* Test that sharethis is integrated with content as expected.
* @copyright 2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class Sharethis_Test_ContentIntegrationTest extends ModuleControllerTest
* Setup tests - install default content types as sharethis uses entries types
* to determine whether to show buttons by default or not.
public function setUp()
// install default content types and workflows
// enable ShareThis module
$module = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Sharethis');
* Ensure sharethis sub-form is present when adding content.
public function testContentSubForm()
// verify that if new entry is created, sharethis sub-form will contain 'showButtons'
// checkbox checked by default for blog-post and press-release types
$types = P4Cms_Content_Type::fetchAll();
$query = '#sharethis-showButtons[checked="checked"]';
foreach ($types->invoke('getId') as $typeId) {
$this->dispatch('/content/add/type/' . $typeId);
// ensure that sharethis sub-form is here
// verify that showButtons checkbox has correct check state depending
// on content type
$assertMethod = in_array($typeId, array('blog-post', 'press-release'))
? 'assertQuery'
: 'assertNotQuery';
* Ensure saving the content with sharethis values works.
public function testContentSave()
->setPost('format', 'json')
->setPost('contentType', 'basic-page')
->setPost('title', 'test-title')
->setPost('body', 'test-body')
'showButtons' => true
$data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getResponse()->getBody());
$content = P4Cms_Content::fetch($data['contentId']);
$values = $content->getValues();
(bool) $values['sharethis']['showButtons'],
"Expected showButtons value for saved value."
* Ensure editing shows saved sharethis values for the entry.
public function testContentEdit()
// create an entry and set showButtons to true
$entry = $this->_createEntry(true);
// ensure that sharethis sub-form is here
$this->dispatch('/content/edit/id/' . $entry->getId());
// ensure showButtons checkbox is checked when edit
* Ensure sharethis container is rendered with the entry if 'showButtons'
* value was set to true.
public function testContentRender()
// create an entry and set showButtons to true
$entry = $this->_createEntry(true);
// ensure that sharethis buttons container is rendered with the entry
$this->dispatch('/content/view/id/' . $entry->getId());
// change showButtons value to false and verify that buttons container
// will not be shown
$entry = $this->_createEntry(false);
$this->dispatch('/content/view/id/' . $entry->getId());
* Verify markup of the buttons in sharethis container attached to the content.
public function testButtonsMarkup()
// configure share this module as the buttons markup depends on it
$services = array('x', 'y', 'z', 'foo', 'bar');
$configValues = array(
'buttonStyle' => 'small',
'services' => implode(',', $services),
'contentTypes' => array('basic-page'),
'publisherKey' => ''
$module = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Sharethis');
// create an entry and set showButtons to true
$entry = $this->_createEntry(true);
// dispatch to view the entry
$this->dispatch('/content/view/id/' . $entry->getId());
// ensure all buttons are present in the markup
foreach ($services as $service) {
$this->assertQuery('.sharethis-container .buttons .st_' . $service);
// ensure buttons are in given order
// we map services to positions of their respective buttons in the output body markup
// and verify that values this array are in increased order
$body = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
$buttonPositions = array_map(
function($service) use ($body)
return strpos($body, "<span class='st_" . $service . "'></span>");
// ensure values in buttonPositions array are in increasing order by comparing
// the array to the same array that is sorted, these two should be the same
$sortedPositions = $buttonPositions;
"Expected buttons are rendered in correct order."
* Convenience function to create an entry with minimum attribs, but having
* 'sharethis' options.
* @param bool $showButtons value to set on sharethis['showButtons']
* @return P4Cms_Content reference to the created content entry
protected function _createEntry($showButtons)
return P4Cms_Content::store(
'contentType' => 'basic-page',
'title' => 'test-title',
'body' => 'test-body',
'workflowState' => 'published',
'sharethis' => array(
'showButtons' => (bool) $showButtons