scoped inside the dijit loader addOnLoad
* function.
class P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container extends Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo_Container
protected $_build = false;
protected $_assetHandler = null;
protected $_built = false;
protected $_buildUri = null;
protected $_documentRoot = null;
protected $_locale = null;
protected $_render = array(
'config' => true,
'scriptTag' => true,
'extras' => true,
'layers' => true,
'stylesheets' => true
* Enable or disable automatic dojo builds.
* @param bool $build set to true to enable, false to disable.
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container provides fluent interface.
public function setAutoBuild($build)
$this->_build = (bool) $build;
return $this;
* Set the file-system path to the document root.
* @param string $path the location of the public folder.
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container provides fluent interface.
public function setDocumentRoot($path)
$this->_documentRoot = rtrim($path, '/\\');
return $this;
* Get the file-system path to the document root.
* @return string the location of the public folder.
public function getDocumentRoot()
return $this->_documentRoot;
* Set the asset handler used to store the aggregated dojo file.
* @param P4Cms_AssetHandlerInterface|null $handler The handler to use or null
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container provides fluent interface.
public function setAssetHandler(P4Cms_AssetHandlerInterface $handler = null)
$this->_assetHandler = $handler;
return $this;
* Get the asset handler used to store the aggregated dojo file.
* @return P4Cms_AssetHandlerInterface|null the handler to use or null
public function getAssetHandler()
return $this->_assetHandler;
* Set which dojo elements you want to be rendered.
* @param array $elements list of dojo elements to render (e.g. array('extras', 'layers')).
* valid elements are:
* - config
* - scriptTag
* - extras
* - layers
* - stylesheets
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container provides fluent interface.
public function setRender($elements)
foreach ($this->_render as $element => $render) {
if (in_array($element, $elements)) {
$this->_render[$element] = true;
} else {
$this->_render[$element] = false;
return $this;
* Clear all onLoad functions.
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container
public function clearOnLoad()
$this->_onLoadActions = array();
return $this;
* Clear all 'zend' onLoad functions.
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container
public function clearZendLoad()
$this->_zendLoadActions = array();
return $this;
* Clear all registered modules.
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container
public function clearModules()
$this->_modules = array();
return $this;
* Clear all module paths.
* @return P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_Container
public function clearModulePaths()
$this->_modulePaths = array();
return $this;
* Don't render config if disabled and ensure the baseUrl
* gets set if we have a dojo build (as indicated by buildUri)
* @return string rendered dojo config.
protected function _renderDjConfig()
if (!$this->_render['config']) {
// we need to explicitly set the baseUrl for builds because dojo
// won't be able to infer it correctly from the build location.
if ($this->_buildUri) {
$this->setDjConfigOption('baseUrl', dirname($this->getLocalPath()) . '/');
return parent::_renderDjConfig();
* Don't render dojo script tag if disabled or if we
* have a dojo build (as indicated by buildUri)
* @return string rendered dojo script tag.
protected function _renderDojoScriptTag()
if ($this->_buildUri || !$this->_render['scriptTag']) {
return parent::_renderDojoScriptTag();
* Include dojo build in extras.
* Don't render extras if disabled.
* @return string rendered dojo extras.
protected function _renderExtras()
if (!$this->_render['extras']) {
// if no build, just return parent.
if (!$this->_buildUri) {
return parent::_renderExtras();
// output script tag for build file - then clear it so
// it won't be output twice if the view helper runs again.
$html = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'
. $this->_buildUri . '"></script>';
$this->_buildUri = null;
// clear module paths so they aren't rendered twice.
// (they are included in the dojo build file)
// add on parent's extras
$html .= parent::_renderExtras();
return $html;
* Don't render layers if disabled.
* @return string rendered dojo layers.
protected function _renderLayers()
if (!$this->_render['layers']) {
return parent::_renderLayers();
* Don't render stylesheets if disabled.
* @return string rendered dojo stylesheets.
protected function _renderStylesheets()
if (!$this->_render['stylesheets']) {
return parent::_renderStylesheets();
* Extend toString to perform auto build if enabled.
public function __toString()
if ($this->_build && !$this->_built) {
return parent::__toString();
* Generate a single dojo javascript file containing:
* - the dojo base
* - module path registration
* - all of the the required modules
* (recursively building dependencies)
* Re-builds whenever a top-level module changes.
* Does not detect changes in indirectly required modules.
protected function _buildDojo()
// bail out if asset handler is unset.
if (!$this->getAssetHandler()) {
"Failed to build dojo. Asset handler is unset.",
// bail out if document root is unset.
if (!$this->getDocumentRoot()) {
"Failed to build dojo. Document root is unset.",
// collect module file info.
$latest = 0;
$files = array();
$ignored = array();
foreach ($this->getModules() as $module) {
$file = $this->_moduleToFilename($module);
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$ignored[] = $module;
$time = filemtime($file);
$files[] = $file;
$latest = $time > $latest ? $time : $latest;
// if we have no files, nothing to build.
if (empty($files)) {
// determine if compression should be enabled
$compressed = $this->_canGzipCompress() && $this->_clientAcceptsGzip();
// generate build filename.
// combine the list of required modules with the client's locale and
// the latest mod time so any changes will produce a different build.
$buildFile = 'dojo-' . md5(implode(',', $files) . $this->getLocale() . $latest)
. ($compressed ? '.jsgz' : '.js');
// if build file doesn't exist, (re)build.
if (!$this->getAssetHandler()->exists($buildFile)) {
$built = array();
// start with dojo base
$base = $this->_buildModule("dojo", $built);
// follow-up dojo base immediately with module path registration.
// must come before optional module build because a module could
// dojo.require a registered module that we are unable to build.
foreach ($this->getModulePaths() as $module => $path) {
$base .= 'dojo.registerModulePath("'
. $this->view->escape($module) . '", "'
. $this->view->escape($path) . '");';
// now build each of the optional modules that have been required.
$modules = "";
foreach ($this->getModules() as $module) {
$modules .= $this->_buildModule($module, $built);
// make module build conditional so it only runs once.
$modules = $this->_makeConditional($modules, basename($buildFile));
// combine the dojo base build with the optional modules build.
$build = $base . $modules;
// also compress if possible.
if ($compressed) {
$build = gzencode($build, 9);
// write out build file, on failure; skip aggregation.
if (!$this->getAssetHandler()->put($buildFile, $build)) {
// only keep required modules that we couldn't build.
$this->_modules = $ignored;
// set the build src link.
$request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
$this->_buildUri = $this->getAssetHandler()->uri($buildFile);
$this->_built = true;
* Recursive function to build a module and all of its dependencies.
* Works by expanding dojo.require statements into the contents of
* the named module.
* Note this method is public so that we can call it from an anonymous
* function. Consider it protected.
* @param string $module the name of the module to build.
* @param array &$built optional - by reference - list of modules already built.
* @return string the resulting js.
public function _buildModule($module, array &$built = array())
// early exit if file does not exist.
$file = $this->_moduleToFilename($module);
if (!is_file($file)) {
return false;
// prevent infinite recursion.
if (!array_key_exists($module, $built)) {
$built[$module] = true;
} else {
// read out file
$build = file_get_contents($file);
// make an alias to 'this' for the benefit of the anonymous functions
// php 5.3 does not permit the use of 'this' inside closures
$self = $this;
// locate and replace dojo.requireLocalization() statements
// with the appropriate translation package data
$build = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use (&$built, $self)
// extract arguments from require localization call using
// the str_getcsv function because it knows how to parse
// comma-delimited quoted strings.
$args = str_getcsv($match[1]);
// ensure requireLocalization was called with both module
// and bundle args or we won't know what to do with it.
if (!isset($args[0], $args[1])) {
return $match[0];
$module = $args[0];
$bundle = $args[1];
$package = $module . '.nls.' . $bundle;
// only build localization packages once.
if (!array_key_exists($package, $built)) {
$built[$package] = true;
} else {
return $match[0];
// find the best available localization package for the
// client's locale - nothing to do if we can't find one.
$file = $self->getBestLocaleFile($module, $bundle);
if (!$file) {
return $match[0];
// add the localization package to the dojo build.
// this amounts to creating an 'nls' object named for the
// package with three elements: one for the exact locale,
// one for the language and one for 'ROOT' - this nls object
// and each of its elements are then dojo.require()'d to
// register them as 'loadedModules' in dojo - note, we embed
// this all as an anonymous function that calls itself to
// provide local scope for the data variable.
$locale = $self->getLocale();
$lang = reset(explode('_', $locale));
$data = file_get_contents($file);
$js = '(function(){'
. 'var data = ' . $data . ';'
. 'dojo.getObject("' . $package . '", true);'
. $package . ' = {'
. $locale . ': data,'
. $lang . ': data,'
. 'ROOT: data};'
. 'dojo.provide("' . $package . '");'
. 'dojo.provide("' . $package . '.' . $locale . '");'
. 'dojo.provide("' . $package . '.' . $lang . '");'
. 'dojo.provide("' . $package . '.ROOT");'
. '})();';
return $js . $match[0];
// some dojo components (datagrid, I'm looking at you!) use the
// protected '_preloadLocalizations' method to get i18n packages.
// we want to resolve these as well to save the http request.
$build = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use (&$built, $self)
// only preload a given localization package once.
$package = $match[1];
if (!array_key_exists($package, $built)) {
$built[$package] = true;
} else {
return $match[0];
// find the best available preload localization package for
// the client's locale - nothing to do if we can't find one.
$file = $self->getBestPreloadLocaleFile($package);
if (!$file) {
return $match[0];
// add the preload localization file to the build
// nothing special required, just insert the contents.
return file_get_contents($file) . $match[0];
// replace dojo.require() statements with
// the dependencies they name where possible.
// note: also recognizes and expands d.require().
$build = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use (&$built, $self)
$build = $self->_buildModule($match[1], $built);
if ($build !== false) {
return $build;
// could not satisfy dependency - keep require.
return $match[0];
// wrap module build in resource check.
$build = $this->_makeConditional($build, $module);
return $build;
* Get the client's (browser) locale - normalized to lower case
* because that is how dojo likes it.
* @param bool $hyphenate optional - use hyphen instead of underscore to separate
* the language from the territory (defaults to false).
* @return string the client's locale string.
public function getLocale($hyphenate = false)
if (!$this->_locale) {
$this->_locale = strtolower(new Zend_Locale);
return $hyphenate
? str_replace('_', '-', $this->_locale)
: $this->_locale;
* Finds the closest matching package for the client's locale.
* Searches for the exact locale, then language, then 'root'.
* For example, if the locale is 'en-us', looks for:
* <module>/nls/en-us/<bundle>.js
* <module>/nls/en/<bundle>.js
* <module>/nls/<bundle>.js
* @param string $module the name of the dojo module to get a localization
* package for (e.g. 'dijit')
* @param string $bundle the name of the locale bundle to get (e.g. 'common')
* @return string the filename of the best matching localizaton package
public function getBestLocaleFile($module, $bundle)
$locale = $this->getLocale(true);
$path = substr($this->_moduleToFilename($module), 0, -3) . '/nls/';
$attempts = array($locale . '/', reset(explode('-', $locale)) . '/', '');
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$file = $path . $attempt . $bundle . '.js';
if (is_readable($file)) {
return $file;
return false;
* Finds the best preloadable locale file for the client's locale.
* Searches for the exact locale, then language, then 'root'.
* For example, if the locale is 'en-us', looks for:
* <module>_en-us.js
* <module>_en.js
* <module>_ROOT.js
* @param string $package the name of the preloadable locale package
* (e.g. 'dojox.grid.nls.DataGrid')
* @return string the filename of the best matching localizaton package
public function getBestPreloadLocaleFile($package)
$locale = $this->getLocale(true);
$path = substr($this->_moduleToFilename($package), 0, -3);
$attempts = array($locale, reset(explode('-', $locale)), 'ROOT');
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$file = $path . "_" . $attempt . '.js';
if (is_readable($file)) {
return $file;
return false;
* Attempt to determine the local filename for a given dojo module.
* @param string $module the name of the dojo module to get the filename for.
* @return string the likely filename of the module.
protected function _moduleToFilename($module)
$paths = $this->getModulePaths();
// special handling for 'dojo' base.
if ($module === 'dojo') {
return $this->getDocumentRoot() . $this->getLocalPath();
// add dojo paths.
$basePath = dirname(dirname($this->getLocalPath()));
$paths['dojo'] = $basePath . '/dojo';
$paths['dijit'] = $basePath . '/dijit';
$paths['dojox'] = $basePath . '/dojox';
// find path to module.
$path = null;
$parts = explode(".", $module);
$extra = array();
while ($parts && !$path) {
$key = implode(".", $parts);
if (isset($paths[$key])) {
$path = $paths[$key];
} else {
array_unshift($extra, array_pop($parts));
if (!$path) {
return null;
$file = $this->getDocumentRoot() . $path
. (count($extra) ? "/" . implode("/", $extra) : "")
. ".js";
return $file;
* Wrap the given js in a hasResource check unless it already has one.
* @param string $js the js to wrap
* @param string $module the originating module.
* @return string the conditional js.
protected function _makeConditional($js, $module)
// special handling for the dojo base.
// make base conditional on dojo being undefined.
if ($module == 'dojo') {
return "\nif (typeof dojo === 'undefined') {" . $js . "\n}";
// if already conditional, do nothing (already compiled)
$pattern = '/dojo._hasResource\[[\'"]' . $module . '[\'"]\]/';
if (preg_match($pattern, $js)) {
return $js;
// wrap in has resource conditional and return.
return "\nif(!dojo._hasResource['$module']){"
. "dojo._hasResource['$module']=true;"
. $js
. "\n}";
* Check if this PHP can generate gzip compressed data.
* @return bool true if this PHP has gzip support.
protected function _canGzipCompress()
return function_exists('gzencode');
* Check if the client can accept gzip encoded content.
* @return bool true if the client supports gzip; false otherwise.
protected function _clientAcceptsGzip()
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$request = $front->getRequest();
$accepts = $request->getHeader('Accept-Encoding');
return strpos($accepts, 'gzip') !== false;