* Manages the search and index.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class Search_ManageController extends Zend_Controller_Action
protected $_activeIndexPath = 'search-index';
protected $_maintenanceLockFile = 'search.maintenance.lock.file';
protected $_maintenanceStatusFile = 'search.maintenance.status.file';
protected $_statusFile = null;
public $contexts = array(
'index' => array('partial', 'json'),
'status' => array('json' => array('POST', 'GET'))
* Show a manage search page.
public function indexAction()
// enforce permissions.
$this->acl->check('search', 'manage');
$request = $this->getRequest();
$form = new Search_Form_Manage;
// set up view
$view = $this->view;
$view->form = $form;
$view->headTitle()->set('Manage Search');
// use manage layout for traditional contexts
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
if ($request->isPost()) {
$data = $request->getPost();
if ($form->isValid($data)) {
$maxBufferedDocs = $data['maxBufferedDocs'];
$maxMergeDocs = $data['maxMergeDocs'];
$mergeFactor = $data['mergeFactor'];
$config = array();
if (strlen($maxBufferedDocs) != 0) {
$config['maxBufferedDocs'] = $maxBufferedDocs;
} else {
$config['maxBufferedDocs'] = Search_Module::getMaxBufferedDocs();
if (strlen($maxMergeDocs) != 0) {
$config['maxMergeDocs'] = $maxMergeDocs;
} else {
$config['maxMergeDocs'] = Search_Module::getMaxMergeDocs();
if (strlen($mergeFactor) != 0) {
$config['mergeFactor'] = $mergeFactor;
} else {
$config['mergeFactor'] = Search_Module::getMergeFactor();
'Search configuration saved.',
// redirect for traditional requests
if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
} else {
$view->errors = $form->getMessages();
} else {
$data = array();
$data['maxBufferedDocs'] = Search_Module::getMaxBufferedDocs();
$data['maxMergeDocs'] = (Search_Module::getMaxMergeDocs()
&& (Search_Module::getMaxMergeDocs() != PHP_INT_MAX))
? Search_Module::getMaxMergeDocs()
: '';
$data['mergeFactor'] = Search_Module::getMergeFactor();
* Provide a status update in Json format.
public function statusAction()
// enforce permissions.
$this->acl->check('search', 'manage');
$statusFile = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath()
. '/' . $this->_maintenanceStatusFile;
if (!file_exists($statusFile) ) {
$status = array(
'message' => 'Search Index maintenance task completed',
'done' => true
$this->view->status = $status;
$status = $this->_readStatusFile();
// for optimize, get the progress and merge it to the status file contents
if (isset($status['action']) &&
($status['action'] == 'optimize') &&
!$status['done']) {
if (isset($status['index'])) {
$status = array_merge(
} else {
$status = array_merge($status, $this->_getoptimizeProgress());
if (!array_key_exists('searchMaintenanceTask', $_SESSION)) {
$status['message'] = "A Search Index '" . ucfirst($status['action'])
. "' operation is currently running. Its status and progress is below -- "
. $status['message'];
$this->view->status = $status;
* optimize the Lucene search index.
public function optimizeAction()
// enforce permissions.
$this->acl->check('search', 'manage');
// check if there is another maintenance task (optimize/rebuild)
// running. if it is, redirect to the status page
$maitenanceLockFile = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath()
. '/' . $this->_maintenanceLockFile;
if (file_exists($maitenanceLockFile)) {
$redirector = $this->_helper->getHelper('redirector');
// create the maintenance lock file
"optimize Search Index: BEGIN; pid=". getmypid(),
// put the current task in the session
$_SESSION['searchMaintenanceTask'] = 'optimize';
'action' => 'optimize',
'message' => 'Starting to optimize search index.',
'time' => time(),
'done' => false,
// close the session but continue running, since index rebuilt may
// take longer than browser timeout
$this->getHelper('browserDisconnect')->disconnect('status', 10);
$index = Search_Module::factory();
'action' => 'optimize',
'message' => 'Done. Search index optimization completed.',
'time' => time(),
'done' => true,
* Rebuild the Lucene search index.
* @publishes p4cms.search.index.rebuild
* Return a Zend_Paginator of P4Cms_Content entries (or null) to be included when
* the search index is rebuilt.
public function rebuildAction()
// enforce permissions.
$this->acl->check('search', 'manage');
// check if there is another maintenance task (optimize/rebuild)
// running. if it is, redirect to the status page
$maitenanceLockFile = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath()
. '/' . $this->_maintenanceLockFile;
if (file_exists($maitenanceLockFile)) {
$redirector = $this->_helper->getHelper('redirector');
// create the maintenance lock file
"Rebuild Search Index: BEGIN; pid=". getmypid(),
// put the current task in the session
$_SESSION['searchMaintenanceTask'] = 'rebuild';
// put the status file's filename in the session
$this->_statusFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'p4cms-search-rebuild.'. getmypid() .'.');
$_SESSION['searchMaintenanceStatusFile'] = $this->_statusFile;
'action' => 'rebuild',
'message' => 'Starting to rebuild search index.',
'time' => time(),
'done' => false,
// close the session but continue running, since index rebuilt may
// take longer than browser timeout
$this->getHelper('browserDisconnect')->disconnect('status', 60 * 24);
// clear the current index, if any
// and create a new one
$index = Search_Module::factory('temp-index');
// publish the search index rebuild topic, expects subscribers to
// return Zend_Paginator instances
$feedbacks = P4Cms_PubSub::publish('p4cms.search.index.rebuild');
$entryCount = 0;
// get the total number of content entries
foreach ($feedbacks as $feedback) {
if ($feedback instanceof Zend_Paginator) {
$entryCount += $feedback->getTotalItemCount();
// start to rebuild the search index
$count = 0;
foreach ($feedbacks as $feedback) {
// if the feedback is not a paginator as expected, skip it
if (!$feedback instanceof Zend_Paginator) {
// for each page, get the items and index them
for ($i = 1; $i <= $feedback->count(); $i++) {
// set the current page
// if there is no items in the current page, nothing to do
if ($feedback->getCurrentItemCount() == 0) {
$itemCountPerPage = $feedback->getCurrentItemCount();
// get a batch of entries
'action' => 'rebuild',
'message' => "Fetching the $i batch of $entryCount existing entries...",
'time' => time(),
'done' => false,
// get the items in the current page
$items = $feedback->getCurrentItems();
// update the status
'action' => 'rebuild',
'message' => "Starting to rebuild from the $i batch of $entryCount existing entries.",
'time' => time(),
'done' => false,
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (!$item instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Document) {
if (method_exists($item, 'toLuceneDocument')) {
try {
$item = $item->toLuceneDocument();
} catch (Zend_Filter_Exception $e) {
'Failed converting content to Lucene document.',
} catch (Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception $e) {
'Failed converting content to Lucene document.',
} else {
// update the status
'action' => 'rebuild',
'message' => "Indexing content: number $count of $entryCount.",
'count' => $count,
'total' => $entryCount,
'time' => time(),
'done' => false,
// optimize the index after it's rebuilt
'action' => 'optimize',
'index' => 'temp-index',
'message' => 'Optimizing the search index after rebuild.',
'time' => time(),
'done' => false,
'action' => 'optimize',
'index' => 'temp-index',
'message' => "Done. Search index has been rebuilt.",
'time' => time(),
'done' => true
* Read JSON-encoded information from temporary status file
* @return mixed The JSON-decoded contents from the status file.
private function _readStatusFile()
// put the status file's filename in the session
$statusFile = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath()
. '/' . $this->_maintenanceStatusFile;
$status = '';
if (file_exists($statusFile)) {
$handle = fopen($statusFile, 'r');
$content = fread($handle, 1024);
$status = Zend_Json::decode($content);
return $status;
* Write status information to the status file.
* @param array $data The status data to report.
private function _writeStatusFile($data)
$statusFile = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath()
. '/' . $this->_maintenanceStatusFile;
$data['pid'] = getmypid();
$handle = fopen($statusFile, 'w');
fwrite($handle, Zend_Json::encode($data));
* Save the search options
* @param array|Zend_Config $config the options
private function _saveConfig($config)
if ($config instanceof Zend_Config) {
$config = $config->toArray();
$module = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Search');
* Get the search options.
* @return array the search options
private function _getConfig()
$module = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Search');
$config = $module->getConfig();
if ($config instanceof Zend_Config) {
$config = $config->toArray();
return $config;
* Make a search index active.
* @param string $index the search index directory
* @return boolean true, if success;
* false, otherwise
protected function _setActiveSearchIndex($index)
// if $index is not a string or it's an empty string
// we cannot get search index
$index = $this->_nomaliseIndexName($index);
if (strlen($index) == 0) {
throw new Zend_Search_Exception(
'Require a folder name to set the active Search index.'
$activeIndex = $this->_activeIndexPath;
// nothing to do if the index given is the active index
if ($index == $activeIndex) {
return true;
// remove the active index contents
if (!$this->_removeSearchIndex($activeIndex)) {
throw new Zend_Search_Exception(
"Failed removing the active search index: $activeIndex."
$dataPath = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath() . '/';
$newPath = $dataPath . $index;
$activePath = $dataPath . $activeIndex;
return rename($newPath, $activePath);
* Normalise a Lucene search index name.
* - Remove extra spaces on both ends.
* - Remove any slashes ('/', '\') on both ends.
* @param string $index the original index name
* @return string the index name with spaces and slashes removed
* from both ends
protected static function _nomaliseIndexName($index)
// if the name is not a string
if (!is_string($index)) {
return '';
// trim spaces and slashes
$index = trim($index, " \t\n\r\0\x0B/\\");
return $index;
* Remove the search index by deleting all files from its folder on disk.
* @param string $indexName the folder name of a search index
* @return boolean true, if success
* false, otherwise
protected function _removeSearchIndex($indexName)
// if the index folder is an empty string, nothing to do
if (strlen($indexName) == 0) {
return true;
$indexDirectory = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getDataPath() . '/' . $indexName;
// if the index does not exist, nothing to do
if (!file_exists($indexDirectory)) {
return true;
$files = scandir($indexDirectory);
// remove all files in the search index folder
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_dir($file)) {
unlink($indexDirectory . '/' . $file);
return rmdir($indexDirectory);
* Get the Search index optimization progress by observing the file
* size change in the search index folder.
* When optimizing the search index, Zend Lucene Search creates six
* new files: .fdt, .fdx, .frq, .prx, .tii, .tis
* The size of these file will increase during the optimization and
* the total size goes towards the sum size of the .cfs files
* in the index folder.
* After the optimization, these files will be removed and there will
* be only one .cfs file in the directory.
* @param string $indexName the index whose progress is needed
* @return array the optimization status
private function _getoptimizeProgress($indexName = null)
// get the search index directory
$index = Search_Module::factory($indexName);
$directory = $index->getDirectory();
// get all files in the directory
$files = $directory->fileList();
// set the progress total and current count
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
$extention = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
switch ($extention) {
case 'cfs':
$total += $directory->fileLength($file);
case 'sti':
case 'fdt':
case 'fdx':
case 'frq':
case 'prx':
case 'tii':
case 'tis':
$count += $directory->fileLength($file);
// if we are not dealing with the active search index
// and the total we got is 0, we try to get the total
// from the active index.
if (($total == 0) && $indexName) {
$index = Search_Module::factory();
$directory = $index->getDirectory();
// get all files in the directory
$files = $directory->fileList();
// set the progress total and current count
foreach ($files as $file) {
$extention = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($extention == 'cfs') {
$total += $directory->fileLength($file);
$status = array(
'total' => $total,
'count' => $count,
'message' => 'Optimizing the search index...'
return $status;