* Test the comment module index controller.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class Comment_Test_IndexControllerTest extends ModuleControllerTest
protected $_commentModule;
* Perform setup
public function setUp()
$this->_commentModule = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Comment');
* Create a type and a entry for testing.
* @param integer $includeId Flag whether to include id
public function _createTestTypeAndEntry($includeId = false)
$elements = array(
'title' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'options' => array('label' => 'Title', 'required' => true),
'body' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'options' => array('label' => 'Body'),
'abstract' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'options' => array('label' => 'Abstract'),
if ($includeId) {
$elements['id'] = array(
'type' => 'text',
'options' => array('label' => 'ID', 'required' => true)
$type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
->setLabel("Test Type")
->setValue('icon', file_get_contents(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . '/images/content-type-icon.png'))
->setFieldMetadata('icon', array("mimeType" => "image/png"))
$entry = new P4Cms_Content;
->setValue('title', 'Test Title')
->setValue('body', 'The body of the test')
->setValue('abstract', 'abstract this');
if ($includeId) {
$entry->save('a test entry');
return array($type, $entry);
* Utility function to create a pending comment.
* @param string $commentContent The string to use for the comment body.
* @return string The id of the newly created comment.
public function _createComment($commentContent)
list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();
$comment = new Comment_Model_Comment;
$id = trim('content/' . $entry->getId(), '\\/') . '/'
. (string) new P4Cms_Uuid;
$params = array(
'path' => 'content%2F' . $entry->getId(),
'comment' => $commentContent
->setValue('user', P4Cms_User::fetchActive()->getId())
->setValue('postTime', time())
->setValue('status', Comment_Model_Comment::STATUS_PENDING)
return $id;
* Test the post action without a path specified
public function testEmptyCommentList()
list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry(true);
$this->dispatch('/content/view/id/'. $entry->getId());
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .': Last module run should be content module.' . $body);
$this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller' . $body);
$this->assertAction('view', __LINE__ .': Expected action' . $body);
$this->assertQuery('div.comments', 'Expected comments container.' . $body);
$this->assertQueryContentContains('span.comment-count', '(0)', 'Expected zero comments.' . $body);
'Expected empty comment list.' . $body
. '[href="/comment/post/format/partial?path=content%2F'.$entry->getId().'"]',
'Expected form content pane with correct href attribute.' . $body
* Test getting the form for authenticated users.
public function testGetAuthenticatedForm()
list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry(true);
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertQueryContentContains('h2', 'Post a Comment', 'Expected comment header.' . $body);
$this->assertQuery('form.comment-form', 'Expected comment form. ' . $body);
$this->assertQuery('dl.zend_form_dojo', 'Expected zend form elemement list.' . $body);
$this->assertQuery('input#path[type="hidden"]', 'Expected path input element. ' .$body);
$this->assertQuery('textarea#comment', 'Expected comment textarea element. ' .$body);
* Test getting the form for anonymous users.
public function testGetAnonymousForm()
list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry(true);
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertQueryContentContains('h2', 'Post a Comment', 'Expected comment header.' . $body);
$this->assertQuery('form.comment-form', 'Expected comment form. ' . $body);
$this->assertQuery('dl.zend_form_dojo', 'Expected zend form elemement list.' . $body);
$this->assertQuery('input#path[type="hidden"]', 'Expected path input element. ' .$body);
$this->assertQuery('input#name[type="text"]', 'Expected name input element. ' .$body);
$this->assertQuery('input#email[type="text"]', 'Expected email input element. ' .$body);
$this->assertQuery('textarea#comment', 'Expected comment textarea element. ' .$body);
$this->assertQuery('dd#captcha-element', 'Expected captcha element. ' .$body);
* Test adding a comment.
public function testAddMemberComment()
list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();
$params = array(
'path' => 'content%2F' . $entry->getId(),
'comment' => 'Test comment.'
$path = 'content%2F' . $entry->getId();
$this->dispatch('/comment/post/format/partial?path=' . $path);
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('comment', 'Expected comment module. ' . $body);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller. ' . $body);
$this->assertACtion('post', 'Expected post action. ' . $body);
$filter = new P4Cms_Record_Filter;
$filter->add('status', Comment_Model_Comment::STATUS_APPROVED);
$comments = Comment_Model_Comment::fetchAll(
'paths' => array('content/' . $entry->getId() . '/...')
$this->assertSame(count($comments), 1, 'Expected one comment, found ' . count($comments). '.');
* Test deleting conent; verify by attempting to fetch.
public function testDeleteContent()
$id = $this->_createComment('Test comment, to be deleted.');
$this->request->setPost(array('id' => $id));
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('comment', 'Expected comment module. ' . $body);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller. ' . $body);
$this->assertACtion('delete', 'Expected delete action. ' . $body);
try {
$comment = Comment_Model_Comment::fetch($id);
catch (P4Cms_Record_NotFoundException $e) {
// expected exception
$this->fail('Expected P4Cms_Record_NotFoundException was not raised.');
* Test the manage interface by loading it and verifying that it contains what we expect.
public function testManageGrid()
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('comment', 'Expected comment module. ' . $body);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller. ' . $body);
$this->assertACtion('moderate', 'Expected moderate action. ' . $body);
'Expected dojo.data div.' . $body
'//table[@dojotype="p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid" and @jsid="p4cms.comment.grid.instance"]',
'Expected dojox.grid table.' . $body
* Test the content that populates the manage data grid
public function testManageGridContent()
$commentCount = 5;
for ($x = 0; $x < $commentCount; $x++) {
$this->_createComment('Test comment #' . $x . '.');
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('comment', 'Expected comment module. ' . $body);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller. ' . $body);
$this->assertACtion('moderate', 'Expected moderate action. ' . $body);
$data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
'Expected ' . $commentCount . ' comments.'
* Test changing the status of a comment from pending to approved
public function testStatusChange()
$id = $this->_createComment('Test Content');
array('id' => $id, 'state' => Comment_Model_Comment::STATUS_APPROVED)
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$comment = Comment_Model_Comment::fetch($id);
'Expected comment to be approved'
* Test upvote.
public function testVoteUpAction()
$id = $this->_createComment('Test Content');
$this->dispatch('/comment/index/vote-up/format/json?id=' . $id);
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('comment', 'Expected comment module. ' . $body);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller. ' . $body);
$this->assertACtion('vote-up', 'Expected moderate action. ' . $body);
$comment = Comment_Model_Comment::fetch($id);
'Expected comment to be approved'
* Test downvote.
public function testVoteDownAction()
$id = $this->_createComment('Test Content');
$this->dispatch('/comment/index/vote-down/format/json?id=' . $id);
$body = $this->response->getBody();
$this->assertModule('comment', 'Expected comment module. ' . $body);
$this->assertController('index', 'Expected index controller. ' . $body);
$this->assertACtion('vote-down', 'Expected moderate action. ' . $body);
$comment = Comment_Model_Comment::fetch($id);
'Expected comment to be approved'
* Test getting comments a user has voted on for a given path.
public function testFetchVotedComments()
$user = $this->p4->getUser();
$path = 'test/path';
// create a handful of comments.
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
'id' => $path . '/' . $i,
'comment' => 'testing'
// user should not have voted at all yet.
$voted = Comment_Model_Comment::fetchVotedComments($user, $path);
$this->assertSame(0, $voted->count());
// vote once.
$this->dispatch('/comment/index/vote-up/format/json?id=' . $path . '/0');
$voted = Comment_Model_Comment::fetchVotedComments($user, $path);
$this->assertSame(1, $voted->count());
// vote again.
$this->dispatch('/comment/index/vote-up/format/json?id=' . $path . '/1');
$voted = Comment_Model_Comment::fetchVotedComments($user, $path);
$this->assertSame(2, $voted->count());
// verify path counts.
$voted = Comment_Model_Comment::fetchVotedComments($user, $path . '/woozle');
$this->assertSame(0, $voted->count());