* Test methods for the P4 Change class.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class P4_ChangeTest extends TestCase
* Test instantiation.
public function testInstantiation()
$change = new P4_Change;
$this->assertTrue($change instanceof P4_Change, 'Expected class');
$originalConnection = $change->getConnection();
// test setting connection via constructor.
$p4 = P4_Connection::factory();
$change = new P4_Change($p4);
'getConnection() should match connection passed to constructor.'
// ensure two connections differ.
'Connections should not match.'
* Test exists.
public function testExists()
// ensure id-exists returns false for non-existant change
// (we have no changes yet)
$this->assertFalse(P4_Change::exists(123), 'Given change should not exist.');
// test that a bogus id does not exist
$this->assertFalse(P4_Change::exists('*'), 'Bogus change should not exist.');
// ensure default change exists.
$this->assertTrue(P4_Change::exists('default'), 'Default change should exist.');
// create a change and ensure it exists.
$change = new P4_Change;
$change->setDescription('this is a test');
// new change should have id of 1.
$this->assertTrue($change->getId() === 1, 'Change number should be one.');
// change number 1 should exist.
$this->assertTrue(P4_Change::exists(1), 'Change 1 should exist.');
$this->assertTrue(P4_Change::exists('1'), 'Change "1" should exist.');
* Test fetch.
public function testFetch()
// ensure fetch fails for a non-existant change.
try {
$this->fail('Fetch should fail for a non-existant change.');
} catch (P4_Spec_NotFoundException $e) {
// ensure fetch succeeds for default change.
try {
} catch (P4_Spec_NotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail('Fetch should succeed for default change.');
// ensure fetch succeeds for numbered change.
$change = new P4_Change;
$description = "this is a test\n";
try {
$fetched = P4_Change::fetch($change->getId());
} catch (P4_Spec_NotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail('Fetch should succeed for a numbered change that exists.');
* Test that there is no difference between a saved change and a fetched change.
* @todo test get files.
public function testSavedVsFetched()
// open a file for add.
$file = new P4_File;
// create a job.
$job = new P4_Job;
$job->setValue('Description', 'fix something')
// save a change with a file and a job.
$change = new P4_Change;
$change->setDescription("a change with a file and a job.\n")
$fetched = P4_Change::fetch($change->getId());
$types = array('Id', 'DateTime', 'User', 'Status', 'Description', 'JobStatus', 'Jobs');
foreach ($types as $type) {
$method = "get$type";
$this->assertSame($fetched->$method(), $change->$method(), "Expect matching $type.");
* Test the fetch all method.
public function testFetchAll()
* FETCH_MAXIMUM - set to integer value to limit to the
* first 'max' number of entries.
* FETCH_BY_FILESPEC - set to a filespec to limit changes to those
* affecting the file(s) matching the filespec.
* FETCH_BY_STATUS - set to a valid change status to limit result
* to changes with that status (e.g. 'pending').
* FETCH_INTEGRATED - set to true to include changes integrated
* into the specified files.
* FETCH_BY_CLIENT - set to a client to limit changes to those
* on the named client.
* FETCH_BY_USER - set to a user to limit changes to those
* owned by the named user.
// create a file and submitted change
$file1 = new P4_File;
// create a file and submitted change
$file2 = new P4_File;
// create a pending change with 2 files
$files = new P4_Model_Iterator;
$file3 = new P4_File;
$files[] = $file3->setFilespec('//depot/path-c/test-file1')
$file4 = new P4_File;
$files[] = $file4->setFilespec('//depot/path-c/test-file2')
$change = new P4_Change;
$change->setFiles($files)->setDescription("Has 2 files\n")->save();
// create a change by another user, in another workspace.
$user = new P4_User;
$password = 'AnotherPass';
->setFullName('Alternate User')
$client = new P4_Client;
$clientId = 'another-test-client';
->setRoot(DATA_PATH . "/clients/$clientId")
->setView(array('//depot/... //another-test-client/...'))
$p4 = P4_Connection::factory(
$change = new P4_Change($p4);
$change->setDescription("in alternate client\n")->save();
// and have the alternate user integrate an existing file
$integFilespec = '//depot/path-a/test-integ';
$result = $p4->run('integrate', array('-f', $file1->getFilespec(), $integFilespec));
$change = new P4_Change($p4);
// Testing begins: ensure correct number of changes returned.
$changes = P4_Change::fetchAll();
'There should be 5 changes.'
// ensure that first change matches last submitted change.
$expected = array(
'Change' => 5,
'Client' => $clientId,
'User' => $user->getId(),
'Status' => 'submitted',
'Description' => "Integration\n",
'Type' => 'public',
'JobStatus' => null,
'Jobs' => array()
$actual = $changes[0]->getValues();
unset($actual['Date'], $actual['Files']);
'Fetched change should match expected values.'
// battery of tests against this setup with various options
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': defaults',
'options' => array(),
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch maximum 1',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 1,
'expected' => array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch maximum 2',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 2,
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch maximum 3',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 3,
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch maximum 4',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 4,
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch maximum 5',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 5,
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch maximum 6',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 6,
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch maximum 0',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 0,
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch by filespec //depot/.../test-file',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_FILESPEC => '//depot/.../test-file',
'expected' => array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch by status submitted',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_STATUS => 'submitted',
'expected' => array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch by status pending',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_STATUS => 'pending',
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch by client regular',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_CLIENT => $this->p4->getClient(),
'expected' => array(
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch by client alternate',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_CLIENT => $clientId,
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch by user regular',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_USER => $this->p4->getUser(),
'expected' => array(
"Has 2 files\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch by user alternate',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_USER => $user->getId(),
'expected' => array(
"in alternate client\n",
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch without integrated',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_INTEGRATED => false,
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_FILESPEC => $integFilespec,
'expected' => array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': fetch with integrated',
'options' => array(
P4_Change::FETCH_INTEGRATED => true,
P4_Change::FETCH_BY_FILESPEC => $integFilespec,
'expected' => array(
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
$changes = P4_Change::fetchAll($test['options']);
"$label - Expected change count."
$descriptions = array();
foreach ($changes as $change) {
$descriptions[] = $change->getDescription();
"$label - Expected change descriptions."
* Test getJobs and setJobs.
public function testAddGetSetJobs()
// test initial state of jobs in a fresh change object.
$change = new P4_Change;
$jobs = $change->getJobs();
$this->assertTrue(is_array($jobs), 'Expect an array from getJobs.');
$this->assertSame(0, count($jobs), 'There should be no jobs associated with a fresh change.');
// create a job
$job = new P4_Job;
$job->setValue('Description', 'This is job #1');
// create a change to associate with the job
$change = new P4_Change;
$jobs = $change->getJobs();
$this->assertSame(1, count($jobs), 'Expect one job.');
$this->assertSame($job->getId(), $jobs[0], 'Expect matching job id.');
// add another job
$extraJobId = 'anotherJob';
$jobs = $change->getJobs();
$this->assertSame(2, count($jobs), 'Expect two jobs.');
$this->assertSame($job->getId(), $jobs[0], 'Expect matching job id.');
$this->assertSame($extraJobId, $jobs[1], 'Expect matching job id for added job.');
// attempt to save the change with a non-existant job
try {
$change->setDescription('A change with jobs.')
->save('save the change');
$this->fail('Unexpected success saving change with a non-existant job.');
} catch (P4_Connection_CommandException $e) {
"/Job 'anotherJob' doesn't exist\./",
'Expected error saving change with a non-existant job.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception saving change with a non-existant job ('
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
// create the non-existant job.
$job2 = new P4_Job;
$job2->setValue('Description', 'Was non-existant')
// re-attempt saving the change now that the job exists.
$change->setDescription('Change with jobs.')
// fetch the changes we have, and verify the jobs.
$changes = P4_Change::fetchAll();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($changes), 'Expect one change.');
$this->assertSame(2, count($changes[0]->getJobs()), 'Expect 2 jobs with fetched change.');
array($extraJobId, $job->getId()),
'Expected jobs in fetched change.'
$this->assertTrue($changes[0]->isPending(), 'Change should be pending.');
$this->assertFalse($changes[0]->isSubmitted(), 'Change should not be submitted.');
// now submit the change, and check the jobs.
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec('//depot/file.txt')->add()->setLocalContents('File content.');
$changes = P4_Change::fetchAll();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($changes), 'Expect one change.');
$this->assertSame(2, count($changes[0]->getJobs()), 'Expect 2 jobs with fetched & submitted change.');
array($extraJobId, $job->getId()),
'Expected jobs in fetched & submitted change.'
$this->assertFalse($changes[0]->isPending(), 'Change should not be pending.');
$this->assertTrue($changes[0]->isSubmitted(), 'Change should be submitted.');
// create a new change, with non-existant jobId, and submit it.
$change = new P4_Change;
$change->setDescription('Try submitting with non-existant job.');
$thirdJobId = 'yetAnotherJob';
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFileSpec('//depot/file2.txt')->add()->setLocalContents('File content.');
$this->assertSame(null, $change->getId(), 'Expect id prior to submit.');
try {
$change->submit('Attempt 1.');
$this->fail('Unexpected success submitting change with a non-existant job.');
} catch (P4_Connection_CommandException $e) {
"/Change 2 created.*Job '$thirdJobId' doesn't exist\./s",
'Expected error message submitting change with a non-existant job.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception submitting change with a non-existant job ('
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
$this->assertSame(2, $change->getId(), 'Expected id after submit.');
// create the job
$job3 = new P4_Job;
$job3->setValue('Description', 'Was non-existant')
// submit should now succeed.
$change->submit('Attempt 2.');
$changes = P4_Change::fetchAll();
$this->assertEquals(2, count($changes), 'Expect two changes.');
$this->assertEquals(1, count($changes[0]->getJobs()), 'Expect 1 job with second submitted change.');
'Expected jobs in second submitted change.'
* Test getFiles and setFiles.
public function testGetSetFiles()
// test initial state of files in a fresh change object.
$change = new P4_Change;
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertTrue(is_array($files), 'Expect an array from getFiles.');
$this->assertSame(0, count($files), 'There should be no files associated with a fresh change.');
// create two submitted changes, and one pending
$file1 = new P4_File;
$filespec1 = '//depot/change1.txt';
$file1->setFilespec($filespec1)->add()->setLocalContents('content1')->submit('File 1');
$file2 = new P4_File;
$filespec2 = '//depot/change2.txt';
$file2->setFilespec($filespec2)->add()->setLocalContents('content2')->submit('File 2');
$file3 = new P4_File;
$filespec3 = '//depot/change3.txt';
$this->assertTrue($file3->isOpened(), 'File #3 should be opened.');
// test that we get the appropriate files back for each change
$change = P4_Change::fetch(1);
$this->assertFalse($change->isPending(), 'Change 1 should not be pending.');
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(1, count($files), 'There should be one file associated with change 1.');
$this->assertSame($filespec1.'#1', $files[0], 'Expected filespec for change 1.');
$change = P4_Change::fetch(2);
$this->assertFalse($change->isPending(), 'Change 2 should not be pending.');
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(1, count($files), 'There should be one file associated with change 2.');
$this->assertSame($filespec2.'#1', $files[0], 'Expected filespec for change 2.');
$change = P4_Change::fetch('default');
$this->assertTrue($change->isPending(), 'Change 3 should be pending.');
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(1, count($files), 'There should be one file associated with change 3.');
$this->assertSame($filespec3, $files[0], 'Expected filespec for change 3.');
// test that setting a comment on a pending changelist does not influence
// getFiles handling.
$change->setDescription('This is the default change.');
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(1, count($files), 'There should be one file associated with change 3.');
$this->assertSame($filespec3, $files[0], 'Expected filespec for change 3.');
// test that we cannot setFiles on a submitted changelist.
try {
$change = P4_Change::fetch(2);
$this->fail('Unexpected success setting files on a submitted changelist.');
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
'Cannot set files on a submitted change.',
'Expected error setting files on a submitted changelist'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception setting files on a submitted changelist: ('
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
// test that we can setFiles on a pending changelist, and that getFiles
// returns the same list.
$change = new P4_Change;
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(1, count($files), 'There should be one file associated with change 3 after setFiles.');
$this->assertSame($filespec1, $files[0], 'Expected filespec for change 3 after setFiles.');
// test that we can set the files to null to empty the list, and that we get
// empty list in return.
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(0, count($files), 'There should now be no files associated with change 3.');
// test that fetching a new change object returns the original files.
$change = P4_Change::fetch('default');
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(1, count($files), 'There should be one file associated with change 3.');
$this->assertSame($filespec3, $files[0], 'Expected filespec for change 3.');
// test that we can setFiles with an iterator of P4_File objects.
$files = new P4_Model_Iterator;
$files[] = $file1;
$files[] = $file2;
$files[] = $file3;
$files = $change->getFiles();
$this->assertSame(3, count($files), 'There should now be three files associated with change 3.');
$this->assertSame($filespec1, $files[0], 'Expected filespec for change 3, file 0.');
$this->assertSame($filespec2, $files[1], 'Expected filespec for change 3, file 1.');
$this->assertSame($filespec3, $files[2], 'Expected filespec for change 3, file 2.');
* Test accessors.
public function testAccessors()
// save a basic change.
$change = new P4_Change;
$description = "this is a test\n";
// open a file for add.
$file = new P4_File;
// create a job.
$job = new P4_Job;
$job->setValue('Description', 'fix something')
// save a change with a file and a job.
$change2 = new P4_Change;
$description2 = "a change with a file and a job.\n";
// ensure fetched change contains expected data.
$tests = array(
// test accessors for a brand new (unpopulated) change object.
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getId',
'expected' => null
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getDateTime',
'expected' => null
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getUser',
'expected' => $this->p4->getUser()
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getClient',
'expected' => $this->p4->getClient()
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getStatus',
'expected' => 'pending'
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getDescription',
'expected' => null
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getJobStatus',
'expected' => null
'label' => __LINE__ . ': New change object',
'change' => new P4_Change,
'method' => 'getJobs',
'expected' => array()
// test accessors for a saved change object.
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Saved change object',
'change' => $change,
'method' => 'getId',
'expected' => 1
// datetime not tested here - see later test
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Saved change object',
'change' => $change,
'method' => 'getUser',
'expected' => $this->p4->getUser()
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Saved change object',
'change' => $change,
'method' => 'getClient',
'expected' => $this->p4->getClient()
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Saved change object',
'change' => $change,
'method' => 'getStatus',
'expected' => 'pending'
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Saved change object',
'change' => $change,
'method' => 'getDescription',
'expected' => $description
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Saved change object',
'change' => $change,
'method' => 'getJobStatus',
'expected' => null
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Saved change object',
'change' => $change,
'method' => 'getJobs',
'expected' => array()
// test accessors for a change object with a file and a job attached.
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Change w. a file and a job',
'change' => $change2,
'method' => 'getId',
'expected' => 2
// datetime not tested here - see later test
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Change w. a file and a job',
'change' => $change2,
'method' => 'getUser',
'expected' => $this->p4->getUser()
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Change w. a file and a job',
'change' => $change2,
'method' => 'getClient',
'expected' => $this->p4->getClient()
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Change w. a file and a job',
'change' => $change2,
'method' => 'getStatus',
'expected' => 'pending'
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Change w. a file and a job',
'change' => $change2,
'method' => 'getDescription',
'expected' => $description2
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Change w. a file and a job',
'change' => $change2,
'method' => 'getJobStatus',
'expected' => null
'label' => __LINE__ . ': Change w. a file and a job',
'change' => $change2,
'method' => 'getJobs',
'expected' => array($job->getId())
// run each test.
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'] .' - '. $test['method'];
"$label - expected value."
* test setDescription.
public function testSetDescription()
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': null',
'description' => null,
'error' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty string',
'description' => '',
'error' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': array',
'description' => array(),
'error' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': integer',
'description' => 123,
'error' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': float',
'description' => -1.23,
'error' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': string',
'description' => "have a nice day\n",
'error' => false,
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$change = new P4_Change;
$label = $test['label'];
try {
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected success.");
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
if ($test['error']) {
'Cannot set description. Invalid type given.',
"$label - Expected error."
} else {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected argument exception: ". $e->getMessage());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected exception: (". get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage());
if (!$test['error']) {
"$label - Expect to get same description as set."
* test setFiles.
* @todo add a test for setting files on a submitted change when submits work.
public function testSetFiles()
// create an iterator with files
$files = new P4_Model_Iterator;
$file = new P4_File;
$files[] = $file->setFilespec('//depot/file1.txt');
$file = new P4_File;
$files[] = $file->setFilespec('//depot/file2.txt');
$file = new P4_File;
$files[] = $file->setFilespec('//depot/file3.txt');
$filesIteratorInvalid = new P4_Model_Iterator;
$filesIteratorInvalid[] = $file;
$filesIteratorInvalid[] = new P4_Client;
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': iterator',
'files' => $files,
'error' => false,
'expected' => array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': invalid iterator',
'files' => $filesIteratorInvalid,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('All files must be a string or P4_File'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': null',
'files' => null,
'error' => false,
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty string',
'files' => '',
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set files. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': integer',
'files' => 123,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set files. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': float',
'files' => -1.23,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set files. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': string',
'files' => "have a nice day\n",
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set files. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty array',
'files' => array(),
'error' => false,
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with numerics',
'files' => array(1, 2),
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('All files must be a string or P4_File'),
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with strings and numerics',
'files' => array('one', 2),
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('All files must be a string or P4_File'),
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with a string',
'files' => array('one'),
'error' => false,
'expected' => array('one'),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with multiple strings',
'files' => array('one', 'two', 'three'),
'error' => false,
'expected' => array('one', 'two', 'three'),
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$change = new P4_Change;
$label = $test['label'];
try {
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected success.");
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($test['error']) {
"$label - Expected error."
"$label - Expected error class."
} else {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected exception: (". get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage());
if (!$test['error']) {
"$label - Change getFiles should return array."
"$label - Change should contain same number of files."
* test setJobs.
* @todo add a test for setting jobs on a submitted change when submits work.
public function testSetJobs()
// create an iterator with jobs.
$jobs = new P4_Model_Iterator;
$job = new P4_Job;
$jobs[] = $job->setId('job000001');
$job = new P4_Job;
$jobs[] = $job->setId('job000002');
$job = new P4_Job;
$jobs[] = $job->setId('job000003');
$jobsIteratorInvalid = new P4_Model_Iterator;
$jobsIteratorInvalid[] = $job;
$jobsIteratorInvalid[] = new P4_Client;
// define inputs to set jobs.
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': iterator',
'jobs' => $jobs,
'error' => false,
'expected' => array('job000001', 'job000002', 'job000003'),
'label' => __LINE__ .': iterator with invalid element',
'jobs' => $jobsIteratorInvalid,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Each iterator job must be a P4_Job object.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': null',
'jobs' => null,
'error' => false,
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty string',
'jobs' => '',
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set jobs. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': integer',
'jobs' => 123,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set jobs. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': float',
'jobs' => -1.23,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set jobs. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': string',
'jobs' => "have a nice day\n",
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot set jobs. Invalid type given.'),
'expected' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty array',
'jobs' => array(),
'error' => false,
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with numerics',
'jobs' => array(1, 2),
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Each job must be a string.'),
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with strings and numerics',
'jobs' => array('one', 2),
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException('Each job must be a string.'),
'expected' => array(),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with a string',
'jobs' => array('one'),
'error' => false,
'expected' => array('one'),
'label' => __LINE__ .': array with multiple strings',
'jobs' => array('one', 'two', 'three'),
'error' => false,
'expected' => array('one', 'two', 'three'),
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$change = new P4_Change;
$label = $test['label'];
try {
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected success.");
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($test['error']) {
"$label - Expected error."
"$label - Expected error class."
} else {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected exception: (". get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage());
if (!$test['error']) {
"$label - Expected jobs."
* Test moving files between changelists.
public function testReopen()
// open a file for add.
$file = new P4_File;
// put the file in a change.
$change1 = new P4_Change;
$change1->setDescription("test 1")
count($change1->getFiles()) == 1,
"Change should have one file."
in_array("//depot/test-file", $change1->getFiles()),
"test-file should be in change."
// try to put the same file in a different change.
$change2 = new P4_Change;
$change2->setDescription("test 2")
count($change2->getFiles()) == 1,
"Change should have one file."
in_array("//depot/test-file", $change2->getFiles()),
"test-file should be in change."
// try to put same file back in first (now numbered) change.
count($change1->getFiles()) == 1,
"Change should have one file."
in_array("//depot/test-file", $change1->getFiles()),
"test-file should be in change."
// attempting to put a un-opened file in a change should fail.
$change3 = new P4_Change;
try {
$change3->setDescription("test 3")->addFile("//depot/foo")->save();
$this->fail("Save change with unopened file should throw exception.");
} catch (P4_UnopenedException $e) {
* Test deleting changes.
public function testDelete()
// delete an unidentified change.
$change = new P4_Change;
try {
$this->fail("Delete change without id should fail.");
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
// delete the default change.
$change = new P4_Change;
try {
$this->fail("Delete default change should fail.");
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
// delete a non-existant change.
$change = new P4_Change;
try {
$this->fail("Delete non-existent change should fail.");
} catch (P4_Spec_NotFoundException $e) {
// delete a real pending change w. no files.
$change = new P4_Change;
"Deleted change should no longer exist."
// delete a real pending change w. files.
$file = new P4_File;
$change = new P4_Change;
"Deleted change should no longer exist."
// delete a real pending change w. jobs attached.
$job = new P4_Job;
$job->setValue("Description", "test-job")->save();
$change = new P4_Change;
"Deleted change should no longer exist."
// create a change under another client workspace.
$client = new P4_Client;
->setRoot(DATA_PATH . "/clients/another-test-client")
$p4 = P4_Connection::factory(
$change = new P4_Change($p4);
$id = $change->getId();
// delete another client's change.
$change = P4_Change::fetch($id);
try {
$this->fail("Delete of another client change should fail.");
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
// delete again, but with force option.
"Deleted change should no longer exist."
// test delete of a submitted change.
$file = new P4_File;
->setLocalContents("this is a test")
$change = P4_Change::fetch($file->getStatus('headChange'));
try {
$this->fail("Delete of submitted change should fail.");
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
"Cannot delete a submitted change without the force option.",
"Unexpected exception message."
try {
$this->fail("Delete of submitted change should fail.");
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
"Cannot delete a submitted change that contains files.",
"Unexpected exception message."
// obliterate the files in change.
$this->p4->run("obliterate", array("-y", "//...@=" . $change->getId()));
$change = P4_Change::fetch($change->getId());
"Change should no longer exist."
* Test submitting of changes.
public function testSubmit()
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec("//depot/foo")->setLocalContents("this is a test")->add();
// ensure no changes to start.
$changes = P4_Change::fetchAll();
"There should be no changes."
// do a submit.
$change = new P4_Change;
$change->addFile($file)->submit("test submit");
// ensure change was successful.
$changes = P4_Change::fetchAll();
"There should be one change."
"Change should be submitted."
// test that saving a submitted change results in exception
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success saving a submitted change.');
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
'Cannot update a submitted change without the force option.',
'Expected exception saving a submitted change.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception saving a submitted change ('
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
// test that submitted a submitted change results in exception
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success submitting a submitted change.');
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
'Can only submit pending changes.',
'Expected exception submitting a submitted change.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception submitting a submitted change ('
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
// test that setting jobs on a submitted change results in exception
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success setting jobs on a submitted change.');
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
'Cannot set jobs on a submitted change.',
'Expected exception setting jobs on a submitted change.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception setting jobs on a submitted change ('
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
* Test submit resolve behavior.
public function testSubmitConflicts()
// create a second client.
$client = new P4_Client;
->setRoot($this->utility->getP4Params('clientRoot') . '/client-2')
->addView("//depot/...", "//client-2/...")
// connect w. second client.
$p4 = P4_Connection::factory(
// create a situation where resolve is needed.
// a. from the main test client add/submit 'foo', then edit it.
// b. from another client sync/edit/submit 'foo'.
$file1 = new P4_File;
->submit("change 1")
$file2 = new P4_File($p4);
->submit("change 2");
// try to submit a change w. files needing resolve.
$change = new P4_Change;
try {
->submit("main client submit");
$this->fail("Unexpected success; submit should fail.");
} catch (P4_Connection_ConflictException $e) {
$files = $change->getFilesToResolve();
"Expected one file needing resolve for submit."
"Expected matching filespecs."
// create a situation where revert is needed.
// a. from the main test client add 'foo'.
// b. from another client add/submit 'foo'.
$file1 = new P4_File;
$file2 = new P4_File($p4);
->submit("change 2")
->submit("change 3");
// try to submit a change w. files needing revert.
$change = new P4_Change;
try {
->submit("main client submit");
$this->fail("Unexpected success; submit should fail.");
} catch (P4_Connection_ConflictException $e) {
$files = $change->getFilesToRevert();
"Expected one file needing resolve for revert."
"Expected matching filespecs."
// create another situation where revert is needed.
// a. from the main test client add/submit 'foo', then edit it.
// b. from another client sync/delete/submit 'foo'.
$file1 = new P4_File;
->submit("change 1")
$file2 = new P4_File($p4);
->submit("change 2");
// try to submit a change w. files needing revert.
$change = new P4_Change;
try {
->submit("main client submit");
$this->fail("Unexpected success; submit should fail.");
} catch (P4_Connection_ConflictException $e) {
$files = $change->getFilesToRevert();
"Expected one file needing resolve."
"Expected matching filespecs."
* Test submit resolve behavior when passing resolve options.
public function testSubmitResolveConflicts()
// create a second client.
$client = new P4_Client;
->setRoot($this->utility->getP4Params('clientRoot') . '/client-2')
->addView("//depot/...", "//client-2/...")
// connect w. second client.
$p4 = P4_Connection::factory(
// create a situation where resolve is needed.
// a. from the main test client add/submit 'foo', then edit it.
// b. from another client sync/edit/submit 'foo'.
$file1 = new P4_File;
->submit("change 1")
$file2 = new P4_File($p4);
->submit("change 2");
// try to submit a change w. files needing resolve.
$change = new P4_Change;
->submit("main client submit", P4_Change::RESOLVE_ACCEPT_YOURS);
* test bad change numbers against P4_Validate_ChangeNumber
public function testBadValidateChangeNumber()
$tests = array (
'label' => __LINE__ .': null',
'value' => null,
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty',
'value' => '',
'label' => __LINE__ .': negative',
'value' => -1,
'label' => __LINE__ .': float',
'value' => 10.10,
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
$validator = new P4_Validate_ChangeNumber();
"$label - Expected Invalid"
* Test a fetch/save use case that failed in the past.
public function testSave()
$change = P4_Change::fetch('default');
$change->setDescription('Test submit')
* Test reverting an entire change.
public function testRevert()
$file1 = new P4_File;
$file2 = new P4_File;
$file3 = new P4_File;
$change = new P4_Change;
$change->setDescription("Test change");
$change->setFiles(array('//depot/two', '//depot/three'));
// check that we have three files open.
$query = P4_File_Query::create()
"Expected three open files"
// revert the pending change.
// check that we have one file open.
"Expected one open file"
// check that the correct files are opened.
* Test getFileObjects and getFileObject
public function testGetFileObjectsObject()
$file1 = new P4_File;
$file2 = new P4_File;
$change = new P4_Change;
$change->setDescription("Test change")
->setFiles(array($file1, $file2))
'Expected get files to match fileobject list pre-submit'
P4_File::fetch('//depot/one')->edit()->submit('rev two');
array('//depot/one#1', '//depot/two#1'),
'Expected matching list of post-submit files'
array('1', '1'),
$change->getFileObjects()->invoke('getStatus', array('headRev')),
'Expected properly reved file objects post submit'
'Expected getFileObject to provide proper depot filename'
'Expected getFileObject to provide proper depot filename'
'Expected getFileObject to provide proper rev'
try {
$this->fail('Expected exception on getFileObject for invalid entry');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
try {
$this->fail('Expected exception on getFileObject for invalid type');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {