* Test methods for the P4 Model Iterator.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class P4_File_Test extends TestCase
* Test fetchAll filespec handling.
public function testFetchAllSingular()
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': null query',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create(),
'error' => 'Cannot fetch files. No filespecs provided in query.',
'label' => __LINE__ .': valid, but nonexistant filespec',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec('//depot/foobartesting'),
'error' => '',
'label' => __LINE__ .': valid, but nonexistant depot filespec',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec('//depotadsadsa/foobartesting'),
'error' => '',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
try {
$files = P4_File::fetchAll($test['query']);
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail($test['label'] .' - unexpected success');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
if ($test['error']) {
$test['label'] .' - Expected error'
} else {
$this->fail($test['error'] .' - unexpected failure: '. $e->getMessage());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail($test['label'] .' - Unexpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
* Test fetchAll with multiple filespecs.
public function testFetchAllMultiple()
$basePath = '//depot/';
$testFiles = $this->_prepareFetchAllTests($basePath, false);
$query = P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespecs(array($basePath .'*small.txt', $basePath .'medium.jpg'));
$files = P4_File::fetchAll($query);
$filenames = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filenames[] = $file->getFilespec();
"Expected matching filenames when using multiple filespecs."
* Test sync and flush.
public function testSyncFlush()
// ensure sync of non-existent file throws exception.
$file = new P4_File;
try {
$this->fail("Excepted exception syncing non-existent file.");
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
// ensure flush of non-existent file throws exception.
try {
$this->fail("Excepted exception syncing non-existent file.");
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
// create a file
$file = new P4_File;
$content = 'Content.';
->submit('Add file.');
'Expect file to exist after create/submit.'
// delete client file
'Expect file to no longer exist after delete.'
// sync the file; should fail as server thinks we have the file.
'Expect file to still exist after sync without force.'
// sync again, with force.
'Expect file to now exist after sync with force.'
// verify content
'Expected content after sync.'
// revise content and flush; sync should not affect client file.
$newContent = 'Some new content.';
'Expected content after flush/sync'
// force sync again, content should revert to original.
'Expected content after force sync'
* Test getBasename.
public function testGetBasename()
$file = new P4_File;
$path = 'a/path/to/a/file.txt';
$root = $this->p4->getClientRoot();
$filespec = "$root/$path";
'Expected basename'
* Test getFileSize and getLocalFileSize.
public function testGetFileSizeAndGetLocalFileSize()
$basePath = '//depot/testFileSize/';
$files = $this->_prepareFetchAllTests($basePath);
$expectedSizes = array(
'small.txt' => 13,
'another_small.txt' => 13,
'medium.jpg' => 40,
'ze_medium_2.jpg' => 40,
'large.txt' => 3599,
'opened.txt' => 7,
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filename = basename($file->getFilespec());
if ($filename === 'opened.txt') {
"Expected filesize for '$filename'"
} else {
"Expected filesize for '$filename'"
// test getting sizes for non-existant files.
$file = new P4_File;
try {
$size = $file->getFileSize();
$this->fail("Unexpected success for getFileSize().");
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
'The file does not have a fileSize attribute.',
'Expected error for getFileSize().'
} catch (Exception $e) {
"Unexpected exception for getFileSize() ("
. get_class($e) .') :'. $e->getMessage()
try {
$size = $file->getLocalFileSize();
$this->fail("Unexpected success for getLocalFileSize().");
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
'The local file does not exist.',
'Expected error for getLocalFileSize().'
} catch (Exception $e) {
"Unexpected exception for getLocalFileSize() ("
. get_class($e) .') :'. $e->getMessage()
* Test filename in local-file syntax.
public function testFilenameInLocalSyntax()
$file = new P4_File;
$path = 'a/path/to/a/file.txt';
$root = $this->p4->getClientRoot();
$filespec = "$root/$path";
'Expected local filename.'
'Expected depot filename.'
// test file object with no filespec set
$file = new P4_File;
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success for getLocalFilename with no filespec');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
'Cannot complete operation, no filespec has been specified',
'Expected error for getLocalFilename with no filespec.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception for getLocalFilename with no filespec ('
. get_class($e) .') :'. $e->getMessage()
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success for getDepotFilename with no filespec');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
'Cannot complete operation, no filespec has been specified',
'Expected error for getDepotFilename with no filespec.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception for getDepotFilename with no filespec ('
. get_class($e) .') :'. $e->getMessage()
* Test count method.
public function testCount()
if (getenv('SKIP_LONG_TESTS')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('long fetchAll test skipped, because asked');
$basePath = '//depot/testFetchOptions/';
$testFiles = $this->_prepareFetchAllTests($basePath, true);
$tests = array(
// sorting tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': defaults',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create(),
'expected' => 6,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed default sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setReverseOrder(true),
'expected' => 6,
'label' => __LINE__ .': sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setSortBy('fileSize'),
'expected' => 6,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setReverseOrder(true)->setSortBy('fileSize'),
'expected' => 6,
// limit results tests (limits should have no effect)
'label' => __LINE__ .': limit',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setMaxFiles(1),
'expected' => 1,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed limit',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setMaxFiles(1)->setReverseOrder(true),
'expected' => 1,
// filtering tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter fileSize > 1000',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setFilter('fileSize > 1000'),
'expected' => 1,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter fileSize <= 1000',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setFilter('fileSize <= 1000'),
'expected' => 4,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter scrunchy',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setFilter('scrunchy'),
'expected' => 0,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter with existing rowNumber',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setFilter('fileSize <= 1000 & rowNumber >= 4'),
'expected' => 1,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter with rowNumber existing',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setFilter('rowNumber >= 5 & fileSize <= 1000'),
'expected' => 0,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter with existing rowNumber existing',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setFilter('fileSize <= 1000 rowNumber >= 2 & fileSize <= 1000'),
'expected' => 3,
// change and content tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': change 1',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setLimitToChangelist(1),
'expected' => 1,
// opened tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': opened',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->setLimitToOpened(true),
'expected' => 1,
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
$file = new P4_File;
$count = null;
$test['query']->addFilespec($basePath .'...');
try {
$count = P4_File::count($test['query']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail("$label - unexpected failure (". get_class($e) .': '. $e->getMessage());
if (array_key_exists('dump', $test)) {
var_dump($file->getConnection()->run('fstat', array('-Ol', '//...')));
"$label - expected count"
* Test count with no filespec.
public function testCountWithoutFilespec()
try {
$count = P4_File::count(new P4_File_Query);
$this->fail('Unexpected success');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
'Cannot count files. No filespecs provided in query.',
'Expected exception'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception ('. get_class($e) .') :'. $e->getMessage());
* Test fetchAll options.
* @todo fixup and remove skip for sorting tests when/if server sorts
* by size/data properly.
public function testFetchAllOptions()
if (getenv('SKIP_LONG_TESTS')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('long fetchAll test skipped, because asked');
$basePath = '//depot/testFetchOptions/';
$testFiles = $this->_prepareFetchAllTests($basePath, true);
$tests = array(
// sorting tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': defaults',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...'),
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed default sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filesize sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed filesize sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': date sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed date sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filetype sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed filetype sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': attribute sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed attribute sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
->setSortBy('foo', array(P4_File_Query::SORT_DESCENDING)),
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': attribute + date sort',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
->setSortBy(array('foo', P4_File_Query::SORT_DATE)),
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
// limit results tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': limit 1',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed limit 1',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': limit 2',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': reversed limit 2',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
// filtering tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter fileSize > 1000',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
->setFilter('fileSize > 1000'),
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': filter fileSize <= 1000',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
->setFilter('fileSize <= 1000'),
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
// change and content tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': change 1',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': change 2',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': change 3',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': change 4',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': change 5',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': change default',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => true,
// opened tests
'label' => __LINE__ .': opened',
'query' => P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec($basePath .'...')
'expected' => array(
'content' => true,
$showSizes = 0;
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
$file = new P4_File;
if (array_key_exists('dumpQuery', $test) and $test['dumpQuery']) {
print var_export($test['query']->toArray(), true);
try {
$files = P4_File::fetchAll($test['query']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail("$label - unexpected failure: ". $e->getMessage());
if (array_key_exists('dump', $test)) {
var_dump($file->getConnection()->run('fstat', array('-Oal', '//depot/testFetchOptions/...')));
"$label - expected file count"
$fileNames = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filename = $file->getFilespec();
$filesize = $file->getLocalFileSize();
$fileNames[] = basename($file->getFilespec());
if ($showSizes) print "'$filename' is '$filesize' bytes.\n";
$showSizes = 0;
"$label - expected file list"
if ($test['content']) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($test['expected']); $i++) {
$method = ($testFiles[$test['expected'][$i]]->isOpened()) ? 'getLocalContents' : 'getDepotContents';
"$label - Expected content for file #$i"
* Verify we are doing a proper natural order sort on attributes
public function testNaturalSort()
$basePath = "//depot/test/";
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'10.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', 'give-me-a-10')
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'2.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', 'give-me-a-2')
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'1.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', 'give-me-a-1')
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'just1.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', '1')
->submit('just digit 1');
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'a.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', 'a')
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'Aa.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', 'Aa')
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'z.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', 'z')
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'Zz.txt')
->setLocalContents('i am a file')
->setAttribute('foo', 'Zz')
$foos = P4_File::fetchAll(
P4_File_Query::create()->setFilespecs($basePath . "...")->setSortBy('foo')
$foos->invoke('getAttribute', array('foo')),
'Expecting sorted attributes'
* Test an already opened file.
public function testAlreadyOpened()
$file = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to not exist #1.');
$this->assertFalse($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to not be opened #1.');
$file->open()->setLocalContents('Some content.');
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Still expect file to not exist #1.');
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to be opened #1.');
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Still expect file to not exist #1.');
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to still be opened #1.');
// once again, with initial add instead of open
$file = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to not exist #2.');
$this->assertFalse($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to not be opened. #2');
$file->add(null, 'binary')->setLocalContents('Some content.');
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Still expect file to not exist #2.');
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to be opened. #2');
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Still expect file to not exist #2.');
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to still be opened #2.');
* Test file deletion.
* @todo enable when appropriate error handling exists
public function testFileDeletion()
// first, create a file to delete.
$file = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to not exist.');
->setLocalContents('Some content to delete.')
->submit('Adding a file to delete.');
$this->assertTrue((bool)$file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->isDeleted(), 'Expect file to not have deleted status after create');
// expect file to still exist if exclude deleted is true.
(bool)P4_File::exists($file->getFilespec(), null, true),
"Expected file to exist with excluded deleted = true."
// test deleting the opened file.
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to be opened.');
// first, with force set to false
try {
$file->delete(null, false);
$this->fail('Unexpected success deleting an opened file without force.');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Failed to open file for delete: //depot/a_file_to_delete.txt"
. " - can't delete (already opened for edit)",
'Expected error message deleting an opened file without force.'
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception on delete opened file: '. $e->getMessage());
// again with force defaulting to true
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception on delete opened file: '. $e->getMessage());
// test deleting the file again.
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception on delete opened file again: '. $e->getMessage());
// now submit the deletion.
$file->submit('Delete the file.');
$this->assertTrue((bool)$file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to still exist.');
&& $file->getStatus('headAction') == 'delete',
'Expect file to be deleted'
$this->assertTrue($file->isDeleted(), 'Expect file to have deleted status after delete.');
// expect file to not exist if exclude deleted is true.
P4_File::exists($file->getFilespec(), null, true),
"Expected file to not exist with excluded deleted = true."
// test deleting the file again after submission.
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success deleting an already deleted file');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Failed to open file for delete: //depot/a_file_to_delete.txt - file(s) not on client.",
'Expected error message deleting an already deleted file.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception on delete deleted file: '. $e->getMessage());
* Test edit after delete.
public function testEditAfterDelete()
$file = new P4_File;
->setLocalContents('Some content.')
->submit('Created it.');
// delete the file, and then attempt to edit it with force=false.
try {
$file->edit(null, null, false);
$this->fail('Unexpected success editing a file opened for delete');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Failed to open file for edit: //depot/file.txt - can't edit (already opened for delete)",
'Expected error editing a file opened for delete.'
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception editing a file opened for delete ('
. get_class($e) .'): '. $e->getMessage()
// try to edit again, with force set. Should succeed.
$file->edit(null, null, true)
->setLocalContents('New text.')
->submit('Update after delete.');
* Test invalid submit description.
public function testInvalidSubmitDescription()
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': null description',
'description' => null,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException(
'Cannot submit. Description must be a non-empty string.'
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty description',
'description' => '',
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException(
'Cannot submit. Description must be a non-empty string.'
'label' => __LINE__ .': array description',
'description' => array('1', '2'),
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException(
'Cannot submit. Description must be a non-empty string.'
'label' => __LINE__ .': 0 description',
'description' => 0,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException(
'Cannot submit. Description must be a non-empty string.'
'label' => __LINE__ .': 1 description',
'description' => 1,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException(
'Cannot submit. Description must be a non-empty string.'
'label' => __LINE__ .': string description',
'description' => 'abcde',
'error' => false,
$counter = 0;
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec('//depot/file'. $counter++ .'.txt')
try {
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail("$label - unexpected success");
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($test['error']) {
"$label - expected exception class: ". $e->getMessage()
"$label - expected error message."
} else {
"$label - unexpected exception ("
. get_class($e) .') :'. $e->getMessage()
* Test setStatusCache.
public function testSetStatusCache()
$file = new P4_File();
$originalStatus = $modifiedStatus = $file->getStatus();
foreach ($modifiedStatus as $key => $value) {
$modifiedStatus[$key] = 'head';
'Expected modified status'
'Expected original status'
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success setting numeric status');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
'Cannot set status cache. Status must be an array.',
'Expected error setting numeric status'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception setting numeric status ('
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
* Test open attributes.
public function testOpenAttributes()
// setup a file
$file = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to not exist.');
// test that it has no attributes
$attributes = $file->getAttributes();
$this->assertSame(0, count($attributes), 'Expected attribute count on new file.');
// verify lack of attribute
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to not exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to not exist.');
// set the attribute
$file->setAttribute('foobar', 'bazbar', false, false);
// check that set attribute requires a string
try {
$file->setAttribute('fooerror', 2, false, false);
$this->fail('Unexpected success setting attribute without string');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
'Cannot set attribute. Value must be a string.',
'Expected exception setting attribute without string'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception ('. get_class($e) .': '. $e->getMessage());
// check that depot attribute is not set
$attributes = $file->getAttributes(false);
$this->assertSame(0, count($attributes), 'Expected depot attribute count after setting attribute.');
// check that client attribute is set
$attributes = $file->getAttributes(true);
$this->assertSame(1, count($attributes), 'Expected client attribute count after setting attribute.');
$this->assertTrue($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to not exist.');
// verify the attribute value
'Expected client foobar value.'
try {
$value = $file->getAttribute('foobar');
$this->fail('Unexpected success getting depot foobar.');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Can't fetch status. The requested field "
. "('attr-foobar') does not exist.",
'Expected exception using getAttribute on open attribute'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception when getting open attribute: '. $e->getMessage()
// clear the attribute
$file->clearAttribute('foobar', false);
// verify lack of attribute
$this->assertFalse($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to no longer exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to still not exist.');
* Test depot attributes.
public function testDepotAttributes()
// setup a file
$file = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to not exist.');
->setLocalContents('Some content.')
->submit('Attribute file for testing');
// verify lack of attribute
$this->assertFalse($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to not exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to not exist.');
// set the attribute
$file->setAttribute('foobar', 'bazbar', false, true);
// check that client attribute is not set
$attributes = $file->getAttributes(true);
$this->assertSame(0, count($attributes), 'Expected client attribute count after setting attribute.');
// check that depot attribute is set
$attributes = $file->getAttributes(false);
$this->assertSame(1, count($attributes), 'Expected depot attribute count after setting attribute.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to not exist.');
$this->assertTrue($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to exist.');
// verify the attribute value
'Expected depot foobar value.'
try {
$value = $file->getOpenAttribute('foobar');
$this->fail('Unexpected success getting client foobar.');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Can't fetch status. The requested field "
. "('openattr-foobar') does not exist.",
'Expected exception using getOpenAttribute on attribute'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception when getting attribute: '. $e->getMessage()
// clear the attribute
$file->clearAttribute('foobar', true);
// verify lack of attribute
$this->assertFalse($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to still not exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to no longer exist.');
* Test attribute propagation.
public function testAttributePropagation()
// setup a file
$file = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to not exist.');
// verify lack of attribute
$this->assertFalse($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to not exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to not exist.');
// set the attribute with propagate, and test existence
$file->setAttribute('foobar', 'bazbar', true, false);
$this->assertTrue($file->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to not exist.');
'Expected client foobar value.'
// set an additional attribute without propagate, and test existence
$file->setAttribute('nopropagate', 'loseme', false, false);
$this->assertTrue($file->hasOpenAttribute('nopropagate'), 'Expect client nopropagate to exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->hasAttribute('nopropagate'), 'Expect depot nopropagate to not exist.');
'Expected client nopropagate value.'
// submit the file #1
$file->setLocalContents('Some content.')
->submit('Attribute file for testing');
// use a fresh file object, and verify attributes
$file2 = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file2->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to no longer exist.');
$this->assertTrue($file2->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to exist now.');
'Expected depot foobar value.'
// nopropagate should only be in depot, for this revision
$this->assertFalse($file2->hasOpenAttribute('nopropagate'), 'Expect client nopropagate to no longer exist.');
$this->assertTrue($file2->hasAttribute('nopropagate'), 'Expect depot nopropagate to exist now.');
// now open the file and test whether the depot attribute has been opened
$this->assertTrue($file2->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to have been opened.');
$this->assertTrue($file2->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to exist now.');
'Expected client foobar value.'
// make sure nopropagate does not get promoted to client
'Expect client nopropagate to not exist after open.'
// submit the file #2, and make sure attribute propagates
$file2->setLocalContents('Some new content.')
->submit('Change attribute file content');
// use a fresh file object
$file3 = new P4_File;
// verify original attribute exists
$this->assertFalse($file3->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to still not exist.');
$this->assertTrue($file3->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to still exist.');
'Expected client foobar value.'
// now open the file and test whether the depot attribute has been opened
$this->assertTrue($file3->hasOpenAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect client foobar to have been opened.');
$this->assertTrue($file3->hasAttribute('foobar'), 'Expect depot foobar to exist now.');
'Expected client foobar value.'
// verify nopropagate attribute does not exist
'Expect client nopropagate to still not exist.'
'Expect depot nopropagate to no longer exist.'
// clear attribute at depot
$file3->clearAttribute('foobar', false);
'Expect client foobar to not exist after clear.'
'Expect depot foobar to still exist after clear.'
// submit an update to verify lack of propagation
$file3->setLocalContents('Final content.');
$file3->submit('Update attribute file content');
// use a fresh file object
$file4 = new P4_File;
// verify depot attribute still does not exist
'Expect depot foobar to still be cleared.'
// verify non-existant depot attribute does not get promoted to client
// after opening
'Expect client foobar to still, still, still not exist.'
* Test setAttributes.
public function testSetAttributes()
// setup a file
$file = new P4_File;
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($file->getFilespec()), 'Expect file to not exist.');
// verify lack of attribute
$attributes = $file->getAttributes(true);
$this->assertSame(0, count($attributes), 'Expected initial attribute count.');
// first, verify that we get an exception unless the
// attributes array is an array
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success without attributes.');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
"Can't set attributes. Attributes must be an array.",
'Expected error message.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception with no attributes: '. $e->getMessage());
// set a list of client, no-propagate attributes
$attributeList = array(
'foobar' => 'bazbar',
'another' => 'value',
'third' => 'three',
$file->setAttributes($attributeList, false, false);
$attributes = $file->getAttributes(true);
$this->assertSame(3, count($attributes), 'Expected attribute count after set.');
foreach ($attributeList as $key => $value) {
"Expect client '$key' to be set."
"Exected value for '$key'"
// test that invalid attributes are rejected.
$tests = array(
'test foo',
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tests); $i++) {
try {
$file->setAttribute($tests[$i], 'foo');
$this->fail('Test #' . $i . ': Unexpected success setting invalid attribute.');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Test #' . $i . ': Unexpected exception setting invalid attribute.');
* test deleteLocalFile.
public function testDeleteLocalFile()
$file = new P4_File;
$filespec = '//depot/a_file_to_delete.txt';
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($filespec), 'Expect depot file to not exist.');
$this->assertFalse(file_exists($file->getLocalFilename()), 'Expect local file to not exist.');
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success deleting file that does not exist.');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Cannot delete local file. File does not exist.",
'Expected error deleting a non-existant file'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception deleting non-existant file: '. $e->getMessage());
// create file
->setLocalContents('Some file content.')
->submit('Establish file.');
$this->assertTrue((bool)$file->exists($filespec), 'Expect depot file to exist.');
$this->assertTrue((bool)file_exists($file->getLocalFilename()), 'Expect local file to exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->isDeleted(), 'Expect file to not have deleted status after create');
// delete the local file
$this->assertTrue((bool)$file->exists($filespec), 'Expect depot file to exist.');
$this->assertFalse(file_exists($file->getLocalFilename()), 'Expect local file to no longer exist.');
$this->assertFalse($file->isDeleted(), 'Expect file to not have deleted status after deleting local file');
* Test opening for add.
public function testAdd()
$file = new P4_File;
$filespec = '//depot/a_file_to_delete.txt';
$this->assertFalse($file->exists($filespec), 'Expect depot file to not exist.');
$this->assertFalse(file_exists($file->getLocalFilename()), 'Expect local file to not exist.');
$content = 'Some content.';
$bytes = file_put_contents($file->getLocalFilename(), $content);
$this->assertSame(strlen($content), $bytes, 'Expected content length');
// open for add
$object = $file->add();
$this->assertSame($file, $object, 'Expect fluent interface return');
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to be opened.');
// open it again
$object = $file->add();
// revert file
$this->assertFalse($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to not be opened.');
// add with type
$object = $file->add(null, 'text');
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expect file to be opened again.');
// submit the file, open it, and then try to add it.
$file->submit('adding the file');
try {
$this->fail('Unexpected success adding a file opened for edit.');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Failed to open file for add: //depot/a_file_to_delete.txt - can't add (already opened for edit)",
'Expected error adding a file opened for edit.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception adding a file opened for edit: '. $e->getMessage());
// test adding into a specific change.
$change = new P4_Change;
$file = new P4_File;
"Expected file to be open in specified change."
"Expected file in change."
// test adding into a different change.
$change = new P4_Change;
"Expected file to be open in specified change."
* Test fetching a file, plus content cache manipulation.
public function testFetch()
$file = new P4_File;
$filespec = '//depot/a_file_to_fetch.txt';
// test non-existant file
try {
$theFile = P4_File::fetch($filespec);
$this->fail('Unexpected success fetching a non-existant file.');
} catch (P4_File_NotFoundException $e) {
"Cannot fetch file '$filespec'. File does not exist.",
'Expected error while fetching a non-existant file.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
'Unexpected exception fetching a non-existant file: '
. $e->getMessage()
// now make the file exist
$contents = 'This file has some content.';
$file->submit('Make the file available for fetching.');
$theFile = P4_File::fetch($filespec);
$this->assertSame($contents, $theFile->getDepotContents(), 'Expected content.');
// manipulate the content cache
$newContents = 'And now for something comepletely different.';
$this->assertSame($newContents, $theFile->getDepotContents(), 'Expected new content.');
// clear the content cache, original content should then be available
$this->assertSame($contents, $theFile->getDepotContents(), 'Expected content.');
// test manipulation of client content
$clientContent = 'Different client content.';
file_put_contents($theFile->getLocalFilename(), $clientContent);
$this->assertSame($clientContent, $theFile->getLocalContents(), 'Expected client content.');
$this->assertSame($contents, $theFile->getDepotContents(), 'Expected depot content to be unchanged.');
* Test getLocalContent.
public function testGetLocalContents()
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': no setup',
'filespec' => null,
'add' => false,
'content' => null,
'error' => new P4_File_Exception(
'Cannot complete operation, no filespec has been specified'
'label' => __LINE__ .': only filespec',
'filespec' => '//depot/file',
'add' => false,
'content' => null,
'error' => new P4_File_Exception(
'Cannot get local file contents. Local file does not exist.'
'label' => __LINE__ .': filespec + content',
'filespec' => '//depot/file',
'add' => true,
'content' => 'Some content.',
'error' => false,
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
// prep test conditions
$file = new P4_File;
if (isset($test['filespec'])) {
if (isset($test['content'])) {
try {
$content = $file->getLocalContents();
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail("$label - Unexpected success");
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (!$test['error']) {
"$label - Unexpected exception ("
. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
} else {
"$label - Expected error class"
"$label - Expected error message"
if (!$test['error']) {
"$label - Expected content"
* Test annotated content.
public function testAnnotatedContent()
// make a file with several lines
$lines = array(
"The first line in the file." . PHP_EOL,
"The second line for testing." . PHP_EOL,
"And another for completion.",
$content = join('', $lines);
* Becuase we are using p4 print instead of syncing down the
* file, the newline replacement will not happen on Windows, causing
* the test to fail on Windows but pass on Linux.
$expectedContent = str_replace("\r", '', $content);
$file = new P4_File;
->add(null, 'text')
->setLocalContents($content, $lines)
->submit('Add the first version');
$this->assertSame($expectedContent, $file->getDepotContents(), 'Expected content #1');
$annotations = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$annotations[] = array(
'upper' => '1',
'lower' => '1',
'data' => $line,
$this->assertSame($annotations, $file->getAnnotateContent(), 'Expected annotate #1');
// exercise the cache
$this->assertSame($annotations, $file->getAnnotateContent(), 'Expected annotate #2');
$this->assertSame($annotations, $file->getAnnotateContent(), 'Expected annotate #2');
* Test reopen.
public function testReopen()
$file = new P4_File;
->add(null, 'binary')
'Expect the type explicitly set.'
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': no params',
'change' => null,
'type' => null,
'error' => new InvalidArgumentException(
'Cannot reopen file. You must provide a change and/or a filetype.'
'expect' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': default change',
'change' => 'default',
'type' => null,
'error' => false,
'expect' => 'binary',
'label' => __LINE__ .': bogus change',
'change' => 'bogus',
'type' => null,
'error' => new P4_Connection_CommandException(
"Command failed: Invalid changelist number 'bogus'."
'expect' => 'binary',
'label' => __LINE__ .': binary type',
'change' => null,
'type' => 'binary',
'error' => false,
'expect' => 'binary',
'label' => __LINE__ .': text type',
'change' => null,
'type' => 'text',
'error' => false,
'expect' => 'text',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
try {
$file->reopen($test['change'], $test['type']);
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail("$label - unexpected success");
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($test['error']) {
"$label - Expected exception class: ". $e->getMessage()
"$label - Expected exception message."
} else {
"$label - unexpected exception ("
. get_class($e) .'): '. $e->getMessage()
if (!$test['error']) {
"$label - expected type"
* Test where functionality, with getDepotPath/getDepotFilename.
public function testWhere()
$file = new P4_File;
$filename = 'a_file.txt';
->setLocalContents('This file has some content.')
->submit('Make the file available.');
$where = $file->where();
0 => "//depot/$filename",
1 => "//test-client/$filename",
2 => $file->getLocalFilename(),
'Expected where values'
// test getDepotPath and getDepotFilename
$this->assertSame($file->getDepotPath(), dirname($where[0]), 'Expected depot path');
$this->assertSame($file->getDepotFilename(), $where[0], 'Expected depot filename');
* Test hasRevspec.
public function testHasRevspec()
$tests = array(
'//depot/file.txt' => false,
'//depot/file.txt#head' => true,
'//depot/file.txt@1' => true,
foreach ($tests as $filespec => $expected) {
$result = P4_File::hasRevspec($filespec);
$this->assertSame($expected, $result, "Expected result for '$filespec'");
* Test _validateFilespec via exists()
public function test_ValidateFilespec()
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': valid filespec',
'filespec' => '//depot/file.txt',
'error' => false,
'label' => __LINE__ .': non-string filespec',
'filespec' => false,
'error' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': wildcard filespec',
'filespec' => '//depot/file*',
'error' => true,
'label' => __LINE__ .': multi-file filespec',
'filespec' => '//depot/...',
'error' => true,
foreach ($tests as $test) {
try {
$result = P4_File::exists($test['filespec']);
if ($test['error']) {
$this->fail($test['label'] .' - unexpected success');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
if ($test['error']) {
'Invalid filespec provided. In this context, filespecs'
. ' must be a reference to a single file.',
$test['label'] .' - expected error message'
} else {
$this->fail($test['label'] .' - unexpected failure');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail($test['label'] .' - unexpected exception: '. $e->getMessage());
* Test lock/unlock.
public function testLockUnlock()
// In order to test lock/unlock properly, we need to create another user.
$password = 'testUser1pass';
$user2 = new P4_User;
'User' => 'testUser1',
'Email' => 'testUser1@testhost',
'FullName' => 'Test User 1',
'Password' => $password,
// create the user's client spec
$client = new P4_Client;
$client->setId($this->utility->getP4Params('client') .'-'. $user2->getId());
$client->setRoot($this->utility->getP4Params('clientRoot') .'/'. $user2->getId())
->setView(array('//depot/... //'. $client->getId() .'/...'))
// create a connection for the new user
$userP4 = P4_Connection::factory(
$this->utility->getP4Params('port'), $user2->getId(), $client->getId(), $password, null, null
// and now the tests
// have testuser create a file, submit it, and then open for edit and lock it
$testFile = new P4_File($userP4);
->setLocalContents('Test user content')
->submit('Adding test user file.')
// have superuser attempt to open/submit the file, expect failure
$superFile = new P4_File($this->p4);
->setLocalContents('Super user content.');
try {
$superFile->submit('Place super content in file.');
$this->fail('Unexpected success submitting to a locked file.');
} catch (P4_Connection_CommandException $e) {
"/Command failed: No files to submit.*"
. "File\(s\) couldn't be locked.*"
. "Submit failed -- fix problems above then use 'p4 submit -c 2'./s",
'Expected error submitting to a locked file.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('Unexpected exception after submit to a locked file: '. $e->getMessage());
// have the testuser unlock the file
// have the superuser attempt to open/submit the file, expect success
$superFile = new P4_File($this->p4);
->setLocalContents('Super user content.')
->submit('Place super content in file.');
$this->assertTrue(true, 'Expect submit to succeed');
* Prepare files for fetchAll testing.
* @param string $basePath base depot path for file creation; default='//depot/'
* @param bool $sleep Sleep between file creation to create unique timestamps,
* true = 1 second sleep, false (default) no sleep.
* @return array The list of P4_File objects created.
protected function _prepareFetchAllTests($basePath = '//depot/', $sleep = false)
$files = array();
// make a small file
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'small.txt')
->setLocalContents('A small file.')
->setAttribute('foo', 'small')
->submit('Add a small file.');
$files[] = $file;
if ($sleep) {
sleep(1); // guarantee next file has different timestamp
// make a medium-sized file
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'medium.jpg')
->add(null, 'binary')
->setLocalContents('This is a medium-sized file for testing.')
->setAttribute('foo', 'medium')
->submit('Add a medium file.');
$files[] = $file;
if ($sleep) {
sleep(1); // guarantee next file has different timestamp
// make a large-sized file
$largeContent = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
$largeContent[] = 'Large files have plenty of content.';
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'large.txt')
->setLocalContents(join(' ', $largeContent))
->setAttribute('foo', 'large')
->submit('Add a large file.');
$files[] = $file;
if ($sleep) {
sleep(1); // guarantee next file has different timestamp
// make another small file
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'another_small.txt')
->setLocalContents('A small file.')
->setAttribute('foo', 'small')
->submit('Add another small file.');
$files[] = $file;
if ($sleep) {
sleep(1); // guarantee next file has different timestamp
// make another medium file
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'ze_medium_2.jpg')
->add(null, 'binary')
->setLocalContents('This is a medium-sized file for testing.')
->setAttribute('foo', 'another medium')
->submit('Add another medium file.');
$files[] = $file;
if ($sleep) {
sleep(1); // guarantee next file has different timestamp
// make a pending file
$file = new P4_File;
$file->setFilespec($basePath .'opened.txt')
->setAttribute('foo', 'opened');
file_put_contents($file->getLocalFilename(), 'opened.') !== false,
'Should be able to write opened file to client workspace.'
$files[] = $file;
// the final sleep is not necessary here.
// add keys by filename for easier lookups
foreach ($files as $file) {
$files[basename($file->getFilespec())] = $file;
return $files;
* Test stripRevspec.
public function testStripRevspec()
$tests = array(
'label' => __LINE__ .': null',
'revspec' => null,
'expect' => null,
'label' => __LINE__ .': empty string',
'revspec' => '',
'expect' => '',
'label' => __LINE__ .': numeric',
'revspec' => 123,
'expect' => 123,
'label' => __LINE__ .': string',
'revspec' => 'abc',
'expect' => 'abc',
'label' => __LINE__ .': #',
'revspec' => '#',
'expect' => '',
'label' => __LINE__ .': string#',
'revspec' => 'abc#',
'expect' => 'abc',
'label' => __LINE__ .': #string',
'revspec' => '#abc',
'expect' => '',
'label' => __LINE__ .': @',
'revspec' => '@',
'expect' => '',
'label' => __LINE__ .': string@',
'revspec' => 'abc@',
'expect' => 'abc',
'label' => __LINE__ .': @string',
'revspec' => '@abc',
'expect' => '',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file #have',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt#have',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file #head',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt#head',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file #none',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt#none',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file #123',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt#123',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file @123',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt@123',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file @test-ws',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt@test-ws',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file @2009-12-31',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt@2009-12-31',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file #head@2009-12-31',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt#head@2009-12-31',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
'label' => __LINE__ .': depot file @2009-12-31#head',
'revspec' => '//depot/file.txt@2009-12-31#head',
'expect' => '//depot/file.txt',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$label = $test['label'];
$actual = P4_File::stripRevspec($test['revspec']);
"$label - Expected result"
* Ensure that binary data in files and attributes is handled safely.
public function testBinarySafeness()
// make test data that contains null bytes.
$data = str_repeat("deadbeefcafe\0", 1000);
// make file obj to stick data in.
$file = new P4_File;
// make sure we wrote the local data correctly.
'Expected matching data.'
// open for add and ensure type is binary.
$this->assertTrue($file->isOpened(), 'Expected file to be open.');
'Expected binary file type.'
$file->submit('Test of binary data.');
// ensure depot contents match test data.
'Expected matching depot vs. in-memory data post submit.'
'Expected matching depot vs. local data post submit.'
// try again with fresh objects.
$file = P4_File::fetch('//depot/test-file');
'Expected matching data w. fresh file obj.'
$query = P4_File_Query::create()->addFilespec('//depot/...');
$files = P4_File::fetchAll($query);
'Expected matching data via fetch all'
// re-type to text and try again (should still be binary safe).
$file->edit(null, 'text')->submit('now text');
'Expected text file type.'
'Expected matching data even w. text file type.'
$file = P4_File::fetch('//depot/test-file');
'Expected matching data w. text type and fresh file obj.'
// try binary data in attributes.
$file = new P4_File;
->setAttribute('foo', $data);
'Expected matching data in attribute.'
// submit and check again.
$file->submit('binary attr.');
'Expected matching data in attribute post submit.'
// fetch and check again.
$file = P4_File::fetch('//depot/file-w-attr');
'Expected matching data in attribute post submit w. fresh file obj.'
* Test retrieving changes related to a given file
public function testGetChanges()
$file = new P4_File;
try {
$this->fail('expected exception when no filespec is set');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Cannot complete operation, no filespec has been specified",
->setLocalContents('should not see me')
->submit('create a different file');
$file = new P4_File;
->submit('create file');
for ($i=1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
->submit('Test save ' . $i);
array (
0 => 'Test save 10',
1 => 'Test save 9',
2 => 'Test save 8',
3 => 'Test save 7',
4 => 'Test save 6',
5 => 'Test save 5',
6 => 'Test save 4',
7 => 'Test save 3',
8 => 'Test save 2',
9 => 'Test save 1',
10 => 'create file',
array_map('trim', $file->getChanges()->invoke('getDescription'))
* Test retrieving the change related to a given file
public function testGetChange()
$file = new P4_File;
try {
$this->fail('expected exception when no filespec is set');
} catch (P4_File_Exception $e) {
"Cannot complete operation, no filespec has been specified",
->setLocalContents('should not see me')
->submit('create a different file');
$file = new P4_File;
->submit('create file');
for ($i=1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
->submit('Test save ' . $i);
$file = P4_File::fetch('//depot/testFile#2');
$this->assertEquals('Test save 1', trim($file->getChange()->getDescription()), 'Expected change description');
* Test retrieving previor revisions of a given file
public function testFetchRevision()
$file = new P4_File;
->submit('create file');
for ($i=1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
->submit('Test save ' . $i);
$this->assertSame(11, count($file->getChanges()), 'expected matching number of changes');
for ($i=1; $i <= 11; $i++) {
$file = P4_File::fetch("//depot/testFile#$i");
'expected matching value for revision '.$i
* Test rolling back a files content
public function testRollback()
$file = new P4_File;
->submit('create file');
for ($i=1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
->setAttribute('number', (string)$i)
->submit('Test save ' . $i);
$this->assertSame(11, count($file->getChanges()), 'expected matching number of changes');
$file = P4_File::fetch('//depot/testFile#2');
'expected rev in filespec pre rollback'
->submit('rollin rollin rollin', P4_File::RESOLVE_ACCEPT_YOURS);
'expected updated filespec post rollback'
'expected matching content post rollback'
'expected matching attribute post rollback'
* Test competing adds
* @expectedException P4_Connection_ConflictException
public function testCompetingAdds()
// create a second workspace.
$clientOne = P4_Client::fetch($this->p4->getClient());
$clientTwo = new P4_Client;
$clientTwo->setId($clientOne->getId() . "-2")
->setRoot($clientOne->getRoot() . "-2")
->setView(array('//depot/... //' . $clientOne->getId() . '-2/...'))
// create a second connection.
$p4One = $this->p4;
$p4Two = P4_Connection::factory(
$fileOne = new P4_File($p4One);
->setLocalContents('test one')
$fileTwo = new P4_File($p4Two);
->setLocalContents('test two')
// conflict (can't help the user!)
$fileOne->submit('test one');
$fileTwo->submit('test two', P4_File::RESOLVE_ACCEPT_YOURS);
* Test competing edits
public function testCompetingEdits()
// create a second workspace.
$clientOne = P4_Client::fetch($this->p4->getClient());
$clientTwo = new P4_Client;
$clientTwo->setId($clientOne->getId() . "-2")
->setRoot($clientOne->getRoot() . "-2")
->setView(array('//depot/... //' . $clientOne->getId() . '-2/...'))
// create a second connection.
$p4One = $this->p4;
$p4Two = P4_Connection::factory(
$fileOne = new P4_File($p4One);
->setLocalContents('test one')
->submit('inital add');
$fileOne = P4_File::fetch('//depot/foo', $p4One);
$fileOne->edit()->setLocalContents('test two');
$fileTwo = P4_File::fetch('//depot/foo', $p4Two);
$fileTwo->sync()->edit()->setLocalContents('test three');
// conflict
$fileOne->submit('test two')->edit()->setLocalContents('test laksdfj')->submit('lkasdfj');
$fileTwo->submit('test three', P4_File::RESOLVE_ACCEPT_YOURS);
* Test edit of deleted file.
* @expectedException P4_File_Exception
public function testEditOfDeleted()
$file = new P4_File;
$file = P4_File::fetch('//depot/foo#1');
// should throw.
* Test delete of deleted file.
* @expectedException P4_File_Exception
public function testDeleteOfDeleted()
$file = new P4_File;
$file = P4_File::fetch('//depot/foo#1');
// should throw.
* Test a corner case -- sync, edit and submit a file after removing it
* from the client workspace and opening it for delete with -v.
public function testDeleteSyncEdit()
$file = new P4_File;
$file = new P4_File;
* Verify attribute setting doesn't exceed p4d's N_OPTS limit.
public function testOptionLimit()
$file = new P4_File;
$limit = P4_Connection_Abstract::OPTION_LIMIT + 1;
$attributes = array_fill(0, $limit, 'attribute');
* Test revert and revert unchanged.
public function testRevert()
$file = new P4_File;
->setLocalContents('test content')
->submit('adding file');
// no change, should revert.
// content change, should not revert.
->setLocalContents('new content')
// should revert regardless.