* Test methods for the P4 Group class.
* @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
class P4_GroupTest extends TestCase
* Test fetchAll method
public function testFetchAll()
$group = new P4_Group;
$group = new P4_Group;
$group = new P4_Group;
$group = new P4_Group;
$group = new P4_Group;
$group = new P4_Group;
$group = new P4_Group;
$names = array('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5', 'test6', 'test7%%');
// Verify full fetchAll works ok
'Expected fetch all to match'
// Verify fetch with made up option works
array('fooBar' => true)
'Expected fetch all with made up option to match'
// Verify full FETCH_MAXIMUM works
array_slice($names, 0, 3),
array(P4_Group::FETCH_MAXIMUM => '3')
'Expected fetch all with Maximum to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_MEMBER works for users
$expected = array_slice($names, 0, 2);
$expected[] = $names[6];
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user1')
'Expected fetch all with member filter to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_MEMBER works for users with position specifiers
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user%%1')
'Expected fetch all with member %% filter to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_MEMBER works for groups
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'test7')
'Expected fetch all with sub-group member filter to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_MEMBER works for groups with position specifiers
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'test%%7')
'Expected fetch all with sub-group member %% filter to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_MEMBER works for owners
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user5')
'Expected fetch all with owner member filter to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_MEMBER works for owners with position specifiers
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user%%2')
'Expected fetch all with owner member %% filter to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_MEMBER with FETCH_INDIRECT works
$expected = array_slice($names, 0, 4);
$expected[] = $names[6];
P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user1',
P4_Group::FETCH_INDIRECT => true
'Expected fetch all with indirect member filter to match'
array_slice($names, 0, 2),
P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user1',
P4_Group::FETCH_INDIRECT => true,
P4_Group::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 2
'Expected fetch all with indirect member filter and maximum to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_NAME works
array_slice($names, 0, 1),
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => 'test1')
'Expected fetch all with name filter to match'
// Verify full FETCH_BY_NAME works with position specifiers
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => 'test7%%')
'Expected fetch all with name %% filter to match'
* Test groups specs returned by fetchAll
public function testFetchAllSpecs()
$group = new P4_Group;
$result = P4_Group::fetchAll();
"Expected fetch all returns 1 result"
// prepare expected spec values
$expectedUsers = array('user1', 'user2', 'user3');
$expectedOwners = array('user0');
$expectedSubgroups = array('sg1');
// Verify result contains correct spec
$group = $result->current();
"Expected fetch all users spec"
"Expected fetch all subgroups spec"
"Expected fetch all owners spec"
// Verify result contains correct specs for filter by name
$result = P4_Group::fetchAll(
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => 'test1')
"Expected fetch all #2 returns 1 result"
// Verify result contains correct spec
$group = $result->current();
"Expected fetch all #2 users spec"
"Expected fetch all #2 subgroups spec"
"Expected fetch all #2 owners spec"
// Verify result contains correct specs for filter by member
$result = P4_Group::fetchAll(
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user2')
"Expected fetch all #3 returns 1 result"
// Verify result contains correct spec
$group = $result->current();
"Expected fetch all #3 users spec"
"Expected fetch all #3 subgroups spec"
"Expected fetch all #3 owners spec"
// Verify that saving partialy altered and unpopulated spec will save all values
$group = P4_Group::fetchAll(
array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 'user2')
// Verify result contains correct spec
$group = P4_Group::fetch('test1');
"Expected fetch all #4 users spec"
"Expected fetch all #4 subgroups spec"
"Expected fetch all #4 owners spec"
* Tests invalid options and option combos
public function testFetchAllBadOptions()
$tests = array(
'title' => __LINE__.' integer name filter',
'options' => array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => 0),
'exception' => 'Filter by Name expects a valid group id.'
'title' => __LINE__.' empty string name filter',
'options' => array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => ""),
'exception' => 'Filter by Name expects a valid group id.'
'title' => __LINE__.' invalid name filter',
'options' => array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => "-test"),
'exception' => 'Filter by Name expects a valid group id.'
'title' => __LINE__.' name filter with indirect option',
'options' => array(
P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => "test",
P4_Group::FETCH_INDIRECT => true
'exception' => 'Filter by Name is not compatible with Fetch by Member or Fetch Indirect.'
'title' => __LINE__.' name filter with member option',
'options' => array(
P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => "test",
P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => "user"
'exception' => 'Filter by Name is not compatible with Fetch by Member or Fetch Indirect.'
'title' => __LINE__.' name filter with indirect and member options',
'options' => array(
P4_Group::FETCH_BY_NAME => "test",
P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => "user",
P4_Group::FETCH_INDIRECT => true,
'exception' => 'Filter by Name is not compatible with Fetch by Member or Fetch Indirect.'
'title' => __LINE__.' empty string member filter',
'options' => array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => ""),
'exception' => 'Filter by Member expects a valid group or username.'
'title' => __LINE__.' integer member filter',
'options' => array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => 10),
'exception' => 'Filter by Member expects a valid group or username.'
'title' => __LINE__.' invalid member filter',
'options' => array(P4_Group::FETCH_BY_MEMBER => "-test"),
'exception' => 'Filter by Member expects a valid group or username.'
foreach ($tests as $test) {
try {
$this->fail($test['title'].': unexpected success');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$test['title'].': unexpected exception message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
': unexpected exception ('. get_class($e) .') '.
* Test calling save without an ID
public function testSaveNoId()
try {
$group = new P4_Group;
$this->fail('unexpected success');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (P4_Spec_Exception $e) {
'Cannot save. Group is empty.',
'unexpected exception message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail(': unexpected exception ('. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage());
* Test fetch
public function testFetch()
// ensure fetch fails for a non-existant group.
try {
$this->fail("Fetch should fail for a non-existant group.");
} catch (P4_Spec_NotFoundException $e) {
// ensure fetch works for a just-created group
$group = new P4_Group;
$group = P4_Group::fetch('testers%%');
$this->assertTrue($group->getId() == 'testers%%', "User id should be 'testers%%'.");
* Test id exists
public function testIdExists()
// ensure id-exists returns false for ill formatted group
$this->assertFalse(P4_Group::exists("-alsdjf"), "Invalid group id should not exist.");
// ensure id-exists returns false for non-existant group
$this->assertFalse(P4_Group::exists("alsdjf"), "Given group id should not exist.");
// create group and ensure it exists.
$group = new P4_Group;
$this->assertTrue(P4_Group::exists("test"), 'Given group id should exist.');
// check a group that contains position specifiers
$group = new P4_Group;
$this->assertTrue(P4_Group::exists('testers%%'), 'Given group id should exist.');
* test is empty
public function testIsEmpty()
$group = new P4_Group;
'Expected fresh group to be empty'
$group = new P4_Group;
'Expected group with ID to be empty'
$group = new P4_Group;
'Expected group with ID %% to be empty'
$group = new P4_Group;
'Expected group with timeout to be empty'
$group = new P4_Group;
'Expected group with subgroup to not be empty'
$group = new P4_Group;
'Expected group with owner to not be empty'
$group = new P4_Group;
'Expected group with user to not be empty'
* test 'max' style fields with bad values
public function testBadMaxResultsMaxScanRowsMaxLockTimeTimeout()
$methods = array('MaxResults', 'MaxScanRows', 'MaxLockTime', 'Timeout');
$tests = array(
'title' => __LINE__.' bool',
'value' => true,
'error' => 'Type of input must be one of: null, int, string'
'title' => __LINE__.' unsets',
'value' => 'unsets',
'error' => "For string input, only the values 'unlimited' and 'unset' are valid."
'title' => __LINE__.' blank string',
'value' => '',
'error' => "For string input, only the values 'unlimited' and 'unset' are valid."
'title' => __LINE__.' small negative number',
'value' => -1,
'error' => 'For integer input, only values greater than zero are valid.'
'title' => __LINE__.' big negative number',
'value' => -20000,
'error' => 'For integer input, only values greater than zero are valid.'
'title' => __LINE__.' zero',
'value' => 0,
'error' => 'For integer input, only values greater than zero are valid.'
foreach ($methods as $method) {
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$group = new P4_Group;
try {
$this->fail($test['title'].', '. $method .': unexpected success');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$test['title'].', '. $method .': unexpected exception message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$test['title'].', '. $method .
': unexpected exception ('. get_class($e) .') '.
* test 'max' style fields with good values
public function testGoodMaxResultsMaxScanRowsMaxLockTimeTimeout()
$methods = array('MaxResults', 'MaxScanRows', 'MaxLockTime', 'Timeout');
$tests = array(
'title' => __LINE__.' small int',
'value' => 1,
'title' => __LINE__.' big int',
'value' => 10000,
'title' => __LINE__.' unset',
'value' => 'unset',
'out' => null
'title' => __LINE__.' null',
'value' => null,
'title' => __LINE__.' unlimited',
'value' => 'unlimited',
foreach ($methods as $method) {
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$group = new P4_Group;
$out = array_key_exists('out', $test) ? $test['out'] : $test['value'];
// verify in-memory object matches up
$test['title'].', '. $method .': expected matching return'
// save and verify it still matches
$test['title'].', '. $method .': expected matching return post save'
// fetch from storage and verify it still matches
$group = P4_Group::fetch('test');
$test['title'].', '. $method .': expected matching return on fetched version'
* Test behaviour when bad subgroups, owners, and users are specified.
public function testBadSubgroupsOwnersUsers()
$methods = array(
'setSubgroups', 'addSubgroup',
'setOwners', 'addOwner',
'setUsers', 'addUser',
$arrayError = '/^[^ ]+ must be specified as an array.$/';
$elementError = '/^Individual [^ ]+ must be a valid ID in either string or [^ ]+ format.$/';
$tests = array(
'title' => __LINE__.' int',
'value' => 10,
'setError' => $arrayError,
'addError' => $elementError
'title' => __LINE__.' bool',
'value' => true,
'setError' => $arrayError,
'addError' => $elementError
'title' => __LINE__.' null',
'value' => null,
'setError' => $arrayError,
'addError' => $elementError
'title' => __LINE__.' array of ints',
'value' => array(10, 9, 8),
'setError' => $elementError,
'addError' => $elementError
foreach ($methods as $method) {
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$group = new P4_Group;
try {
$this->fail($test['title'].', '. $method .': unexpected success');
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$error = $test[substr($method, 0, 3).'Error'];
$test['title'].', '. $method .': unexpected exception message'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$test['title'].', '. $method .
': unexpected exception ('. get_class($e) .') '.
* Test good set/add Subgroups, Owners, Users
public function testGoodSubgroupsOwnersUsers()
$group = new P4_Group;
$user = new P4_User;
$methods = array(
'Subgroup' => $group,
'Owner' => $user,
'User' => $user,
try {
foreach ($methods as $method => $object) {
// test 'set'
$group = new P4_Group;
$method.': expected matching return following set'
// test 'add'
array('test', 'test2'),
$method.': expected matching return following add'
// save and verify it still matches
array('test', 'test2'),
$method.': expected matching return following save'
// fetch from storage and verify it still matches
$group = P4_Group::fetch('test');
array('test', 'test2'),
$method.': expected matching return following fetch'
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$method.': unexpected exception ('. get_class($e) .') '. $e->getMessage()
* Test save as owner.
public function testSaveAsOwner()
$user = new P4_User;
->setFullName('Owner Of Group')
$group = new P4_Group;
// connect as 'owner-user'.
$connection = P4_Connection::factory(
// save of group should fail w.out owner flag.
try {
$group = P4_Group::fetch('test-group', $connection);
$this->fail('unexpected success');
} catch (Exception $e) {
// now try to save the test-group w. owner flag.
$group = P4_Group::fetch('test-group', $connection);